WILMETTE LIFE · May 6, 1927 Mrs. Cotton asked the support of the parents in keeping up the morale of the department. She said the students were "pretty young and pretty busy," and that what they have accomplishc·l has been so because they have talent. and parents and {.riends who believe in beautiful things . The orchestra, under Mrs. Cotton's direction, played the Overture frolll 44 Don Juan," by Mozart, and late.r the Overture from 41 The Merry Wives of Windsor." The tonal quality was re markably sweet, both numbers were capably handled and done in a brisk, good spirit. The girls' glee club sang "Hymn to the Evening Star," and a musical setting to Tennyson's "The Lady of Shallot." The tone was very lov ely and smooth, and because b.reath ,-.·as well controlled, the phrasing was dotH· with a nicety that was wholly charming. Mrs. Ada Tillie Allen sang the solo parts with exquisite appeal, especially in "The Lady of Shallot." Th e entire sctt ing is very high, hut ~~ r s. Allen rose to high C's gracefully. Tht~ · girls in the chorus enunciated the words clearly, entrances were clean cut and the expression wa s well - -- CONCERT SHOWS WORK Going Tourilig? Possibly you have decided on Europe this year, and you may want to take your car. is Do you know that the tourto render you wit.h valuable European ing bureau of the Chicago Motor Club prepared service travel? OF MUSIC DEPARTMENT High School Music . Department Groups Give Delightful Pro. gram for Public By R. L. P. The music department of the New Trier High school gave a concert on Saturday evening, April 30, at the school, the first of its kind. The school glee clubs, orchestra and band participated in the program. F .r ederick E. Clerk, principal of the school, introduced Mrs. ·M arion B. Cotton, head of the music department, and said the aim of the department was to give students some basis of musical appreciation, an opportunity for expressing themselves musically, and that the department tries to discoYer special talent and develop it under expert direction. I ~f rs. Cotton, whose efficient work, loyal support, and charming personality has made the department progre~s so astonishingly within the last few vears, told a little of the struggles of the department for growth during the last ten years. She commended her helpers in the department, and introduced each of them to the audience: ~fiss Susannah Armstrong, in charge of classes in harmony, said that originality in four-part writing is the aim oi the class; Joseph C. Schumacher, director of the band, stressed the cooperation taught the boy s by su::h group work: and ~!i ss Adelaide Jones, teacher of musical appreciation, said that her course acquaints students : with the finer things in music, and , teaches them to learn to listen so that may later listen to learn. Miss I they \Yinifred · Micke\· was introduced as i the accompanist. and ~Irs. Cotton especially spoke of her loyal, sympathetic work, and her talent. Miss 1 . Olive GroYer. \'rho super\'ises staging, i and who is a teacher of art, read a ' cle\'er poem on education. ending "the wa\'es of our sen ding station are exi pres sed by one ,,·ord-c o-operation ~·· 1 m connection Possibly, however, you are planNo matter where you ning on the lakes or mountains of our own country. intend f6 go, the touring bureau can help you: can give you road directions, and can help you plan your trip. For your convenience the club has opened a branch at 525 Davis Street, Evanston. Off ire hours from 8:30 in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon. open Sundays or holidays. the numerous rendered members. money-saving Not thr~ughout. Investigate services Call or write today. CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB Charles M. Hayes, President 3254 Michigan Avenue Chicago NORTH SHORE BRANCH ,525 Davis Street Evanston J\ ~~\V ANew Motor/ 20~ The bovs' ~lt.·(' club appeared in two songs. 44 Scnd Out They Light," h~· Gounod, which was flexible and wciJ shaded; and "Rolling Down to Rio." by German. The latter was a rollick ing tunc that the boys sang heartily ar·\ with a delightful swagger. Their ht~n number was a favorite song, ·'The Bells of Saint Mary's," inspiring \Yith its swing, sway and sweetness. Hardin Van · Deursen of Winnetka. who graduated from New Trier sevl·ral year s ago, sang F .r anz' lovely German Lieder , "Aus Meinen Grossen Sch merzen," with great feeling, and fi nished musicianship. His second nut nher was the "Porter Son~" from "Mar tha," of which he caught the mcrr~ · spirit. 'Cnder the direction of Mr. Schu macher, the high school band play ed two numbers, the first of which wa -Rossini's Overture. "Semiradime." It was a bit too long and difficult, hu t was fairly ,-.·ell played. In Sou=-a'..; "The Stars and Stripes Forever," con ducted by Homer Flentye, the band got the stirring rhythm, and attacked it with a \'im. It made one want tn stand ·up and cheer the boys. Thr evening closed with the hand playing the school song, and the stud en: s standing up proudly, singing with :t will. I 4 CiiAPt~ll lN more miles per gallon! Poor Diabetic Perhaps you're discouraged-even skeptical of ever getting relief. Hut we arge yoa to trJ Nature's own rem· edy, Moautaln Val· ley Water from Hot Springs, Ark. This f a m o a 8 mineral water 8 e e m s to neu.tral11e the acids that may be en· danrerlar your Ute. It will allay your Intense thirst; Its minerals .1lso seem to have power to make the bodY cells use ap some of the troublesome sugar. It Is prescribed as an aid to relief bY 1 e ad 1 n p; doctors everywhere. 0 u r ftles contain ban· dreds of testlmo· nlal letters from dlabea.ac Hafferers who have ben· efited by Its use. Oar booklet will tell )'OU. more. Phone for a case today. -WE DELIVER- 15% more power! 20% quicker acceleration! New hot-spot manifold. New standard gear-shift transmission. New clutch-silent and soft in action. Easy steering-geared to balloon tires. New cylinder heads. New oiling and -cooling systana-~ last word in advanced design. Baolli~ls lltstoay nonen And 24 other important improvements. C. M. McDONALD I0 I 9 DAVIS STREET 224, Pbonts: Univ. Wil. 224 MoUDlaiD Valley Water Co. 260!J Broadway Greenleaf 4777 Evanston, Ill. Chicago Office 739 W. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 5460