Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIFE April 29, 1927 MAIN STREET PROJECI' INCITES VERBAL JOUST V I S IT 8TH GRADERS New Trier High School Deana to Outline Courses for Prospective Students at Series of Discussions These Prices Are Bound to Make ·a Hit (Continued from page 1) sitate tearing out sections of the concrete and that certainly would never be done. This situation is, I believe, what the Northwestern railroad and President Orner desire." Mr. Orner's gavel came down with a bang and he sprang to his feet. "Mr. Drayer, you have sung that song for the past two weeks and much good it has done you.l You ·will leave .the Northwestern railroad out of this-in this capacity I represent the Village of Wilmette and no other organization ." Chamber in Uproar A retort by Mr. Drayer was interrupted by both the audienct and Trustee Hoffman. "It should be possible for a get,tleman to engage in a debate without dealing in personalities," interposed Mr. Hoffman sharply, to be followed by a roar of approval from the citizens gathered in the auditorium. Pandemonium reigned and amid the demands for Mr. Drayer to relinquish the floor and approval of his stand, was heard the intercession of Trustee Baker. "Mr. President, I suggest that we can proceed to a more definite understanding by allo\\·ing :Mr. Drayer to proceed." "There can be no procedure as long as there are implications made such as. those I have been subjected to," · returned ~Ir. Orner. Shortly thereafter, order was restored at1rl the business session was continued. 1 I ISC F~~~~c~~P.~~{.,~~.~s: .... . ............ 25c G~~~~. ~ ~.~· ~~ ~: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Sc SP1~:c~~: ............................ 39C T~~!te'!'~~~: .......................... 39c B~a~:e c~~~~o·~·~,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOc 2Sc ~~~)l;~?~~{ .~~.B~~~~' . . ............ 25c ...................ISc 2Sc 5 ~ ......... C GkEEN PEAS, extra fancy.. · ·very tender, lb. . .............. : . . . . . . Speeiallor Saturda~ Onl7' FANCY CELEH.'{, \vhitc and crisp, bunch .................. · .. · · · CAUIJFI.,C)\ \' J·:R up RHUB:\RH. 3 lbs .............. . ................ . HOME C~RO\V:: The dean of boys and dean oi gids at N~\\' Trier High school, with some assisting teacher s, are to make :r. round of visits to the eighth grade s (lt the various villages in the township to outline for them va.rious possiold courses. explain to prospective New · Trier ·students various details of regis tration so that they will have a clca r understanding of all that is involved , and give the pupils and parents pre .; ent a chance to ask various questi o n.; . The school authorities arc particll larl\' anxiou s that the mothers and fatl~cr s he present at those meetin g -.. so that the school may get all · th e que stion s that are likely to arise and thus more completely smooth the way for those new students as they ar·~ about to make the change from the gramma.r school ·to the high school. The teachers \\"ho are to he with the deans arc the advisor chairmen oi· the freshman class and some teacher .; of the. special subject s. such as freehand drawing, home economics, and commerce. The schedule for the Yillages is to he as follow s : 11 on day, May 9, 3 P. M., \Vilmet ~ c -the boys meeting at the Howard school, the girls at the Byron Stoli> school. Tuesday, ~fay 10, 3 P. M., Kenil\\'Orth . Thursday, May 12, 3:30 P . .M., \\'in1Irs. Kirk Ta)·lor, 515 Cumnor road, netka. Kenilworth returned to her home last Friday, ~fay 13, 3 :30 P. M., Gk :Jweek from a ten days' trip to Grand coe. (Note the di tfcrence 111 time inr Rapids. \Yinnetka and Glencoe). 29C c~;!~~~~~~. ~)1~;·\·~~I:~: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c F~~;;~~'> ~)·~·.\.~~:.~~~ .................. 39c F~~~:~~ ~.ftl~~~~~~ul?:' .............. 2Sc L~~~?~~~, ............................. 19c BALD\VIN 5 quart box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · CQC)KIXG ..\PPLI~S. CUCUlVIBERS, 15c, lOc ...... Green Peppers, Water Cress, French Endive, Mint, Mushrooms, and other seasonable items at market's lowest prices. S'I'RA \VBERRIES, HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE CAKE Wilson's lovely, light Butter Sponge Cake, layers filled with a nice Pineapple Jam, and, attractively iced with Butter cream and Glaced Pineapple. 2C I~~~o. ~~~.~~::1: .1:~:1:~:1:~~~'.......... Sgc w~)~~k ~~. ~ .~?.'~'-~?.'~.~~'.............. 39c N;:n~o:I.'-~?:~~~~ ......·................. Sc M~~:~.~. ~~.~?.~~~~~·.. ... .. .. .. s 1.45 C~~~~:: .DR.~ .~TK.C:~~~~~E... ...... $2.15 6 pounds ............................ 0 1 Let us have your order early, as our SATURDAY CAKE SPECIALS are provtng more popular each week. FREE DELIVERIES COSMAS BROS. Opposite Post Of/ice 1143 Wilmette Ave. Phones Wil. 2693 .. 2694 The Wilson Bakery "The Home of Everthing Good that's Baked" 1162 Wilmette Ave. Phone 414

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