Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 58

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58 FO'R SALE-HOUSES WIL.METTE FOR SALE-VACANT LIFE ANTIQUES April 29, 1927 ·.:. I ;o 71 FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS $26,000 BUYS THIS l<'INE HOi\lg ON one of the best stre<'ts in East \Vilmette. Extra large living room and fireplace. Beautiful Octagonal dining room. Ivory woodwork, !i bedrooms, roomy closets and 2 baths. Vapor heat with regulator. Perennial Garden ; Huge Forest trees. Spacious lawn. Attached garage. Just 5 blodcs to the heart of the Village. ANTIQUE FURNI. LIV., DIN. AND bedroom pieces of handsome type. Some plaint-r pieces and small antique accesBEAUTIFULLY WOODED LOT NEAR sories such al:l glass, lamt)S, whatnots, Lake and trans. at low price. etc Verv reasonably priced. Glen. 83. i4 W'l'D~ '1'0 BUY-MISCELLANEOUS . . 70LTN 3 l-ltc _W_A_N-,1-'E-l-,-C-.L-E"""·A~N~W~H~!~'l~'E:-R~A~G:-;S::-,-:-l~Oc per lb. 1222 Central A venue., Wilmette. 71 FOR SALE-liOUSEIIOLD GOODS 74LTN31-tfp a·l6 l .. lncoln Ave. Winuetl<a 83 Office in X. S. Depot AUt!'l'IO.N BIUUOE LESSONS 53LTN31-ltc GLENCOE I<,OR SALE- MOVING PICTURE MAchine, rewind, 1000 ft. of film. Call Wil. 3591. 73LTN31-1tc \Visdotn, Thon1pson & En11nert, Inc. QUINL.AN & TYSON, INC. ';46 Elm Street, "\Vinnellm R.AVINIA 3EA liTlFULLY vVOODF.D LOTS. EAST RidP. Near lalw and trauf' .; al *60 per foot. \VILL SA.CRIFICE Li\RGE S~~ROUlZ RUG Full room size. Ulf'nco e 116!1. A UCTJON BRIDGE LESSONS BY AX expert. Phone Wil. 2199. 71L31-ltt) "\Vinn. 2L!J!.I 52L:!l-ltc )lODER!'r AND VERY ATTRACTIVE 6 room stucco, with large glass ami heated sun parlor, extra la,·atory and toilet on first ttoor. Wooded lot: garage ; north east location and con venie nt to station. Splendid buy at $17,500. 340 Lind e n Ave. Phone Wil. 68 52L:11-ltc ~ n 5) (OXID cc <ID.~lln p 0 9 PHX'E W.A LXUT DI~. Rl\I. SET, tww, $200. ti piece wieker porch set, $50. Piano, $40. Polish ed oak bedroom set and st:·wing machine, $20. Rugs and i:i46 Li neolu A VP . Winn etka Sa othl·r furnitun'. \Vinn. 833 or call at Office in X. 8 . lkpot. !10 :~ 'Willow Rt. 71LTN31-ltp 53LTN:!l-ltc FOR SALE DATEXPORT, $2a.OO; overslufft:·d wing· chait·, $6.00; rock~rs and chairs, 50c to $4.00; oak e xtensiOn WILL SACRU JCE ~11 100 FT. LOT IN dining table; combination book case: S. \V. Winne tka for quick sale. $35 pm; white ued, Ia wn mowf'r; hose, etc. ft. Phone owner at Central 8699. Phon e \Vii. :l052 ot· :~25. 71L31-ltc 53L'l'31-ltp' MA.HOG. TABLI·~. ti CHAIRS, $~50 1<'011 RA T...E - 60 FT. LOT IN DEERvalue, will sell at $175, almost new. field ready for building- at $40.00 per !lx12 rug, was $!12, now $GO. Small ft. 'l't' rms. Fred J. Schmidt, 2124 <:eorg-ian writin~· dt>sk and chair, $18. l:'iottt. ·c·t· Road, Evanston, Illinois. :\1 rs. K C". Budloug, Orring·ton hotel. 53LTN31-ltc 71LTN31-ltc 'Visdotn, 'l'hotn pso11 & En1n1ert, Inc. SPECIAL ASSF~SSMENT N01'1CJo: YILLAG E ()}' WIIJi\lE'l"f}:SJu·eial Assessment No. HUI IR HEREBY GIVEN to all persons interested that the President nnd Board of Tru~teel::l of the Village of \\'ilnwtt e in tht- ·county of Cook and State of Illinois, ha ,·ing· ordert-d 'that tht:> central eig-htt'cn (18) feet of the first alle:r north of Oakwood Avenue extPnding from Eig·hth ~tn · d to N'im'h Strt:>et be imprond hy grading- and paving with concrete and oth<·rwi~<' improYing th<' samP, the ordinnan<'P for tht.: same heing on file in tht' office of tlw Yillage (;l<'rk of said Villag1 ·, and said Yillage having applied to th<· Countv Court of Cook County, Illinois. for ari asst·H~Jn(·nt, of the cost of said impron'm(·nt, <l<'t'orrling to bent·fitH and an asR<'ssnwnt tlwn·for having hN' n mad· · and rc·turnc·d to said Court (IJockt>t No. JS6), tht· final ht·<u·ing- will bt· lwld on tlw 16th day of ~Ia~· · .-'\. ·lJ. 1!127, at 10 o'c·lock A. l\T. or as soon th Preaft e r as the husiJil'SR of th(· court will JWrmit. All JWrH(Ill!:i clt ·siring· rna.\· til·~ objt ·di(JI1:0: in said Court hpfon· said day and may appear ·'n tht· Jwaring and make tht·Tl· def<·nHe. Said ord ina nt·t· proyid P ~ for tht· collt·,·tion nf said ass<·HHnwnt In t<·n annual installmt·nts nn<l with annual intt>re~ l tlwn·on al tlw rate of six (6) })(·l' ct·nlum )WI' annum, aR providt> d by law. Datt·d, '\\.ilmt'ttt·, Jllinoil;, April 2Gth. .\. D . 1!·27. C'TIARLES N. EYAX~. P· ·rsun arwoint f' d hy tlw PJ'( ~~ dt ·nt of th e Board of Local Jrnpro\·t·ml·nts nf th (· Yillag-t· of \\"ilJ.n \'ttt', Cnok County, lllinoi:-:, t·J ma l\t · said asst ·ssmen t. ~01'1("8 Rr\l<.E Bi\RG.AINS }'01t ~UI.JE-CElUE'fERY J... O'fS EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICE LARGE ~TODEHN 6 ROOM STUCCO, PORCHES, plol in exclusiv<' sPclion :\lemorial Park. steam heat, 2 car g-arage. Lot 51lx150. Vl'ry reasonable. Address Talk B-292. T f' rms like rent. Price $12,500. 5GL:Il-ltp SlJ:\L\l.F.It Jtl~SO \VINNETI(A EAS'l' FOH. S.\LE-f"IXCLE IROX gN<.a....\NDer da~·- bPd. Boy's on'rcoat, 15 yenr. Boy's lmthroht' . \\.kker tab!(' lamp. Silk mullH'ITY window drapC'H . Ohio \'acuum d(·allt·t·. ,\.11 \· er~· rea!'onaiJIC:. Winn. ll:lS. 7lLTX:O-ltc G BUR~ER TIELIABLI·; CABTXET range, Xo. 1:140. Orig. <·ost $160. U!:iPd 1 Yt'H r. Will sell for $60. Call at 30 Indian Hill noad, \Yinnetka. 71 LTX::l-ltp lt'J'S HESTIUCTED SU:\11\JER HOMESJTES at reasonable Jll'ices. \Voodland Park Exeluf'in· Agt nts a4:1 Lincoln An·. Community, Woodruff, \Visconsin. Winu. li:iH 55AL'l'N~l-1 tc &2LTN31-ltc FOR ~.\LE-HJ~AUTTFUL DAVEXPOH.T Sl'l\Tl\lER CO'l'TAGI~. SEASOX. CASTLE and chair; silk lwdroom draw·s; C'lJony Park, Mich. Swimming-, g·olf, clc. Call Steinway Piano, upright. V e ry in(·XR00::\1 HOUSE, C'O~VEXIENT EAST Univ. 2468. !J5.\.LT~:H-ltc pt>nHin·. Call Clt'm·oe 1282. 71I:r:n-ltp location ; newly d eeorated and t)ainted: n<'w fixtures. ·w ell financed. Non-resi- i16 . FOR ~ J\LI·; 0:'\E 'fHOR W.\Slll'~n. dent owner must sell and offers eon- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - motor, t· ll'. in A-1 (·ondition. $25.00 to a venient terms. l{EAT~ . I{Uit:k huyer. PhOJW Wil. nl. . 71L:!l-Hc $11,500 ESTA'l'E :136 Lindt>n AH. Phone \Vii. ::os 52LU-lte · 1~1:: \\. ilmC'tt A\'C'. W'l'U. '1'0 Ill'; :\'1'-UOO:\IS THREE NEW SPANISH STUCCO ON tile houses. 3 chambers, hot water 0:'\E HOO:\T \VITH KIT~ 'II I~ X IO:T'I'E heat, til e roof: lot 50x150. Heasonabl e wantt ·tl fo1· two g't·nllt·nwn . J'ost Hox down pnynwnt. balance lil· e n ·nt. 22 H. ;j7L:11-1tp Oak Lane, 4 hlks. So. west of Briargate t'h·ctric sta. flO W'l' n. To n E "'I'-ll o nn: s HIGHLAND PARIZ i7 T. H. I\1cCOR'l'NEY & CO. ,V, \Vashington St. -". ,~-.1->.-.-r<-)-P-.1-·~="-.,-r--<-)1-, .,-.r-n_x_T_n_n_u_Y, . (~l'l ' t'll\\'OOd Dearborn 3138 52L'J'X:H-llc small sumnH·r plact'. Nic·p ridt> ('hic:tg·o. :'\par 1m·:lls and golf. vVil. 1615. 1::17 , \\'(' . FOR SALE-f. HOU~r BHJ<'K YEXEER houst·. sun parlor and ~lt>t·ping· poreh, 6i 'W'I'U. '1'0 IH . Y-Y .\('A "I' hath , tilt.· floor nnd \\·aliH, 1:1\·atory on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11r:;;t tlom·: llrt' akrast nook: water ht-a.t: 2 t:ar .e;antg·e; lot 50x160. .Iust t·ompil't<'d. Owm r on pn'mis(·s Surlchl~· hdwt't'l1 2 :00 and 5 :On p. m. Prh:t· $20.000. 1715 'Vashing-ton .\n' . Phont· Wil. :1tfH. 52L:.!1-tfc GOLTX:ll-11<' vV AN'l'ED FOR SALE-t ROOM, MOD. STUCCO 6S honw, sun-room, breakfast nook, and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - garage. H. W. Heat. 4 years old. Well landscH.ped. :l blks. N. of Indian Hill df'pot. East side. Price 0:\f EASY TERl\TS $14,500. 565 Elder Lane, Wlnn. \\'c recommend and · g·uarantee these 52L'r:X:ll-tfc cars to be in good condition. Every one i:;; a safe investment. FOR R.ALE-7 R.M. BRK. COL., BASILY '25 On·rland li Sedan $475 c-nlargNl: :1 yrs. old, built hy arch.; '2fl 0Y<'rland Li~· ht d··lh·f'r.\· 225 h. w. ht.; :.l laY., gar., lot !J.Ix:~aO: rC'ar '24 Dodgp Touring· 350 13 l'Olt SALE-JliSCEI.I,ANEOliS 149 ft. widt· ; nretties t Rt. S. W. Glen- '2~ Dodge Sedan, New Paint 300 coe ; 4 hlks. R. R. and school. l 2() '22 Dod~·e Sedan, New Paint 150 Euclid Aw·. Ph. Gleneoe 137;;. 52r..:n-ltc WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 \VE HEQUES1.' YOUR INVESTIGATION OWNER WILL SELL EAS'I' STOf·~ WIL:nLTN-tfc and inspection of Glen Acres. Golf mette home at a hargain. Going to C'ourse and . club facilitiC's, at Glen California August 1st. No agents. Will F'ORD TUDOR SEDAN. NE\\r BATView, Ill., before making your decision deal direct with huyer only. Address. letT, good rubber, f'ng-inf' just overto buy a membc~rship in any North Wilmette Life B-2!16. 52L31-ltp hault>d; many extras. All I want to Shore Golf Club. Our fees are mod~· et is price of repairs. $!1 0. Phone erate and offer to the man who disFOR SALE 1719 ELMWOOD AVE., Wi nn. 1309. 68L1'N:n -He criminates a luxury. Our directors Wilmette. 8 room frame: hot water ht.; REO COUPE, 1926 MODEL, LIKE NEW; haxe been carefully selectPd and are terms. · Owner Phone Wll. 2399. 2 spare tires. Inspect any timf'. Call moHt competent. Each application is 52LTN31-tfc Wll. lRillt 68LTK~l-1tp thoroughly searched and checked by tht·se men, assuring you the calibre of '40 }'Olt SALF.-VAf' ;\ 'X'I' ANTIQUES nwmbership this club is desirous of having. For inform. see 'I' HE 'VHA T NO'L' THE GOLF TRUST ~IRS. DICKE ANNOUNCES A 10 DAY 810 Church St., Evanston. Univ. 1842 VERY ATTRACTIYl!: VACA~T. YI~R \' Sale of Early American Antiques. 73LTN30-4tc low price. Some E·xtra choice pieces : viz: Dutch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m:U'l{Uetry & slant-top desks ; arm, ROLF;D TOP DESK, PERFEC1.' COND.I side, ladies' and Hitchcock chairs; Make offt'r. Arco boiler. Will heat 7 clwrry, maple, mah. and walnut beds rooms. New grate, base, doors, and top. and chests. A huge collection of early Used as demonstrator for oil heat. 546 Lincoln Ave. Wlnnetlca 8:l colored glass, hooked rugs, quilts, 'l\'ill sacrifice for $75. Phone Glencoe Office in N. S. Depot snreads, pictures, lamps, tables, clocks. ~000 or 101. 73L31-ltp 53LTN31-ltc Everything in the antique line at excet=>dingly low prices. FOR SALE WHITE CHIFFON FOR SALE MOST B'RAUTIJ~'UI.. 808 WASHINGTON STREET beaded evening drt'ss, $25.00. Tailored homesite on North Shore. All lmnroveEVANSTON suit. ~20.00. Dark Blue afternoon dress, ments in and paid. Address Life B-297. 1 Bl. Ro. 'Jain St. 116 Bl. F.. RiflO'P Ave. $10.00. Rt'd aftt'rnoon drt'~s. $10.00. All a~LTN31-ltp 70LTN31-tt.c sizte> 16. ('all f{enil. 1763. 73L31-lt}) USED CARS .. ..., Attractive Offerings CHARLES N. E\7A~""S PPrf'on appointed by the Prt'Ridt·nt of the Board of Local ImproH·Jiwnts of the Villagf' of \\'ilmdtt:>, Cook County, lllinoiR, to ma kP said assessm<'nt!'i. L~l-2i.c WINNETI<A \\lisdon1, Thotnpson & Emtnert, Inc. SPEf'L\L ASSF.SlniRNT NOTH'F: Yll,LAHF. OF WIL~IF.TTF.!'lt·eelnl Assessment No. HI~ XOTTC'E IS HEREBY GIVE~ to all persons intHf'sted that the Presid('nt and Board of Tru:;;tees of the Villa.gf· of \\.ilmett<> in the County of. Cook and Slatt· of Illinois, having ordered that a cast iron main water supply pipe six inc·hes in internal diameter and weighing thirtythre<' and one-third (33 1-3) pounds per lineal foot he constructed and laid alon~ a line ten fef't east of and parall<'l to tlw <'enter of Sevf'nteenth StrePt from thf· main now in · J>lace in Lake Avenue where a <'Onneetion shall be made, thence south to the main now in place at Spencer Avenue wht're a <'onnection shall be mad<'. the ordinance for the same being on fi~P in the offlee of the Village Clerk of s~ud Village, and said Villag-e having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of th~ cost of said Improvement, according to benefit~ and an assessment therefor having been mad<' and returned to said Court (Docket No. 188), the final hearing thereon will he held on the 16th day of May, A. D. 1!'127, at 10 o'<:lock A. M. or as soon

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