Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 57

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April 29, 1927 WILMETTE ·LIFE a. HELP WTD.-MALE A FEBALE fS l,OR RENT-FUBN. APARTMENTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Clasl:!iti.ed advertisements wlll be charged only Glencoe tnclusl to residents of the district from EvanstPn to ' regular subscri~e~h~~e ~i~~es WfLt{~TTn .tEhe telephone directory, or who are GLENCOE NEWS. . P.r LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or General Notice - CHARGE ~Opers. 30 cents a line in used cents. Average of five words 10· our 'omceo/o llt·~~~;n~:nt alii ~ash with order n rn .Ji. ve., Wilmette, Rates- ' 5 cents· a line in one paper. 25 cents a line In any two all three papers. MIN Ill Ul\I to the line. No black face type advertisements wken brought to or &84 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. ~ Deadline fot I nsettions-Classitled advertisements will be acthe WILMETTE LIFE cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for WINNETKA TALK dor F!l 11 i three papers; Thursday 5 .o'clock for the an r day 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NE\VS T e I ephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. · W ANTE'o-EXPER. REFINED WHITE TO SUBLET FOR SUMMER MONTHsFurnished apartment in Orrington couple for gen. work. Small house. 3 in family. Glencoe 841. 34L31-ltp Hotel,· Evanston. Good summer exposure. Two large rooms with twin beds and in-a-door· bed. Bath with shower. EXP. COUPLE. WHITE. MAN TO BE Gra.n d piano. Kitchenette with electric c-!tauffeur-butler; woman to cook. Refs. range. Complete hotel service. Ample Good wages. Kenilworth 3093. closets. · Garage In bullding. P. B. 34LTN31-ltc Kohlsaat. Apply hotel rental oftlce, University 8700. 43LTN31-tfp :us SITUATIO:s- W'J'D.-FEliALE FOR RENT-HOUSES COLORED GIRL WANTS POSITION 44 a!S second maid or to care for elderly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - woman. Kenil. 1847. 36LTN31-ltc 11 ROOM HOUSE; 2 BATHS; GLAZED SITUATIO)l WTD. EXPERIENCED porch ; hot water heat ; 300 ft. frontage girl for part time housework. Reft:rfacing park ; near transportation and ences. Greenleaf 1142. 36L31-ltc schools. Tel. Winn. 1905. 44LTN31-tfc Winnetka Special 9A CO:XCllE1'E k CEJIE:N'f WORK Cl~l\~IEN'I' CONTRACTORS lLORT - llLA~'K ~~TEXT LEATHER poc.:ket hook, contam g .pay ('h e<·k made Abney & Dorn ~~ut. by Wilnwtt~=.· S<'hool Board, change 111 · I i!ll LOST AND FOUND 'VAXTED LARGE 'VASHIKGS TO 7 ROOl\1 HOUSE, 3 BEDROOMS AND be done at home. Phone Glencoe 61t.i. bat h. 2nd Moor. 1 bedroom and bath, 36LTN:H-ltc 1st tloor. Sun parlor. Absol. modern. ~12J. Will also r e nt furnished or partiYOU~U GIRL ""ISHES POSITION ally furnished. Winn. 833 or call at 903 taking care of < :hildreu. 'Vhite . .AdWillow St. 44LTN31-ltp dress Life B-2!19. :16LTN31-ltc RELIABLE SECOND FOR REX'l'-8 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE; maid or ladit' s· maid . ..\-l refere nces. dining and sleeping porches; attached K d 1 ~ garage. Xokol heat. Convenient to enwoo Ov7t.i. a6LTN31-ltp transportation, school. Tel. Wil. 1(68. 4H.TN31-ltc WTD. 1'0 W.\RH - BLA~KETS, CURtain, and oth~:: r laundry. 886 Willow ATTRACTIYE 8 ROOl\I HOME. LARGE road, ~·inn. 1!124. ;;6LT::S2!l-4tc li\'. room. Liv., din., and sleep porches. 2 baths. Winn. 851. 44J...'fN31-ltc LAuXI)RY AXD C'LEAXJ.'\G. REFER~ enees. Call Univ. 556~l. aGLTN:>l-lti) FOR REX'!' "WINN~TKA. 6 ROOM hrh:k house , 2 baths, sleep. porch. Winn. ~;; :o;I'IT :\ TIOY WTD.-JL\LE 507. 44LTN31-ltc }'OR RE~T-FURN. IIOUSES .&;; ----------------JUNE TO SEPT. 8 · ROOMS. LARGE sleep. porch. 2 screen porches. Corner lot. Large shade trees. $150 a month. 1124 Tower road, Hubbard Woods, Wlnn. 17 30. 45LTN31-tfc EXPERJE~rED ~0 YlijARS' EXPERIENCE n. · PI lOne U l11\'. u't 47 H.\LTX31 -ltp DUESS~I AKI~G ~n} oth ~ r IJ~'lJH: r~. Rf'w<ud. Rt· turn to ,,(1{ Davis 1-'t., J·,Yanston, or <·all Univ. 2')71 ')] L1'31 1 · - . . ·> - t(' ~ - ~~~~~~~~~ 10 .. EXCLL.SIVE GOWNS, . HE~lODEL..IXC. ~tj.IIO a day and 1m·ab. Cni\·. 7~t2H. 10LTX:l1-ltp LO!:'T-JRISH TERRIER, UREEX COLlar. Lit·t·nst' tag· 20:;. Xanw Tim. Re- SIT. W'l'D. - FIRST CLASS PRIVATE 1·hauff('ur; 8 years experh:>nce. Good 16 ward . 614 t 'hh·ry :-:it., Winn. 2766. LOANS refere nces. ·w ire second maid if desired. 31LTN-ltp Uakland :HI80. ::\f. J. Johnson. 37LTN31-ltp ·r R(·nt-5 room flat & ston·, will JU:J.P WA:X'I'F.U-l<'K~L\L E ----------------n ·nt ~~·parat(·ly . EXP. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC WA~TED WO:\l.AN ACCL1STO:\IED A-1 d esires pe rmanent pos. with party who 1st and 2nd Mortgages to r esponsihility for hous~='work · no will appreciate a temperate, rei., conchildrl:'n; small family. 10 a. m.' to t scientious man. Private or service. J>. m. daily. flood wagt'R. Phont- \Vii. City and North Shore refs. Winn. 'l'alk 118!). :12LTX:n-'ltp INSURANCE U-275.. 37LTN31-tfc Tel 65 M:.tln St .. Wilmette WANTED COOK, EXPERIF.XCED 16L31-tfc whitf'. protestant: r t' fer e nces; 2 in fam~ SIT. WTD. BY EXPERIE~CED ily. f'eeond maid t·mplovt>d. :!10 Park man, specializing in house <·leaning· and An·. Wl:'neoe 5:J:J. · :~2LT X31-ltc and gardt'ning. Phone \Vii. 3786. 37L3 L-ltp G .\UD .EXJ~(.; :?Ill WANTED - :\liDDLE AftED \YHITE woman as motht' r's h eltwr; good home; EXPERIEXCED HOUSE:\lAS HAS FEVI more than high wages. Phon e · \\ril. days O(wn for houst:> and lawn work, ~484. :12LTX:n-ltc twrmanent. Xorth Shore references. Wil. :.l428. 37LT31-ltc WA~TED EXPERfEXC'ED WHlTF. general maid ; family of 4; laundry CHAUFFEUR. J<:;XP. WHITE. ::\IARried. \\"ants position on North Shore. !Wnt out. ( ;ood rt-ft·n ·n<·e::; requil·(:'d. K<:nilworth 2tt:l0. a2L'rX:lJ-Hc Address Lif~· B-302. 37LTX31-ltp 1 tidg-t · noad, Wilnwttt· LOST SHOnT-HAJRED BROW~ & wl11·t II h " b · .., t ' puppy, a w lte rf'ast and neck. ( urlt·d tail. ~a.nw of "Bruee." R eward. Winu. 13:::. :J1LT~31-ltp r , I Charles H. Brethold l45 FOR H.ENT - FURNISHED PLEASANT 6 room modern residence beautifully located. Phone Glencoe 458. 45LTN31-ltc FURNll;HED HO~IE IN GLENCOE. X('ar lake. June 15 to Sept. 15. 4 bedrooms, sleep. porch and sun parlor. Glencoe 1142. 45LTN31-ltc 6 ROO:\lS, LARGE SUN-PORCH, GARagt::'. Xear lake. June 13 to Sept. 13. :\Ioderate rent. Winn. 293. 45LT31-ltp FOR RENT - 4 ROOM HOUSE FURNish(:'d. Call Winn. 819 after 6 p. m. 45LTN31-ltc .&8 l~Oit RE:NT-STORES &; OFFICES \ Ve 11 Rotted Manure and Dlack Dirt IHI tmlliJ®1rtt IHI ©~~mro ~ITil _IOH:\ ()S'l'RO\YSKY NURSER.Y WA~TEI> 11.\~ :-:u:\11-: IlEAL B',\R<;.-\I~S (J~ .\ vaJ"id~· uf .\-1 shrub~ and Jll'l'Pnniali'. \\'t·!->t l'ark Av t'. , Highland Park. Tel. - t;IRL TO ASSIST \VITH work for part time; t'X)Writ>nc~· not n<·e(·ssa ry. " 1 inn. 2205. :J2L'l':ll-lt<' \VHTTE CURL fot· g·en. hl;wl,.: no washing-; room and hath. Addn·ss Lifl' 1:-2!18. :~2 L:31-ltc \'01:~<1 .. :?u:·S-Y-1. 21BLT~:n-4t<: "'.\~TED - \\".\~TED- liARDEX, F'L'RXACE AND hous~'work. E. J . Ht:'c k. Phonl:' \Vii. :Hi!l. H FOR c; .\HI> E); E I!, EXPEHJEXl'ED I~ houst ···h·nning- and g-ard~:ning. :\lakes ~qwcialty of auto washing· in your gar- \\".-\:\TED - WHITE <:IRL FOR tiE:'\a~1 ·. l'hont· \Vilnwtte :3345. t·ral lwu:--t work or to as~->ist. \\'il. J.t'i::: . 21BL31-ltll :12LT:\"::I-1tc ----------------\\"I L~II ·: TTJo: (i ,\ Hl>E:'\ EH. Rf~SURFACE \\"AXTlijD WHITE WO:\IAX FUll old lawns, <·lt·an lawns, elt·an and paint ironing, half day Tuesday or 'Vt'<.lnesday. T e l. Wil. 3036. :~:!L:n-ltn g utti ·J"!'. Al~o , tak e down tn·es and trim t rt 'l'S and buRht·s, for now is a good time. \'\'il. 27~0. 21BL-tfc JIF.LP WANTE))-JL\Lt: :':l ~TT . WTI> . BY EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE ga nh·1wr. Tt·l. Wil. 708-!\f. 21BL:n-tfc AX UXPSUAL OPPORTUXITY is h e re offered n. young man with one or two years' broke rage experience on the ~orth Shon·, to connect with an :\ll'WI' SA CHI FICE BEAUTIFUL :\IALE old established firm in a capacity that )H:dign t·d nt>rman Police dog, 2 yrs. insurPs a chance to gain broad exold. ,\.il. 1954. 114-5th St. 22L'fN31-ltc peri ene<' ; guarantee and commission. All applkants supplying full informa:!:! ,\ PUCH'J·:SSIONAL S'f}~:s-OGRAPUY tion (to be h eld strictly confidential) ·will be gi\'en n. hearing within ten :\lARION L. CAMPBELL days. Aduress ·wilmette Life B-295. a·- ---------------- :nLT29-4tp l)O FOR SALE-APARTl\IENT BLllUS. Rf:~T-UHO)IS ----------------FOR HEXT L·~Fl.RXISHED 1013. FOH SALE :F'OTJR APARTMENT Bldg., located on corner lot 50x150 feet. in an apartnwnt: light housek eeJ)ing; trans]Jortation; husinel5s woman prt-fl·rred. Ult·ncot· S : ):~ t>n·nings. P. 0. Box 12:~. 41L31-ltp IH·<H . \nnual !{ental $2,880.00 Price $20,000.00 On!~· CEXTH.\L HOTEL- LH;HT OCTSlDE rooms for transient~ and re~idents. 629 :\lain Street. Phot1e ""llmette 1080. -l1LT31-tfc two blot·k!S to school and three blot·ks to transportation-always rented -will st-11 on terms. FOTI TIEXT _ ~ICE CLEAX CO::\J- 541 Lincoln St. fortaule room , gentleman prt>ferred. 1231 Urt::'gory Ave. HL31-ltp Phone Wlnu. 672 50LTN30-2tc Public Stenographer lltii \Vilmette Ave. ~ 33LT~31-ltc.: Wil. 1750 'VANTED - WHITE :\IAN WITH :\-IE22ALTN31-ltp chanical experience, American preferred. , Steady work for the right _, HENEUAJ.. REPAIJt party. Salary $140 per month to start. Phone Wil. 1630 during business hours. HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWERS SHARP33LT~:11-ltr.. ened. Will grind any size mower. Called for and delivered. G. A. Soderblom. W ANTED-lU~LTABLE :\IEN TO SELl.. Phone Glencoe 1025. 27LTN31-ltc made-to-order elothes on easy-j)ay plan. Permanent, good pay, experience not WINDOW SHADES nect'Rsary. Must be good Salesman. 2R Annly ED. ROSE & CO., Hl Jackson ~HADES CLEANED. AWNINGS PUT Blvd., Chicago. 33L31-ltp up. Skokie Shade and Awning Shop. Winn. 1!lfl4. 14 Prouty Ct. 28LTN-ltp WANTED BOY FOR DELIVERY with bicycle'. Im1uire 1161 Wilmette :U LOST AND FOUND Aw. 3:3L31-ltc .. LOST- FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MED-1=========~=====~ ium sized tan Collie, with white nose, 13.& HELP WTD.-liAJ,E & } .. EliALE m·ck and legs; male. Answers to name "Bushy." $10 reward for return or WANTED MEN AND WOMEN '1'0 information · leading to return. 1121 form cl~bs for coal in l.oad Jots at car17th St., Wilmette. 31LTN31-ltc load prtces, add one-th1~d to your ~alary, evenings, call or wr1te United Coal LOST CHILD'S EYE GLASSES. Buyer~ of Chicago. 510 Greenleaf Ave., Phone \V1l. 525. 31L31-ltc W lmette Ill. 34I. . TN31-ltc I FOR RE:'\T LARGE LIGHT FURnished room; convenient to transporta- MODERN 2 APT. HSE. IN WINNETKA. tion. \Vii. 906-R. .UL31-ltc Near school and trans. cor. lot 50x187. 6 & 6 light rms., porches, fireplace and !<"'OR RE~T SEVERAL ROO)IS I~ bookcases. H. W. Ht. Hardwood floors, east side home ; St'Cond ftoor ; ~:;ten.m 3 car gar., garden. Rent $2,400. One heat ; hot water. \Vii. 1940. Apt. available now. Price $22,000. wm 41LTN31-ltc at!cept lot as part payment. Phon., owner "Winn. 1921. 50LTN31-tfc -l:! FOR REST-APARTMENTS F'OR SALE-HOUSES &! FOR RENT ·- A 5 R00:\1 BUNGALOW for $85.00 a month. An apartment for $87.50, and several other good places still available. Call PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. 4u7 Linden Ave. Wil. 698 42L31-ltc 7 ROOl\1 HOUSE-500 F1.'. ON LAKE Ave. 22 acres. Wilmette 655. FOR RENT - 4 ROOMS AND BATH 52L31-2tc heated apartment. 625 11th St. Phone Wil. 2399. 42LTN31-tfc FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL FIVE RJI. corner brick bungalow. Tile roof, bath, 4 ROO:\IS AND BATH OVER PRIVATE shower, oil heat, garage to match garage on Prospeet avenue. No chilbuilding. All improvements In and dren. \Vinn. 68. 42LTN31-ltc paid for. Terms. Price $18,000 reduced from $25,000. Freters, 1601 4 ROO:\I .AP1.'., OR CAN BE USED FOR Lawrence An., Chicago. 52LTN31-tfp office. Tel. 'Vinn. 843 or 515 R. 42LTN31-ltc ~OR'fH EV ANS1.'0N, 6 ROOM STUCCO FLAT FOR RENT - 6 ROOMS, HEA1.'house ; hol water heat ; oil burner. Ex. ed, $80.00. 1240 Central Ave. Tel. Wll. transp. Large lot. Bargain, . owner, 2403. 42L31-ltc Greenleaf 2174. 52LTN3G-4tc Exceptional Value \\T aukegan Rd. nr. Lake Ave.

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