Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 56

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WILMETTE Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Huguenin, now AID FLOOD SUFFERERS of Pittsburgh, announce the birth of a The Birchwood Country club Minson, .Sid.ney, Jr.,. April 2:3· ~~~s: Philip strels in Rogers Park are to stage a Huguenm of \Vtlmette 1s YISJtmg- her . . son and hi: family at the present time. benefit performance Sunday mght, May -n11, to raise funds for the flood sufferers Mr. ::tnd ~1rs. Pierre Bontccou of [ in the Mississippi Valley. Snow Shoe Dayton. Ohio. formerly of \Vil!n.c~te, AI of Line o· Type fame is to be a ieaspent a few days la::.t week nsthng tttred perfor:ner with the Minstrels. ML rk. and ~frs. Elmer \ , Villiams of 1229 The ~linstrels are to give a perform. a e avenue. 1 a nrc for members o f t I1e c1u I> am1 t I1etr I guests Saturday night, April 30. G. W. Swiney a~td A. F. Moeller of Wilmette are promment members of the club. LIFE April 29, 1927 HEAR TALENTED VIOLINIST Last Monday afternoon, Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, a talented pupil of Milan Lusk, appeared · before the North Shore Musical society and made a splendid impression. Among her offerings were the "Cradle Song," by Brahms; "Serenade" by Pierne, and a no,·elt,·, "The Lad\· Hamilton Wal_tz," . . 1 1)\· J.onesco-Lusk,- 111 wI 11c 1 M,rs. I Dubbs showed complete tecl~nic~l COillllla!HI and a tone of fine quahty, It was sa1d. "L" ENlARGES ITS WUEM HOLDINGS (Continued from page 3) an error in the original zoning. This delay, which prevented Mr. Springer and other owners from developing their property, as had he~:n originally planned, was followed hy the final harrier in the form of a .rcsolutioli passed hy the hoard of directors of the Chicago Rapid Transit company at a meeting on February 24, 1925. The document is recorded in the office of the recorder of Cook countY, March 12, 1925, as docume!1t HR099i77, in Book 20304, paRe 30R. in the form of a certificate dated ~f arch 13. 1925, 1)\' \Villiam V. Griffin, sccn~ tan· of the. Chicago Rapid Tansit cbmpal~Y, "·ho certifirs, under the seal of thc company, that he is the secretary of the company, and, as such. ha ~ charge and custody of the records nf thl' r::) lnpany, inducling_ th<' minutes nf thl' meeting of its hoard of directors. That the follo\\'ing is a true and rorrert ropy oi a .r esolution adoptl'd by ·he hoard of directors of the Chicago Rapid Transit rompany at a meeting of the Board duly called and held :-tt 72 \Vest Adams street, Chicago. Fch rttan· 24, 1925. at 11 :30 o'C'lork a. m .. at ,;·hich mrrting a quontm oi directors "·as present: "RC'solred, that additions to thr Linden arcnue \·arcls of the EYanston dirision of this. company he and tl w same arc hrreby located upon anrl on~r the following described premist·..; in 't he Village of \Vilmette. Cook count\', Jllinois." (Then follows the legal (itscriptinn of not only Mr. Springer'. property at the northeast corner of ~r a pie ayenue and Fourth street, hut that of Paul Hardman a11d all other parcels which the company docs nnt already 0\\·n.) Authorize Acquisitions The resolution continues: "Rc. olved further, that Addison L. Gardner. general attorney for thi" company he, and he is hereby· authorized and directed to acquire by purchase or condemnation, the aboYe de· . cribcd pt·emises for said purposes. and to that end do all necessary ach and to employ all necessary. agents and attorneys." ~f r. Springer explained that bcfor(' am· efTort was made bY .him to imI pr~vc the property with- an apartment building, he had made repeated effort:to impro\'C it \\'ith residences, hut each time with no result, owing to the {act that in each case · financial companies design a ted the property as comnH :·cial, and 110t residential. The price paid hy the company for its recently ac. q uircd Maple avenue and Fourth street frontage is not stated. Neither have plans for its imnwdiate future development been made public, the presumption being that it is to be held in its present state until such time as it is needed hy the company, for the purposes set forth in the foregoing resolutions. 1 .Read the want Ads I l · .. Wash, 'Iron and Clean the Eas1 Electrical Way Federal Washer $160. You are urged to take advantage of our special Spring Sale of appliances that lighten ·household tasks and mean added comfort and convenience for · all the family. "We show here but a few of the many attractively priced appliances now on display at our store. Each appliance offered has passed severe tests for durability and economy of operation and is fully guaranteed. If you prefer, you can use the easy "Little by Little" payment plan to fit your home with these modern appliances. Call in or phone for further information. Special Yalrus., Modnn Gas Appliance1 Rex Automatic Water Heater, $95 lrutalled .. Electric Ironer $160 Radiant6re Fire~ place Heater. Otlaer moclela $18 ap lnscalkd $30 Fedelco Cleaner · Attacbaaenta SS 00 eatra $29 50 Clark-Jewel Gat Ran1e,full enameled with Lorain · Resulator, Installed $81 35 N. T. Musical Department to Give Concert Saturday An invitational concert will he given L; the musical organizations of thl' ~ew Trier High school in the school auditorium Saturday evening, under the direction of Mrs. Marion Cotton. musical director. Both of the Glee clubs. the band and the school orchestra will be represented and the p,rogram will offer an excellent opportunity for the fr.iends and parents to leam what has been accomplished during the past term. Hardin Van Deurson. baritone, an alumnus of New Trier, I will be the soloist during the concert. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS JOHN S. REESMAN, District M anqg~r . 1141 Central Avenue, Wilmette Wilmette 2899 I

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