Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 52

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WILMETTE LIFE April 29, l92i have a progressive dinner May 5. Tht·v will meet at the church at 6 o'clock. · The High school and Young Pcopl 1 ·· ... groups wlU continue their study of ",\<J·,·enturcs In Christian Living" next s 1111 _ day eveniag. The High school group will me<~ t ,, r 6 :15 in t.h e Young People's House, wit 11 Mr. Cox as the l~ader. The older gt·o u;; will meet at the home of Margaret St ;1 , ford, 936 Sheridan road, at 5::10. :.r 1 Raymond Kimbell will lead t.ht\ rli s·· 11 · sion. First Methodist Better Construction: Economy in the Long Run, and Lasting Satisfaction. (Continued from Page .12) For the remainder of th(· SJ>l'ing- season the Fellowship Servil·t>~ will be· held fro~ eight to nine o'clock Wednesday evenings. The pastor began, last Wednesday night, a series of parallel studies, "The Origin of the Early Church,"and the "Beginnings of Mt>thodism." The sel'\·ice lasts one hour is devotional in character, and an opportunity is givt:>n for JHU'tki)l::ttlon by all who can~ to do so. NCIDimi ~~ko Builders of Better Homes WILMf.TTE. ILL. Chicago Office- First NatlonalBank Bldg. Phones Wilmette l4t7- Randolph ·43& For You The Phlla_thca class will hold it~ r ·... 11 The Junior Children's Story Hour will Jar monthly meeting at thf' homt" (tl' .\I t·- . stt'Pt-1 ,. 11 takt· place Friday afternoon, April 29, Blanche Gay, 929 Twelfth · at 4 o'<'lo<'k. Th e childn·n of the Junior Tuesday evening, May 3. depar·tm(>nt will nwet at tht· church to The sermon next Sunday morniJ ll-: '"'i'l E>njo:r ·a "Story-telling· Hour" with l\Iis~ Attig. Thi~ is one of the l:'<.'wral ways ('t'nter around the general tht'lllt-, "·:·,,, our ('hur<'11 is observing Children's :\[t.>aning of Infancy." Three e \'t·nt!i , o~ 11 _ spire to make this an appropriatf· t h 11; , WE'E'k. - tlw Infant 'Ve lfarc society h a s , . 1 A n ·t·y importaut Quarterly Confer- asid<· this day as Baby Day, th1 · 1:. ~ t-'n(·P ha~ b<·Pn callt·rl for next Tu esday , giom; Ellu<'atlon assoeiatlon which . Ji,," night. At thi s conferencP Cl'l'tain pro- bto f' n m et-ting in Chicago during 1 !. posals of wry grea t significanc(· in th P wt>~k le~ds adde~l <'Ol~r to th~> th ··l· life of th e church will bt· brought for- wlniP thts Wt't' k ts natiOnally l<nm,·n ward for discussion. ( 'hild W c lfnrt'· Wf'ek. In this st>rmon tlw pa~tor will 11 .~. Tlw annual Girl Scout )lay pagea nt som thing to say about th<· rPspo ns il .,, l will bt:' held at th e Chicago Riding club ties that nature ~nd sociHy impos1· up ·>~· Saturday, April 30, at 2 o'clock. .Jane )Jal'l' nt:-;. Ht· is in sympathy with p ar. ,. Norman, ~1argaret Bi<'kham, · Hazel tal JH'oblf' ms in ve ry mu<'h tht· ~amt· w .~ 1 Knepper, Jane Moore, G ~ raldin e Sprague , as tht:' writt-r of the follow in~· Nlitori;d .· "In dini<' and classroom tlwrP i:-1 111 11 ··1· Emma Bickham, Pats y Boylston, Ruth McConnaughey, Winifred Barry, an<! talk of <'hild psychology, of lah(Jrat fJr · Yir·ginia Werde n, girls of Wilme tt e findings <'oncerning the work in~ of t It· Do<'tors d dt i\ Troop 4, will represe nt the Xeedlewoman C'hild's mind and body. Badge in the pageant. All Girl Scouts juggle calories, and vitamim · ~. :11ul )l ~~· about h:t h it of Chicago and Cook County an· in\'it£'d l'hologists . l'~tablish fa<'ts to attend the pageant. formation. But wlwn tht· spt·<'ia 1i '" , han· all gom· hom·', it il-l fatllt·r a IH I Roy!-; and girl:-; and tlwir part-nts Hl'f' motht·r who art- left alnn1· with tlH · dtl t asked tn ){N' P in mind the summc·r camp. 11ren. Theirs Is tht> J>robh·m of tilt · lmJ , Plans are being rapidly de veloped. )lem- who refusl·~ milk; th f' thJ't· t· -~···a r -.... ! hers of the Camp committe arf': B. N. who won't eat spinac·h ; th·· anJ,;"t·l-fac ·. d Cox, <'hairman: L. K Matson, .J R . Har- c hild who is given to fibs and r· ·h..Jl i"ll JH' l', l\Lrs. L . H. Hanawalt, and Mrs. th(' daughte r in h e r t t>t·ns who will hid · g , 'VilliamR. Inquiri£'s should be di- lwr youthful bloom undt·r eo:-;nwti<'~; ;1 "" . rP<'ted to tlwm or to Mi~s Humphrit>s or a son in f'oll e gt.· who wants his own llt· · ~flee Attig. Childre n of otht·r ehur~·h··s tor and ra<'coon <'Oat in hi s frt ·shm:t l' ·n tht· village, both !Wouts and non- · yt>ar in ordE>r to hold hi!-; own. Th· ·~· s<·out!;, art> invited to atte nd thi s <'amp, art· tn(·rPly a f e w of the stt·rn <'OtHlitil· l! !" . whi<'ll is located on tlw Paw Paw not tlworit>!; , that ('onfront tlw lh'ad s l·f Hive r, n£'a r ·w at<'n·Jiet, :\fkh. famili t>s." The rt:gular monthly nw(·ting- of th e Wilmette and Winnf'tka " ' · r . T. r . will be held 1\Ionday, May 2 at 2 o'clock, at the home of A~rs. William H . ~obl<', 1010 Oak street, 'Vmnetka. The High school l~pworth lt:agu t· will . , Frank Magmre was at hotnL' lilt' t ], , spring vacation with his parent s, :-.1 1 aud Mrs Andrew ).faguirc 530 L in<h · college, I avenue. · He . . ·. . ts. attendm~ (hanun;ld , St. LoUis, Mo. ·w ithout . . a thought of outside ice supply Enjoy the delights of a Frigidaire Electric Refrigerator in your home LENTY of ice cubes for table use, colored or flavored to improve summer drinks-frozen desserts, frozen salads, even frozen meat dishes to vary the summer menu and simplify the preparation of meals. Know all these delights that Frigidaire provides. Come in and let us show you how Frigidaire will make you independent of outside ice supply-how it gives you advantages that you couldn't expect of ice refrigeration. P - FR.IGIDAIR.E ST 0 V ER t.: u. IUS X · .Mit'hlgan An. (Jli!Oplay Hoom) U5 E. Erie St. (General Oi'ftces) . 'relephon .. : Superior i·28 l!vanston-lt3J Sht>rnutn An., Anstln--i9U w. lla·llson St., Col· Grrenleaf H80. umbos 1122. llubbard Woods--tit Linden AH., Elmhurst--111 S. York St., Elm· Winnetka lit!. hurst llit. Jllghland Park-('/0 Huber Ele<·. La Grange-4 s. Fifth Ave., La Co., lSI Central Ave., Highland .. Grange 477. Park lit. 'fhe Falr......eth Floor-State uuo. lSoatla 8lde--Citi Stony Jslaad Ave., llllwawkee-4tt Wlseonsln Ave., .RODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS Plaia 1701. Hoatb 8Jde-17" ~everly 84.!1. W. tltla · St., fit Prospeet Ave., Lakeside UM. Grand Jete. Gimbel Bros., Grand 7ett. . (Ill

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