Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 42

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· WILMETTE ·LIFE April 29, 1927 is so undernourished and physically unfit that the certificate is refused. If such a child stays in his home, in the same environment that produced his disability, he seldom returns to school~ he frequently .joins a mischievous neighborhood gang and at 16, whc:1 he may go to work without a certificate, he is usually more unfit physically and morally than he was at 14. ft sometimes happens, also that a chiltl who cannot obtain a working certifi cate and contribute to the support oi the family is turned out of h.is home by an unnatural parent and left to shift for himself. Arden Shore takes these children , the girls in summer and the boys in winter, and scientifically builds them up by good food, rest and fre~h ,~_ir until they are fit to go into industry. 1~he boys have three hour : o a day o£ regular srhool work and manual training under two tcachus supplied by the Chicctgo Board of l~ducation. Ah'Jttt 100 boys are built up every year at Lhc winter camlJ and some JS g1rl::: every summer. In ~very case earnest ettort is made to have the child 1 ct urn to school but. if this is not :;ucc\.::: sf ul and he is forced to go to work he at least goes with no physical hand icap and with a fair chance to make good. RELATES STORY OF ARDEN SHORE CAMP Great Freab Air Resort for Mothers and Children of Chicago Tenement Areas Bj· Observer Arden Shore, a camp for mothers ·and children, is one of the large.;;t f.resh air camps in the world. It is located on a high wooded bluff, overlooking Lake Michigan, about thirtyfive miles north of Chicago. There are some twenty-two acres of land with a frontage of 300 feet on the lake. The property is owned by the Arden Shore association, an incorporated body with a charter from the state of Illinois, and· is entirely f.ree of debt. Many beautiful buildings have been given to the camp, most of them as . memorials. Screened cottages are provided for all campers. The camp was started in 1901 by Mrs. Leila Moss Martin, the founder of Gads Hill Settlement in Chicago, and was originally called Gads Hill camp. It was first located in Glencoe on land loaned for the purpose. In 1908 ·when this land was no longer available the present tract was purchased and the name .changed to Arden Shore in order to avoid confusion in the minds of subscribers. In the beginning only thirty guests could be accommodated at one tim!.! and all the work was done by volunteers from the north shore villages. Now a staff of trained workers is employed and the camp, in summer, takes care of 500 persons at one time. During the summer season vacations are given to some 2,300 mothers anJ children of Chicago's congested districts. It has been estimated by a reliable authority that Arden Shore docs the largest percentage of free cha.rity work of any fresh air camp near Chicago. The people are recommended hy the different social agencies, by the Chicago hospitals and by the Chicago Board of Education. Constructive Charity Arden Shore aims to do real co;IstructiYe cha.rity work among these needy people. A wonderful time is given to each and every one who enters its gates but at the same time th ·e~· all lca.rn something that will be helpful in their daily lives and make them better and more self-respecting American citizens. The mothers, tired and worn with many cares, grow young again with their games and me.rry parties but the,· also learn how to take care of their babies, to keep their houses clean and to giye their children well cooked, nourishing food. Every day a group of happy mothers gathers in the Beach House where they chatter gaily over their work as they a.re taught ho\\. to make over for their families the clothing sent in by many friends. All the children, from the little kindergarten tots to the boys in BoyvilJe and the young girls in the waitress section, learn lessons of kindliness and fair play and gain knowledge of the trees, birds and flowe.r s in this beautiful place. The daily swim in the cool waters of Lake Michigan is the crowning glory of the day and to be deprived of this is the severest punishment meted out to any hapless young offender. The regular summer vacation at Arden Shore is two weeks but little convalescents from the Chicago hospitals often stay all summer and many a broken down mother has found he.r vacation unexpectedly extended until she is well again and able to take up her burden once more. The Cinders are the little motherle~ s girls in Cinderella lodge. They arl' the "little mothers" at home and thi ~ is about the only chance they have to be free from care and responsibility. The work among little gi.r ls has been greatly increased the past year and now many an anxious working mother is relieved of the fear that her little daughter may come to harm on the city streets and is cheered in the knowledge that she is happy and well cared for at Arden Shore during the whole summe.r vacation. Emphasize Nutritional Work The nutritional work among undernourished children is carried on all the year round at Arden Shore. These are the children who are being forced into indust.ry by the desperate need of their families. In the state of Illinois a child who is 14 years old may obtain a working certificate, if his family need his help, provided he 1s in good health and of normal weight and has finished the sixth grade in school. But in many cases the child New Graap on Life By i requcnt association with iriends of the north shore who are interested in their welfare the children gain a n~w feeling of respe'Ct and confidence in their future employers and they go to work knowing that they will be given fair play if they do their part well. They go into the factories and offices oi the city and in a majority of cases they have won the commendation of thost: over them and have been steadilY ad vanced in responsibility and wages. It is a source of great satisfaction tu those in charge of the . c amp that ircquently a business man of Chicago will call up and a sk for an Arden Short: boy. The loyalty of these boys to Ard~n Shore is shown by the fact that th<.'~ are paying for a building at the cam1> which is used for manual training and as a club room for the old boys when they have their reunions. The nutritional work, as well as all other work undertaken by Arden Shore, is strictly non-sectarian both in the benefits bestowed and in tht: sources from which income is derived. Arden Shore is supported by popular subscription from its many friends and practically no money is spent in collecting funds so that all contributions go directly to the maintenance of the camp. There arc no paid workers aside from the regular staff of welfare workers and teachers employed at the camp. . All who are interested in this wonderful work at Arden Shore are cordially invited to visit the camp, the entrance to which is on Sheridan road a short distance north of Lake Bluff. · Arden Shore gives: To mothers-rest and relaxation ior the tired body, cheer for the despondent mind, freedom from care, a change of scene. To babies-the trained and intelligent care which they do not receive at home and which gives them a start on the · road to healthy, happy childhood. To convalescent children-a place to grow strong and well after the wean· hospital days-the care they need to COtllPlete their cure. · ·To undernourished children- good health, right standards of living, selfrespect, the power to work, the abilitv to care for others. To all who come-fresh air, wholesome living, nutritious food, the delight of bathing in Lake M·ichigan, the blessed privilege of living in God's outof-doors. A thousand and one musical nights ··· with this great instrument THIS marvelous Victrola ~~-~~1Ql . . Announcement Radiola, with its famous Orthophonic tone-chamber' reproduces both rec~ ords and radio with absolute fidelity and amazing naturalness. You hear both kinds of music as you could in no other way. Come in and see it -hear it-soon! Convenient Payments Open Evenings FREDERICK E. LEwis Co. Wish to Announce A Change of Location On and after May first we will operate from our handsome new Chapel and Funeral Parlors located at I I 24 Central Avenue, Wilmette. North Shore Talking Machine Co. 712 Church St., Evan·ton Ph. Univ. 4523 Jtil'iilg The New Orthophonlc · V .. 1ctro1a 1 Cameras and Projectors FREDERICK E. LEwis Co. IIIJ l111J \1111 \111 "We Understand'. TELEPHONE WILMETTE 3552 UIIJ Ulll IIU with Radio/a \till ~tlfl "IJl \liiLI!l!IJ'!ll)_flr, Hill rill rill \!lfl Jll~UIIJ lliiJ nr, ur!QJ

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