Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 36

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WILME·TTE LIFE Apr:il 29, 1927 I Clubs of District · Put Up.Candidate T ~nth District Club Endorse Retiring President as Officer for State By M. C. G The Tenth Congressional district at. its annual meeting, Ma.r ch 31, 'e ndo;sed the retiring president, Mrs. William F. Fa.rrell, as a candidate for the office of first vice president of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs. The district deems it a great pleasure and honor to present Mrs. Far~Tell's name, as it feels that it is offering a woman who has proven herself capable, energetic, sincere and conscientious in the work of the federation, and one who can always be depended upon to head any movement looking toward the betterment of club life. Under her able direction the Tenth district has risen to and maintains a place of prominence in the state. The slogan proposed by Mrs. Far.rell, "Unity and Service," has been the keynote of her administration, and "Federation" has been the watchword. Several innovations have been inaugurated, which have been most successful. The Club institute was conducted for the first time in the district during the first year and repeated last year with gratifying results. Several new junior auxiliaries have been formed, and seven of these have joined the District federation. Group meeting was another new project, which has been worked out in several communities, with much benefit to the clubs taking part. The endowment fund is nearly com·· pleted. The departments have worked in line with and carried out the policies of the State federation in every instance, and each department has developed definite results. The Lake County organization has been formed and a successful club institute was held in Waukegan under its auspices last November. Mrs. Farrell has been a member of the Tenth district board for six years having been chairman of the depart~ ment of citizenship prior to her ele-ction as president. She was chairman of the Local board for the state convention, I. F. W. C., held at the Edgewater Beach hotel in Chicago last year. She is a past president of the North End club, a member of the Chicago Woman's club and of the Argyle Park Portia club. Sh~ has a cl.!!rming, forceful personahty, and has endeared herself to the members of her board by her fairness and her unfailing support in ever~ department. · -~------: Artists Will Appear at Club Luncheon ·Entertainment Part of Large May Marke.t Punch and Judy Shows Included on Special Program for Afternoon of May 21 Plans are underway to make particularly . attractive the afternoon entertainment on the \Vinnetka Village Green at the time of the plant anrl flower market sponsored by the \Vinnetka Garden club 011 May 21. Provisions will. be made for adults anrl chi 1d r en. Two performances of a Punch and Judy show will be gtY c n during the day. Mrs. William Otis has been made chairman of the committee on arrangements. Serving with her will he Mrs. James Prindiville . and Mrs. C. Colton Daughaday. Mrs. H c r bert Christopher and Mrs. Richard Walsh will have charge of publicity. On the committee on entertainment are Mrs. Warren Shoemaker, Mrs. James Pole. Mrs. Charles Stacy, and Mrs. Allen Bastian. The committee on accessories has Mrs. Charles Strong, Mrs. Ballard Bradley, Mrs. Marcus Richa_rds, M.rs. Harold Wilder, Mrs. Morns Wilson, and Mrs. Ernest Ballard. Mrs. Willoughby Wa 1.1in g, Mrs. George Forest, Mrs. Harold DeLay M;s. Hathaway Watson, Mrs. Fred: enck Scott, and M.rs. John Stuart a.re on the plants committee. 'Mrs. Montague Ferry, Mrs. Ralph Hobart Mrs. Godfrey Atkin, and Mrs. Arthu~ Sullivan have charge of refreshments and Mrs. Harry Barnum of profes~ sional g.rowers. Mrs. George S. Parker is financi. al chairman. · The accessories committee for the May market is hard at work ou delightful and useful adjuncts to successful g~rdening. There will be strong. practical ap.rons, scissors which will not only cut a distant flower in a wide border but will convey that same flower to you without a disrupting se.arch through a thick planting. There ":'It be most attractive and inexpenstve receptacles of Spanish glass and Pottery, kneeling pads, decorative flower pots, and a multitude of other articles suitable for gifts and also to be put to · immediate practical usc in the garden. The May market will be a delightful and col<?rful affair and the club hopes that Wmnetka and north shore residents will give their support to insure the success of the . enterprise. TENTH DISTRICT NOMINEES At the annual meeting of the Tenth district, Illinois Federation of Wo~en'~ clubs, the following were the d1str1ct nominees for office for the co?ting year: Mrs. Harry S. Cradle of J:Itghland Park, president; Mrs. Wilham. C. Collins of Chicago, fist vice p.res1dent; Mrs. Ernest Nolting of Ravinia, recording secretary. SPEAKER AT LEAGUE LUNCHEON Judge Mary Bartelme will be the principal speaker at the annual luncheon of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league. Mrs. Sidnie Smith Cooter of Winnetka will sing several selections. The luncheon will be given at the Georgian hotel, Evanston, May 10, and .reservations must reach Mrs. John Janette by May 6. The annual luncheon of the Woman's club of Wilmette will be held Wednesday, May 4, in the Marine dining room of the Edgewater Beach hotel. After the luncheon the new offi"Cers will be introduced to the club membership. and a program wilt be given by Marie M:9rtisey, a contralto, who has dehghted countless audiences in Chicago and throughout the country. Edward .Moore of the Chicago Tribune says of her, "A contralto well worth attention. An uncommonly good voice, a lot of musicianly feeling. Her English enunciation is a delight to the ear." Morton Howard, a pianist of marked abilitv will play Miss ~'forrisey's accompaniments as well as a group of solos. ·' During the annual meeting of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette three officers were elected, and othe.r new ones chosen for the guidance of club affairs for the new year. Mrs. Frank]. Oelerich is to continue as president, Mrs. Samuel H. Moore as first vice-president, and Mrs. Harr~ Sherwin as corresponding secretary. Mrs. Frank T. Parry will be second vice-president; Mrs. B. M. Lupton, treasurer; Mrs. Forest Miller, recording secretary; auditors-Mrs. · T. F. O'Nei11 ' M rs. J ames E. Tarleton, :Mrs. John T. Janette: Mrs. John Boylston, chairman of sanctuary department; Mrs. h . J · P. Bu d. mger, c amnan of philanthropy department; Frank X. Thale, chairman of fine arts· Mrs A W Boylston chairman of 'ct'vt'cs . . . , · Woman's Club Elects New Officers Elected Officers at Final Meeting at Last Meeting With uGal'lle11 Day" tile last day in otw yem· of Catholic Club We anticipate<l mucll and 1·eaUzed mm·eMnl. Cobw·n sat<· tltat 1Jiotures we1·e t·i.ght nem· ·And A-!1·s. Ewe1· talked on gm·<len lore. Site _J>lanned a garde11 tor 1ts, fixecl the ,<J01l, Then planted seeds so colm·s might blcntl 1vell. Tlten showed u.s pictures 1cith 1·esu1ts of toil Anrl .f inally made ou1· gardens spii'Uttal. U'ith a wonc11·ous beautl! CO!(l a coiH 1·itual. ' lVe rnu.lcl go on wul tell much mm·e thn·t Of funny stm·-ies-sto1·ies also sadrAll stnries of the ganlens ~oe would miss And also of the work both good and bad. That she told 1ts most inte-~·estin.Qly. But words are quite inadeqnate and vain So we can only lea~' e yon with the 'key That gm·dens mean om·selves and in the . main Need loving care as 1cell a.'i sunshine rmd t11 e 1·ain. this Club Plans Card Party ~ional W01~1en of \Vilmette is depart- The Club for Business and Profes- mg from 1ts usual form of meeting and is n?w arran~ing for a card party to be g1ven at the Central Cafete.ria Fri~ay evening, May o, at 8 o'clock. Ttckets for tht> affair may be obtained from Miss Elsie Thielen at Renneckar's Drug. store, or from Miss Ruth Forberg at the Chamber of Commerce. Mrs .· F. L. Joy, 812 Central a\renuc, entertamed the Travel club last Tue8-. iay for luncheon and reading in the 3fternoon. The final meeting for the season of the Woman's · club of Wilmette was held Wednesday, April 20. The afternoon was given over to the annual business session which consisted of reports of all departments of the club and the election of officers. The names of those chosen as officers for the new year are: Mrs. Hayes McKinney, president; Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, first vice p.r esident; Mrs. William A. Richardson, recording secretary; Mrs. Frank L. Tolman treasurer; chairman of departments-Mrs. Herbert ]. Leach, child and home· Mrs. David F. Hall, music; M.rs: Ge~rge H. Webst~r, philanthropy; chamnan of standmg committeesMrs. Frederick Z. Favor, bulletin: Mrs.. Edward Anderson, ways and WELFARE BOARD MEETS means. The Wilmette Infant Welfare board The Boys Glee club of New Trier met Thursday April 28 at the home of led by Mrs. Home.r E. Cotton, sang Mrs. Howard 'shaw. 99'4 Spruce street, several songs which the audience re\\'innetka. ceived with enthusiasm. The annual luncheon or members of the Catholic club will be given at the Orrington hotel Wednesday, May 14. The program for Friday afternoon of last week, the occasion of the annual meeting, was given at the Woman's club by Dorothy Rae and Mrs. William E. Walker. Miss Rae, who was accompanied on the piano by Ernau Akely, sang two g.roups of songs, the first, "Ah, Tho' the Silver Moon Were Mine," by Herman Mohr and "You in a Gondola," by Clarke; the second, "June," and 41 The Year's at the Spring," both by Beach. Mrs. Walker :g-ave ·an interesting talk on "Birds and Flowers'," with her knowledge derived from he.r own experiences and observations. -H. H. S.

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