Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 28

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· -· ~ --- ----·-·- · - . . .- -. ..... - ..... . . .. W1L METTE ··L IF·E Pierce Arrow Price Cut INITIATE ·. ACTRESSES ~~- ~·:m · Firht .. , ,.,. Urrea -CODtiii'UaRce~f ... ~ !; Against the White Plague Boy Patrol in Summ«:r Cauaea Auto Sensation Lambda Phi Delta Adds Helen Hayes, i ; Illin~is won a distinct advantage i.n ~he . u~e of school boy patrol~ m Few automobile announcements have Helen Gahagan and Peaar Wood! to mamtammg ord~ ·~t · !ef~ss penods, tand at ptayg.rollth{s~tturpttr t)e 'f~~er vacation, has been sugges-ted t<' school authorities by Charles M. Hayes, president of the Chicago Motor club. "Unqu~stionably, the boys of. the patrol are _the leadet:~· of;, the._ ·safety movement 111 the sc.hools, says Mr. Hayes. "These boys do as much h_y the. good exar:nple. the~ set as b~ thetr active· work 1!1 dtre~tmg traffic. T~e sumt!ler vacation brmg~ a let-down 111 cautiOn, but t~e presence of the school ?oys' patrol · m the· p~aygro.unds durmg the sum!ner " ac~tton wtll tend ·to keep the children mmdf~l of the lessons of safety that they have learned during the school year. "Many of the schools now make use of the patrol during recess periods, and the authorities find that this practice tends to make the children more careful. Let us extend the patrol system through the dangerous vacation period." abe trtal of the people vs tuberculosis l\vhen it.-wa a,~lJnced here today by · ire State'-· rupf~ judge of vital sta·sties that the health authorities puld be upheld in their action of . Is 'cing _ 2,000 victirfts&· from. the ~926 fs . edu~o~ ft~ .J1eJt } wh~te ·plag_ue. e mortality- per tbo 000 populatiOn f 1 from 79.3 in 1925 to 76.3 in i926, ~ing the lowest rate ever recorded. . ftis decline repre~ents 21-6 f ~we r d~aths and 2160 few~.r cases of mfecdon than would have occurred under tJle 1925 rate and is the ninth succes· sive annual decrease in mortality f.rom 1tuberculosis in Illinois. . . :· l ~ i '· JWaidner of 1048 Lake avenue. ! ;. ~ . · 11· Mrs. Luc~ .ti. Bond ~ntertained ttie ; ~ ~pent last week-end visiting Miss Ella : ;Miss Grace Patterson of Chicago ~ Neighborhood club at her home at 1210 ~Lake avenue last Tuesday afternoon. : caused s'Uc~ wide$pread interest as Its Membership List ' Pierce-Arrow's recenb reduction of ,. prices from $355 to $500 on four of the Helen Hayes, now playing in Chicago popular body styles in the Series 80 in Barrie's "What Every Woman line. Knows." Helen Gahagan, who has The four body models, which include played opposite Glenn Hunter in 'the 5-passenger brougham, the run- "Young Woodley" and appeared last about, the 4-door standard sedan and week at the Blackstone in "Trelawney the 4-passenger coupe have held the of the Wells," and Peggy Wood, a spotlight of interest in automobile row former star of "Candida" who also ever since the price reductio'n, accord- played i~ "Trelawney," were added t<? ing to A. 0. Meyer of Tom Hay and · the list of members of Lambda Ph1 Son, local distributor. Delta national professional dramatic In a telegram received here from the at:t a~d music sorority of the. Sch?ol Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Co. at Buf- of Speech, Northwestern untverstty, falo, it was revealed that a million dol- recently . Iars in orders were placed on the day Their initiation took place Wedncs following the price announcement. day evening, April 20, at the Palmer Many distributors in both the larger hQuse. The offi<;iating officers w~rc. and smaller cities doubled their April the Misses Dorothy Proesch. Bermce and May allotments in order to sup- Prisk Frances Goodhue, Katherin e ply the demand for cars. Pute;baugh, Edra Dahlin and MyrtJ~ The unusual high quality of work- Horseman. Following the initiation the mans hip in the Series 80 models is chapter. held a reception welcomin~ ! the attracting great attention, especially in new honorary members, Alpha chapter view of the lowered prices. All bodies of Northwestern tiniversity assisted by are made by hand in the Pierce-Arrow Eta chapter of the Chicago M us'ical body factory. The exterior is finished college. practically any color or color combinaThe roll of ho.11orary ·members of th e tiou desired. The interiors of the en- sorority includes also Mrs. Mi~1.1i e closed cars are especially luxurious, b· c- Maddern Fiske, Julia Marlowe, E ,t~h ing upholstered in soft woolens, with Mason, Otis Skiner, Ruth St. De~~~s , siiken roller shades, silken toggle grips Theodore. B. Hinckley and l'r 1 ~ltx and velvet carpeting. k 1 Borows 1. · j The chassis is powered with the fa· mous Pierce-Arrow Series 80 sixcylinder engine, developing 70 horseMrs. Martha Williams of New <'rpower. It contains many interesting sey is expected to arrive Tuesday, mechanical devices which are not found ·May 3, to spend the summ er with ·her on the ordinary car. son and daughter-in-.law, Mr. and Mrs . Eitner Williams, 1229 Lake avenue . Mrs. Elmer \Villiams entertained her much money to build Illinois electric. Tuesday bridge club on vVedncsday railways as the Panama Canal. afternoon of this week at her home a t. Chicago has 139 automobiles per mile 1229 Lake avenue. This was the la st of pavement. meeting of the club for this year. It costs on e and one-half time s as . ---o- FOR GIRLS & BOYS- "a shoe that wearJ -and wearJ -and wearJ. ·· I ! 'l5he GJoster School Shoe ./ · "TROJAN" Normal growth and developtnent-sound white teeth-strpng bones-firm, sturdy muscles-perfect tone and color of the skin -lustrous and well nourished ·hair. These are the blessed possessions of young men and women who eat right, live right and drinl a quart of milk a day. · Choose the milk you drink by its taste. Good milk tastes good -that's why so many prefer Borden's. v ln Tan Elkskut ur Stnoked ·Horsehide -correctly fitted so that "breaktng-inu. 1s unnecessary 4 $4 50 12!1 to ~ -- $6 50 tv K- -~ 8Y2 to 12--$5 25 3 to 8-$7 75 In" The Chtldren'J Room" at Wabash Avenue ( 3rd Fioo1) BORDEN'S FARM P~ODUCTS CO. WILMETTE and at Evanston ~f ~l~inois 1 04 i i '....... 1 . Service thar- is 99'ro% Accu·rate I \ -· t '18.7oster &/Company I ~----------------------------------~

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