22 WILMETTE LIFE April 29, 1927 'f SC:RE.ENS t For Every Purpose Phones: Wilmette 2508-3134 P. A. for May Ball Evanston Garden Market Held Saturday, May 14 The Garden market conducted anlmally by the Evanston Garden club, will be held all day Saturday, May 14, in Ravmond Park, Evanston. The committee chairmen for the market . are: ~J rs. Sidney S. Porter, accessories; .M r~. \Villiam C. Evans, hint houses and bird baths;. · ).{rs. Charles G. Rhodes, donations booth; 'M rs. Frank Parker D:l\·is, grounds committee; ~Irs. Hobert L. Scott, hospital exhibit (occupational therapy work); Mrs. John H. S. Lee, cafeteria luncheon; Mrs. \Villiam T. Reeves, garden posters done by the art class of the High · school and the Roycemore Upper school; ~[rs. Frank Warner Kingsley, publicity; Mrs. \Viltiam H. Colvin, vegetable booth; 1\frs. Irwin Rew and Mrs. Gabriel F. Slaughter, applications C0.tnmittee. Florists are growing special plants for the market this year, it is announe<.'d. NORTH SHORE SCREEN COMPANY Office~ Factory, Schiller Ave., WILMETTE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS WILMETTE 145 The Solution to Household Cleaning words on the telephone or to Bill the Washington ·Laundry Man and the things that make household cleaning a task* are taken o~t of your way and off your mindand returned fresh and clean ready to use or put away. FEW 11 rs. Harry S. Klein entertaiued the members of one of the Wednesday hridge clubs this week for luncheofl Photo by TolotY and bridge at her home at 730 Linden Miss Josephine Hedges Ewalt, a avenue. -osenior in the Medill School of J ou·rEdward Fatch Flanner returned to nalism, Northwestern university, is his home in ·Blackwell, Wis., last Satco-publicity chairman for the Second unlav after spending the week ,.,.·ith his Annual May haJJ, at the Drake hotel. grat1dparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. May 6, for the benefit of the Chicago Fatch, 611 Washington avenue. -ocathedral fund. The Episcopal Young H. G. Johnson of Elgin was the People's association of the diocese 1~ guest last week-end of his daughter, sponsoring the ball. Mrs. S. P. Perry, of 500 Fifth street ... A Kitchenette Apartments is the time to engage one of these bright, Now cheery apartments, one or two rooms, where you *What to Send to Us Blankets . . . . pillows . . . . curtains . . . . rugs . . . . . slipcovers . . . . bed spreads . . . . anything· you wish laundered. enjoy home comforts without home cares. Picture the restfulness, the pleasure of having others do all the work, the freedom from servant worries, the happiness of new quarters and new environment. An early selection is advisable. or telephone University 8000. Visit us any time Quiet Exclusive Homelike ~h, · . Washington U;t.undry 70G-104W.,..,.. .w..- s.- BV,4NDl.W, ILLOrrington Avenue, j~st south of Church Street ·Wilmette 145