1 April 29, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE I. Tales ~f ~ Japan whe.re taxis out· number Jl11rtkshas and foreign clothes have replaced the kimono, robbed the ~and of the cherry blossom of some of tts .glamour for the students of the N atwnal Kindergarten and Elemetitary cotle~e who had the opportunity of heanng the rlcscription of conditions there given hy Miss Lucy Russell at the college last Thursday afternoon. . ~fi~s .Russell has spent several years lll mtsstonary work among the children of Osaka, Japan, and in spite of the encroachment of the prosaic modern garments. conveyances and methods, has foun~ m~ch that is delightful and worth·whtle 111 her · work there. , ~ollowing Miss Russell's talk, Mis5 l<,ltzabeth Hobart of Evanston told uf ten ye~rs spent in the kindergarten and kmdergarten primary training sc~w?l o~ the Methodist Episcop::.tl llltsston Ill Peking, China. "After hearing the students discuss anxiouslv the possibility of securing this or that position," said Miss Hobart, "it is rather a relief to realize that in our work it is never a question of there being enough jobs to go around. It :s ~norc often a question of how many JObs each person can manage." · After ~fiss Hobart had told of the educational \\'Ork in Northern China ~f iss Edith Shufelt, '"·ho has als~ spent some time in the schools therr, gan: a most delightful account oi a trip by donkey cart and sam)Mn ~ hrough s:Jmc of the northern prov lllCl'S ami up to thr Great \Vall. She concluded with a brief summary of the causes of the present wa.r which did . much to answr.r the u;1iversal question, "\Vhat's it' all ahont any\\'ay ;- ., , . ::\tis:; Russell, ).fiss Hohart and Miss Shufelt arc at home on furlough from their mission stations, and arc taking additional courses in kindergarten and dt:mcntary work in preparation for their rtt urn . IWinnetka Garden M~rt Kindergartners Get Offers Array of. Wares Glimpse of Orient The Winnetka May Market will of the ·Modern Era have a large array of useful small special tools, picking. baskets, garden aprons and smocks at the sale which takes place on the Winnetka Village Green Saturday, May 21. There will also be . very fine glass and pottery Hower containers and unusually at· tractive painted Hower pots. A practical assortment of all the smaller needs for the garden and for Hower arrangement is ·promised by Mrs. Charles Strong who has on her committee the following: Mrs. Ballard Bradley, Mrs. Marcus Richards, Mrs. Harold Wilder, Mrs. Morris Wilson, Mrs. Ernest Ballard, Mrs. Herman Bartholomay, Mrs. Harry Edmonds, Mrs. William T.ntesdalc, and Mrs. Preston Wells. Owner ·Moving East and is prepared to .sacrifice ·this Georgian Colonial Home built 3 years ago and just redecorated; 9 large rooms, all canvassed walls-4 bedrooms. 3 baths, large closet room, sun room, especially well equipped kitchen with electric refrigeration, breakfast room, sleeping porch, 2 car heated garage with heated brick kennel plot 1 oox 1 7 5. BENEFIT JUNIOR SCHOOL Two successful bridge parties were ~iven last week at the home of Mrs. Andrew E. Buesh, 831 lngelside place, to benefit the Chicago Junior school. The first affair was a bridge luncheon for 48 covers given last Thursday, and the second took place Friday evening in the form of a supper bridge. There were 14 tables in play. Assisting Mrs. Buesh were Mesdames Lester C. Singrr, Evanston; Frank L. Davis and Fred Witte borg, Chicago, Mrs. Perry LTilrich of Glencoe and Mrs. George K;Jrncs of Winnetka. adjacent-On landscaped Worth $75,oo. but will close now for-- $55,000 Tighe Realty Co. 14 20 Sheridan Road- Wilmette Entrance to ·'No Man· s Land" Now! Better care can be given to Decorating before the Spring Rush. Phone 2671 Free Estimates M. Portenhauser Painting 8 Decorating 1030 Greenleaf Ph. 2764 Illinois produces thirty c:::>mmcn:ial 111 incrals. · I ~11111111111~111111111111111111111 111 111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11 11 1111 11 1111 111 111111111 11111111111 1 1 1 1111 111 1111111~11111~111'111111;,: ~ Why Not iA MOTHERS' DAY CAKE: Decorated according to the way you know it would please ber .. A gift that is not only wholesome and delicious, but one which reflects the care of personal selection. - !I Your Chevrolet Delivered ·at Your Door in Wilmette at These Prices The Coach The Sedan The Coupe . $648 The Landau . ... .$801 .$570 . $750 The Touring .$570 . $625 The Roadster The Sport Cabriolet . . . . $ 7 71 Patty Shells Meringues Lady Fingers Salted Nuts - -~==========================~-=- THE PATIY SHOPPE 115 3 Wilmette Ave. - I - L. & R. Auto Service A. Rodepkirk, Mgr. Phone 575 - 332 Linden Ave., opp. "LH .T erm·inal Ph. 3064 i ~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111=f.