Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE April 29, 1927 First Methodist The Methodist church Is located when· Wilmette avenue crosses Lake avenue. While it is under denominational auspic~ it is in a very real sense a community church. All its services are open to all who find profit and value In them. It~ minister and church staff are availablt, for a 11 who are in need of any service" that it may render. Like all other Protestant Ghllt'ches, it has within its mt'mbership not only Methodists but thol';e reared and trained in other denominations as well. It offers a cordial welf'OmE· to all who have not a church hon1t · elsewhere to become a part of its ff'llowship. A group of .Juniors who have bct·n attending a church training class wt·n· rt ·ceived into the membership of th·· church last Sunday morning. They ar·as follows: Jean Ann Moulding, 'l'halm Little, Janet Wright, .Tune Ahlstrand. Fern Ahl~trand, Mary Ella Waldner, Howard Fuchs, Ruth Williams, A lb1·rt Ackerman, John Osborne, William 1\lac Morran, and '!'heron Smith. For the n·ception of this group the pastor had pn· pared a nt ·w form of service which ga \'f · to each child rt>C('iYed tlw ~ense of individual admission to the church family. At the closP of this same sl·rvkP, th1 · following adults were r-ce ived into th~· m<'mbership of the church: Mr. an41 ~frs. ('a1·1 Frankdl, Mrs. A. B. Ahlstrand , :\lr. and :\Tn;. Carl Nylund, Mr and 1\lr~ . A ndn' w Leaf, Miss Lillian Leaf, an<l Miss Marian 1\fcGauron. · Next Sunday morning still anotlv·r group '\\;ill be reCt' iv<'d. This f'a.rriPl-l th· · number of n 0w members rf'Cl'in·d ~in(·· · last conft·rt'lH't" to the number of <·ighOfive. uatls th· World in Motor Car Valus I. ou can see why Nash has extrapower The ~.rtra power that makes Na1h a more capable car to drive, particularly on the hills or in dense traffic, l1 directly due to extra-efficient design. The Nash Straight Line Drive, for lnltance, diagrammed above. Nash power flows directly from the engine to the rear axle in a straight line. 'There pick-up at low speeds (where you need k moat). You will always tJ.otice it is the Nash that eeu away soonest when the traffic starts. The Straight Line Drive also avoids wear on the universal jointt, and thereby prevents nobe and loeaeneu. Of course, it takes a little longer and coltl more to build Nash this better wav- A <l<·legation of forty attt·ndt·(l tlH · hanqut·t of the Chif'ago Methodist ~twial l'nion fit tlw r:>r~kP hotc·l Thursday night. This organization reprf>sents Chicago Methodism. The number at tlw banquet ran over one thom~and !\Tr thn dists. Tht" speak<'rs were Dr. CPorg<· T·:lliott. f'(}itor of the 1\fPthodist RHit ·w . and Edwin Price Bell of th e Daily ~cw ~. Raymond Kimbell, ta memher of th(· \Yilnwtte C'hurch, is the presidc.·nt of th i~ organization. · The First Di\;islon of tlw I..adit·s ' .\ i(l nwt on Thursday a.t the· hom<' of ~fr!" . C. E. Fitch, 1033 Elmwood av<·nu('. TIH· St·<'ond Division entf'rtaitwd t 11· · Fifth Di\·ision Thursday at the hom· · of :!\Irs. E. G. Bentley, 804 Elmwood awnu· ·. The Third Division m<>t Thursday at the chur<'h. 'l'hf' hostPsses wt·rP: ;\lr~ . ~~~-inhnlcl, :\fr~ . A<·kf·rman, and 1\fr:; . .\ n ders<'n . 11p}d are no angles along the route to waste energy, as there ·would be if the motor were mounted parallel to the frame, as the ordinary motor is. The Straight Line Drive accounts in part for Nash aggressiveness-for the powerful -But any Nash owner will tell you Lc makes a lot of difference in the results he gets. Fourth Pidsion mf'cting wa~ lw hom·· of :\frs . .:\ . .T. Nystrom . i14 CPntral a\·t·lltH·, Friday, April 211, at 1 0 o'clock. The <~t t Drive a Nash, before you decide which car to buy! Tlw Ladit·s' .Aid society will hold an all-day nwl;ting at the f'hurch, Thul':<· day, :\lay 5, beginning at 10 o'(·loclc Lundwon will bf' scrn> d by thf' Fourth Division. The busiJwss meeting will be held at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Vroman will h'ad the devotions. The Young \\"oman's Missionary society will hold a Bakery sale at Van Deusen's Grocery, Saturday, April 30, at 9 o'el<wk. Rl"member to do your shO))ping there! ~ 26 Different Nash Models at from $865 to $2090 f. o. b. factory j Suburban Nash Sales 728 Elm Street .EXTRA HOURS OF (Contiriued on Page 52) WINNETKA EXTRA CARE Phone Winnetka 2 707 IN EVERY NASH., · The Bees Have a Message for You! They are amazing builders. Everything is planned right. The home you and she are going to build ahould be a home in com.. fort, convenience and beauty. Hit is wiml right with all needed electric "plug.. in" outlets it will be lighted right. And-you'll be able to use labor, time and money aaving electric appliances. Bring us your plana or send them to us and we will show you, without an, cost to you, how to wire your home as it lhould be wired. The Premier Handy Ball Bearing Electric Vacuum Cleaner and Blower T :iE "PREMIER HANDY" is an 8 ~; pound cleaner that is as easy to use as an electric iron. a ball-beuing universal electric . vacuum and It has powerful. motor- strong- compact It needs no oil, the bearings are packed in lubricant. It is supplied with shoulder-straps-thus allowing the use of both hands in directing the cleaning tools. North Shore Electric League Adams Electric Shop 521 4th St. . Tel. Wilmette 1040 ~ ·nne! In tM ~elopaent and bliPro,..._t otlbi ....see. NDdered tbe public .., tbl eleetrieellndanrJ Ia tbe Qdcap cliiqlet. AIUlat.l with the Eleetric A..oeiation, aD 30 Nocdl D...,_. Saeec. Qdcqo. D1.

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