WILMETTE LIFE April 29, 19l7 North Shore Man Helps Establish Chicago Bank Announcement F. J. BUDINGER & CO. Operating an Insurance and Real Estate business from offices at 1177 Wilmette Avenue, will, after May 1st be located at 1167 Wilmette Avenue, Room 5, above SniderCazel Drug Co. and adjoining the new offices of the Wil mette Chamber of Commerce. Adolph Lindstrom of Sheridan road, Wilmette is one of the founders of the new Congress Trust & Savings bank, which is to be opened for business on Saturday, April 30. The new bank is located in the Congress bank building on the southwest corner of Congress street and \.Vabash a\'Cntte . It is interesting to note that this i ~ the only district in the downtown section oi Chicago unoccupied by a hank. Women's Gym Class Sounds Appeal /or Bigger Member ship B:v E. G. P. 'rhc " ·omen's gymnasium class, ttll- J.. der the able leadership of Miss Luc~· Reeser, meets on Tue sday evenings at 7 :30 o'clock in the Howa.rd school gymnasium. The Business will be confined to INS {.)RANCE exclusively .... All Lines. ~~" Where Performance Exceeds Promises" Phone WILMETTE 1750 Six tiny kittens, about the cutest fellows one ever beheld. will he included in the great Yariety of article:-; to be offered at the \\' hite Elephant sale to be staged in Community House, Winnetka, Wedne sday and Thursday, Mav 4 and 5. The sale is for th e hencfi t the building f nnd of the \t\T innetka Congregational church and all residents of the north shore are urged to take adYantage o f its bargain of Women Voters in Plans for May Breakfast Meet The annual meeting of th e \Vilm et t c L eag ue of \Vomen Voters will tak e the form of a 114av breakfast \\' ednesday, May 18, at· 12 o'clock. The regular business meeting will begin at 10 :30 o'clock. A otic-act play will constitute th~._· afternoon':; program. Thi s pi ece, hy Mrs. J. A. Burrill of \Vilmcttr , hear :-; the unique title. "A s It \Va s in tht· Beginning." or. ":\ Daught er of the E\·ulutiotl." Thl' cast is to ht' an nounced late r. - ---- - - - Home Talent Vaudeville on Eastern Star Program Wilmette Chapter, Orch.:r of thc Eastern Star. is to he given a danc e and vaudeville program at the \\T il mette l\[asonic temple Saturda.\· ewning, May 14. The vaudeville a-ct s will · be of the home talent variety, exclus ively, thereby adding to the zest of the enning' s entertainment. I l