Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1927, p. 63

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APril 'l2. 1927 FOB SALE-HOUSES lo:! WILMETTE Jo'OR SALE-HO.U SES LIFE . SUMMER RESORTS $6,000 C.ASI-I NE\V 13RICI< GEORGIAN. r i) r r 0 c t· r t· q 1 tc FOR RENT- SUMMER COTTAGE ON FOR SALE- UPRIGHT MAHOGANY piano; davenport, mahogany rrame. bluff 'overlook. Lake Mich. 10 miles north of South Haven. 7 rooms, furn., Other household furniture. Wlnn. 1596. IJedrooms, sun porch ; hot water heat ; 71LTN30-ltc run. water, 2 fireplaces, unusually atfull attic with space for additional rms.; tractive. Season $300. Winn. 1245. attached garage. Terms arranged to EDISON TALKING 55A-LT30-ltp FOR SALE suit Jlllrchaser. Price $16,500. machine, large size, 50 records, $25.00. 481 South Ave. Tel. Glencoe 1011. WA~T .EU 1'0 RENT-ROO:i\IS 71LTN30-1tc STYLE HOME Winn. 1800 ~1AHIEU COUPLE WANTS TO RENT 10 ROOMS, 3 BATHS-4 BLOCKS FROM tGO Winnetka Ave. 52LTK:10-ltc station & school on large wooded lot 2 or 3 housekeeping rooms or smal) ATTRACTIVE CARVED MARBLE-TOP onrlooking ravine, 250 ft. from Sherifurnished house, between Evanston and liv~ng room table. 2 antique painted dan Road; built by owner for himself· Glt·neoe. Wilmette Life B-291. e n .... -tables. Winn. 2564. 71LTN30-ltc Cf'lotex lint~d throughout, attached 57 3 1 SALE - CHINA CLOSET; DIN~aragt>, maid's room and hath, kitchen THREE NEW SPANISH STUCCO ON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L~T~~0~-~t~lJ ' I·'OR ing room table; chair; Jewel Ga~ with m~ny lluilt-in features, dining tile houses. :3 chambers, hot water Ul W'l' H, '1'0 UKX'l'-JoTRN. HOUSES Range. Wil. 2113. 71L30-ltc ro.,m w1th OJ>en Colonial cupboards h eat, tile roof; lot i:>Ox 150. R easonable larg-e livin~ room and huge fir eplace; down pa.ynwnt, ha.lant·P lik e rent. 22 REFI~ED FA.\TILY, 3 ADULTS AND 8 F'OR SALE _ GAS RANGE, RIGHT l\'1 ASTER UNIT of 4 rooms and bath Oak Lan e, 4 blks. So. west of Briaryt"ar old daughte r, want to secure a hand oven. Exce llent condition. Tel. sitting room, large bedroom (or nur: gate e lect ric sta. fumh;hed house from July to Septe m·w il. 1808. 71L30-ltc st: ry) e nclosed sleeping porch, dressing bt·r. ~o apartnwnt considered. Adroom e ntirely surrounded with built-in dres~ \Vilmett e Life B-290. F'OR SALE - SHARK ICEBOX, 100 ·LB. >Yardroh r·s , hutlt-in dressing table be- 77 W. Washington St. D ea rborn 3138 61L30-ltp capacity, $15.00. Phone Wil. 3391. twet·n 2 wlndowH, sliding trays and 52LTN30-ltc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 71L30-ltc d~awPrs , adjoining large bath. 2 other tw drooms and bath upstairs. i:! W'l'U. 'i'O BFY-llSHLD. GOODS F'Oll S.ALE-6 H.OO~I BRICK VENEER h ous<· , s un parlor and sleeping porch, \\'A:XTED .TO BUY - SECOND HAND bath, til e floor and walls, lavatory on Prlct· $3:~.;)00.00 0~ EASY TERMS fumitur e and other household goods. first fl oo r; lJrea kfast nook ; water Phone owrwr :\Irs. H . A. Clark, High. \V t- r t:comme- nd and guarantee these Hig'ht.. st price H for same. Crost l~'ur h eat ; 2 ca r garag·e ; lot 50x1 GO. Just Pk. 2:!9·1 or Baird & \\ra rne r, Jn c. niturl' Stort·, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evc·omp!('ted. Ownc·r on JH't·miscs Sun- cars to h e in good eo ndition . Every one Main Office Sup. 1855 (A. K. Smith) anston, Ill. Phone Unlv. 189. day hetw N· n 2 :00 and 5 :00 p. m. is a safe investment. r:i2L'l'N:30-ltc 72LTN30-tfc $500 l jm·(· rzo. ooo. 17l;i " ·as hington Ave. ~;, 0\·erland 6 SE:dan ~ti Dodge DeLuxe Sedan 800 ljhoth· \\'il. 31!14. 52L:W-t i c 24 l>odge Fou1· THREE-QUARTER SIZE 350 \V AXTED 2:1 Dotlge Sedan, ~ e w Paint JWthogany day bed. Kenilworth 1865. 300 l'OR SALE-BEAUTIFUL FIVE RM. 22 l>odge Sedan, N ew Paint 72LTN30-ltc 150 corner brick bungalow. 'l'ile roof, bath, 22 I· ord Coupe, ~ e w Paint 100 shower, oil heat, garage to match WAXTED TO BUY-RUG, 15x11 OR 12 WERSTED MOTOR CO. l~l ~ llrt:IIL.\Xll .·\\'1·; . .\IOilEI{X AXD f,.,.t Phon P \Vinn. 2878. 72LTN30-1tc building. All Improvements in and 5G2 Liucoln An~. Tel. Winn. 165 H. tt ra<'ti n · ti r·oont honw ; hot wate r paid for. Terms. Price $18,000 re68LT:X30-ltc ., !Jt·at; ht· autiful yard and g-anlt·n; g-ar}'OJt ~AL E-JIISCELLANEOlJS duced from $25,000. Freters, 2608. ag·t·. t: arg;li u al :'t::,:JI!(I. StT my agt·n t. Lawr<:nce Ase. , C hicago. 52LT~30-tfp FOU SALt<:: ~ASH 5 PASSE:XGER, TQ)o ~ hfro 111J, H--,ffil~ {}.'l)IIffi ~- fF'liQ\ -FUR SALE- 6 ROOM, MOD. STUCCO t ouring, 20,000 miles. $100. Phone Wil. ~ l.l\'111 a1J 'WJ.Dlllll@lli.\W ~ ~\W 0 k d 2!HJX. 68LTN30-ltc \VE REQUEST YOUR INVESTIGATION home, sun-room, breakfast noo , an and inspection of Glen Acres. Golf garage. H. W. Heat. 4 years old. l'holl t· Wil. (i)) :: 111 f. intkn .\Y· ·. Course and club facilities, at Glen Well Ia ndscaped. 3 blks. N. of In- $21HJ '\\' ILL BUY 6 CYLI~DER BUICK ri2L:Hl-1 t c Roadst E: ! r . 1923 ::\Iodel. 1534 Spencer Vi ew, Ill., be fore making your decision dian Hill depot. East side. Price ..An·. Wilme tte. 68L30-ltp to buy a membrship in any North $14,500. 565 Elder Lane, Wlnn. Shore Golf Club. Our fees· are mod52LTN30-tfc STUDEBAKER SPECIAL 6 SEDAN, e rate and offer to the man who dis9 0 in good cond. Winn. 979. 68LTN30-1tc criminates a luxury. Our directors UX SE~li-PRIVATE ROAD, EXCEPhan· been carefully selected and are ti·; nally w e ll built h o u~t>. 3 bedrooms, most competent. Each application is \\·I~~ETK .:\ A~'fiQUES 2 baths, 2 extra la\'atori es. Sl eeping ;o . thoroughly searched and checked by and sun porches. Garage. Shade trees. ~J(I}I]·:I~~ li it<J0.\1 STlT~'O, PUlWJIJ.:;o;, th t>se m en, assuring you the calibre of ANTIQUES IN GOOD CO~DITION c:arde n. Worth $25,000. Want offe r. stt·illl· h· ·at, ~ t'HI' garagt·. Lot ;Jo.x t i',o. nwmbership this club is desirous of VERY EARLY WAL. HIGH CHES'l' OF ~H Euclid ave. Winne tka 449. T. ·rllls lil-:t· rut~ . l 'rit ·e f l ~.auo. having. For inform. see dra\...·ers, brass handl es. Small wal. 52LTN30-ltp 'l'HE GOLF TRUST lov e sea t. Wal. arm chairs and ladies' Univ. 184?, chairs and side chairs. Fine large 810 Church St., Evanston. BRAND NE\V 5 Rl\I. STUC. BUXG. 73LTN~0-4tc cherry G leg drop leaf table. Perf. English type in RaYinia; h. w. ht.; co nd . 1 s maller cherry drop lea f with FOR SALE-~IAN'S DARK BLUE SUIT, hand-palm ed w a lls liv. and din. rm .; Winn . l:J-1 ·1 l!eauti. carved legs and cut corners on stone fir e place ; 3 blocks station . $11,500. tuxedo suit, spring overcoat, size 34. r:i2LTX .;U- lt c lea ws. 1 solid mahog. 6 leg drop leaf Ow1wr \Vinu etka 2389. 52LTN~0-1 tc $10.00 eaL'h. Phone Winn. 1523. . with tluted legs. 6 l'Urley maple din. 73LTN30-ltc chairs. 1 c. m. 1-dr. stand. Pine FOR SALE 1719 ELMWOOD AVE., blanket l'hest with 2 long drawers be- FOR SALE Wilmette, 8 room frame ; hot water ht.; PITTSBURGH WATER low, also small sideboard. 2 corner cupterms. Owner Phon~ WI!. 2399. · h eaer. Also, chicken house. Both good boards. Small spindle stands. Lovely 52LT~30-tfc eondition. Cheap. Glencoe 403. TillS 110.\11<: IS ('IIE .\l' full sizt> mapl e bed and others. Pr. of 73LT30-ltc twin mapl e . rope beds with plain turned XORTH EVA~STO~. 6 R00:\1 STC'CCO spindl ·s and posts. Spindle cradle. Also FOR SALE-LARGE SIZE REED BABY house ; hot water heat : oil burner. Ex. day bl'd with back. Old stenril garden transp. Larg-e lot. Bargain, owner, buggy; double mattress. Wil. 2536. X··< t r L akt· Tnl.llsportation and sdwol~; or porch b e nch painted old mapl e. :\lirGreenleaf 217 4. 52LTN:W-·1 t.._· 73L30-1tc ~ ~""'Ill st Ul't'o; -1 lwtlrooms. 2 baths; rors uf all kinds. God e ~· prints. SeY,.,u.t aud sJt., ·ping- Jwn·h; hot wa.tt·r h eat; e ral otlwr genuine antiques at r eason- i.f W'l'D. TO BUY-JIISCELLANEOUS SALE On RE:\'T - ~EW 7 ROO~f ENG. g·aragt·. Xot mud1 vas h n ·quin·d. abl e pri<:es. 808 Oak Street, Winn. Hot wat Pr h eat. Lot 50.x187. 1025 Willow rd. Winn. !1~2. 52LT:X30-ltp 70LTN30-ltc WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, lOc ner lb. 1222 Central Avenue .. Wilmette. FOF SALE OR RE:XT-~EW 6 ROO:\T, 74LTN30-tf~ . THE WHAT-NOT Dutch Colonial ; 2 car garage. 211 lltll .\IRS. DICKE HAS ASSEMBLED A 1-I.:!O Shl'l'i clall Hd. Phon e \\.ilmett e 2G71 St. Wil. 871. 52L'l'30-lt0 most unusual _collection of Curly Maple 52L30-ltc Fumiture, Yiz: a beautiful slant-top d esk, sewing table, chest, drop-leat .F OU SALE-VA.CAN'f table with six matching fiddle-back chairs. Also a complete service for six A meeting of the North Shore Real in Old Staffordshire-Mulberry patte rn . FRA:\IE HO:\fE, 1 1, ~ B L 0 C K S TO Tilt-top tables, corner cupboards, spool Estate board was held at Lake Shore lak t·, 2% blf)l'k~ to station. Fiv years 0 FT. OF VACANT WITHIN 3 BLOCKS of Indian Hill station. L ess than $100 and poster beds in pairs. Old iron- Terrace, Sheridan road, Wilmette, oltl a.ntl of tht' b e~ t possibl e eonstrucper ft. Adjacent property for $125 pe r bound pirate chests. Prints, glass, Monday evening, April 18. Dit~ner was tion. llou~P contains 8 r ooms, 5 bed<.'O\'erlets, etc. ft. rooms, ~:~un parlor, sll.'eping- porch and served at 6 :30 and immediately fol808 WASHINGTON STREET i;.; situated on a bt-nutifull:r landscaped lowed. several matters of vital importEVANSTON lot Sii x I ~IR . Priced right to be sold at 746 Elm St., \Yinn e tka, \Vinn. 2199 1 Bl. So. Main St. 1 Bl. E. Ridge Ave. ance were discussed. A talk by Major $"') ()00 53L30-ltc 70L'l'N30-ltc Murdoch on general real estate problems formed the main part of the proPhone GIE:neoe 702-3 n ~ Park Ave. F'OR SALE-ANTIQUE FURNITURE- gram and the chairman of the program 52LT:X30-1 tc I couch, 1 rocker, 3 chairs, walnut ... TXDEX A VE~TE, HUBBARD WOODS franws, about 100 years old. Newly committee, Lewis T. Dobbs, was reBusint·~s Lot 50x150 Bargain for cash rdinishNl and upholstered in ne edl e- quested to arrange for members to play ~16,000.00. J)()int. VnJued at $350.00. Phon t- Tri- golf at the various clubs and to formang-l e 982G. 70LT~30-ltp }{( )().\1 1 tul T~ E. ('0.:\VEXIE:\'T EAS'I' ulate plans for a Real Estate hoard l<w:ttion; nPwl~· dt·coratPd and painted; gxCLUSIYE AGENTS tournament. ~li K Ct'nh'r St . Winnetka 14~-J-17 ;1 l'Olt SAL . E -JIOt'SJ<:JlOLll GOOllS ll v ,.,· fixtun: s. \\' t·ll fincuwt·d. Xon- res iThe next meeting of the board will d t· nt P\\' tH ·r rnust S\· 11 and offt·rs con53LTX:W-ltc YAXITY DRESSER AND CHIFFER- take place Mond~y evening, May 16. > t·nit-nt tl·rms . obP, walnut inlaid, $80.00. Chifferobe, ·'Olt SALg YACAXT: TWO JOTS APdark walnut, $20.00. Lacquered fern e ry, The meeting will he followed by a lecproximat('!y 100 feet Ntch. At stub t-nd $2.00. Onyx table lamp, $5.00. Doll ture open to the g-eneral public. of st t'e e t. Ht>aYily wooded-adjoining buggy, like new, $5.00. Toy eleetric t acre priYate grounds. l!~xtreme w est ston', $2 .00. Karpen day bed, $30.00. I>hont· \\o' i I. ::us Pnd Chatfield Road, Hubbard Woods. :;::G I ,i llLk:t A Y v. \Vinn. 1920. 71LTN30-ltc 52L30-ltL' 7 minutes walk from N. W. and North Shore Electric. One block from grade school. Apply to ownt>r 1200 Chn.tfwld FOR sALE-4 PIECE GREEN wrcKER FO!t SAL8 .lUST COMPLETED. Ro;td, Hubbard \-\roods or during busiporch set; m etal beds; living room The Religious Education association ( i l'orgian Colonial brick ve neer house in nl'SS hours Brunswick 7400. chair; eurtains; andirons and screen; will hold its twentv-fourth annual Kl·nil\vorth Beach. 120 Robsarl rd., nr. dog house. Apply 620 Sheridan Rd., 53LTN30-l tc Jake ; large liv. rm. with octagonal Glencoe 810. 71LTN30-ltc convention from April 26 to 29 at the · solarium at end overlooking beautiful Congress hotel. FOR SALE CHOICE HOMESITE, g·arden ; marble firenlace ; many arches; FOR SALE 2. CANDLE WICK Some of the outstanrling speakers southern part of Lake I·'orest, near Yaulted ceiling in brkfst. rm.; 3 baths & Sheridan Road and lake; heavily sp.reads for twm bed. natural color are to be. Dr George Coe Columbia extra Ia vatory ; tile shower stall ; 2-car wtth green tufting. All hand made, . · · · ' ,,·oodetl, 75x150. Owner, Rogers Park attached, heated garage; driveway walk $15.00. Three Simmons porch cots. Ph. untversJty, Dr. Theodore G. Soares, 7139. 53LTN30-ltp and Jand::lcaping Included ; all modern Winn. 1346. 71LTN30-ltc University of Chicago, Dr. Luther A. conveniences ; sleeping porch : FrigidWeigle, Yale university. The director aire, elect. ventil. fan in kitchen; auto- 56 FOR SALE-CEl\IETERY LOTS FOR SALE - 3 PIECE MAHOGANY of religious education of the Wilmette matic gas water heater, etc. Price bedroom set ; 3 blue rugs ; one small $ 18,500. A large, fine house for the FOR SALE--4 GRAVE LOT IN MEOriental; one caracul coat .; one stair Parish Methodist church. will attend morial Park. Reasonable. Phone North money. See it and judge for yourself. carpet.- Winn. 1975. 71LTN30-ltc this conference. Brook 78- W. 55L30-ltp Glencoe 877. 52L30-ltp \V ILL HANDLE 6 ROOl\· 1 COLONIAL-; 3 ------------------------ ---------------------$2,000 CASH IHIn ~nnn telrnl cdl n» ~IfIk E. E. Stults H.calty Co. FOB SALE-HSHLD GOODS I-IIGHLAND PARI< J H. McCORTNEY & CO. \ V111 l)ecorate to Suit USED CARS . ... Attractive Offerings $) n ~ coxm cca1~IID E1 \ST lES!.lilllk®rr §cel·Y~ :\'l' $27,500 NE\V COLONIAL Real Estate Board Meets at Lake Shore Terrace K.e nihvorth Bargain Quinlan & 'fyson, Inc. ~·'\v~lter P. Stnith & Co. $11,500 SPECIAL Sl\1ITH & DRO\VN Relisrious Education Group to Hold Convention Apr. 26 I

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