Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1927, p. 62

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WILMETTE 37 LIFE SITUATION WANTED-MALE April 22, 1927 44 FOR .BENT-HOUSES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Classified advertisements will be charged only Genetal N 0 t ICI to residents of the district from Evanst<m to a line In one paper. 30 cents a line in CHARGE 60 cents. Average of five words used. l0'1o discount on all cash with order our otflce at 1!22 Central A. ve., Wilmette, FOR WINDOW AND WALL WAS_HING 11 ROOM HOUSE; 2 BATHS; GLAZED porch ; hot water heat ; 300 ft. frontage or floor polishing, carpenter repa1r and facing park ; near transportation and paint jobs landscaping and gardening. schools. Tel. Winn. 1905. 44LTN30-tfc . Call Winn'. 2231. 37L'fN30-ltp A-1 EXP. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC FOR RENT-GLENCOE, 466 ADAMS desires permanent pos. with party who St. Bungalow, n ear Skokie Golf. Stuwill appreciate a temperate, rei., c~n dio, Jiving, dining room; 3 bedrooms: scientious man. Private or se.rvlCe. wooded lawn, $90.00. Owner, Del. 6146. City and North Shore refs. Winn. 'falk 44LTN30-ltp B-275. 37LTN30-tfc Household Service Winnetka Special Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to AithP.r WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETI{A TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents Rates_ papers. 25 cents a line In any .two all three papers. l\IINUlUM to the line. No black face type advertisements wllen ltrooght to or &U Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. SITUATIO~ Deadline advertisements wm be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE 'LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. for I nsertions-Classitled cepted Ul> WANTED- CHAUFFEUR 5 yca1·s' experien{:e. Also, as houseman, A-1 references. Phone Douglas 522:1. 37LTN:10-ltp MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE. LOCATEJ > at 1023 Main Street, with large stone g·arage, suitable for shop. Vacant .:\lay h;t. Appointment call Wil. 113 or Deerfi 'ld 261)-R. 44LTNJO-lte 9A ~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CO:XCRl~TE & CIDIEN'f WORJ( :12 JIELP W .AN'l'ED-FE:llALE I I CEl'vfENT COl\'fRACTORS {H~~~~ ~~~~~wo~t 1~r;~,.~~~~E c~:~nfo~'oJ: t I \' I yC'ar-old chi ld. Own room and hath. <:OOD RI~FS. l"OH HE:\"T - G ROO:\I HOUSl·~; :! CA H Wagl·S *20 week. No laundry. Ref. Req. EXP. CH.A UF'J<'EUR. wi ll do som<.· houst.·work. Uni\·. ;~:~08-J. g·arag-·· . Larg1 · yard. :\"l·ar s c hools and 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Winn. 2174. 1082 Spruce. :l7L'l'NJ0-ltp traiiSJI()!'tation, $.126 JH·r month. \Vii. Phone Univ. 9447 32LTN30-ltp LiS2. HL;lO-HJl 9ALTN30-ltp WAXTEIJ-COOK. \VHITE, FOR S:\IALL DAY WORK \L\XTED BY TilE H(l\'1~. family in Wilmette; also, to do laundry llnw.;e work nr la\vn work. l'nll Uni\'. J.'On H.E:\'T- Fon Sl ; ~L\IEI~ ::\10:\"TH~. DRESS1UAKI:YG 10 work. To g-o homl' nights. Address 6975. Asl< for Thomas. :~71... :10-1 tc ni(·.. J\· funtislH ·d hung·alow: :l lwdn,oms : Lift' B-288. ~2LTX:l0-ltc '>h·a~ant lot·ation, n~ · asonabJ, .. · \\'in11 . CHILDREN'S CLOTHES. PLAIN SE\V-· l~Xl'. DHl\'El'l WILL DHI.\'1·~ HY DA \' ti~tO. 4H...'I'X::O-ltt· ing. Mending. \Vinn. 2017. 'VANTED _ EXPJ'.H.IE~<'I·~l> \\'lli'l ' or hour. \\' inn. 4:188-.1. ::a:r::o-1tp 10LTN30-ltp maid for general housework; 4 in fam- - - - · - - --FOTI HE:\'T - G-HOO~I J;HJCK JIOCSE. ~1.,~~~~~~~-,~r~E~R~l~O~R~~D~E~.C~O~R~A~T~I~~~~G~~~ ily ; no washing. Phone Keni I. 392. Sl'l' WT n.-11 AJ,E & }'JDI A J, 'f: ~ baths. Slt ·t'Jl. pon:h. 2-car gar:LJ;;"t· . o .., · .~., ::~J.:r·~.W-1~<\\'inn. Gll'i. HLTN30-l k \L\X AXD \VJI.'g AS l\lAID, COOK, W ANTED-CO:\TPI!:TI·~~·t· ' W HITE l\IAID dmuffeur, and gt>n. houst-. Life H-28!1, }'Oil U.KN'l'-FU UN. HOUSl~S and 45 for gt-n(!ral houseworlc Own room and aSLTN:W-ltp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lath. 86!1 Pine stn·d. Tt·l. \<\'i1111 ~11:----1 ____________ _ JUNE TO SEP~ 8 ROOMS. LARGE ;)2LT~~O-ltc 11 )·'Oil U:E~'l'-ltOO :\lS SEE SAMPLES. PROMPT SEHVICE. sleep. porch. 2 screen porches. Corntr Phon<' '\Vilmette 296. 15LTN~O-ltp lot. Large shade trees. $150 a month . \\'O~TAX FOil. nEK. IIOUSE. 8-1:!. lJ~ \ 'EXTRAL HOTEL - I...TnHT OUTSIDE 1124 Tower road, Hubbard 'Voods, Wlnn . hloC'k I ruhl,ard Woods RtH tion. I 'ittrooms for transient~ and rt·sid(·nls. ti:?:· LOANS 16 1730. . 45LTX30-tfc 111<~11, 1111 ~l<.·rrill, Hub. Wds. :\lain Street. Phone \Vilmette 1080. 32LTN30-ltp 41LT:~U-tfc .as .FOil UE.\T--STOIU~S & OFFICES \\' AXTJ.:]) EXl-'Bltli·;XCI·~P :\1.\TI> l,'OH llEXT-FCHXJSHED R00:\1 I)l 1st and 2nd Mortgages l'or geJH.· ral houseworl{; must know how pri\·att' home; east sidt' Wilmette; ncar F(JH H.E:\"'I' _ A STOIU~; ,\ LSO, c wto c-ook; 5 in family. Must have referali tranHportation. For business man. · t'll('l'H. Wil. 11~8. 32L'l'30-ltc Wil. 41. fil'e!-5 in the Rockhold Building. 41 L~0-1tc INSURANCE T\\·o LARGE PLr·~AsAllen, Inc. \\'.-\XTJGl>-EXPERlENCJ~D UlRL FOR FOR RE~T _ Tel 65 545 Main St.. Wilmette g·t·neral housework, small house, near ant, furni·shed rooms for lig-ht hom;c0\V~Elt'~ n I;;Pr:.ESEXTATl \·E~ 16L30-tfc · L" lilation. Small family; g·ood wages. IH·t·ping-; e~·nlral-east location. vVil. 21S:1. -110 Lilldt·n ...\ \'\'. . Ph. Wil. 407-40S Phone Wil. 1475. 32LTN:W-1 tl' 41L30-ltp ·1SI.:l'X:lU-Jtc Ab ney & Dorn l\lAN WANTS CARPENTER ·woRK, screen painting and repair·ing, or gar- FOR RENT-S ROOM STUCCO HOUSE; den worl<. Call evening. \Vii. 914-W. dining and sleeping porches; att:tclH·d 37L30-ltp garag-e. Nokol heat. Convenient tu tra,nsportation, school. Tel. \Vii. 1468. HLTN30-1te WANTED- YARD WORK AND GENeral house clt~ auing. Tel. Greenleaf 3418. Ganaway. 37LTN29-4tp F011 RK'\T-7 ROOM HOUSE; LARGE ('lll'lm; ·d sl<.·(·ping porch; 2 car ~aragt· WANTJ·.. D - GARDEX, Fl'H:\':\C'J~ AND ~l::li:i pt·r lllonth. Phone Wil·. 1487. hnust·wnrk. E. .1. Ht'd\. Phone Wil. 44LTNa0-1 t c 3479. 37LT29-Hp Upholstering Interior Decorating Charles H. Bre.thold Eddington & ~·n GARUKXING \L\:'-I'l'EL>-EXPERIE~CED MAID FUR I·'OT!. REXT - SCOTT, LAXDSC.APl~ C:ARDE~Ef~ 2 and contractor. Places takE:-n car(· ot by the 111011th. Tn·t'S tnl<t'll down. :tnd g·t'm·ral garden work. 896 Spruce street. \\'.\~TEIJ -- GOOD WHITE GIRL UKPhone Winnetka 2482. 21BLTN30-ltc fiPr :lO; sma ll family; priYatc room and 11I '>o ltp hath. $20.00. Glen('Ol' 40:t ::2LT:l0-ltc !>'()R HEXT- \'ERY DESTHABLE OFWILMETTE GARD~ER RESPRFACE \'EHY A'l"l'l1A<'TIVE FHO~T H.00::\1, fitT Hpaet·, about 10 x.10 ft. EX('L· II~·nt old lnwn~. eiPan lawns, c lean and paint '\VAXTED l\fAID FOR <.iB::::-.JERAL 'Xorth Enst \Vilm l'ttt'. For busitll'~s ground flot~r I<H'ation, at 7:~6 Elm St. · " a d u It s. I" J.>hont· \\'inn. 142. -1SLT:\'::o~tfl' gutters. Also, take down trees and tnm a 1 h ousewor 1 {; u '-ent'I , 1260 . woman. \Vii. ::113. 411..:!0-ltp trees and bushes, for now is a good :3~LTN30-ltc ;,o FOJt SALJ::-APAR'fll E~T ULJJUS. lllm·. \\'il. 2770. 21BL30-tfo .F Oll llJt:XT-i\PA ll'l' :u E~ 'I'S REL., EXP. :\lAID F01 GIG~. HOUSK Whitt-. HC'fs. req. \Vinn. I !125. SIT. WTD. BY EXPERIENCED FOll S"\LI~ FOCI~ "\l' .ART~ll~.:\'T ::2LTN:l0-ltc gardPnl·r. T!>l. Wil. 708-l\1. 21BL30-tfc Bldg·., lo<.:att·d on corner lot GUx150 fl'L't. A. g·,·n · raJ housework: no washing; sma ll family. References. Call Glencoe 1370. ~~ LTN:lO-lte LARGE R00~1, T\VI~ FOH RENT OFFIC£G SPACE, 2ND ht:ds, Hot watel'. \Vinn. 1920. floor, suitable for doctor, lawyer or 41 LTX:lO-Jt\' general office ~pace. Rental from $20 to $50. Apply Happ Bros., 522 Center t'~Fl Tt~l~liED ROO:\lH TO HI~XT J:\' f-;t., Winnl'tka. iSLT:-:30-tfc Wihnt:!ttt· to quil't <"olon·d. \Yil. ~4fi ·1. -------------"'-u_-_ PETS l·'OR SALE- BEAUTIFULLY MARKED police JlUJ)S-JH'digreC'd and suhjt'ct to r egistration. Phone Winn. 427. 22LTN30-1 t P ~ - ~~~~~~~R~A~D~I~O~S~~~~~~~ EXP. \\"H ITE G IH.L FOR C:E~. HOUSE. 9 ROOMS WITH KI'l'CllE .. 'J~T'j'Jt;, no. Xo laundry. Good homt·. \\.inn. 2226. ·r :~2LTN30-lte -! larg-e rooms with in-a-dor l.Jcd, $l~;;. WHITE 1-'ROT. GIHL OH. l\IIDDLI~\. ~ . \.. aged. Gen. h ow·H:. 2 adults. C hild of 1 ~- 4:! t Lindl·JL A\'('. Winn. 6~1a-l\T. :12LTN30-1tc .\nnual H.ental $2,sgo.oo ' l" l' St ·u }t .S R It C ea ·y Price $20,000.00 Only two bhH'kH to sdwol and thn·t· hlul'lu; to trallSJH·I't<ltion-alwa~· s l't: llt· ·q -will St·ll Oil It I'IIIS. 0. 23 \Vilnwtt t · :1 -l.ill 42L.::0-1t·· FOR SALE - RADIOLA XO. 25, 6 WAKTED - GTilL \V'HJTE GENERAL tubes, with Radiola No. 100 srwak(·r. hOURl'worl< ; :: in famil~·; own room; Practically new, cost $26~.00, will ~c·ll good pay. Grt:'E'n. 2931. 32LTN:l0-ltc for $150. Wil. 2778. 2:lLTN:W-1te WA~TED sgcoND 1\fATD, WHITE. WIXDOW SH A DF.S young and neat. Tel. Kenilworth 25a2. a2LTN30-ltc SHAJJES CLEANED. A\VNINGS PGT IW. Slwkie Shade and Awning Shop. WANTED - GIRL TO ASSIST WITH Winn. 1994. 14 Prouty f't. 2RLTN:W-ltp housework. Go home nightl:l. Wil. :~G:\7. 32L30-ltc LOS'f A:s-n FO UNll 31 LOST - ON WALK THRU KENILworth, Easter Day, large tan and white Cam ·o Pin. Wilmette 54tl. Reward. 31L30-ltp -J-.O-S_T ___ 2_0_R-. ·~-:--'"'G-E·_A_N_D __ B_L_A_C-' .-I{_H_I_B_~ """" bard bicycles, 1 boy'l;, 1 girl's. Reward for r et urn to 746 R o~e wood. Winn. 1043. 31 LTN 30-1tp LOST - POLICE DOG, BLACK, FOUR months old. If found call Wil. 3687. FOR RENT - 6 ROU.:\1 APARTMENT lig-ht, sunny, unfurnished, large living room with open fireplace, heated sunroom, with 10 windows, 1 open porch, 541 Lincoln St. hot water heat, modern in every way. ~ear village and schools. $100 per mo. Phone Winn. la21 or 2741. 872 Pine St. Corn1·r nin·h, - 42LTN~O-tf<· l'hotlt· \\'inn. ·i7:.:" iiOLT:\'::0-:!tl' Exceptional Value nm. RIGXT - ::i R00:\1 .\ PA RT:\TE~T & hath; hut \\'att·t· heal. Tt>l. · :h·nt·o·· :~4:J-I.. 42LTX:JU-1t<' ~IODERN !14 HJ.;J,..p W'rD.-1 \IALE & FE1\1ALE COUPLE WHITE GENERAL HOUSE & cooking. Good ref. Good Wages. FOR RENT - LARGE 4 ROOM APAR'T'Write fully to 'falk B-283. 34LTN30-ltp m nt. $70 a month. 840 Center St. Ph. :l2 FOH SALE-HOl'S'f:S vVinnetlm 265. 42L1'.\J:10-tfc 36 SIT. W'fD.-FEl\IALE .t!l l ' Oit lU~Y'f-FUltN. A PAR 'I'M E~ I~NE'l'Ki\ . I \VJSH TO RECOMME:-.J'D A VERY 3 H.OOi.\f KIT. APT. !i \VTNDO\VS OVERgood compeU·nt woman fm· g·en eral $1~000 looking LakP l\Tichigan. Walking dishousework. Her honesty and conscientance to loop. Will sell furnishings. tious effo1·t would he appreciated. North 31L~O-ltc Splendid for city hl' a dquarte rs. 240 E. Wilm e tte nrefe rred. Wil. 179!!. Dt>laware Pl. Phone Sup. 5847. R. A. · 361..30-ltc TAKES BEAUTIFUL C 0 L 0 N I .A L HELP . W AX'1'E])-l"E.:\1ALE 32 C'airo. 43LT~.,JO-ltp homt'; 5 hli<R. to main eh·e. and Rteam depots, village and schools; 3 bedrooms, w :~,~~~ol~ed, ~~~~~e~t tfr:fv. ~~i. _u ___F_o_R __ R_E_N_'l_'_u_o_u_s_E_s _ __ 1 bath; H .. W. heat ; 1 ear garage & drive; lot fi0x150 with large shade trees. FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. 36L'l'N30-ltp FOR SALE OR RENT- 6 ROOM STUCPOSSESSION TO SUIT Pleasant working en\'ironment; excell-r co, $14,500. R e nt $125. ent posslbflitles for advan(fement in W'l'D. TO wASH - BLANKETS, CUR- A new 5 room Colonial $11,500. Rent $100. this progreslve and fast-growing st<>re. tain, and other laundry. 886 Willow 7 room :bouse, r ent $100. All good location 1 road, Winn. 1924. Ask for Miss Hutchinson. 36LTN29-4tc and reasonable. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 747 Elm St. Winnetka Ph. Winnetka 577 wANTED-PosiTioN As cHAPERON Ph. Winnetka 81 Fountain Squaa·e, Evanston or companion, willing to travel. Ad- 1213 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 225 OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY 32LTN30-ltc dress Life B-287. 36LTN30-ltp 44L30-ltc 52LTN30-ltc FOH. REKT - 4 ROOMR AND BATH hf'ated apartment. 625 11th St. Phone Wit. 2:1~!1. 42LTN:W-tfe 2 APT. liSE. IN WINNETKA. Near schoo l and trans. cor. lot 50x187. G & 6 light rms., por 'hl's, fireplace and llool<cases. II. W. lit. Hard\\'ood tioors, 3 car gar., garden. Rent $2,400. Ont Apt. availaLlc now. Price $22,000. \Viii accept lot as part payment. Phont: OWIH'l' \-\'inn. 1B21. 511LT~:W-tf · 'l'S --------------------------------Experienced Salespeople \V I-I01VIE DO\VX, $150 MO. . $17,500 I Io~ord's I Haviland Realty Co. F. H. Gathercoal

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