Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1927, p. 54

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WILMETTE LIFE April 2~. 1927 Charles Olewine Builds Normandy Home in Glencoe .~.:~:l.'-tV' At the Movies VILLAGE THEATRE 11 r4 ~ Rendezvous for · the Smart Set of the North Shon· THE GEORGIAN exquisite appointments in the dining rooms of THE GEORGIAN . . . . as gratifying to the eye as the cuisine to the taste . . . . perfection in every detail if preparation assures success for your parties. Come to the DINNER DANCE EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Dinner and Dancing Six to Twelve $1.5 o. No cover charge. . Dancing Nine to Twelve $ r.oo. Charles E. Ole\vinc, we'll kno\\ n builder, has started an English Normandy type hou se at the southwest corner of Scott and Vernon a V\'nue, Glencoe, on a lot 7Sx160. The hous e is of seven rooms, all exceptionally la.rge: a two-car gara;~c attached to house with heat. light and water, and in addition to a heatttiiul lavatory on the first tloor th ere will be three bathrooms on secon d Aoor all having colored tile wainscots, shmn·rs and the last word in plumbing fixtme .;. There are four bc:clro::>ms on the second floor, one of " ·hich is 15x20 and has a rather unusual fcature oi an alcove at one end with a \rindo\\' in the chimnev. There arc a total cf eight closets .in the house, including a cedar closet. The living room is of unusual size and has in addition to severa l attrac tive features, a vaulted ceiling. The house is being built of cclotcx veneer brick and stone construction with concrete basement. The finish on first floor \\·i11 he dark \\'ith sand finish plaster. The bed rooms will have the walls and \Yood work painted. House is being built for till' markd. Magic Garden" T\\'n children in an enchanted gar - den, li ste ning to the music of a violin \\'Ccn·ing its magic into their hearts ~nd binding them togethe.r forever: this is the memory that a hoy and girl cheri:-;hcd through long years until the\· iound one another again . Ge:1r Su-;ttton - Port l·r crcat eel this he au tif ul th 111e :l.'i hr>r last an(! greatest ston-. "The ~I agic Garden." and it may h(' se('n on the sC" rcrn as an F. B. 0. rele asl.' at the Village Theater nrxt ~I nnday and Tuesday. The picture opens \Ylll'll the b::>y an<l girl 111L'Ct in a place oi C'n chant in ~ lon·lillL':)~ and thcrt· in the gloriO'b garden. they pledge their lnH. Ho,,·_ t\'er. iate <k cre<'s that they mu st par t, hut all thromrh the years that foll o w. their in..;piration i;-; the rememhran cl' oi those few hours and the hope that thn· ma,· he reunited again . Tlw girl\ part is played by ~fargarrt '\fo rris who innsts tlll' rol e \\'ith an ethe real qualit.'·. \\'hik thl' ho<s sr n 'L' ll . ,·li 1 s intt rpretcd hy Ha_nllond K ca llt' . Live at 'II'ht {!leoJUian "An Address of Distinction" Davis at Hinman-Evanston Phone Reservations Now-Greenleaf 4100 What Is This Tailoring Serviee Chieago Men Are Ollered! JUST THIS: The country's largest and finest stock of woolens for your selection. Chicago's handsomest exclusive tailoring salesroom for your convenience. Workmanship of a house that for thirtytwo years has been the "world's largest tailors of GOOD made-to-order clothes." A price range as low as $35, and up to $65. OUR FEA ·T URE SUIT Tailored to Your Order $50 "Held by the Law" :\11 tlw :'adne . . -; and tr;1gcd\· nf a Evanston Girl Scouts to l!rt'at pri-;nn. ancl tiH' hnrrcir . of an Sponsor Operetta Tonight c ·(·c utinn are ho\\·n with strikin·:-r dranPtil· effect in "Ht·ld 1)\· the Law ." Troops three and five of the (',:rt t lw l' n i w r :-: a 1- Te \\' el d i r C' r ted I 1, . F :I Scouts of Evanston are sponsoring- ward L~H' lllllll ;. \\' h ir h \\' i 11 he . s hn\'.:11 an operetta. "The Gypsy Hover," \\·hich \\'c dne . . da.'· ~nd Thursday. is being given this c\'Cning at R TIH· rlin1:tx of this fa-;rinating 111\'...o'clock at the St. Luke's Pari sh Housr. t('n· llll'llldr ;t ma takt' " place \\'ithi·1 Evanston. The As soci ation Hou ~ e of Chicago is givin~Z the operetta. which the- pri ..;on "·;tll s. and a c; a proper s··lwas writt en hy ~[ ay Ho\\'l'S DDcl ~·e and ting for tlH· srqurncr. a larl!l' pnrti :n1 John \\'il so n Dodge. Girl s from the oi the inttrior of Sing Sing pri ..;on ,,·ith p~in . . taki n:..:· settlement make up the ca~t. T lw \Y<h rl'prnrlu<Td fi<klity at L·nin. ' r :ia l Cit_\·. Scouts arc to give stunt... bct \\Tcn acts . The se ttlement is lorat l'cl nrar () n (' "i t lw 11 : t r1 !'a 111 : t t i L' ..; r v 11 · North and 1fil\\'a.uk cr annuc,, Chi- t' Hr lilltll'd i . . ~·nartccl in thi s :-d \\ ith cago. R:tlph T.nr i..; a<> a rondl'lll!ll'd nn: ~ . Half of the procl.'(.' ds gOt." to the \\' :1 i ~ i 1l ~ j I il' t h l' lH J ll r (If hi..; l' X l' L' t1! j · l 11 settlement, and hali to the Girl ~t·out:--. j,\ hn nit · \\'alkt·r. \farl!tll-r itc <k 1:1 The Scouts in charge of thl' affair art·: \(n 11 t·. lhiJnt Oher. H;t1p 11 T,c,,·: . . F . Cynthia Clark. tickl't -; ior troup -~: 1. H;tt clif'f t·. and \fau<lt· \\'a\' 11\' 1'"~· Eleanor \fcGuigan. tickets for troup .tr:t\' the prinC"ip~l r<,lc s in. th~· pirtmt· . 3:. Jean Redmond, ::.tu111 for tr fl tl\> 3; "The General" Virginia ~[angold. candy sak inr Hthll·r l'e :t!t111 rc rentl _ , . \\Tnt -.1H1p troup 3: Tsahrl and Carolyn Clark. candy sale for troup 5; \ ·irginia \'nil- pinl! ft 1r lornmot in:-.. ! ;\ 01 tn\· nnes. hut real .iron hnr :-;c mer, st unt for group 5. \r<·il!hing . 111any ton ~ each. K catnn 1wedrd t hr lo.comot in·s fur Make Rapid Progress on ~h i..; first l'nitrd Artists' p;ctllrl'. "TIH' Scouts' Log Cabin orne \.r·ncral." a ('0111('(}\- spectacle with a \\'orkmcn are bu. " at the site \\·here C'i,·il \\'ar backlyrntmd. which \vill h ' the cabin of the North Shore Area nrcsrnted nn Frida~· and S<lturtl~~· council, Boy Scouts of America. is he- \\'hen he foun(l three 0f the typr he ing built t\YO m iles \rest of Glencoe. wanted. he rebuilt them into r rplic ~1 s The foundation is alread,- laid. and of enginr~ that snorted oYer th<' rails the logs for the side ar~ going up. during the oO's. He also acquired The logs for the str ucture. \\·hich is to man1· old freight cars and oac;scn):!t'r he 20x40, containing a fireplace, arc co1ciH'~ fnr conversion into Cidl \\'ar already on the ground. period rolling . tock. Count~' Commi. sioner Oscar \\'. Tn fi lmii1g the costliest ancl most am Schmidt, of Wilmette, l1as been largely hitious comedy in the history of tlw instrumental in securing the appropri- motion picture industrv. Keaton assrmation v.·hich is making possible thi:-; hlccl equipment and - historical data Scouting haven. from all parts of the count.ry. AtDuring the last fc\\' \H'eks several though primarily Dlannrrl for l<lughin).! troops have hiked to till' site and l:Jok- p11rnoses onlv. "The General" is techeel over the territ-ory. They report tt nicallv accurate fr0n1 ~ hi storical a gem of a spot for \\'eek-end can1ping stand1;oint, ;111d was filnw(l nn a sr;11e and hikes. :1ttrmptecl in hut fr,\· dramatic proAn early Scoutcraft project will br ductions. the building of a bridge across a nearby branch of a river, thus providing N. T. Boys' Glee Cl,)b to a better access to camp. (l' H CITY SALES - FOURTH FLOOR 319 West Van Buren Street LEASES WINNETKA HOME Roscoe L. Parkinson of the bond house of Thompson, Ross and company, 29 S. LaSalle street, Chicago, has rented for two years the new home at 192 Church road, \Vinnetka. The lessor was E. Norberg of Wilmette and McGuire & Orr were the brokers. Sing Before Supervisors The Rovs' r.lPe cluh of the 1\t·w fricr High school wi ll appear in u concrrt at a luncheon of the super · v-isors. of mu.::ic of C'hic:1£!o and su!l arbs at 12 o'r1ock Saturdav. April 23. in the Congress hotel. The musical .supe.rvisors are mreting with delegate~ of the Chicago Music club.

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