Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1927, p. 38

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38 WILMETTE LIFE April 22, 1927 News o¥ the North Shore Clubs Mrs. Merrill Gives . North Shore Girls Local Women Named Club Reminds All Amateur Gardeners Out Approved Book on Guild Program Aids on Home Board of Evening Talks . List for 1 9 2 6-2 7 The Winnetka Garden · club again ).!Irs. Anthony French Merrill. wh~ Musical Guild to Give Evening North Shore Residents Listed on calls attention of amateur gardeners has recently completed her course ot Concert and Supper on Committees for Children's to t.he two lectures to be given in the talks under the auspices of the WomHome and Aid Society Sunday, April 24 Assembly room, Community . House, an's Library club of Glencoe on curWinnetka, on Wednesday, April 27, and Wednesda y, May 4, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Frederick Fisher, who is the speaker, was the creator of the before and after backyard garden at the Chicago Flower and Garden show, which attracted so much attention. Mrs. Fisher is a gardener of many years' experience and has most valuable suggestions for planting for color. for a succession ~f blooms, for privacy and for the solution of the shade problem. These lectures ar e open to everyone intere sted in the gentle art of gardening. .M rs. Fisher will be glad to answer questions. The accessories committee for the May market is hard at work on delightful and usef ul arlju11ct · to successful gardening. There ·""ill be strong. practical aprons. scisso rs which will not onlv cut a distant flower in a wide bor.der but will convey that same flower to you without a di srupting se~ rch through a thick planting-. Th ere will be most attracti,·c and inexpensive rece.ptacles of Spanish gla ss and pottery, kneeling pads, decorative flower pots, and a multitude of other a rticle s suitable for gifts and also to be put to immediate practical usc in the garden. The May market is to take place on l\la)· 21, on the Village Green in V..'innctka, from 10:30 to 4:30 o'clock It will be a dclightiul and colorful affair and the cltJh hopes that \Vinnetka and north shore r eside nt s will give their support to in surt: the s ucce ss of the enterprise. rent topics .and new book s, plays a~d poetry, has compiled a reference ltst of books published during the last half of 1926 and in the fir st three months of 1927. Next fall Mrs. Merritt wilt lecture under the auspices of the literature and drama department of the Woman's Library club. giving six lectures before Thanksgivin&{, and six after the fi:st of the year. A study of current ltterature before Thanksgiving will insure a necessary familiarity with h ooks he fore 'the Christmas season arri,·es. The list of books are: Following election of officers of the North Shore Advisory board of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid society, held some weeks ago, appointment of committee chairmen and members is currently announced by the board president, Mrs. James F. Oates. to be as fo11ows: President-Mrs. James F. Oates; 1st vice president-Mrs. Wheaton Augur ; 2nd-Mrs. H. R. Hixson· ; 3rd-Mrs. Henry M. Dawes: 4th-Mrs. F. W. Barrett; 5th-Mrs. Nelson Buck; r ecording secretary-Mrs. Clarence V. Williams ; corresponding secretary-Mrs. Ralph C. Sullivan: treasurer-Mrs. John .J. Tufts; assistant treasurer-Mrs. Charles G.1 Dawes; acting assistant treasurer, ·Mrs. G eo r~ e B. Cortelyou. CaRe Committee-Mrs. S .·r. Llewellyn, chairman; 1\Jrs. W<>lch, Mrs. W. '1'. Abbott, 1\frR H. E. Hamilton, Miss Martha Harris, Mrs. ,Y, T. Montgomery, Mrs. Edwin Sh.-rman, Mrs. C. P. Wheeler, repre11entative from State Office. Extension Work-1\frs. Llewellyn, chairman of Case committee; Mrs. Locy, chairman of Medical committee; Mrs. Betts, <'hairman of Schools committE'E' : Mrs. 'Vetch. matron: Mrs. RobE-rt W. Camt)bell, Mrs. Robert L. Scott, Mrs. J. J . TuftR. Schools committee-Mrs. George H. Betts, .chairman; Mrs. William Hudson H a rpe r. Mrs. Charles W. James, 1\frs. Frank W. Pomeroy. Visiting committ<'e-Mr~. William H. Mulholand. chairman; Mrs. Louis Beardslee, Mrs. Eihvard A. Brion, Mrs. Delano, Mrs. Harry Harwich', Mrs. Walt er Mills, Mrs. Petrie. Medical committeeMrs. \V. A. Locy, chairman. Hou~e committee-Mrs. Ri cha rd C. Lake. Gt·oundR-:\Trs. Arthur F. Towne. Donations committee-Mrs. H . E. Hallowell. Clothing--1\Trs. N. H. nyam. Coal Committee-Mrs. H. R. Hixson. PastimeMrs. Wh ea ton Augur, chairman; Mrs. W. G. Baird, Mrs. L. S. Ballinger, Mrs. Norris Bokum. 1\frs. Nelson L. Buck, Mrs. \Varrf'n Ruckley, Mrs. Gerald Butler, Mrs. M. B. Ericson, Mrs. W. M. Parkes, Mrs. H. R. Stone, Mrs. M. K. Wilson. Luncheon-Mrs. F. Morton White, chairman; Mrs. E. M. Ashcraft, Jr., Mrs. George Chapman, Mrs. G. B. Dryden, Mrs. Carl D. Greene, Mrs. F. T. Murray, Mrs. W. R. Parkes, Mrs. Geo. H. Peaks, Mrs. Robert Shimmin, Mrs. Wm. Wardell, Mrs. Leon C. Welch, Mrs. Clement Wilde. Suit Case-Mrs. 0. M. Knode, chairman ; Miss Daniels, Mrs. John Metcalf, Mrs. Frederick Meyer, Mrs. L. C. Pardee, Mrs. Carlton Randolph, Mrs. Charles Slddy. Mrs. George Sweeny, Mrs. Halsey White. Thrift House-- Mrs. W. A. Thomas, chairman: Mrs. Harry S. Campbell, Mrs. Charles S. Read. Needlework guild-Mrs. J. E. Lukey. Tag day and delegates to Children Beneflt league-Mrs. Philip P. Merrill, chairman ; Mrs. W. W. Buchanan, Mrs. C. V. Williams, Mrs. Frank W. Kingsley. Publicity committee--Mrs. Edw. P. Welles. chalrmfln ; Mrs. Harry E. Byram, Mrs. John E. Wilder. Building committee--Mrs. A. D. Sheridan, chainnan; Mrs. N. H. By~m. Mrs. Alfred H. Gross, Miss Martha Harris, Mrs. H. R. Hixson, Mrs. Richard C. Lake, Mrs. W111lam R. Parkes, Mrs. Arthur F. Towne. General board-Mrs. A. H. Gross. Guest Night Planned by Business Women,s Club The Business and Professional Women's club of Wilmette wilt hold guest night Monday, April 25. The Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd will give a book review of Hugh Walpole's "Harmer John." The meeting will be preceded by the regular dinner starting at 6 :30 o'clock in the basement of the Congregational church. All business and professional women are cordially invited to attend. CIRCLE MEETING MONDAY The North End circle of the Congregational church will hold its regular meetin~ on Mondav, April 25. at the home of Miss Ida Nourse, 1137 Greenwood avenue. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. Assisting Miss Nourse will be Mrs. G. L. Martin, Mrs. A M. Rossman, and Mrs. F. E. Merrill. Mrs. H. C. .Toeppen is chairman of the circle. INVITED TO LUNCHEON An invitation has been extended to the members of the American Legion auxiliary to attend the luncheon to be given oi1 April 26, for General Summerall, exponent of national defense. The luncheon is to be at 12 o'clock in the Grand ballroJm. Hotel La Salle. Mrs. Henry Happ, Wilmette 894-Y -4, is in charge of re~ervations for the affair. MU~IC PROGRAM TUESDAY The music departmrnt of the Neighbors witt holct a meeting next Tuesday morning at 10:30, at the home of Mrs. Charles R. Erwin. 6l.S Warwick road, Kenilworth. The prog-ram will be given hv several of the young people of Kenilworth. OBSERVE ST. GEORGE'S DAY The British American club celebrates St. George's day with "Ye Olde Roast Beef Supper and Entertainment'.' at 7 this Saturday evening. The Ideal orchestra will provide music for dancing during the evening. The Rev. Herbert Crince of Lake Forest will be the pricipal speaker. Tickets may be obtained by calling Winnetka 1434. LEAGUE LUNCHEON MAY 10 The North Shore Catholic Woman's league .will have its annual luncheon at the Georgian hotel. Hinman avenue and Davis street. Evanston, Tuesday; May 10, at 1. Reservations, accompanied by a check. must reach Mrs. John Janette by Friday, May 6. The speakers will be announced next week. Fiction 1926-"Th<- Siln-r SPoon," John (l~lsworthy; "HPr Son's \Vift·,·· n o r o t h y CanfiC'ld Fislwr: "~a rnw r John " Hugh '\Valpole; '"l'h ~" Tun<' of Man ', Elizab<'th Mailox HnhPt·ts: "T····ftallo~·" T. E. Stribling; "Angel." Du no~f' 'Ht>yward; "'\Vith F.n.st1:rn Eyes." Ernest Poole; "T}le RomantH' C'omt d.~ i::ms." Ellf'n G lasgow; "Earl.Y A~~umn, T.ouis Dromfi~?lil: "-:\frs. 1\Jpnntl<-, Paul K i m hall: "PPrella," '\Vm . .T . Lo<'l<E': "Drl:'ams and Delights," L. Adam~ ~:,\k: "Dnrk Dflwn," 1\T"lrtha 0Rtf'nso. l~lt Kays," ·M argaret Del:md; "\Vays of T:·.sC'a1)(>," No<-1 Forf'st: "1'hf' '\Yo;,ld of~" 11.~ linm C'lissold ." H. Pr. ~Yells: Fa~· Jo,!~<\, l\folv f:iinclnir: "Deh1ts and < rcr~tts,,. Ruclyard Kipling: "Rorrell an<1 f·hn.,. \Varwick ])pe ping: "Hangman's !fot~~f; non r;ynw: "H··re and P,pvon.rl. .,hr . h Wharton : "The Hmmds of SprtnC!'. f:i~ 1,: ,·i::t . Thomnso n; "l\TY 'i\To.rtal , EnE>m:'o. 'Villa Cather: "Lord Ramgo, A_;n~ld nPnnf'f t : "Lolly '\Yillows," Sylvia 'l (1\\ nSt n (1 'Vnrn Pr. . (' ::\on-Firtion-·-" Rip Van '\Vm~l : ,. ·?E>~ tn tlw Play," Br:1nrler l\f"t~he'y~. \\ li~ p,,,havt' Lil<f' H\Tman Bemgs_. GN'r~ .. ·' DorseY ; '"fhf' Story of Phtlosoph'. " : 111 Dur:mt: "Tnt1liE>nring.. Human. TI1·.: hnvior." H . A. Ovf'l'street; B.e~~vor~sn~ .. .Tnhn 'Vatson; "'Vhat Is (;!'"tl·z"~lOll ·,. l<'irw Es!';'l:o-·s; "EiP.'ht YPars WI~~~ '\Vtlsm~ s f'"lhin<'t," DA.vid I·'. Houston: rh <' Ro ~ Xohody Knows," "ThE' Man Nob o d) Know~" P,n1,...f' 1hrton; "The Greatf'st Hqnk ·~~ th<' '\Vorlfl " Ed. N"wton.; ·:!;~n r.rio·g-s," Rollo Wnlter B~own . . . . t"n. . Franldin" l'T'hE" F·rst Ctvtll?:PO 1am1n < ' R n · "Our. ·., m f' riC' ft n), Phillips ~~s e · Times," Mark Sullivfln: ·()f 1\f ~ ll -~ Thing-~." Otto Kahn : '"T'Iw.. F~;-P of ~ 1 lPn<'P." Dhan Cfonal Mul{Prll : 'l'h ~ . F~;P of DPc::ert Foll{." F. Osf'!ennowRkt. A r.; 1·1 Frnm Chin~." edited by B. Van"or!':t; "'l'hP. T~etters of J...,outse Imo_g-e~ Guiney" Preface by Agnes Reppher, ·.;'hP T' ..,ttPr!> of .ToRenhine Preston Pea;. hody M~rks," Ec'tited by Mrs. C: eorg Piprce B~l{er: "F.~st of the Sun, Knnd ,~·.,., t of thP Moon." Thf'odore and ~r mit. Roo!':PVelt; "Fifty yNtrs of thP. Rnt:<·h P~rli~mt"nt." Barl of As~ulth and n'\:foril. "The T.lnleys of 'R'-'lth. ClemPnti Black· "Ml'lX Reinhart and ·His 'l'~a t , ()l.lvM' M Sl'lvlor; "Mr. ~h~rles Ki"~ r~f England," John Drinkwate:: ;,~~evrons." Lennarc't Nason: "Cordeha ChnntrPll." MP~iJE' MinneP.'orode. Flctlon-"Doomsdl'ly," Warwkk Deephw: "f"l<~ rl in Pnrnle Mt~t," CathP.rlne Dodd : "'l'hP. Old r.ountP~S. An~~ nougl<l~ S~>r'hrwick · "The Plutocrat, Booth 'l'~rl{lngton .- ,;Young- An~t"chv." Phillips r,lhh . "L~hE'1c::." .T. Hlll'YIIlton f!lhhs; ..;,hPsW"'v of Romnnce." Vlvl$\n Gilhert: ".Till... Mrs. F.. M. P~>l!lfiPld: uqhow n,., . . t " F.~'~na 'F~>rhPr: "'romorro";' Morn1.,...,. , · Anno p-.rl~h: "Ga.ll'l.ha.d ' .Tohn ~ .. ~l{ine; "'T'he Pa.inted Roo~." M_q,rgaret Wllc::on : "'R,.,tmty of Enrth. J.,OUlSP. ::~nd no.... ~M. p" ... ttte: "'rifles" AfJa and .Tullan !=:.t,.oPt . "'l'hP GrePn Fn;.Pst." Nnth~ lie SPd"wick Colby; "ThP Rig- Rh':'w," Mcllt·Padv H11ston: "0. HPrt"Y Pr17.P Stor:t""·". ··n.., ... t Am~'ri('!'ln Shrwt StoriE's of , <1?.7" 'F.nltf'd hy 'F.o. () ' 'RriPn: "'R~>Rt Sh~rt Storlo~ of 1 !1?'7. 'F.nglish" Rilited 'hv F.rl. O"RriPn: "Wind of Complicati0"' " !=!nc::"'n Brtv: . Nnn-Fi,...Hon-"'1'"'"' Re,·olt in the D<>~1' .. ~" T,~,, ... ,..,f'.,: ·'('hln~ :111ft thl'\ Po"rPr!':." Ff"n"Y TPttrPr'l!re Norton: '"T'he World (',.i~:.:" ""n,.,..,ton f'hn,.,.hill: "1\'f.,in Str<>Pt """' w ... n RtrE-et" 'Vm. '7. . R.inl"V: "'T'he Mo::~nin£!' of a T.thE>rl'll Education." Ev. no"'n M ..... tln: ' 1("1rP'OP!'; ann l{"lrVPSts." nf'\n::llil f'Ul""S~ PP.R.ttlP: "Tn T-hrb::~ry," A lP'\'!\nn"r Powell : "In 'Rorneo's .TunfJ'lPs." Wm. (), Kro"'n: "H"nrv Jam~>s, M"n ann Author," Pf'lham EfJgar: "Anthon·y Trollope, a Commentary," Michael The· Musical Guild, Inc., which ha s a large north shore membership,, is giving another of its Sunday evemng musicales April 24, at 8 o'clock, in it s studios at 716 Rush street. Artist members will give the program, and Beulah Rosine is to be the guest of the evening. Under the direction of the social committee, with Mrs. Rudolph Magnus assisting, a supper will be served ~t 7. The program is to be: Schumann \Vidmung ......... : . Nevin One Spring ~forning . Needham Four Duck s on a Poncl .. Rogers The Last Song · Adelaide C. Jone s of \Vilmettc Soprano Sonata in A 1\lajor . . . . . Brahms Tony Abele, Amalie Birnbaum I \Vill Go \\'ith ~fy Father A-plough ing . . . . . . . . . Quilter Go, Lovely Rose . Quilter Mother Song Shapiro Yung Yang ..... . .......... Bantock Pilgrim's Song Tschaikowsky Marjorie Sherman, contralto Trio in D Minor . . . . . . . .... Aren s k~· Bonconi Trio Tony Abele, piano: Amalie Birnbaum-Bonconi, Yiolin: Beulah Rosine, Cello; Ethel Flcntyc, of \Vilm ette. at the piano. ,,.e Catholic Club Meeting to Elect New Officers ::\c"· officers to conduct club affair,; for the year opening in the fall will be elected this afternoon durin g the annual meeting of the \Voman · Catholic club of \Vilmette held in the \Voman's club building. The meeting is to open at 2 o'clock A program of music, a talk, an'd a short play will occupy the time not devoted to business. Mrs . \\'illiam E. \Valker . will give a talk on "Birds . and Flower s." Miss Dorothy Rae wilt sing and the parliamentary law class is to present "Lady Lieber's Lassies Learn Law." Mrs. Arthur Boylston will take the part of president; Mrs. Frank Selinger, secrctarv; Mrs. A. H. Rohol, treasurer; Mr.s. Samuel Moore, chairman of standing committee; M.r s. Arthur McMillan, chairman of special com· mittee. Mrs. E. J. McCarthy, Mrs. G. W. Mayhercy, Mrs. Thompson Ross, and Mrs. ]. ]. Dowdle will be hostesses for the afternoon . SEND EXHIBITS APRIL 2 7 Present and former res~deHts of Wilmette desiring to exhibit in the annual Art exhibition under the auspices of the Woman's club of Wilmette are to have their works at the Woman's club April 27, the committee announces. The exhibition opens with a· reception Friday evening, April 29, and is open to the public all day Saturday, Avril 30, and Sunday afternoon, May 1. Sadleir; "The Letters of George Gissing," Algernon and Ellen Gissing; "The Life of Eugene Field," Slason Thompson ; "Palmerston," Philip Guedalla ; "The Rebellious Puritan," Lloyd Morris; "East Side, West Side," Felix Reisenberg; "Ask Me Another," Justin Spafford and Lucien Esty. .

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