WILMETTE I McCormick Road to Be Illuminated by To Welcome Parents ·* LIFE April 22. 1927 Fall of This Year Specifications for a regular system of boulevard lights for McCormick road are being drawn up now and the lights will probably be installed e~rly in the fall, according to E. ]. Kelly, chief engineer of the Sanitary District. A lack of funds with which to work will prevent a lighting system from being installed before that time, said Mr. Kelly. This announcement follows close upon a report given out last week that a traffic signal system would be installed and put in operation this summer along the entire length of the road from Devon avenue on the south to the northern outlet on Railroad avenue. Mr. Kelly further stated that there is no plan on foot to extend McCormick boulevard from either its northern or southern extremity. Kedzie, he says, will furnish an outlet to the south as soon as it is completely paved. The original intention of the road builders to give an outlet for north bound traffic in the territory served by McCormick road was accomplished when it hooked up with Railroad avenue, stated the chief engineer. However, if a demand should be made for a continuation of the road· to Sheridan, the Commission would consider it favorably, he thought, not only because of the benefit to the neighboring residents but because it would enhance the value of the district property along the canal. The towns of T~ssvillc, Niles Center, Evanston, \Vilmcttc, Kenilworth, Winnetka, and Glencoe have already started plans to make McCormick boulevard a through street, and it is expected that the necessary ordinances will be passed at once. MAKE the HOME more CHEERFUL and BRIGHT-Now is the time to order your awnings for immediate or futurl! . delivery. We make awnings to fit the style of your home; our · expert will be glad to call and give an estimate. We make them right - STORE AWNINGS INVITE BUSINESS Our service pleases. ORDER AWNINGS Edward R. Litsinger, Pres. 701-709 N. SANGAMON ST. NOW co. · .., Photo by Toloft UNITED STATES TENT 8 AWNING CHICAGO Fottr Ph011es for Service to You Our Prices Are Reasonable CALL HAYMARKET . o444-0445·0446~o447 Wilfred F. Beardsley, principal of the Evanstot'l township high school, will give the address of welcome to the parent-teacher section of the Lake Shore division of the Northern Illinois Teachers' association when it meets in Evanston Monday. Sessions will be held at the high school. .,. SEW FOR SORORITY HOUSE HoteL Comfort Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, entertained the The Cambridge chapter, Daughters Delta Gamma Mothers' association at luncheon and an ali-day meeting of the British Empire, \\·ill hold it s Thursday. The time was spent ;n se w- regular busines s meeting thi s aftering on linens for the new sorority noon at 2 o'clock at the home of :N[rs. ho~tse. John H. Dyon, 1310 Ashland avenue. at Nominal Cost la........ 1~. ' will find a welcome relief from the drudgery · of housekeeping at this modern hostelry so con... veniently situated in downtow_!l Evanston. Comfortable suites of 1, 2 and 3 rooms are available at most moderate cost. ~A Complete hotel service and pleasant surroundings will be appreciated by the discriminating. Y ou IMPOR..TED DRfSS SHOES fOR TOTS THtSE UNUSUALliTTLE ' RUBYS SliPPERS ARE TAlLO~ Visit us or phone University 8000. ED IN MANY COLOR COMBINATIONS $4~AND UPWARDS ~ 4 Orrington Avenue, just south of Church Street A Quiet and Homelike Hotel. ;'.. ' :; . .. . ·.r· ' . '· ,\'"'·