Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1927, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE L.IFE April 22, 1927 Profitable and Interesting Home Decorative Art Work Kenilworth Happenings I The guild of the Church of the Holy Comforter '"ill hold its last meeting on Monday, April 25. The gu,i ld will m eet as usual at II o'clock to finish up the sewing. Mrs. Richards, the president of the gui ld, has invited the guild to lunch eon at her home. After the luncheon they will have their annual meeting and election of officers. Nevada Van de Veer of New Yor)( City, who is appearing as cont.raltP soloist this week with the Chicag~J Symphony orchestra, v.-ill be the guest of Mrs. Ernest Fleischmann of 235 Leicester road, Kenilworth. over th( \\'etk-end. -o- :1\liss Margaret Keith, 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth, spent last ~eek-end ~[ r. and ~[rs. John C. Carpenter, 422 in Grand Rapids, Mich., visiting Mr. Woodstock aYemte, returned to Kenil- and Mrs. C. ]. Litscher. worth Monda\· from a ten days' trip in -othe East. They visited Mrs. Carpenter's Mrs. Arthur W . Ruf, 236 Cumnor sister, ~hs. Shade, in Akron, Ohio, and road returned to Kenilworth last week Mr. Carpenter's sister, Mrs . Hunting- afte; spe nding several weeks visiting ton , in \\' ashington, D. C. her son in Texas. -o- f ·meam Elecnic Comfort inside The Red Seal is the nadonal emblem which the electri.. c:il industry awards to ownen of housea and apartmena adequately wired for electrical eervice. The Red Seal Plan is a s~ple IWilllling up of the technical details of wiring inatalladon and Ia uaed as esplained below 1 --a- -0- Douglas Crooks. 615 Cumnor road, Mr. and Mrs, Richard C. Johnston, Kenilworth. returned to Knox col lege 321 Melrose avenue, left Keni lworth Monda,· after spending a wce"k wi~h last week for a fortnight's stay in Hot hi s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harn· V. Springs, Ark. Crooks. -0-oFrank W. Cherry, 422 Abhottsforc l ~lr. and ~lr s. C. Hubert Cok of road, returned to Kenilworth Saturday Seattle, \Va siL, who have been visiting- . night from a fi\'C weeks' trip to Cali :Mr. and ~Irs. F. E. Cole, 615 Essex fornia. road, Kcnil\\"orth, for a week, have re--oturned to their home. Miss Isabel Cline, 304 Cumnor road, -oreturned to Kenilworth April 14, from 11 rs. Parks Helmick of Chanute, New York. hans., spent a few days last week vi&it-oing Mr. and 2\[r s. Trumbull Backus, The Kenilworth club will hold itc;; 2-Li Cumnor road, Kenilworth, last fonnal dinner-dance of the season -0this evening. Mr. and ~Irs . \ Vil li am A. Moulton, -o235 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, will e n Miss Teresa Backus, 245 Cumnor tertain their dinner bridge club Sat- road , Keni lworth, is planning to spend ttrday evening. this week-end in Madison, \.Vis. Wire right in the beginning- it costs less Plans have been designed under the direction of the most noted electrical authorities, providing for the installation of adequate wiring in any building, large or small. Increase the value of your property! Electric wiring should be . I planned in the "blue,print stage" of &ny building pro- · ject. Always coNult an archi.. teet-no matter how small the job of building or remodeling. Have him send for Red Seal Plans and follow in completing your These standards of home · these blueprints. ele'ctrical comfort, known as Red Seal Plans, have the Then select your electrical contractor carefully, being guided by a high approval of North Shore reputation rather than a low bid. Electric League and are now You'll always be thankful you did! available to anyone free of Whether you're building the homo of your dreams or the three,flat charge. building that must contribute to your income, Red Seal wiring will prove your wisest investment. Thia ban Electrical Age, remember, and apartments rent quickly and stay rentedon just such details as plenty of places to 11plug in" lamp· and ap.. Carq.,U, ·elect pliancea. your Elec:tricc:d Contractor bepUled b, Cl old houses may .... "'·" repuraticnt alaobemoderniud raaher thaa a by Red Seal Plana. LM. fHd. --o- Mrs . Rus:;el Y. Cooke, 331 Cumnor Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford and her road, Kenilworth, is recuperating at daughter, Betty, 835 Elmwood avenue, her home aiter a tonsil operation in and Mrs. Joseph B. Marshall and her Ra~ine last week. daughter, Mary Elizabeth, 1040 Elm-owood avenue, sailed from CherbourgCarl Keith. Jr., 310 \Varwick road, Tuesda y on the Leviathan after spendKenilworth, came home from the Uni- ing nine months abroad. They are versity of Illinois for Easter. landing in New York April 25. They eliminate all guess work in wiring. ~ assure pleasIng and artistic illumintltion, the proper location of switches Ia aU ltedJd.. ··· twoJ«u. and a sufficient ·· ad·ite installation of ,.. .. CONti, · ArdUcec:c. convenience outlets. · ' NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC LEAGUE Aft~ ft&'CJ&'ed in AFFILIATED WITif niE ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION the dcwlopmen~ and im~ of dae Sa. ka ra.dered che by tM dccmcal ~ in the Claicqo .u.trid. V acatioil time is coming, and "The Road of Unusual Service" is offering exception· ally attractive tours in the scenic West. 30 North Dearbom Street, Chicago .,..,lie Colorado Yellowstone Calllornla Tlane VaeatloDa-Oae Boaad·Ti'lp Fan Lew .. ~ FARMERS MARKETING CO. BOX 823, CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA Rock Island's Vacation Special is a delightfully restful tour of the Colorado Rockies, · l all expenses prepaid for two weeks' trip. Personally conducted, or "Go-as-you-please." FRESH EGGS Direct to You by Parcel Post Order Now Get alt the j)aTticulaTs-mail the coupon toda,. Rock leland V acadon Travel Service Bureau 723 La Salle Street Station, Phone W ab11h 3200, Chicago, Illinoit (212Y) S.d me YGUr free booklet on OColor.do, DYellow.tone, DCalifomla [c:heck book or boob de.irecl].alao com_plete iDformadon reaardin& fare., atop-oven. etc. laiD mtereetecl iD )'our All-expenaePlan Toun to Coloraclo-OPenonall)' concluctecl-QGo-u·Jou""Plela -4-12 Dozen Containers N4WM--------------------Addras ....

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