Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1927, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE April 22, 1927 Miss Edith Adkins rctumed to the Red Cross IQstitute to · Cniversity of Tllinois Tuesday morn. ing after spending the spring holidays Train in Life Saving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. To aid in reducing the number uf Adkins of 1122 Central a venue. Miss deaths from drowning and oth'e r acciAdkins had as her guest, Miss Enid rlrnts, the Chicago Chapter of the Red Baird, a sorority sister of hers. Cross will again conduct its first aid and life saving institute at Lake Lawn, L<' ke Delavan, V/is .. June 16-26. llRAPERIES Normal courses for both men ·and Imported and Domestic Damask Linwomen in life saving, boating, waterens and Chintz. Will supply yardage. Making optional. front protection, and coaching will ag-ain be offered. Life guards. Boy Rose Marion Knight and Girl Scout leade.rs, councillors for l:STEJUOR DECORATOR summer camps, playground and re60G lllch. Al·e., Evanston Green. t:l19 creation workers from all parts of the middle west will learn from championship swimmers and authorities on waterfront protection all the latest developments in diving, swimming, boating, and life saving organization. \Vhile, inst.ruction in water safety is the primary aim, a full standard and · an advanced course in first aid will he given by qualified physicians attached to the Red Cross staff. Information can be secured from the American Red Cross, 616 S. Michiga:1 avenue, Chicago. -------There are 1,409' telephone exchanges in Illinois. $BovScou~ "Old Ironsides saved the nation; Now let us help save her" is the slogan of the hundreds of people on the no.rth shore who are co-operating in the sale of the pain tin~ "Old I ron sides" in co-operation with the SaveOld-Ironsides-committee. Boy Scout~ of the north shore troops are co-ope~ ating in the distribution of literaturr. and are boosting the sales wherever possible. For the purpose of meeting the requirements of Daylight Saving Time a new time table goes into effect on the North Shore Line next Sunday, April24. Ask for a new time folder at any North Shore Line ticket office. American Forest Week President Coolidgr. Honorary Prcsi · dent of the Bov Scouts of A me rica. has proclaimed .the week of April 24 to 30 as the American Forest week. Scouts co-operate all over the nation in Fire prevention, and conservation work. Local troops arc lookin~ for ""a.rcl to the completion of their cahin in the Forest Prescnc west of Gkncoc. Witness First Aid Meet D . C. Leach, Srout commissioner oi \ \ ' ilmdk. ,,·ill se rve (IS an oA1cial, an<! nthcr scout leaders will attend the hi~ first aid meet to he held in C'hicagn on April 22. Troops arc already pre paring for the annuitl first aid Ro~· ~rout meet to he held early lll'Xt · fall. Sc,·cral troop s oi Scouts art· ar ranging to h ~1se tronp pictwc" takC':t soon. "Open House" \Yill he hl'ld at tlh· Sc·out Cabin \H'"t of Cknroc each \Veclnc :-: day afternn!ln and e\·ening· throughout the sumnH·r. B. C. Draper. a.;;sistant Scout c xerutin·. '"ill hc i:t charge. Tlw C'a Ill n Folder ~ clc..· . . nibi n~ l' a 111 p Chcraw_r ua. ()Jlt' <If the Owa::;iprc· ramp-; in ~fichig-an, han· h t'e n clic;tri htltecl to the various troop s. Srouts of the north shore tronps '"ill attend durin!! tl1e period irnm Tum· ?.7 to Tuh· 0. ln mam· ca"e" ·Sr ~ 11 t leadrr..; \\·i11 go to camp ~\'ith tll<'ir tr()np s. Till' ramp is in charge of < :arl .'\ . Bryan. and a strong staff oi cxpnit·nrcd campers. Enroll New Scouts Spring is the big srason for nr-.': scouts to he enrolled. Xc\\. nwmher: arc being added weekly to the rolls of those troops that arc not already full. New scouts added this wet'k art Hubert Eitel ancl Charles Swan, Troop 32 of Highland Park. To Milwaukeea service designed for · YOUR conven1ence Limited trains from here connect at North Chicago Junction with Milwaukee trains operating etJery hour both day and evening. You are whisked directly into the business heart of Milwaukee-at Sixth and Sycamore streets-saving time and taxi fare. Milwaukee trains carry dining cars at meal times, and parlor..observation cars as sched· uled. All Milwaukee trains stop at Kenosha and Racine. r . T HERE has ·been a steady increase in Milwaukee travel on the North Shore Line. The reason for it is self.·evident. l People like the idea of a transportation service that adjusts itself to their conven.. ience. That is what North Shore Line tervice really does. So frequent is the serv· ke to Milwaukee that you need never arrange your plans more than an hour before you leave! Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Redfield of 1131 Forest avenue arc leaving today for Washington, D. C.. where thev will spend the week-end \vith their daughter, Natalie. who is attending National Park seminarv. From there they will vo to New York to attend the meeting of the National Press association. Thev wilt he in New York for ten days~ ---o- Those desiring to take Milwaukee trains from Chicago will find our Loop station (Adams and Wabash) and our North Side stations (Grand Ave., Wilson Ave., or Howard St.) a real convenience. All Milwaukee trains stop at these atations. Mr. atHl Mrs. Louis Bourgeois of 5.16 Sher!d(ln road will leave on Tuesday of next week to attend the Bahai convention in Montreal. Thev will be gone a fortni~·ht. For xhedules, fares and other in{armation, inquire at ticket offia. Chicago North Shore & Mi~waukee Railroad Co. The Road of Service · STELLA HAGEMAN · ANNOUNCEMENT HOWD CORSET SHOP 17 No. State St., Chicago has ju~t returnf'd to the city and Is again Personally in charge of her Establishment. Newest things In corsets, corsPIPttPs, lingerie. negligees and Kfckernfck Bloomers. FOR A PPOTNT}lENT PHONES DEARBORI\ 4613·816~. l!t2M fiUPvens Rullftln~ WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2514 1-111 Baggage Checked ·

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