April 22, 1927 WILMETTE LlFE . 7 Play Leads in Guild Production And What Beautiful IroningManv different services to suit your convenience-but. o n 1 y o n e standard of quality. . I i t ,fJ# . Margaret De Lay Mrs. Taliaferro Milton ~Irs . Taliaferro -Milton and ~Iargaret De Lay, both of Winnetka. have b~en chosen to play prominent parts in the North Shore Theater Guild pro<luctioll . "The· Detour," which is to be presented at the Guilmette Country club 0!1 May 2. ~Irs . ~lilton makes her first appearance with the Guild since her successful characterization in "Pygmalion" tv;o years ago. ~1 iss De Lay won stellar honor" in the 1926 Senior_ play at Smith college from which she was graduated la:,t ytar. I 2 0% Discount fot W otk Brought and Called fot. TO HOLD TECH DANCE An informal spring dance is 'being gi,· ~,.·n thi . ._ ncning by the technology club of Chicago at th e Orrington hotel, Evan ~ t o n. Those \\ho will be in attendance a re alumni of the ~1assachu- setts Institute of Technology at Boston and their families, ai1d prospective students of the school. T. M. Lothrop of Glencoe is president of the club. Among the patronesses are Mrs. T. M. Lothrop, Mrs. Dean Hinman, and Mrs. R. D. Sampson of Evanston. Home Laundry A. F. DENZIN, Prop. 52 5 Main St. Phone Wilmette 6o6 cllter-JiLsfer REDlJCTIONS -makes this an opportune time to select that new frock, that is seriously needed to complete the Spring wardrobe. It's seldom such adorable frocks of the better kind are offered at such low prices. One special lot includes frocks of silk, of cloth, and of sport materials.· There are sizes and styles in ·this lot to fit every type. Specially priced at- ·~ I I Former values up to $25 are included. You will want to select several at this low price. The Worthen-Carrico . Co. ~~ ~. H I 1146--48 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette