Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 3

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April 15, 1927 -·-- ---· -·- E ~- LIFE 3 THE PEOPLE'S PARTY CA.N DIDATES Re-Elect. President Orner, but also remember to elect a Board that will support him. There ts only one way to do it . . Vote the People's Party Ticket Straight N·e xt Tuesday, April 19. For President Re-Elect Pledged to Economy-Common Sense Business Administration- No Compromise on Flats For Treasurer Re-Elect EARL E. ORNER HARRY. W. MILLER For Trustee Re-Elect PAUL A. HOFFMAN An engineer with 6 years of faithful, efficient service to Wilmette. Has always opposed undue expenditure:-. Helped make the present stringent Building- Code which satisfactori lY prohihih flat:' in \Vilmcttc. For Trustee Elect ERNEST C. CAZEL A local busine. s man who ha~ been in business in Wilmette for nearlv a quarter of a century. He will be on the job every day and will add strength l\) t lw Yillage Board. For Trustee Elect HANS VON REINSP.ERG A successful attorney who understands ·the meaning of an economical administration. A man of marked ability and intelligence who wiU be a valuahl<' ·addition to the ·village Board. These Endorsers (partial list) Believe in the Civic Integrity of the Candidates of the People's Party · \l>q.~· g· , :\lr~ . Alli~-:on, J. · \bf'g-g, George Abegg, Henry . \IJ(·gg, Le<' ..\ckermnnn, .A. G. Ack<>rmann, A. G., Mrs. Adkins, :\[ary W. . \dkins, Ru~Rcl E. Ahlstrand, Anna _\hlstrand, A. E. .Allen, D. B. .\llen .. D. E ., Jr. .. \ llo ·n, H.. B . . \ llt·n. :'llr~ .. D. Allison, M . Allison, l\'I. G. AndPr~o:on, Adolph C . .·\ndt.·rson, E . ·\ndt>rHun, Henrik Anderson, John C. .\ndr<'W, F. A. Angel, Alice 1\f. . \ ug<'l, Chas. J. ..-\ng-ellwck, E. F. Ang-<'lbt.·<.·k·, Mrs. E. F . Anhalt, F. "\V. An toniono, Caesar . \ntoniono, :\Irs. Marie A reus, 1\Irs. B. H. Armstrong, Thos. A. Armstrong, :\Irs. Thos. A. .-\sh, Mrs. Dora Ash, "\Villiam R. Atkinson, Arthur R. .\very, T. M . Ayres, Dr. L. C. Ayres, 1\Iabel G. Bachman, Hnrr~· ;.\T. Ball, Dr. H . . G. \V. Band, liJdw. ::5. A \'ery, Mrs. T. M. Barber, Albert E . Barkt>r, Ralph C. Barry, A. H. Barrett, .M. J. P. Barry, Frank T. Bartholomew, J. B. nassler, Geo. B. Bateman, F. L. Bayliss, W. G. Beck, Albert J. Beck, Ed ward J. Becker, L. S. Becker, l\lrs. L. S. neecher, S. E. Behr, John · w. Behr, Mrs. John \V. B e ll, Arthur C. Belrose, E. J. Berndt, Charles J . Betzleman, Ferdinand Betzleman,· Mrs. Ferdinand Beyrer, Wm. G. Bezdek, V. Biesemeier, R. L. F. Bingham, P. l\.1. Birr, Fred Blake, ,V, R. Blum, Ed. Blum, Mrs. Hattie Blum;. Mrs. W. L. Bockius, Florence 0. Bockius, Hallie H . Bockius, Mary L . Boddie, John B. Boddie, 1\Irs. John B. Bohnen, Bernard Bohnen, Harry Bo nd, Luce D . Bond, Mrs. Luce D . Bo'tr e, J. Vi. Bowen, Grace H. nowt>n, Howard . ======-====MORE NAMES ON NEXT PAGE=========

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