Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 64

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64 WILMETTE ·LIFE , April 15, 1927 Were They Cle~n? Edit n r· s ~ote-"\VILMETTE LIFE prd~t· nt:,; in tlw following a repetition of a ~tatt·nwnt relative to the current political l'ampaign which appeared in tlw i~:-<lH of \YlLMETn: LIFE of 1\larch l!12i. \\' u.:o.tb"l'TE LIFE believes that tlw ~· a mpa ig-n which is just clo!"ing is a l11g· 1111JH'O\'t·ment ov'r ('HJ1ll)aigns whil'h wt· han~ had in the past. In nt>arly t·n·ry in!"tanee it has bt·l:'n free from attacks on individual~ ami both partit· ~ are to be congratulated on tlwir t·ffortR to give Wilmette a clean eampaig·n. The final judg·mt·nt rests with the voter:o: next Tuesday. Scouts Observe Arbor Day by Planting Trees A Plea for Clean P~litics Seven men sat in conference ·Thursday evening, March 10-a conference convened at the joint invitation· of Lloyd Hollister and B. ·B. Udell, publishers of \Vu,ln.;TTE Ln·r. and Wn,MtTTE Aro~m: ~n:~rE~Ts. Attending the session were two representatives of the People's party : Ralph C. W esse I and · C. D. Life Photo by Ll'l1k Heller; and two leaders in the Nine Wilmette Boy Scout troops united last Saturday afternoon in a Jomt tree planting ceremony at t ht· Home pa.rty: Clarence E. Drayer \\' ilmette Library. The service was a special ohsen·ance of Arbor Day and was featnn·d hy the planting of t\\ 1 , . and A. A. McKeighan. elm trees in the libr~ry grounds; and, in addition to thl' reg-ular ceremony, the presentation of awards earned h.\ Here was discussed the · desirathe Scouts at their April Court of Honor. bility and possibility of conducting ln the center picture the Scouts are shown giving tlw pledge of Allegiance to the Antt:rican flag and thl · the current Village political camScout Oath immediately preceding the planting of tlw tn·t's. On the right Village Pn·sident Earl E. Orner, wh1 ' paign in strict adherence to the was one of ·the principal speakers at the occasion, may ht.· seen assi~ting two of the boys in setting one of the elm~ . genuine issues involved, and keeping In th(· other picture Major George R. Harbaugh, \\'il11lt.'ltc Scout Commissioner, is pinning th<.' Life Scout Awart! the written and oral expressions of upon Scout Alvin Bartholemew of Troop 5. the opposing groups free from all ! I matter tending to cloud the real issues with petty attacks upon inI Prepare for Annual Art dividuals or g.roups. 1 I League Exhibit Thursday This discussion resulted in a genPictures to be entered in the exhibi eral unanimity of opinion rega'fding U tion of th<' !\orth Shor<' .\rt leagm· i · 0 · the sentiment embodied in the following stateJJlent presented ln· the I Dr. George Craig Stewart, rector of m~.st h.e ~ldivercd at c~~llllll\ll.li~v ~I.ou~~· ; jean .L. Drayer, daughter of Mr. an t St. Luke's Episcopal church, Evans- 'A mnctka, and u.npal~rcl h.\ ,. , o dmk. , "\lrs. Clarence E. Drayer. lf\34 F.ln · · publishers at that meeting. . t d 1. E · on Saturday, Apnl to. tt \\'a s announced : wood avenue \Vilmette has hrc 1 "The prospect of an in tensely ton ' JS o ewer an ~aster ~crmon 1 ><'- t 1 · wee k·. l'· · . .t . 11 O\H'< . 1 t\\ .0 named valedtctonan · ' · · cia ~~ f . \Af'J 1ts ·. at·I l cnt I., ant t~ of the' semor fought political campaign preceding 1 ore tnt.: ., · t · o · . · · f · I lt · · Th ' 1 U . . f Ill' . 'r· mrtte Sun cl a v ptcl ~1tr.e~ t l!t'ltce~ o ~~tltl ~11 c. 1' c I at t te . mverstty ~ mots. .\ ~ -< .the annual Village election on April 1 · t.'x 11 litton WI npr11 \\'It I <l < 11ller , Draver ts the first g-trl to hold that <ll~ · . .1 1 19, prompts us in a decision to bend E.. \.e lllll !-:; c t1 ) . 'J ' 1 1 . I \ .I 21 t (: . J() \ r1 . ' I r I . .. 1 . . . . :-.c a,\: ·. pn Easter· SundaY. m_ · a > ··~. · · :--..\. ~.- tmct10n at t tc state _untverstty 111 ~c ' every effort towud bringing before A . 1 17 0 · . . ~t!~'lttt' Lt~.lor of _-~0(1 l.1gltth. sttc_tt. , eral years. The appomtment wa ~ ma dt the voters of this community only St~,;,~rt 0 ;1t ~f \\ llm~· ttt'. 1s 1!1aku1g rcs~· ,· vatt~ns ~or ' l>y Theodore Borsrhrr. of Cret e. 11 . those facts which have ·a direct the outstandino· the dinner. htm <,tt:-- artl"t." \\'Ill gtrc I rla ss president. bearing on the issues involved. c I e r gYm ~ I ta.lb, an.<~ :he Dabco~·~( :--tt:,Ulg quartc~ ~[iss .Drayer has a~hicved a n :mark "We are determined, in the inter.. . \\ dl prm tdc the !llll~ll. J.ach of tht abh· l11g-h scholarshtp record Ill hl' ·· est of the community as a whole 0 f A menca, 1 l<ls · USt.s ' a Iurl' ·-. (I 11 · fOUr · ~ · ear s .at I 11·lllOIS. · Sl 1C I1a s 1 found go·eat pop - I 1 )1 ay c IS ( Ill ~ t r\llllt' ll t . H.' t' l . that, insofar as our publications are ul a r it v with I - - - - - - -- - - - -· · · -- tlccted to Phi Beta Kappa, and Tlw t;, concerned, th.is campaign shall be north sllore au- 1 S.igma Phi .. honorary journali stic ..,(·: conducted on an absolutely straightdiences. He ha:-1 l l ctety.. She ~:-- a member of Alpha P!1· forward, common-sense basis, toappeared hdon I soronty. . . . tally devoid of tactics that a.re Cin the Sunday Eve - · The honor ol class vakdtct < m< l11 insult to the intelligence of our ning club on va- I g-o~s to . Miss D:aycr on the schola r enlightened community. rious ch·casions. 1... I' the four 1 -ycar_aH "In a community such as ours.· ,. L a A'm, Jr., o f 1,a k ·e F orest, shtp hast~. M covermg D 4 97 t The music fur who assists 'Vhitford Kane in the rage. tss raycr average< . :" ou whose citizens are home-loving and representative of the highest type Dr. C. G. Stewart the prcgram on "laging of the North Shore Theater of a yossible S.OO. . · Easter Sunday (~uilcl's fourth annual production, "The Ml:is D:ayer '"as firs_t 111 he: cl;~s ~ .m of intelligent Americans-political will he given hy the quartet of St. Detour," is a prominent member of sc~wlarshtp when a sen tor at ~ cw fne r campaigns that degenerate into petty attacks upon individuals or . Luke's church and will, of course. he the Princeton Triangle club, having Htgh school. appropriate to the Easter season. written the libretto, composed music, -------groups have no place. "Wilmette has not been wholly directed and acted in two of the club's Edward Scheidenhclm returned la : . t free from such unfortunate situawell-known musical comedy offerings." Sunday to Cornell university aft<·r Carleton Kaumeyer Buys spending the spring vacation with hi.:. tions in the past. It is time that the ba.rs are raised and that our political the Wilmette Music Shop vVhen Owen Davis wrote "The D·:!- parents, Mr. and M.rs. E. L. ~rlwi campaigns become what they should The Wilmette Music Shop, for the tour," the play which the North Shore denhelm of 704 Lake avenue. -obe-a serious endeavor to select the past four years owned and operated hy Theater Guild is now rehearsing for Mrs. Hubert E. Holdaway of 'i23 best men possible for our elective Orian Galitz, has been purchased by offices of r~sponsibility and trust. Carleton Kaumeyer, proprietor of the its next offering. he was better known Forest avenue is returning this week If this is not done we shall soon Chickering Studios of Evanston, it was as a writer of cheap melodrama. end from Washington, D. C.. where learn that it will be difficult, indeed, announced early · this week. The con- "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model," she went last week with the group of to secure the consent of the best cern will be operated along much the "'·as his most popular work. Yet a students from New Trier High school. type of citizens to seek public of-osame lines as heretofore, according- to year later he won the Pulitzer prize, fice." Miss Elizabeth De Berard is at honw Mr. Kaumeyer, and a complete line of the hig-hest award in Ame,rican drama. The publishers of \VILME'M'£ LIFE for the spring vacation from the L'ni musical instruments and accessories and Wn.M£TTE ANNOUNCEMENTS are Miss Frances Howard, who is at- vcrsity of Illinois with he·r parent~. \·rill be carried. convinced that the sentiment extending the University of Illinois, is Mr. and Mrs. Wilford W. De Berard pressed in the above statement spending the Easter holidays with her of 802 Elmwood avenue. coincides with the views entertained -omother. Mrs. Arthur H. · Howard of by all fai,r-minded citizens. 1055 \Vilmette avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mohr of 101 81\6 Elm street, V\rinnetka There is every -reason to believe Pastor, A. E. Rohrbach -oSixth street will have as their gue . ts Phone 2791 and expect that the leaders and !14a Spruce street Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hammond for this week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Ge:1c workers in the two parties are inof 500 Gregory avenue arc leaving to- G. Oliver and their sons, Gene, .l r.. 110\"ltS OF WORSHIP tent upon conducting this political day for a two weeks' stay at French and Jack, of Chicago Heights. Sunday services-Easter ~unday campaign along standards reflecting Sunday ~ehool--Easter program, 10:45 Lick Springs. -oA. ~[. the splendid character of our village, -oMr. and ~[ rs. Hugh A. Foresman n i Young People's meeting, 5 P. M. but, should there be any departure Robert Kuhl of 630 Maple avenue SIS Essex road. Kenilworth, arc enEnglish service, 7 :45 P. :\I. Subject: from those standards, marked by a "Opt>nt-d Eyt>s and Burning· Hearts." is at h01,1e for the spring \'acatiO'l tertaining sixteen guests this cYening descent to indulgence in slanderous from the l:ni,·ersity of Illinois, where who were at the Edgewater Guli 1totf'1 \Yt>dnesdayattack-whether outspoken or inhe ;,. a nwmher of Delta Chi. in Biloxi this season. Swtdish sen·ice, 8 P. M. timated-against any candidate of - 0·- 0 "The Master, who is already on the thn·sh0ld of tht· Eternal \Vorld, is bideither party, it is sincerely hoped 1f n:. ·Ru~;-,t·ll Y. Cooke. 331 Cum nor Ninety-three per cent of the con~ ding His servants, also, open their that the citizens will repay such lwarts to a timeless reality which will road. l~,f· Kenilworth '"\f ondaY for Ra- mtmitics in Illinois having clectnc untoward tactics with stinging de<·nablE' them to lin· th P lif1 ~ EtPrnal itl rine . \\'is .. where shr is t~ have a . ; (·n·ice available arc served hy tran . ; thP midst of timt>." nunciation at the polls on April 19. tonsil operation. l n1i,sion lines. ·I Dr. G. C. Stewart to Preach Sunday Cl bEaster"S ermon Wilmette Girl' Is Valedictorian of U / 1 S eniOr$ 1 c T heatt'"e Guild Notes t First Scandinavian E'v.

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