Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 62

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WILMETTE· ·LIFE 17 SITUATION WANTED-MALE April 15, 1927 FOR RENT-HOUSES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice _ ClassiH_ed advertisements will be charged only to restdents of the district from Evanstcm to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to P.ithPr WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. p16apecresn.ts a licneelltSin aouelinpeapfenr. 30 CHARGE 60 eents. Ave1·age of five words used. 10% discount on all cash with order our oftlce at 1222 Central A. ve., Wilmette, Rates- 25 cents a line in any tWO all three papers. MINUIUM to the line. No blaclc face type advertisements wlaen brought to or 56-i Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline fot Insertions-Classified cepted up advertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE · or all three papers ; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. MAN, 21, \VAN'l'S PERMANENT POSI- JUNE TO SEPT. 8 ROOMS. LARGE tion as chauffeur, transcontinental drivsleep. porch. 2 screen porches. Corner ing ·e xtlE>rie nce. Call Glencoe 1065. lot. Large shade trees. $150 a month. 37L'l'N29-ltc 1124 '!'ower road, Hubbard Woods, WHtn. 1730. 45L'l'N29tfc CE I L I N G S CALCIMINED, WALL · pape r clf'aning, shingle roofs painted. FOR REN'l' - HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, 2 All kind~ of painting. Tel. Wil. 2706. baths, sun parlor, double garage. Apply 37LT29-ltp to owner at 761 V ernon Ave. Glencoe. :\-1-A-~. --'\\-,-A-N-.T-8--C... -~-R-D_E_·N-.--W-O_R_l-(, 44LTN29·1tc H<·rt-en painting· and r e pairing, or carpe nt e t' work. Call evenings. Wil. 914-W. WF. HAVE SEVERAL GOOD PLACES 37L29-1tp for rt>nt from ~75 to $200 per month. ----------------<'a ll \Vi!. 6!18 441...2!1-ltc WAXTED - UARDEX, Fl R~ ·.\CF. A~D hous ework. E. J. Be('k. Phone ·wil. 347!1. 37L'£29-4tp FOR Rl<~~'l' - 7 R00:\1 HOUSE, HOT watt-r h eat ; 4 blocks from depot. Call Wil. 1562. 44LTN29-ltc WA:XTEL> - YARD WORK AND GENend hou ::;e cleaning·. Tel. Greenleaf Uan:w.·a.~·. ::7L'l'N29-4tp 4u 3418. FOR RENT~FURN. J[OUSES 40 10 DRE~S::\fAKIN(; WAN'l'ED-HOARD & UOO ~U FOH GOWX MAKER, HIGH \\'A~TI·~n - OE~ERAL \VHIT.E )fAin class work, residt-nc·t·. Phone P . Doug . -~ undt·r ao. Rmall house, privatt.· room las. Oakland 1701. and bath. V\·ork well planned; tH::rnHu110LTNt!i-ltc I ent· place for g·ood girl with no1·th shore ----------------l'e ft.' l'ellet:s. Glen. 403. 32LT29-ltc DRAPERY, CURTAIXS ANP CHAIR con·ring:,; made n·a~onahly. Bt>st r ef. WA:-iTI~D-CO::\IPETE:-i'l.' WHITE :\lAID ... <'f 2761. lOT../l'N2!l-ltp Gl.""'lll '"" ... ·· for g-eneral housework. Own room and hath. 8li9 Pine street. 'l.'el. Winn. 2084. DRESSMAKING- CHILDREN'S 32L'l'29-ltc clothes. Plain sewing·. Al~o mE-nding. Wh'ln. 2017. 10L29-ltp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - XE.A'J', HEFINED, COLORED l\JAID for 21ld work. Small, adult famiJ~·. 1st DRBSS)IA.KING BY THE DA ¥. HO.\IE. clR~s refs. Address 125 Beach road, R eferL' nees. Wil. ~ ·t64. 10L29-ltp Gl(·IH:o(·, or phone Glen. 278. :12LT:\'29-ltc INTEJtiOit DECORA'fiNG Jo INTERIOH DECORATOR WILL BE WA:XTED- RELIABLE WHITE GIRL tlleased to s ubmit ideas, samplE-s and for gt·nf'ral housework. Reff'rences. estimates on your drape ries, curtains . \Yagl'S ~18.00. Tel. Winn . 6:;5-W. and bed spreads, e-tc·. High class work ~2LT2!l-ltc guaranteed. Call Sunnyside· 8572. Viola Matheson, 5'339 (Henwood Ave. Chic.:ngo. \'\"ANTED - \YHITE l\IAID FOR GEN. hOU H<·. K o washing. ~18. ~~ nn ~ 44. 1fiL'l'N29-ltc " . . LT~29-ltc LOANS 16 --~-------------WTD. - \\' 0:\[AN' FOR HOUSEWORK. a ft e t·nooHs, 1-5. *7. ·winn. 2251. 32LTX29-ltc 1st and 2nd :Mortgages EXPERIE~CED I ! :~:! lli~J.P W .\YU:U - J.'K:\IALE I;EX'l'LK.\TAX \V..-\XTH t'lllGERFUL room, with t·<uly br·eakfast H possible, on or nea r Lakt· An:. a nd Ridgt--. Address Lii\· B-278. 40L29-ltp 4 ~s~~F~O~l~L~J~tE~'.r ~N~'I~'~S~T~O~n~t~:s~ - ~&~-~O~F~ ....~.I~v-.~ .; ~~. -II J:.' OJt UF.N'l'-U001 US - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ol<'l·'H'F:S IX ROCKHOLD BLl><: . .:\2\:U Cox Bldg. .\.TTH.AC'l'IYE COR~J<jR ROO::\L EAST side homl'. Easily accPssibh· to Yillage Eddington 1 \llcn, Inc. and transp. Bath room facilities v ry good. i{t·fer~::nn·s. \Vii. 204. Ag(·rtts 41L2!>-ltp 11 1 1 Li ncku .\ \'··. Ph. \Vil. 407-408 4SL2!lltc CENTRAL HOTEL - LIGHT OU'l'SIDE rooms for transients and r es ident3. 6:!9 :! ~TOJa·~S JX WH'KHOLD J~LDt:. ON ::\[ain ~tret:t. Phorw Wilmette 1080. WilnH·tll· An·. One Hton· 10x!l0 ft. :ual 41LT:!9-tfc tlw otlw r 20xti0 ft. LA HGE LIGHT WELL FURNISHED Eddington 1 \llcn, Inc. 1·oom . Prinltt· l1a th. Xcar transtJorta11 0 Lind(·n An·. Ph. Wit. 407- ·lHS tion. \Vinn . 15+:~. 41LT~2!\-ltc Rl~XT FUR);ISHED 7-ROOM lit>Ul:it', :l por('hl's, attractive yard, garag-t·, from .June 20 to Aug·. 1. Moderate price. IJhon e \Vinn . 680. 45LTK29-ltc 1 & & FOR REN'l' - ROO:\[ FOR ONl·; two gcntlem<·n, garagP if des ir<>d. Ph. Wi 1. tiG2. 41 L:!!l-1 tc :1 2 -ii--R_O_O_M_,...l:-"L_A_T_F_O_R_R_E_N_'_l'_l_N_r_z_I_I:_~S-I_N_G or·? 48L~t1-lte J:.'OU ltEXT-A.P .\Jt'l' MR~'I'S FOR 11ENT - ~ STOH.ES IX \\'IL nH.:tte'R dwkt· C'aHt ('l'llll'al lJUHi tH ·SS st·etion; h l' at fUI'lli H h t·d $11Hl :tll(l $1:!5 per month. Bloc!< opposite d epot in Glencoe. Steam h ent and janitor service. Po sse~sion at on('e o r l\la:r 1st. Rental $GO. F. Coletnan Burroughs & Co. l1::ii " .i ln ;l'!tt· An'IIU L·, l'hono · \\.il. fi ·IO 48L2!l-ltc F01~ Charles H. Brethold INSURANCE 545 Main St .. Wilmette Tel 65 16L2!l-tfc WAK'l'ED - YOUNG GIH.L TO ASSIST with housework and care of children. Phone Glencoe 520. :32LTN~9-ltc \\'A:\' 'I'ED - 40 N. Dearborn 42LTX2!}-J tc HE:-iT OFFT E SPACE, 2:-.:D floor, H uitablr for doctor, lawye r o r g't'l1f'l'fll offiCI.' ~pace. R nt nl fr om $20 to $:ifi. Apply Ham> Bros., 522 Center :-it., W!Hnf.'lka. 4SLTX2!:l- tfc 2lll GAR.DENING A. SCOTT, I...ANDSCAP.E G.\RDENER ana contractor. Places tal<en care of by the:> month. Trees taken down, and gentral garden work. 896 Spruce street. Phone Winnetka 2482. 21BLTN29-ltc WILMETTE GARDENER. RESURFACE old lawns, clean lawns, clean and paint gutters. Also, take down trees and trim trees and bushes, for now is a good time. Wil. 2770. 21BL29-tfc SIT. \V'J'D. BY EXPI~RIENCED garden er . Tel. Wil. 708-M. 21BL29-tfc PETS 1 HAVE A FEW POLICE PUPH THAT will be ready for d ~ l. in 2 W('(·lu;. Pedigreed and subject to reglstra. Make your reservation now. Private owner. E. M. W eil, 272 Poplar Rt. Winn. 427. ~2LTN29-ltp WIRE HAIRED FOX-TERRIER, IMP. from Eng. Very fine pedig. prize-winner. Male. HomH·brokE>n. H. Hubel, 1155 Scott, Hubbard \Voods. \\·inn. 2U8. I~FAXTS NURSE GERl\IAN HOSPITAL 44 FOit RENT-HOUSES 22LTN2!l-1tc Training, for young infants, about May - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _P_O_L_I_C.E-,J-l_)_O_G_,_Y_O_U_N_T_G_,_F_U_L_L_G_R_O_W_N_, 1st. Best referenctts. Wages $22 to $25. wotf color, with harness. Likes chilAddrttss \Vilnwtt e Life B-282. dren. $50.00. 917 Willow Rd., Winnetka. 36LTN29-ltp 22LTN 29 -1tP PHACTJC'AL NURSE; l~YALID OR Storage Furniture Co. -1.<.. -0-R--S-A_L_E_·----T-H_O_R_O_U_G_H_B_R_E_D __ F_Ecompanion, also other cases. Best Phone \i\Tiltnette 32 male Toy Brindle bull, $35.00. GlenKenilworth, Evanston and Chicago ref. coe 58. 22LN29-ltc Sunnyside 8399, Chicago. 36L29-ltp 44L28-2tc G P.OO::\I APAH.TMENT \\~HITE GHU. . FOR GEN- FOR RBN'l' light, s unny, unfurnished, large livin g F<>l~ ltEXT-OFFIC'E HPAf'E. <·ra l hou ReworK, or t0 assist. \Vii. 1472. TEL. room with open fireplace. h eal ed sun48L'f);'2!J-lk 32L'l'N'-ltc Wil. . :H94 . r oom , with 10 win<low.s, 1 ope n porch, h ot w ater h £'n t, modern in every way. iiO f'OU. SALE-Al.,AR'l')[}~NT RLOOS. WASTED CLERK FOR KENil.. N ear YillagE> nnd school s . $100 per mo. worth, 1\ ti<l nti c & Pacific Tea St(lre. Phon e \Vinn. 1n1 or 2741. 872 Pine St. :12L29-l tc Corner Birc-h. 42LTJ\2!\-tl'<.; Exceptional Value \V A~Tl~:o - GIRL, f:EXgH.AL HOUSEwork, no wa::;hing, whit e. TeL Glencoe FOH. l~E:\T - .\PT., 116!1 SCOTT .\ Yl·: ., :\I OIJERX 2 APT. HSE. IN WI:-;r-.:ETKA. 112:~ 32LTN29-ltc s··cond flf>Ol'; ;; rooms, larg<· li\·i ng· rm.: :\ear school and trans. cor. lot 50x187. hot watl'r lwat. Phone Winn. liiii 2. ti & li lig-ht rn, :-;., llOJ'< ·ll< ·!', 11rt·plac t> and 42LTN29-ltc hookcasl's. II. "\V. Ht. Hardwood floors, :1:1 HELP WAN'fED-1\IALE :1 car grtr., ga rd en. Rent $2,400. One l\IAX \\"ANTED_ EXP. IN' GARDEN FOTI HE2\:T - ii Jl00.:\1 .\ P.AH'I'.:\IF.~'l' & ..\pt. a\'ailablo now. Price $22,000. Will work. No other n eed a.ppl~·. \Vilmette hath : · hot "·nt ('l' lH·at. T I. Clt:' nc0· · :~<·<··'I>t lot as part payment. Phone :{H-R. 42LTN2!}-ltp ownt·l· \\"illn. 1!1:.!1. frOLT~~!\-tf t· 258 3, or call at ; 6 Locust Rd., Winn. :~ 3 LTNZ 9 -1tp , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. HOO:\lH A:\'D BATH OVER PRI\"ATE r.~J}""OR S.'ALE-JIOU~t:~ g·arag·t· on Prospert a.venu(·. No chii- . _.,_ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ IU HEJ,p WTD.-~IAI,f: & }'l::UALE dr Pn. \\.inn. 68. 42LTN29··ltc Fol ~ S..\ LI·; - .\TTRACTIYE 7 HOO:\t COUPLf·: WA~TI;;I> (;EXElL\ L HOUSE FOU RE~T ...: O~E KITCHEXgT'J'E !"t uL·<·o, i 11 north t·ast s··L·t icm. Extra & c·ooldng. t:ood rt·f. · :ood Wages. l:t \'a ton· a nd toi lt-t on fi I'Hl tloor wood· ·d \Vrit c fully to Talk B-28:1. :~4LTX29-ltc apartment, also, furni:.;lwd room~. !301 lot: g-;;rag·,.. llouHt' in sph·ndid t'ttll· ::\lain St., Wilme tte. 4::!L'l'29-ltc clition <tnd ll buy at $17,[;00. \VAXTJ~D 2 GOOD S.\LESPEOPLE 1-:XI 't.n·il\'1 ·~ .\(;E2\:TS~ with ean;. Real estate and insurance. FOH RENT 4 ROOMS AND BATH h t>a ted apartment. 625 11th St. Phone ·coal Gatllel 2 42 29 l:n:: Wilme tto A.\'t"l. Phone Wil. 225 v:il. :)!J!I. LTN ·tfc 341...29-ltc FOR RJ<;~T - LARGE 4 ROOM APARTl'holh' \\'i l. ti" ~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~ m e nt. *70 a month. 840 Center St. Ph. ::~o LilHlt ·n .\ n . :):.!1..:.!~-lt· :1 6 SIT. WTD.-FE~IALE \.Yinnetkn 265. 42L'£N2!l-tfc F. H. ~0 lML JJ ©1lliiTil~lc@ITil& Ccr1o .W &IrlbJll® & COrviFOR'l'ABLE HC)l\11·: $12,750.00 in L'XL't·llt·nl 1\'inn£'tka location, on 100 foot lot, finch· \Yoodt· d; fram<', G rooms sun room, sl(·<·ping porch, 2 bathR, oi hurnt·l', l1l'W furnace and garag('. E. P. ::\TAYXARD & CO. 104S C:agt· Strt>t'l Phone Winn . 236 52LTN2~l-ltl' DAY WORK, LAUNDRY AND CLEANing·. Tuesday. Refere nces. Call Univ. vVinnetka Special 40!16. ~6L'£N29-ltp 11 ROOM HOUSE; 2 BATHS; GLAZED LOST-LADY'S GRAY KID DRIVING porch ; hot water heat; 300 ft. frontage glove, knit lining- On Central Ave. be- WTD . TO \V ASH _ BLANK f<"JT~. CURfaC'in~· park; nea1· tran:,;portation and TflRl~E :-.:F:\V SPANISH STUCCO o;:-.; tween lOth & 5th or nE-ar L station. tile houRe~. ~ ehamhers, hot watf't I<.,lnder please return to <'e ntral School. tain, and other laundr~·. 886 Willow sd1ll01s. T£'1. Winn. 1905. HLTN29-tfc 31L 29 _1tc road, Winn. '1!124. 36LTN29-4tc lwat, tile roof; lot 50x150. Priee $14,500 t<·rms. 22 Oak Lane, 4 blks. So. w es ~lT. 'VTD. CO:\rPETJ·:~T HOUSE- F'OH. TIENT - 8 ROOM STUCCO HSE., of Briargatl' ele<-trie sta. sleeping· and breakfast porch; attached LOST- EARRI~G · .ANTJQUI<"J GOLD, ket·))t-r, dt-aning or serYing. '\\rinn. 2256. garage. Oil burnf·r. Convenient to .J. ll. McCOR'rNJ~Y & CO. Friday, April 8th, between Goodman 77 W. \'\"ashington Rt. D<>arborn 31:!8 36LTN2~.:uc tntnl:iJ)Ortation. Call Wil. 1468. Theatre, Chicago and Maple Avenue, 52LTN29-l tc Winnetka, via North Short.' Electric. L. lJ 1\-~-C-H_E_·-,-~-S-A-N-rD_D_I. ~-~N-E_R_S_'-C.0-0_:t_{_E_D 44LTN29-ltc Liberal reward. Tel. \Vinn. li70. and ser\'t>d by Thompson Sisters. Green31LTN29-ltc FOR RENT - ~URN. OR UNFURN. 6 \VTL-:\Jr<;'I'TJ~, VERY A'l'TRAC'riVE · lt·af · 2761. 36LTN29-ltp or 7 room house. Unusual arrangement, lrung·alow·. a roomH, g·lazed front an< 2 baths, E-xtra lavatories. Large sleep. LOST - FEM. POL. DOG. BLACK n·a r porl'lws, wat Pr hrat. 2 block:,; fron with white mark. Answers name "Ace." srr. WAN'l'ED-HERR HAND LAUNporch. Grounds. Garage. Wi!. Life .iJ"L" ~tation. Only $16,!100.00. Reward i! returned to 9 Indian Hill 1 dress. Outside drying. Will call and 268. 44LTN28-2tc road. \Vinn. 332. 31LTN29-ltc deliver. Wil. 734. 36LTN26-4tp FOR RE:\'T - 7 R00-:\1 HO{.HE ...\:\']) garage on East Elm ~trel't, llt·a r <'l'(]ar. LOST-RED. CHOW DOG. FAMILY COMPETENT C'OOK \\TOULD LIKE Yt>ry rt>nsonalJlt-. \"linn . 2HO. · pet. ~50.00 reward. Tel. Wll. 1672. tt-Jnporary wor k by hour or week. l'h. \\rilnwtt·· :;ox 31L29-ltc · Highlancl Pari\ ~SS:1. ~6LT)12!.l-1tp HLT~28-2tc fi2 L:!!l-1 tr· l,OST AXD FOUND HIGHLl\ND PAH.IZ I I

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