Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 47

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Aprii 15, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 47 Miss Helen Klein of 400 Central avenue sailed last Saturday on the Leviathan for Europe . . She will study piano in Vienna for the next two years. Mrs. \Villiam M. Klein went to New York '"'·ith her on Thursday of la·st week, and returned this week. Frank Schramka Buys Shore en Motor Co.; to Reorganize Business T 0 Send Star Athletes 'd C to · M 1 western on~ests The Shoreen Motor company, distributors for Oakland-Pontiac aulomolJilrs at 2518-24 West Railroad Avenue, ha - been purchased by · Frank J, Shramka, 100$ Dobson street. ~[r. Schramka, one of Evanston's leading building contractors, believes 1hat there are great possibilities in the Oakland-Pontiac line in Evanston and the ::-.J'orth Shore. Due to its proximity to Dyche Stadium, 1fr. Schramka · announces that the organization will hereafter be operated under the name of the Stadium \f otnr ~ale s . The Oakland-Pontiac 1;ontract is considered one of the most desirable automobile contracts to be obtained tonay. Although the Pontiac has been on the market but two years, the demand for this six cvlinder car denotes a very decided success. Plans are. being made for cxtcns1vc improvements. The Repair Parts Department is being rearranged and rc- Country Day School Has lllud('lcd to facilitate the handling of · 1 A "D· D " b g t' nuinc Oakland-Pontiac repair parts. I ts nnua Ig ay 0 }.fr. Schramka has appointed G. A. \Vednesday, April 13, the children of Schacht, general manager. 1\Ir. S~hacht the Korth Shore Country Day school has had wide retail experience in the rclt-hrated "Dig Day." their spring automobile industry. He was formerly cleaning -up eYct1t. Fn·ry member oi general manager of one of the larg- the school, from the first grade to the e~t retail Ford organizations in Chi- iaculty. \Yas assigned some job in the \ago, and prior to taking orcr the I task of clt>aning up the campus ior managership of the Stadium !\Iotor -.,pring. The older b oys dug up stumps . S a les. Mr. Schacht was traveling reprc- and mo\'cd sidcwalb and the younger .; c ntati,·e for the Oakland- Pontiac Mo- ~ children raked lea Yes. picked up tor Car company uncler :\fr. Lucheck. paper.; and stick.;; and spadecl flower nranch ~fanag-cr. ht·(b . Northwes.tern university's outdoor track team, considered much stronger this season than for many years, will send 13 athletes to the annual relay carnivals of midwestern schools. Coach Frank Hill wilt split his team for the Kansas and Ohio State games, April 23. hut the team will he reunited for the Drake meet the following week. " The Ohio State meet will claim tl1e Purple's famous wrecking crew of weight men and Tannehill a comhina-1 tion . printrr. hurdler. anft broadjumpcr. Phones: Wilmette 2508-3134 In the weight e\'cnts there will be Lewi~. ~arsten. Bag-Kl'. Xes~ler and Dart. · Office 8 Factory, Schiller Ave., WILMETTE At Kan sas the Purple will be repr<.'------"---------·~ sen ted by Einar H ermanse, sprinter; Rettig, high jumper: Droegemueller, pole vaulter. and the two-mile relay team of Sparling. Gorby. Furrey and Reynolds. Hermansen, who recently defeated Loren Murchison in the 70 var<l dash of the Bankers' meet. is one BOX 823. CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA of the favorites. Mrs. E. Jackson Case of Shanghai, China, formerly of \Vilmette, who has been spending the winter in Pasadena, has come to Chicago and is now sp~nd ing a few days with friends in \Vllmette. M.rs. Case expects to join - ~lr. Case in Shanghai in May. 1 s ,. R _, _, N .s·f .. · Sl Sl p F or E Very urpose NORTH SHORE SCREEN COMPANY FARMERS MARKETING.CO. FRESH EGGS Direct to You by Parcel Post Order N0w- 2-- 4- 12 Dozen Containers 1 J I J!ia \\' ild of 1)28 Crccnkaf ;.n·cJIUc k:: ! t~r a t r ip through the South and 1111 l·:: t-: ,., I ' 1 ·: tt i. 111a 1 the !'tc:J nd annual Xr\\· Trier tnur. lea i ~tc..·rling is vi.;iting at the home of her · s ~)Jl . .Thom :h L. D. Hall. 100H Grt't' ll 1 : 1 \'c..'lltlc..'. .\1 r..... !.orin Hall ni \YilnH:tt!.' and · FREDERICK E. LEWIS Resident North Shore Funeral Director Twenty-two years of successful professional service. Personally recommended by Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago and a host of others whom we have served on the north shore. We f)ersonally attend all calls, rendering the tnost careful, courteous and conscientious service. Mrs. Lewis attends to all ladies' and children's calls. Truly Comfortable r .. ~'9-U, _~.,._... ,(.;...- _. ,_ Private De Luxe Ambulance Service The growing demand for prompt and reasonable ambulance service has made it necessary for us to add to our Limousine Equipment, an Invalid Coach which is the last word in Ambulance S ervice. Located in Wilmette. Our Display Rooms Are Complete Our Motto: "Golden Rule" Each detail that makes for happy, carefree living has received scrupulous attention from the management at The Orrington. You will find a perfection of service that is restful and unobtrusive. Reservations now being Phone University 8700. made. · GJk ORRINGTON EVANSTO.LLINOIS MRS. F. E. LEWIS Lady Attendant Re.sidence Phone Wilmette 3 55 2. FREDERICK E. LEWIS Parlor Phone \\'ilmette 3 5 51 Evanston's Largest and Finest Hotel

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