Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 1

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WILMETTE f'ltu.l!slH' rl 1~ccldy lJy Lloyd 1/oll istcr,. Inc., 122.2 Cenh·al A 1 :e., Wilm ett e, Illinois . Ent e1·ed as second class matter Mmdt /.~ . 1.1/ .L at the 1Jost office nt 1Vtlmette, llZmois, unde1· the Act of Mm ·ch J, 1879. Subscription price $2.00 a 21ear. VOL. XVI. ~0. 29 WILMETTE. ILLINOIS, APRIL 15, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS Two Groups of Candidates ·Compete for Votes Tuesday People's Party .Ho'!le Party Paul A. Jlottman Village Trust('e W. W. DeBerard V~llage Trustee Hrlll'l' Yill ag-t Pr··:-; id Ptlt Huns , -onllt·lnspuJZ Eurl t:. A nelr.-w .T. )Jouat \ 'i llag,·· Hurry \'ill:t~·t· Pn·~ident W. )1111...- \ .i llng·t· 'l'rustec Tr\'lll'Urer 1 Elmc·r H. n.-.·lo·r Yillag·t· Trustt· t· \'1 Jlagc Trea:m rer G eorgt IlltT CAMPAIGN WAXES HOT AS BALLOTING NEARS and the People's party groups have I a normal loss which is to be found in each had their innings with the Yoter s. all water svs tems and, therefore. not La :-, t t:H·ning the Home party candi- surprising \vhen found locally. The dates addressed another similar gather - "water wa ste" came as a verY recent ing in the auditorium of Stolp school. subject of discussion in the campaig·n. Tom::>rro\\· night the P eo ple':-; partv . . Formal appro,·al oi the nominees for Orner's Record as Pre aid en t candidate~. headed by Village· PresfBrmg Up Ra·l lsaue the Village board will be given by the dent Orner, will he hosts to the viiLiterature broadcast within the \veek residents of Kenilworth next Tuesday Looms as Outstanding Issue lagers in a ma ss meeting at the Stolp by the Home party emphasizes the when they attend the polls to cast in Tuesday's Election school. This afternoon President view that President Orner cannot serve ballots in the village election. As in Orner is to address a women's meet- Both the Chicago and North \Vestern the case of the recent school elections, Drawing room political discussions ing at the People's party headquarters railroad and the Village of \Vihnette the vote will be merely a formality as have all but supplanted the standard at 607 Main street. on the subject of with equal effic-iency and in fairness none of the candidates were opposed. form of public hall rallies insofar as "Local Issues. " to the best interests of both. "No man In the caucus held on April 3 at the \Vilmette's current Village election Issues in the camnaign would seem can serve two masters," this literature home of Frank R. Young, 333 Cumnor campaign is concerned. While but to be numerous and varied. and yet, recalls. especially since, as it contends, road, Ralph R. Hawxhurst was select two big public gatherings were sched- careful perusal of the platforms of the the question of track elevation may ed for the presidency of the board and uled by the opposing parties in the contending parties indicates clearlv soon be presented for consideration Alexander M. Lovedale, Harold 0. final week of the current drive for that they are virtually in accord on ail and action. The People's party counters Barnes, Leslie McArthur and Arthur ballots. the 11 homc" meetings, designed important matters that are concerned with the information that any decisions B. Adair for trustees. George R. primarily to interest the women voters, with the present status and future de- regarding the matter of grade separa- Rothermel was selected as candidate were, as the society editor would say, \'elopment of the municipality. The tion rests with the Illinois Utilities for police magistrate. The petition "too numerous to mention." These question of 11 flats" has come in for commission, and, that, as a matter of was filed with the Village clerk the neighborhood gatherings, should they considerable discussion, yet both party fact, Mr. Orner, while continuously enfollowing day and as no other petitions fail of any of the anticipated results at platforms show unqualified opposition gaged in the occupation of station were filed, the nominees will be inthe ballot box, will at least h~ve had to flats. agent in Wilmette, has, as the choice stalled in their offices immediately folthe effect of initiating our hopeful of the voters. of Wilmette, served the candidates into the m\'steries of the Argue "Manaser" laaue Village for 20 years as clerk and two lowing the election. afternoon tea. · Difference of opinion surrounds the years as Village president and was acBut these meetings ha,·e a l{enuine P.t r~posi,~i 01.1 to inst~tl a "techt;!cally ceptable to the Home party as late as Tax_ Levy for Band Will significance, it being none other than ramed vtltage manager at the \ tllage February 23, 1927, when he was selected Be Up for Vote Tuesday that political groups are aware of the . hall. The. Home narty recommends by the Home party as its candidate for A "little ballot" proposition, which fact tha't the women of the community th~ ~stabl~shment of s~ch an ap · re-election. many voters probably have overlooked, are thoroughlv awakened to their re- pomttve office. The People 5 party finds Other issues have been presented an<l 'b'l't' · t d · t 1 · the present S\'stem of governmental almost every appearance of the mail in view of the absorbing interest in spons1 1 1 1es as vo ers an 111 ense Y m· · · -1 II d f teres ted in the issues of any and all ~c1 !111111 stratJOn t lOr?ttg 1 Y a equate, e - carrier has been accompanied by ad- the Village election campaign, is the 1 t' fictent and economtcal. proposed tax levy "for the purpose of e ec 10115 · The Home party has raised the. ditional "facts and figures" to bolst~: providing a fund for the maintenance the contentions of one or the other of Mass Meetings Popular "\\·ater waste" issue, declaring that as or e.~tployment of a municipal hand X cn·rtheless, the public rally still rc- high as 40 per cent waste bas been the warring factions. for musical purposes," to be vot'~ d \.Vhatever the outcome of the ballottains its pecu},iar hold upon the general noted in the water dis.tribution through upon Tuesday. The tax levy, not to ing next Tuesday, it is · confidently expublic of this and other communities, the village and holding President pected .that Wilmette is about to regi:;- exceed two mills levied each vear on for the true American dearly loves his Orner to account for alleged refusal all taxable property in Wiln1ette, is political arguments. Such meetings to agree to a plan to remedy the con- ter the heaviest vote in its historv when provided for by state law. Similar t he good citizens of the 'community have attracted wide interest in the dition. The People's party replies with , propositions we·re decisively defeated closing days of the campaign. Over the statement that the average water exercise their prerogative at the po!l- in elections at Winnetka and Evanston. ing place . . west in Forester hall the Home party \\'a 'it'-'· is between 12 and 16 ner cent, 4 Kenilworth Voters to Formally Approve Candidates Tuesday

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