Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 43

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April 15, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE something for HOW ABOUT VACATION? . ing in vacation time. National Kindergarten Students Get Some Timely Vacation Suggestions from Wilmette Minister on a Vacation," given as the s ubject of an address, proved to he the starting point for a delightful trip through the possibilities of vacation-land for the students of the National Kindergarten and Elementary coll ege last Tuesday, with Dr. Steph en A. Lloyd of the First Congregationa l church. \Vilmette. as conductor of the tour. · 01ic of the finest possibilities oi Yacation time lies in the fact that "it gin·s us a cl1ance to see ourselves and · -- ~ ~~· :-.<·nle things to out:;el\'e :' that in the busy. \n rk-a-da~· liie . we canlHII :-a.\· -'Ynu arl' llJt tlw pcr:-.11n I thought \ ' P\1 ,,·en·. \'11\1 ;trt· llllt I. \'nu h;\\· ~· tnribk prl'judict.·:-. and I loath your trirk :- . I '"i"h yc,n wnuld '·So You're Goi~1g somebody else even our affectiot1s, pretty nearly everything we have, and to bring true hapDr. Lloyd suggested that vacation piness atJd contentment to ourselves 1s· time, even in the despised dull home to bring contentment and happiness t3 town, might not be such a deadly the world. affair if one had something to bring PARTY FOR BRIDE-ELECT to it. "The child cannot sit down and be quiet and be happy-he has nothing Miss vVinifred Adkins, 1112 Central inside to intere st him, and some of us avenue, entertained twenty Alpha Delnever grow up enough to find that the ta Pi sorority sisters at a shower and r eal satisfact ions of life are those bridge Thur~day eyening in honor· of 'vhich arc within. \V e cannot change Miss :.rargaret Ku~era, whose marour environment and we can not riage tc· ).I ar:-.hall Couliclgc will occ ur change this hard-hea.rted, hard -headed Saturday. :\pril 23. in :\I aYwood. Mb3 old world, but "·e ran change our- Adkins i:, to he ont c·f ~'f io.;~ K uc~ra's :'elves, our outlook. our aspirations, bridesmaid:-.. Lald-S~raped-Cieaned-Retlnlsbed Budwood l'loo·· Estimates Free DUNFEE FLOOR CO. Phuue IJelaware !589 441 N. DEARBORN ST. Chicago Ask Your Dealer for Eleanor Bird Seed ..t So11y In Every Seed. It 'l-1 ht-ttt->r than what you tl"ink ls best. hv ~· onrsc l f ~· ·· And then th1..·re i:- t1H" <·\I]Jortuni~y t1· 1 rt·ad thl' h<1nk:- \\'t haH· ah,·ays intended tn rtad. "I i Y :Hl a-., tt·arlll'r.:.. arl' .l!oinJ,! to ht:lp 11t!1~·r . . 111 apprn·iatt· tlH· hL":-.1 and !Hit to take l' lllllhel (oi thv \\Or:'t. YOU 111\ht ..;tnn· Your mind · \\i1h tlw tl;ing" that t'fo\111:·... ,aid Dr. FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON !.loyd. \'arat i(ln 1il ~ H· mu:-.t ht· r1 1111ltl'd ( ·11 1· r i 111 a r i 1 y t :> h u i Id up t h t 1is;; n t s fray· \'d in tlit· daih· wear and \(',tr of lifr: ;1 -,lunllH·r to al;)lll' fnr man~· lto:-t hc·tlr~. t n n i c i or our \\.<lll in g . . t r l' 11 g t h a 11 d rou:age. chcrr-ancl tl1e ht"st cheer i.:. the enjoyment and culti,·ation oi friC"ndships and cnmpaniOll!->hip.;-do- 1 Your· Shoes for "Spring" Are Here At the Price You Wish to Pay Shoes to meet the supreme fashiontest of Spring-time are here . at Lord's in an enchanting collection of leading footwear modes-designed by Cushman. · STELLA HAGEMAN · ANNOUNCEMENT HOWD CORSET SHOP t!l2S Sh·Yell!' Bollrtln& t ( No. State St., Chicago haR juRt returned to the city and Is again Personally in charge of her Estahlishment. Newest things in rorHets. <'o r sC'lettes, lingerie, negllg"f'··s :t nd Kickernick Bloomers. · PJIO~Jo:s FOR APPOIXT)fEX'f JH:,\RBOH"' 462!1·6:!;,1. Fertiluvia Will Make Any Soil Fertile To the poorest clay it will restore the desirable texture and lifegiving qualities which bring forth "elvrt lawns and bountiful gardens. To light sandy soil it gives the substance and bulk which increases the retention ot moisture. No soil can be fertile unless the texture will permit circulation of air and allow absorption and retention of mois(urc. FER TIL UVIA combines lasting fertility with unusual conveniencees because it is the highest type of humus obtainable. It has no odor, con tains no we ed st·t·ds and it cannM "burn" or O\·er stimulate. Liet·nse>d undf'r thf' ft·rtiliz(·r lnws nf tlw Stat<~ of Illinois. Sf'lltl for nc~t·rlptlH Booklf't Shoe Prices Rrange From $7.50 to $12.50 ~~·~--~~-----~~/ Prices Reading Prices Reading From Top-Down Left- From Top-Down Right- $8.50 $10.50 $7.50 $7.50 $8.50 $12.50 $7.50 $12.50 The American Kidskins-Patents Kidskins in parchment, shell grey, roseblush. Reptile or gingham trimmed. Modish patents. Every new heel. · Boot Shop-First Floor Humus Co. Cleveland, Ohio. Chicago Branch 30 N. Michigan Blvd. Handled by Hardware Stores, Seed Stores and ·Florists. See your neighborhood dealer or phone State 7653

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