Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 41

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WILMETTE !tor's degree .may enter the competition, Many Schools Enter Dean Denms states. Only one-act plays are allowed under rule s. Theater Tournament Last yea r 's winner was Westthe Virginia. at N. U. This Month whose dramatic group p.resentecl J. }.!. LIFE 41 AWAY DURING VACATION During the spring . vacation of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college, Ap,r il 9-18, Miss M. Frances McElroy, .registrar, is attending the convention of the American A ssociation of Registrars m Atlanta; Ga., stay ing for a few days in San Antonio, Texas, her former home. ~1rs. Florence S. Capron, fi eld secrdary, is also o,u t of the city visiting ·her brother in \Vashington , D. C. Contractor Porches, Sun Parlors, Garages, Roofs, \:'inc cotlc rrrs a lr ra dv have ent er ed Syng-e's " Rid ers to th e ·' Sea." Storm Sa&nes, Screen, Porch Enclosures 910 13th St., Wilmette Pb. WU. ltll th~ seco nd annu al Ko~thweste.n1 uni . Miss Helen E lli s ,\"ill· return to Conversity th eate r tournament for the C u111nock Cup, to he held on Anril 21. necticut college, New London. Conn., ELMER D. BECKER, Vlce-Presfdent 22 and 23, in Annie Mav Swift ha ll Sunday, after spending the spring vaL TliAN, RICHIE & COMPANY on the Evanston camptt; Th<' e !' - cation with Mr. and Mrs. William H. Competent Insurance Service on aU classes of protection. Ellis of 823 Greenwood avenue. trants to dat e follo'\': 176 w. Jackson Blvd., Cbleago, Ill. Alhion college, Albion. }.fich.: Stair -oTELEPHONE: WABASH !008 '1\·achcrs' rollegc. Valley City, Nort h ~~ rs. \\'. D. ~,Iillard of 1721 Forest Mr. and ~lrs. George Kibby, 835 This is the season for automoblle Inf)ak,)ta: \Vest Virginia uni,·ersity, :tvenue will entertain next \ Ve dn es- Lake avenue, 'returned last week from surance. Why not talk with me rep;ardlng your coverage? ~fnr~antown, \V. Va.; B rrca college, <lay at luncheon and bridge. a two months' stay in Pasadena, Cal. Bt·n·a. Kentucky: Evansvi ll e rollcgr, Evansville, Tnd.: Kansas Statr AgriThe magnitude of service rendered to the public by a progressive electrically-operated railroad is indicated by tbe cultural college, ~fanhattan. Kan:-;.: number of customers carried during q)26 on tbe North Shore Line. a total of 19·461,426. This number, repStart· ~ormal college. Bowling G.rec'n, resenting double the population Of Illinois and Wisconsin ' combined (the two st~tes in which the North Shore line Ohio: \\~este rn Stak Normal school. operates ) is an increase of 1.232 ,266 over the year 1925. indicating the constantly growing appreciation for this Kalamazoo, ~fie h.: GrinlH'll rolkg-··. convenient and complete transportation servicl!. Crinnell, Iowa , \ lt\\' vcars av-n Dr. Rnhert L. Cum ~" 1ck. f{)\~nch:r ,.f t lw School nf Spt·t·ch oi \:'orthwestern university, concti,-e<l the idt ~l that if an annual thcatric:tl tournament were held, the re "ults ulti llla tch· would be higher ~ ~and a d s horh -in college dramatics and in the national theatrical world . Accor<linl! h ·. Or, Cumnock otTered a prize ~f :'250 to the winning .school and st'i.ptl latl'<l that. whcrea.;; the contest should l11· lll'hl on the Evanston campus of "\"ort 11\Yrsttrn, tl1e ttniversitv's school oi dramatics should not he . permitted t( 1 rom pete. H t.·nce.. Xortll\n's tern "h ile acting a:; host. is not :1 compet·itoL T hi:- \'l'fl r's pre lim inary <.'Oil ksl :~ "il l ht: h~·ld on the afternoon:; of April 21 atHl 22 and tht· final s on the en~ nill~ of April 23-all in Annie May ~\\ iit hall. Fnr the cntertainmrnt <'f t ht· Yisitors, Northwrstcrn School (·f ~pt.·t.·rh will present three one-act plays during the tournament. The~c pre :. -.~·ntations arr under the direction of f'r,i. Vance :\fo rton of the Srlwnl d Speech who is n~\\' instructing t !1c pa rticipa_ n t s. Dean Ralph Dt·nnis is ·pronto ting tlte competition it sci f. Any sc1wo1 ""hich grants a bache- H N . q!t! :n!"l~~e~n~ EINAR gJVfake ·your Theater Ticket Reservations A dinner and theater party is a) [ fine Anniversary celebration. through our Ticket Agent It is easy to obtain good theater tickets on reasonable notice. If you wish, the local North Shore Line Ticket Office will act as your agent without charge; they will make reservations by North Shore Line direct telephone, and have tickets left in your name at the theater box office · ' Your choice of current LooP theater attractions is wide. Here are some of the best: ADELPID-41 Shanghai Gesture" Melodrama- Florence Reed. APOUG-"A Night In Paris" (Last Week) Revue. Jack Pearl- Jack Osterman. COHAN5-"What E"ery Woman Knows" Comedy-Helen Hayes. GABRICK-"Katja"- Musical Comedy. GREAT NORTHERN-Starting April 17 "The Nightingale"- Musical Starting Aprill7 - Al }olson in "Big Boy" Romance-Eleanor Painter AUDITORIUII- 440ld Ironsides" HAJUUS-"Cradle Snatchers" Paramount Super..Picture. Farce- Mary Boland. 44 BLACKSTONE- Night Hawk" JLUNOIS-"Sunny" -Musical Comedy ILast Week) Comedy, William Marilyn Miller-Jack Donahue. Courtney-laabelle Lowe · Starting April IS-"Trelawney of theW ells" LASALLE-"Lucky Sambo" Comedy Drama-John Drew, Wilton Lackaye Colored Musical Revue and all star cast. Billy Hi~gins- Joe Byrd. CORT-"12 Miles Out" Melodrama. PBINCISS- 44 Ned M'Cobb's Daughtu" EBLANGER-"Oh Please" Co~edy .. Drama-Jobn Cromwell(Last Week) Musical Comedy Beatrice Lillie - Charles Winninger. Florence Johns. Starting Aprill7-"Twinkle, Twinkle" ·Musi· WOODS- 44 Sweet .Lady"-Musical Hit. cal Con..edy- John E.Brown and OnaMunson VaudevUie aad Pictures-Palace, Majestic, State-Lake, Rialto, Chicago·, -~ Beauty Lies in ·Healthy EYES It's not so much ~he size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiat~s from them. Urtlessiceptalwayscleana!'ldhealthy, · EYES lack1this alluring lustrt. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with MuTine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par· ticlc:s ~nd keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna, O..r illustrated books on "E-ve C4N" or ··E, Beat&ty" are ~RER on ...,..._ McVickers, Oriental (Paul Ash and His Gang.) The North Shore Line supplies unequalled theater service with frequent, fast trains operating directly INTO and FROM the CHICAGO LOOP. North Shore Line downtown stations are convenient to all Loop theaters, saving time and taxi fare. Train schedules that suit )'OUT convenience. . lJRINL 1/t The Murine Company · l)q,r.. 33, Cbicqo Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. Co. The Road of Service WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2514 Baggage Checked 1·116. f.OR youR r, . EYES·

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