Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE LIFE April 15, 1927 DID YOU KNOWThat the " Book of the Month" for Maf.! which will be sent to subscribers is " The Revolt in the Desert" b!l T. E. Lawrence? That "Congai" b!l Harr!J Her Ue!J is to be dramatized and pre sented on I he stage next fall? That Zona Gale will deliver next week's lecture of the Contemporar!J Thought series qiven Wednesda!l afternoons at Northwestern universitll? That Arnold Bennett's attack on Thackera!J in The Evening Stand ard (London) for his trea/ment of the sex problem provoked ·a caustic rep{f.! from one of its readers, A. G, Gardner? ~~Wll(f)W~ @~ N(f;~ ~~rut Jwrs Hurt. 11111111 1111 ~(Q)(Q)lk~ Do \'It- NEW BOOKS Miscellaneous Barrii..·- :\uld Licht Idyll :-:. Cra \\' i nrd - :-;a r;t rine:-.ca. BOOK SHOP FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON Telephones Umversity 1024 Wilmette 3 700 Rogers Park 11 2 2 Just inside the West Davis Street Door The Crucifixion in Our Street Georqe Stewart Doran Some United States Irvin S. Cobb Doran The Golden Day Lewis Mumford Boni ~ Liveright $2.1:)0 Letters of George Gissing Edited by Alqernon and Ellen Gissing Houghton Mifflin Co. $6. oo Revolt in the Desert T. E. Lawrence Doran $).00 The Mortover Grange Affair J. S . Fletcher Alfred A. Knopf $ 2.00 Clad in Purple Mist Catherine Dodd Doran The · Allinghams M av Sinclair - :\dn:nt ttrL· ~ 11i ~hcrluck llolnh·.·. Struthl·r ... Hurt in "Tiw Dt·lcrtahlc ~lnuntain-." ha;-; arhic\·l'd ~o 111 ething I·:r~kine-t:a lahad . <·xtr<. 'll1el~- go:><\. He ha~ ncn J.!OilC Lcwis- Ehncr Cantr~- hcyoncl the prm11i~c lH gan.' in "The ~lcCarthy - li I \\'ere King . fntcrpretcr\ House." in insight. in ~I arke11Zi~· - \'out h \ Encounter. wisdom and ~uht l et~·\1 ar:-.hali- Exton ~ 1anor. Contrary to most good novels the \in·n -Ju~tire of the Pl'aCL'. interest is centered more firmh· in the :-;tdg\\·irk-Olcl Countess. " ·ick prohkms which the hook sugl~'ests than " ·ithin the strict limits of \\'on l i- }.1 r;-;. Dalloway. the characters' o\\·n problems. MerPoetry cede. " Garcia and Stephen Londrcth Brancll -:-; 11nL'::i That Dancl'd . Till' suhj..:ct of Zona Gale's lecture arc only part nf the quet'r disturbing \rhich sh..: will give at Korthwestern deluded \Yorld of "·hich Struther" Byron- Poems. 1 univer s it~· \V cdnesday, April 20, is Burt particularly in tht· pl'rsnn of tlH.' Dohson - Compkt(· I ot't ical \ \·~ tr\.. ' · professor. Vizatcll~·. is aware. .Csual- llcnley - Pol'lll~ . ·'Tht :\ l ' W Literature." h- \H' arc shy of "pn:achin!.!." \\'l' run l,anic.:r- Put·nl:-. if anyone puh <,n a " ·i<k ahst ract Pricstky - Fngli~h l'il111ic \.'llar:trll r- . These are busy days in till' As4uith ai,r. · pul1s down his waistcoat · and family. Lord Oxford and Asquith dearing his throat. hrgin ~. But not Cehhardt Stram l'o\\·L'r Plant E11~inn· :·i :t ~. ( H L'rhl'rt Asquith) is writing another ..;o with Vizatelh·. for a:-; the ).fay~w rolumt· of memoirs; Lady Oxford '::> f ~ew York is- said to han' sa ic( to ( ~f argot Asquith) has recently com- the Queen. he "says a mouthful." p!dcd a novel and her first volume ).f ercedes Garcia. otherwise Merof tssays: Princess Bib.esco, their cedL·s \Viggins, is what would be John Langdon -Davies \\'lw ha·. . ·rl ·· daughkr, is husily writing plays and known out of a hook as a "Follies" , . hctn in Chicag::> on a lt·ct \ir(' a noycJ: and Cyril Asquith, their girl. Stephen Londreth is the son of ce;1tl_ S()ll, ha:o; written a book on trade a " ·ealtln·. c::) llscn-atirr olcl Philadel- tour, ra thcr prick:-; the 1m-ely !Jul>hk union law. Lord Oxford and Asquith's phia famfh· which ha .;. nc\·er done arw- ni ne\Y-fangk<l education. In a r::nc_"- memoirs will he brought out in thing \\'nrth doing ·in its long histo~y. Yiew oi three t·<lucational b >oks 1n the t h1s rount~y hy Little, BrmYn & Co., Stephen lives in \Vyoming on a ranch N. Y. Herald Tribune. he says, "Thl' who puhltshccl his "Fifh· Y cars of ·· nd is cloing a ntttllhC'r of worth while rl'al trouble ahnut education is that . British Parliament." th e human parent docs not · die di things. 1 --Kcw York 'l'inH:s On a short ,-is it to :\ C'\\" York h~ :t·rtly the child i~ physically maturt· . The civilized ·tdult not ()Ill~· meets and marrie~ ).ferce<lrs Garria. doe:-; not die hut it cot~struct::> an L nHe does it on impubL' , hut on an impulse which tells him that thn· can \'ir onmcnt \\'hich i~ pois0nou:; hcylltHl he happ_,- together. They go \VY- belief fu·· its young: put adult$ ;tnd oming and arc happy for a short children !1 1get her in the same place for ti111e hut hlincln<'ss nn Stephen's part and (llle ur the othe r will fade away: and a fierce and inarticulate pridL' on henc e tht di!'CO\Try and popularity oi I the p;trt of ).fL·rrcde ..; driYcs thr latter l·:duca t inn . \rltich i~ nothing more tha:1 hack to ~ew York. Here she learns a mean.;, ui protecting the ycstecl inQuest of the Perfect Rook · a good deal about the sl1a ltown css of tcre:-.h, the adults, against their If\\'ill ia t_ n Dana 0 r c u t t her old life and the insinceritY of spring." ).lr. Langdon-Davies \\'ill be ................. $5.00 the sort of friendship she has ·hrcn popular from now on in education al l\1an Nobody Kno\\' s satisfil·d with before. Stephen. too, circles, won't he? Bruce Barton ...... $2.50 hegins 10 he a wiser man. an cl when Jamc:; Boyd, author oi "Dnllll:-" ~r ercrdes fiud~ that she is going to Book Nobodv Knows h;"'~' SteplH'n\ chi ld thnr is a crtml- \rhich critics joined in acclaiming ;ts Bruce Barton .... .. $2.50 hlin·r llf artificial harriers and we a great hist(Jrical novel, " -ill publi~h on ).fa\· 2nd a nc'" novel, ").f arc himr Thi~ Relieving \V. o rld On." a .s tory nf the Civil \\'ar pL·ril·d.' Lewis Browne ...... $3.50 Suggestions to Easter Reading ' Macmillan Theodore Roosevelt: Hero to His Valet James E. Amos Greatest Book in the World A. Ed ward Newton .. $4.00 Dawn. Novel of the Time of Chri~t MIRRO'RS of the YEAR Edited by Grant Overton In which such high authorities as H a r r v Hansen, Mark Sullivan. Clarence Darrow, and the like tell us all what we ottght to know or have kn own about the year just past. It co,·crs inany important fields among them those of crime, politics, and sport. Frederick A. Stokes Co. $4.00 Irving Bacheller .... $2.50 Rorna~nl· Rolland i~ alr cach· at \\ (· rk on the la~t \'(llttllle oi "The i·:nchantL·d Snul" series. ha ,·ing published " ·it hin till' ht:-.t 111 Dnth thl' third-").[other and Son." John Day $2.00 FOR CHILDREN Saturday's Children Helen Coale Crew .. $2.00 Everything and Anything Dorothy Aldous .... $2.00 Yesterday and Today, ' (Ve r e for Children) Louis Cntermeyer .. $2.50 Favorite Bible Stories Hetolcl by ~\. G. Krottjer The Interloper E. Phillips Oppenheim Linle, Brown and Co. $2 . 00 The New Universe Baker Brownell knu\\' that they \\'i ll find happin<: ~s aitcr all. \ V c arc not so sure of the happy qntcome of the problems of the " ·oriel \I r. Burt has posed hut " ·c arc ~ure tl'at he has done a service to 11 s in 1'(),111).! thcnl. D. Van Nostrand Co. Publication April 15 The Medicine Man E. C. Dudley , M . D ., Ph. D. The New Medical . ............ ... . $1.25 A iull line of Biblt'S. Prayer Boohs, and Hymnal s, etc. Subscriptions Tak en for All Magazines J. H. Sears 8 Co. $3 .5 0 Follies By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN Eaton , Crane ~ Pike Stationery or Correspondence Cards. with plain or lined envelopes, in good variety, $1 a box. With each purchase is given a 150-page booklet on the Etiquene of Letter Wr.iting. Lord' s Book Shop The haunting story of lovely, lonely Juanita THE SEAGULL By K.ATIILEEN NORRIS Doubleday, Page&Co. $2.00 A new collection of papers on the exploiters of the public who travel the borderland of medicine by the author of the important "Medical Follies." Among the new subject s are "The Cult of Beauty," "Bread and the Dietary Fads," etc. Boni & Liveright $2.00

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