Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 38

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WILMETTE LIFE April 15, 1927 News o.F the North Shore Clubs Catholic Club Members Display Many Quaint Gowns in Fashion Long Ago At tht last meeting of the fine arb department for the year. the members of thr \Voman 's Catholic cJuh of \Vil mettt were entertained last Friday hy a literature program and a style show, a parade of the evolution of the dress. The meeting was at the home of Mrs. George Ortseifen, 337 Essex road. Kenilworth. After "America the Beautiful" sUt1g hy thl' club, Mrs. Arthur Johnson re viewed the "Life of \Vashington." Mrs. P. J. ]oyce. "The Story of. Phi losophy" hy \Yilt Durant. Miss Jan e Keefe. "More Ports and More Happy Place s" hY Cornelia Stratton Parker, and ~1 is s· ~1 argarct Hayes. "The Orphan Angel" hy Elinor \Vylie . M!"s. \Vatter P. Bermingham sang "Spring" by Herbert. Mrs. G. E. Richard of Roger :' Park s poke on the appreciation o; music, and Mrs. Oliver \Vil liams at the piano illustrated her point s. After the club members sa ng "Long, Long Ago" as a prelude t o the showing of go\\·ns of long ago, Mrs. M. B. Morris and her sister, Mrs. Harry Lombard, played a duet. "Listen to the Mockingbird." Mrs. P. ]. Kirwan .read a paper on "The EYolution of Dres . ." Mr :;. Frank Rothing- \YOre the dress of the first American woman. th e Indian. and sang "By th e \Vat e rs. of Minnetonka ." ~fis s Jean ~filler wore a seventv-fn·e Year old brown silk wedding ;lress "~ith a lace bertha. and a little lace ca.P seve nty-five years 0ld . Mrs. Ortsrifcn .recci,·cd the guests in pink satin dres s. pantalette style. Mrs. \Yitliam Lean· wnrc a hrown wedding dress sixty-fin· years old. Miss Katherine Ketle,·'s dress came originally from Engl;.md. red serge lined with red wool ancl interlined with crinoline. }.,1 iss DorothY Rohol wore a beautiful white hro~acled moire we c1 ding dress forty years old, which had served hoth mother and daughter. The collar wa s of rosepoint and a nil completed the costume. Mrs. Earle F. Swain wore a red silk poplin made at Field' s over fifty years ago. lined and interlined and sta~·ecl. Mrs. Katherhe Crush Kirchberg · wore a hoop skirt dress nf the Civil war period and a honnet and loveh· black lace shawl. The dress was black Ia"·n " ·ith pink flower s. Miss Ruth Draver was dressed in her grandmothrr'; wedding gown of king's hlue silk and \Yool, made in 1870. There were fan and gloves to match. Mrs. J. J. Johnson's dress was a go,-.·n in princess effect, the skirt opening in front O\'er a lace petticoat, and a box pleat at the neck forming a train.. A Gainshorough hat completed the costume. In an intermission in the ~how \fr~. Frank KaYr sang "Annir Laurie." · ·'Mr:--. Oscar Brnckmeier worr her mother's wedding dress of hrown silk. made in 1879. Mrs. \\"illiam Krippes was dressed in the leg o' mutton sleeved waist of fifty years ago and full black skirt. Miss OliYr Oelerich wore a brocaded satin wedding dress worn by Mrs. V. Delhaye thirty-six years ago. Mrs. John Bermingham wore a very small, dainty pink crinoline dre:;s with pnffecl sleevrs ancl lo\\· nrrk. the- Garden Morning Feature of All Day Meeting at One; Both Elect in Afternoon "April 20 is Garden morning at the \Vilmettc · \Voman's club. Read into that title all that you will, for you will not he disappointed." a notice of th < · meeting reads. "You will learn, you " ·ill he entertained, and ahon~ all y<1t1 "'ill he kept interested all the morn i·ng. ~Irs . C. D. Ewer and Mr s. Al(nl zn Cnhurn ha \'(~ charge of t lH: pr o ~rant. I, Je:--sic Robinson, dramatic s.oprano, will appear in a joint recital to be gin·n bv memhas of the Phi Beta fraternity Thursday eyening, April. 21. at Kimball hall . ~liss Robinson. \\·ho is the daughter of Mr. and ).[rs. \Villiam B. Hohitb(Jil of 1026 Ashland avenue, \Vilmettr, will also si ng Tue~clay afterttoon. April 26. at the D. A. R. meeting in Fine Arts Recital hall. ~hl' i-, to he heard owr the EYattston Hadio station \ · \ ' EHS Thur:-;day:; hct\\'een 6 and 7 o'clock in the eve ning·, and Sunday evenings between 6 and 8. a Last Snyder Lecture to Arden Shore Is Building. Cottage f-Qr Aged Women Be Given in Kenilworth The ft fth lecture oi the series oi talb 1)\· Prof. Franklin 13li ss Sn nll'i' u ndn t.h e auspices of the education a 1 dcpartnH:n t oi the K eighbors was held at the !tom e oi ~frs. John T . Dix. 23(, Oxford road. Kenilworth on Friuay, April 8. These lectures have been most interesting and have heen eagerly attended and enjoyed. The subject oi thi s lecture was ":\nH:rican Poet:-." Dr. ~nvder read seyeral selections lllnst clt~lightiully . The last ni the series will he given Friday morning, April 22. at 10:30 o'clock at .the home of ~Irs . Richard \Yolfc. 41-t Essc'h road. Kenilworth. gown ::-.o stiff that it could stand alone. During another intermission :M.rs. 2harlrs -:\ onnan sang "0 Pro 111 is e ~f c." The next costume was one belonging to Mrs . . Louis Crush, which 11rs. A. H. Rohol displayed. It was a 1903 model made in Flora Dora style. with puffed waist and long train. Mrs. Arthur McMillan wore a lawn dress of fifteen yea,rs ago. Mrs. Frank Rothing, in a dotted mulle dress fifteen years old, was model for a beaded shoulder wrap v.·eighing six pounds. of the style popular four decades ago. :Mrs. Rothing and Mrs. Frank Kaye sang "\\'hen You and I Were Young. ~f aggie." The modern athletic girl and the modt'rn \\·oman brought the evolution of dress up to date. The· girl was Miss May Ortseifen, who wore a white serge riding habit ·and high boots; and carried a cane. Mrs. Harry Klein was the mo9ern woman. To end the program 1\frs. \Vatter Bermingham sang "Low·'s Old Sweet Song." The ::-.cope of Arden Shore activitie ..; is " ·idening this year. for now a cotta~c for elderly "·omen is being built and equipped for the summer camp. The directors of the association feel that where people are poor and li\'l' in o\·ercro\\'{lcd habitations old peopll' find it very trying and naturally lon g ior the quiet that old age needs. For thi:-. purpose they arl' providing- the cottage. Tt i...; not large and will not take cart' of all tho:'e in the camp wh(l ne1.:d it. hut it ha:; a ~pacious living rnon1 \\'hich \Yill alln\\· those not li\'ing in it a place to rest and visit with Pthers of their 0\Yn age. E\'ery cottage or huilcling at Arden Shore has hecn a gift to the association, it is announced, with the exception of the administration building anfl this new cottage. ··If y ou ha~· e a garden picture yo,t are \rilling to lend for the morning. please call ~1 r~ . Coburn. \Vilml'tk 14f). and :~ he will sec that it is ta ken rar l' of. "At the close oi this tllt:l't itl~. and heiore the luncheon, F. A. Cushing Smith, \\'ho has been appoint ed hy th t· plan commissioner fo prepare a pl;itt for the village, will sho"· t hr slid,·, which he ha s madr n·ad~ · ... \f r. E\\'er in additinn to her talk on gar dens. wi11 shO \\. stereopticon pirtur~.· ,. and garden pictures will hang in t"· · hibition. Follo\\'ing the 1 o'clock lunche on tla· :t11n ua 1 h us i ne s:; m ect.ing wi II be It e lei and offic(.'r~ for th e cn!-iuing year elected. ~f usic selections will he t~la.r ed by the New Trier High sclwol orchestra. The \Y otnan's Cat hnlir club oi \\.; 1 111dte \rill hold it s annual mee ting and elec tion of officers on Friday. Ap ri l 22. at 2 o'clock. at the \Voman 's clui1 . ~1r-; . \\' illiam E. \\.alk c r j s to speak nn " Bird:; and Flowers." ~1is s DorothY Rae \Yilt gi,·e a group of songs. .\ play hy the parliamentary class is \( · he presented, "Lady Lieber's La ss ie:; Learn Law." The cast is: Mr. . Arthur Boylston, th~ president; ).f r~. Frank Selinger. secretary; 1frs. A. H . Rohol, treasurer; Mrs. Samuel Moo.rc. chairman of stanq.ing committee. ~v1 r-,. Arthur ~fc~Iillan. chainnan of spvL' ia I commit tee. The ho stt·sses for the mel'ting will he : 11rs. L ) . ~lcCarthy, ).frs . (~ . \V . ~I ayherc~·. ~1 rs. Thon . on R oss, an:! :\lr:-. . .f. J. Do\\'clle. TO MEET AT SOVEREIGN The North End branch, Frien(ls of Chicago Junior school will hold its reg u I a r monthly meeting Tuesday. April 19. at 8 o'clock in the e\'ening at the Soven·ign hotel. The cnte.r tainment will he gi,·en hy Miss Vonnec Ballantine. coloratura soprano, Mis .'> DorothY Padden, \\'ho will dance. an<l h,· !\1 i;s Elsie Trevett. 'Yho will give ntmlcrology readings. · I. · , CLUB SEWING ENDS TODAY For the last time this cluh season women of \Vilmette are assembling at the Woman's club for a dav of se\\·ing to benefit the Cook Coun-ty hospital. \Vork will begin as usual at l'J and I u n c h ('on will he served at 12 :30 GARDEN TRIP TODAY o'clock. The philanthropy department The \Vilmett~ Garden club i~ vtstt - in cha·r~e. is particularly desirous of ing tl1e garden · of Mrs. V. K. Spicer. having a large attendance for tht' enci 312 Essex road, Kcnilv,·orth, today. ing of this branch of its acti,·it.\·. The trip is made today inst<'ad of April 29. LEAGUE MEETS MAY 1 8 The annual meeting of the \\ ' ilttH't\(' The art and literature department League of \Vomen 'votrrs is to takt:> of the ·~eighhors held a meeting . place \Vednesclay. 11ay 18. at the \Yo Tuesday at the home of Mrs. C. R. man's cltth . One featur<' oi thL· afte··Erwin. olS Warwick road, Kenilworth. noon " ·ill hl· a pl·" · rri' <"l by leelgue Papers were read by Mrs. Mark \V~ members and tc-ntative plans arc unCre~ap and ~frs. Fred Butley. derway for a music program. FORM GLEE CLUB The music department of the Neighhors has agai,1 formed a Glee cluh of women's voices and a meeting "·as held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Edward Marshall under the di rection of Francis Moore.

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