Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 23

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April 15. 1927 WI ,L ME T T E objecth·es in conducting this school: pa.rent education, habit-forming in the child, and research along physical and psychlogical lines. A program with three such important objectives toward which expert directors and doctors comtantly ' work, she declared, wilt undoubtedly prove the hasis for farreaching and .radical improvements in educatio nal circles. ~frs. Al~chuler further brought out the point that whether Pre-School Nursery strikes one immediately as a pradical and necessary addition to a school system. thoughtful parents will at any rate recognize a duty to stud~· this ne\\' experiment in child-training . The speak<:r brought this fact home to her audience a" she punctuated her generalities with illustrations of concrete mcth : His ustd in the nurser!i. . . A :-nctal lwur. pr~stdcd onr by ~frs. Hectt.r Dodds. a~ststcd hy her com· f ll 1 1 1 t 1 th e ntttkc. o O\\'C' ( t te ec urc an< l'n-.uin discussion. . L IF E 1 SCHOOL · CIRCLE MEETS Mrs. Alfred Alschuter Explains Objectives and Accomplishments of New Pre-School Nursery Movement .~ mL·ding ior parents intnt"tt·d in the training of very young children \\'as held by the Logan-Hn\Yard Pre· School circle at the Howard school on April 7. After a short business ses~ion. Pre . ident Henderson asked :Mrs. 1I. A. Storms to review former efforts to organize a Pre-School circle. She ,,· arm ]~· praised the work of the new rluh, ,,·hich is nor yet one year old. Mrs. Maurice Stitzer and Mrs. Edythe Grossman of 406 Washington avenue entertained at an Easter luncheon on Wednesday of this week. Among the guests were Mrs. Sophia Wolff of Dayton, Ohio, and Mrs. Harry Ke.s sler of Detroit, Mich. M.rs . Char 1 e s Koepke and Miss Louise Koepke, Mrs. Andrew Chronis and her mother, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Louis Stoerk, and Mrs. O scar Schultz, art the o ther guests. ~························ .. : Garden work done in all its branches ' Lawn Cut by the hour or by con tract · I Re-Elect \Vilmdtc hoy, pupil of the Knupfcr ~chon! of Pian() . 1fe player! thrc·c ... ~ hop i 11 number~, hi s periorm<1nrc 1·liciting much app lause. . ·\ 1. 1 1 . \f . 1\lt. , 1 ... "l 1 , urc l\ . rs .. n:< ·""'· ·'"" sc1 .t· 1 . ilC \\' ' ·k f II rl }.[ "I n (I · ttlllt.t ·a. o owe . 1 rs. ·'.-.rltuler 1:- <ltrcrt<·r of thr Frankhn g l'rl' - ~ClH,ol :\ttr~ery oi Chicag ~>. and . "llabit-innning". will he t~1c ~ ubj ~ct j ... 111 din·ct tht nur-.ery hring plannl'd 1<,:· the ~1 ay se.; .~lOn, .to _wl11ch all ttl· for the \\'innctka ,choob. She out- tt·n·-.tl'd mother~ arc 111\'ttcd. . I lintel t ht !JislCln· of this new l1H·n·. llH: t~t in ('dttcation, and s ~t:tclwd a 1 . f. K. :-;.ton·r of 1044 Ashland a\'t~1~tc day~ progra~l1 at the Frankltn nursery. :-. rcturntng today frotll Dayton, Q,IJo. l Sh · explatned that thl'rC' arl' 1hnl· ,,· here hc has ~pent th(· past week. ""f ·' rs. Donald ~r axwell. program · r I1a1rman, introduced Norman Hess, a ORNER People's Party Vote the Ticket Straight! Phone Wilmette 1089 ·······················-- I I Let Us Estimate Your Cemel).t Driveway A Pool for Your Yard . We do all repair work on propertyincluding Brick, Stone, Cement, Plaster and Stucco Wash. L~t u~ RENEW Your Old Hat 75c Another season's wear can be had from that lasr vear's hat of yours. Our method of ,ieani ng . CLEANS, and RENEWS the hat \ O that you can't ttll it from a new one . We gtve each job our personal attention. SHOES REPAIRED WHILE -U- WAIT Wilmette Shoe Shining Parlor No. 1 Shortridge & Saxton 419 Richmond Road. Ktnilworth Phone Ken. 2735 ELECTRIC PLACE . just around the corner from State Bank l Goodyear's Price Often Duplicated · · · . But Its Quality-NEVER Motoris_ ts are learning that there is a big difference in tires, ·a lthough they look pretty much alike. Some are long on looks and short on q~ality and mileage. But you won't need a microscope to be sure that the Goodyear tire you get from us is a real buy. Goodyear mileage tells the story. Today, more than ever, more people, the world over, ride on Goodyear tires than any other kind. BRAUM BROS. TWO STORES 723 Oak Street Phone Winn. 15 6 5 Expert Balloon Tire Repairing Wilmette Ave. 8 Ridge Phone Wilmette 290

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