Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 20

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20. W1L M i? T T E LIFE April 15, 1927 W~t llilmrttt :!lustr ~4np 1179 WILMETTE AVE. Is Now Under the Ownership and Management of Group Rides Now Popular Pastime for Riding ()tub The Indian Hilt Riding club announces a series of group rides on Saturday afternoons in April and May leaving the club stables at 2 :30. The following hostesses consented to serve tea in the tea room at the stables at ~ :30 when the . riders return: April 16-M.r s. Donald McPherson; April 23-Mrs. Godfrey Atkin: April 30-Mrs. Ernest Ballard; May 7-Mrs. Jas. PrindiviJle; May 14-Mrs. Walter \V'allace; May 21-Mr s. Hobart Young: May 28-Mrs. Peirce C. \Va:rd. Last Saturday a large field of riders led by Ernest Hicks, president of the club, and \Vatter Wallace, chairman of the bridle paths' committee, rode through the Forest Preserve, inspected Mr. Etme's stables and had tea at the Glenview Golf club. Among the riders were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Balla.r d, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Butler, Mr. and :1\Irs. \Vilson Reid, Mrs. Donald ~lcPherson aud daughter. Miss Inez M cKeoun, and Messrs. Donald Dallas, Hobart Y-oung 1 Victor Elting, Godfrey Atkin, Harry Miller. Peirce ~'ani and Martin Lindsey. Among those who motored over :tnd joined the equestrians at tea were Mrs. Hobart Young, Mr. and Mrs. Tames Prindiville, Mrs. Godfrey Atkin and Mr s. \V. A. Shaw. The interest m riding this year is keener than ever, it is said. The Riding cluh members are making the most of the unusual opportunity afforded them through the bridle paths which radiate westward from Win netka putting them in clo se touch with the milrs of s imilar paths that have been laid out through the Forest Preserve. Last week's ride covered twelve miles. Those planned for the coming Saturdays will be shorter. . Illinois has 70 shoe factorie s, mak-· ing 20,000,000 pairs of shoes annually. ~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ N. U. CIRCUS TO BRING VARIETY OF "NOTABLES" "World's Moat Amazing and Gigantic Spectacle," Modest "Come On" Slogan of Event -Preparation s for this year's Korthwestern university circus in Evanston are now wel1 011 the "av and the great event itself on Aprii 30 will :><:> one of the most attractive in year~, according to Carl B. French, who ic; student manager and known as "Ci:-cus Solly." While the exact nature of the stellar acts this year is a guard ed secret. it is known that Delta Delta Delta, Omega Upsilon, and Chi Omega are the sororities which havt· won the privilege of center sta~c stunts, in the main show. The judges after long study decided that these three acts were the most acceptable. The ~tunts are called "Darktown Circus," "Gypsy Rendezvous" an cl "Northwestern on High." Three other top-line specialti~s will he presented during the big show h~· the Scribblers, Sigma Chi, and T:-t u Delta Phi, fraternities. The names nf these acts are: "The Ten Srrihhlt·r Brothers," "Northwestern's Greatest Side-Show," and "The Evolution of ~f usic." Besides these notable six nr ganizati~n sttfnts, the circus 1~1anage ment will ha,·e several surpnses for . the audie_nce in the way of profe~si o nal presentatiOn. There also will he nu~11ero_us, clown stunts b~ some of tlw untverstty s greatest comtc actors anrl cut-ups. CARLETON KAUMEYER Owner of the Chickering Studios at 527 Davis St., Evanston - -- - - --- ---- ---- ---- - - -·-------- We trust that the many pleasant business connections and friendly relationships that Mr. Galitz has formed during the past four years will continue under the new management; and that the additional lines of musical merchandise which are to be added will be the means of making the Wilmette Music Shop of even more serv1ce to this community. We take pardonable pride in presenting the following nationally famous instruments: PIANOS Chickering and Sons Marshall and Wendell Brewster Kurtzman Brunswick Phonographs. Panatropes and Radiola Combinations Viva tonal Columbia Phonographs Brunswick and Columbia Records Radio Corporation of America Radiola THE AMPICO We carry a complete line of small instruments. sheet mus1c, radio supplies, etc. The expert Radio, Phonograph and Piano service department will be continued. -------------- ~----------- ------ ------ --------- Specialties in Number Accompanying the specialties \\·:J.J he .novelty ~tunt~ ~n th~ ~anking si<!c spnngs. Soronties givmg novelt1 t:s arc: Sigma Alpha Iota-"The Bear Back s": Kappa Kappa Gamma-"TlH· Campus Race": Alpha Epsilon Phi"1'he Animal's Fair"; Alpha Xi Ddta -"The Circus Coquette"; Aokig·a -"Pink Lemonade or Circus Moon ·s hi n e' · ; an d DcIt a M u-"The (' ir cu " Acrobats." Fraternit~· 110\'t lty acts will he prl' scnted by Sigma Alpha Epsilon - "T!w \Vah Show"; Phi Mu Delta-"A Fra tenlity Tumbles"; Phi Nu Beta- "Persecution of the Christians": Delt:t Tau Delta-" Rcfrcshing Incident s": and Phi Delta · Theta- "Tht.: Trained Phi Delts." The sixth f ra tl'rnit ,. novdty "·ill bt> gh·en hy Olll' oi t ~~-e organizati~n s from ).frKinlock cam pus . ?\fana~cr French is being a:-;-;istcd by Lama Lenfesty, who, as Sirku.;:) Sally. is obtaining as much ro-opaation irom tlH· sororities a.; po ssi hlt.:. Robert Russell is business manager . The big parade preceding thl' rirctb \\·ill. thi~ year. he a real non~ lty , and mu ch work ts being done to make it one qi the greatest in ~8rthwcstcrn's hislt)ry, both ~fr. French and ~fi.;s T.cnfesty state. - ------·--------·- -----------· --------- -- W4t llilmtttt :!lustr ~ Qnp CARLETON KAUMEYER II79 Wilmette Aven· ue, Tel. Wil. 3006 Re-Elect ORNER People's Party Vote the·Ticket Straight! WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE · COFFEE CAKES A famous assortment of first quality. LAYER CAKES Extra fine and extra big-an unusual combination of quality and quantity- -5 Oc and $1.00. · ·Alligator Oriental Braided Ring · Butter Blitz Old Fasbioned French Streusel French Ring Pecan Cluster . ----- Chocolate Pineapple Cocoanut Orange Banana ___ __ __:_ and ~frs . C. D. Langiord ni Blenheim. Ontario. arrived yestcrc:~IY with their t\\'n children to he tlw " tH·...,h nf "Mr~ . Langford's si!'tcr. ~1 r .... David F. Hall. cf 809 Central aventll' . l).-_ r··············-·········~ M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator Estimates Without Obligation WQr iutrQ ®urn TWO STORES 1129 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2998 1504 Howard Street, Chicago Phone Sheldrake 9638 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 ---···········------·····'

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