16 WILMETTE LIFE April 15, 1927 Easter Speeials!! SWEET PEAS, 2 ,;on Bureau Recreat~ pounds for 190 TABLE CELERY, per bunch 2Se FRESH RHUBARB, 3 pounds for 2Se FRESH ASPARAGUS, 3 bunches for I 29e BANANAS, per dozen 2Se NEW POT ATOES, 3 pounds _j '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Realizing that a Recreation and Playground b:::>ard is in the communit} to serve, and allluse and in struct <·.S well. it has prepared s0mcthing spccial for the clMe of the haskrtball season. One game. the _la st bet " ·ee11 the tournament tl'am~. ll'atures tl11..' Presbyterians (Ed. "Spind les" Hill, captain). vs the Ttnninals (Boh Blasdell, manager l. ~o far this sea-.on t'ach tt·am has beaten the oth er once, and so .it sh.ould _he a clo~e gam('. As a curtatn rats~..·r lor the htg ~amc, the I>Oan) has fi ~la l !y ::-.uccee<}?d Ill arrangm~ tor a ~~· trl" gatnl' .. 1 he Kenwood Church ~tars ( chantpiOI~~ of .th e K~nwood.. churc.h) and. th~..· r c~nnm~l Gtrls (\\ 1lmttte s favontes). play thts g~me. Both teams han some welJ .. kno\\"n stars. Taking it all 111 all. it looks like a large c\·ening. \ \ 'ednesday, Apri l 20, is the date, Howard gymnasium is the plact·. and 7 :30 is the time. A large j attendance is expected. Realizing ( somt· more) that \H' don't appreciate thing-s for nothing, and also needing the money for reasons tou numerous to mention, the hoard has decided to let the spectators contribute towards the expenses of the evening to the extent of two bits ($.25) for High school students and older, ten cents for chi ldren. Come and see our hest hasketha11 teams perform. I met the M ethodi~ts aggregation. Th<: game was an exceptionally good exhibition ·of hasketball. It was a sec-saw game as iar a~ the score went, for at the first quarter the Presbyterians ll'd with a sc0rc of 8 to , 2. \Vhen the half ended, the 'Methodists were ahead. 9 to 8. The third quarter saw a tic. 13 to 13. Then as the last quarter pr~.l gressed, it was nip and tuck 'til "Spindles" went wild when th<:rt werc hut fnur minutes to play, and start~d the PresbYterians shooting. and with the aid of Van de North. his teammate forward got a five point lead h~· the end of the game to win, 23 to 18. The second game wasn't quite ~o exciting, it being a sort of family af _ fair the t\\'O Terminal A. C. tealll " figh,ting it out. In spite of the crowd all cheering for the second team, thl· first team won to the score of oS to 20. These games lead up to the finab which an· called at R:30, on April 20. "·hen the Prc~hYterian and Te.rrninal A. C. meet to s~·ttle things. As a curtain raiser, two teams of gir ls will play- a team from t ht.: Term inal clist.rict YS a girls' tl';"\1\1 ·from Chicago. ----------~----- r Mrs. Edward MacDowell Honored at Reception Members of the North Shore 1fa~ Dowelt societv attended the reception 111 honor of ~Irs. F.dward 1JacDowl'll given \V cdncsday e Y c n in g- l>y the north shore societ,· and the Chicago ~lacDowcll societ)·. The reception "·as given at the home of Mrs. Albert J. Och~m·r. 210f) Sedgwick street, Chi cago. 11 rs. ~ 1 acDowcll, who continued tlH: "·or k of developing Peterboro colony after the death of her husband, tht· com p o s e r, talked to members and guests on th is workshop Ill New Ham{)Shirc for creative workers in thr arts. The colony is a realization of the dream of ~f acDowcll, who worked during his lifetime to develop it. ~ l l'mbers of the Evanston society were n·prescntcd. Keith Preston i.; president of that gr:::>up. Frank Amb ler. of the north shore group, and Ros setter G. Cole. of the Ch icago socidy . I. I 2Se per peck The semi-finals rn the Playground and Recreation board's basketball tournament were played off on \Vednesday . n ight when the Presbyterians , Re-Elect $1.1S FRESH BEETS and CARROTS, 4 bunches ORNER People's Party Vote the Ticket Straight! 2Se FLORIDA ORANGES, large, 3 dozen §lllllllll~ll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllll l !\lfl\lllltlll~llllllltlllt\ltlll l lltllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllfllllll\11\fllllllll\ll l llll\lllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllll l\ llllllll~llllllllll§ $1.10 GRAPEFRUIT, large, 3 for I~PECIALS - FOR EASTE~ : = - 2Se SAVOY COFFEE, per pound sse Easter Cakes and Cookies Patty Shells- Meringues- Macaroons Salted Nuts Ail special orders for Easter Cakes must be placed by Friday i - - - - 'FRESH EGGS, per dozen t - - 37e Try one of our ' Papantony & Sons Quality Fruits and Vegetables 1135 Central Avenue Tels. Wil. 154 w l361 - ; = Fruit Filled Coffee Cakes for Easter Sunday Breakfast - - - THEPATIY SHOPPE I 1153 Wilmette Ave. Phone· ·575 ~~llllllll~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllll lllllll llll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIillllllll;lllllllllllllllilllll ll;llllll~liiiiiiH~ ~ ~ Five Free Deliveries