Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 6

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6 WILMETTE LIFE April 15t 1927 VOTERS Back the Party You Created Three · Years Ago- HOME PARTY has both science ' and business sense on its ticket for Wilmette's · servtce THE HOME PARTY ELMER D. BECKER Re-elect for Trustee Mr. Bt-·ckH waH fir~t to urg-t· lmw ·hing of JettingH on JlR\'t'l1lt>nts and at mul'h pt>rsonal t.'ft'ort A 'Ot a dozen contractors last spring to hid inHtt·ad of a fpw aH lwfore. Prices came dowu. Taxpayt·rH sa n:·d thousands. \.Ya!3 fir:"t to point out largt· saY·i ngs possibl~ fnuu iowt>r intt'rt·:o;t rat es 011 Village hunds which would Have over f60 000 011 Oll'Ht.'SSillt'l1t illl)H"O\'l'111t'11tl'i madt· ·the' lar-;t two :rears. Chairman of Fit·e Committet>. Ren·t'd two years on Board of Appeal~o~ . Ht>)lrt'sents Wilnwtte as Director of Evanfo;tun-\\'ihnt>Ut' Community Golf Course. :-Jow <.·ompleting- 2fi Y~-'<tl'l' st>l'Ykt· with larg-e insur:ttwt· firm in which h(· rost· to . Vice Presidl-'nt. Home owtwr for 7 :rt.'ar~ at 519 Lindt-u A H . ~ft·mbf'r Exchang·e Club, 0J>timist Club, Chi<:ago Asl"ol'intion of Commer~f' and f'hkago Board of l·ndt·r~Yrltt· rs. Good rt:' cor~ as Trustt·t· f<,t' ~ p ·a rs. ANDREW J. MOUAT For President Mr. :\fouat has tht· ability, vision, will and time to c.a ~ry out. ~h~ platform of the Home Party. He is the highest type of cttlz~n, wtllm~ to serve (but not seeking), ready to employ science an~ use h1s business t·nmmon st>nse in both the every day problems of Wtlmette and those t·xtt·nding far into the future. Has a keen sense of money valueR, not only from his Scotch ancestry but because he has served as Works .\ lauag·t>r, Cost Accountant and Assistant Treasurer of a large ma~m facturing firm. Knows problems of the home owner intimately, havmg bunt over 300 nice homes both well-to-do and modest, in the Chicago an·a. H~; has the amblti~n to help the Plan Commission an~ owners of land in thP annexed territory lay out lots for young marrted folks who <.·;:w afford modt·st homes, thus buiiaing virile citizenship. Has timy to g-in· to important office of President and can attenc;I hearings of Samtary District, County Commi::;sioners, Utility Commisswn, and other bodit·s where intf·rests of Wihni:!tte are not no)V represented. For 30 year:-; a member of Hamilton Club and charter member of Illinois Athletic Club. :\[f·mht' r :"Jorth Short> Oolf & Ouilmette Country Clubs. 1\lr. Mouat lws l11 ···n a IH11iw ()\\'n~·r (,t· V\.ilnlt tt·· at 616 Lake Avenue for 7 YNlrs. NICHOLAS J. MILLER For Trustee (now Village Clerk ! )lr. :\Iiller kno\\·!" the amH·Xt·d t<· ITitt·r~· and its problems. H e has li n ·d tllt'r· · :J~· , . t·an~ . He was trustee of old GTOSH J'uint t'or 8 vear!'. He helped organize tht · ( :ro:-s Point· Health Center and was one of it~ oin·dors for 4 years. He is Presid l'nt ~f ~l'hol)l District No. 40. The annexed tt ·rn tory fa~es big problems and is justl~· ·· tlt it led to representation on the Boa nl of 'l'rustN's hy one of its vf'ry best men . Having st·rved as Village Clerk for a Yt·n. r, h·· t ·an slt'P into the duti es of 1'rustee without apprenticeship. During the '\\rar ht: was assistant to the manager of Claim!'( t..: Prop(·rty Protection of the l..". S. H. H._ Administration. He is Traffic Managt r ot a large wholesale house. He is a ho m fmnwr at I!I:U Birchwood An·ntH·. .-\!" ~l nwmLt·r of the Village Board h(· can rtnckr nllu:tldt· :-:t·rviel' for tlw new tt>n·itor;.: . Not once in a decade is ·such a balanced and high grade ticket offered as these five candidates. They have the ability, vision and will to carry out the principles and platform of the Home Party and are pledged to do so. They are dedicated to no flats, business management and development of Wilmette. W. W. DEBERARD Re-elect for Trustee GEORGE F. ILIFF For Treasurer Mr. Dell(:rard has given Wilmette unusually rich service as t rustl··· during the bt..-;t two years. He enjoys a national reputation as an authorIty on municipal water supply and sewage, having. served. on pla!lts m Philadelphia, I )t-nnr, Pittsburgh and New York w1th leadmg .engmC"er~: As Chief J.;ngirwer of tht- Chit·aJ!O RPglonal Planning- Associatwn, lw tl" In position to inform the Board of Trustees of proposed developmC'nts a~1d thus enable \\Tilnwttt· to tit iuto lwr ndva.ntagt>. [n do~o~t· <'ontal't w~th municipal practi<:t! throughout tlw ('hkago an·a, 1\f' kt't'))H tlw H<~arrl Illformed of the best. As Chairman of the Sewer and \Vatt·r <.;o.mnHttt'l' l~t has handled sewer and water improyements with great abthty. Ht> 1s credited with the diftlcult task of having m·gotiated an outlt-t for ~o~ewage from annexed territory and obtaining an appropriation of $100,000 by the Sanitary District to build this outlet. He was a member of the StandardIzation Committee of the Amt>rican Water Works Assodaion that compiled and published a book of 600 pages on standard practice of wat£-r works in the U. S. He is Chairman of the Committet! on City Planning of the American Society of Municipal Improvements. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and is Chairman of the Good Roads Committee of the Chic.a go Association of Commerce. He has been a home own£-r at 80! Elmwood A venue for 11 years. E L A p c T I 0 N v' E R I L 1 9 :\lr. Tllff was for la )'L·ars with the State Bank of Chicago, rising to Rt·al Estate :\Ianng-H of the Trust Department. He is a close student of financial mauag·t·nwnt and lias a prog-ram rea dy to offt>r for effecting ~:n ings in intt.·rf'st on Wilmette assessment bonds. He believes by a ch~li.H~· 1' in method of paying- contractors, lower hids for paving and other m;provements, (':lll be had. If elected he will act as financial ad,·isor to thf· Pr('sidt>nt and Board. He knows municipal finance and management fro~1 haYing sern·d on ~t:veral important l'Ommittees of the Chicago Counc1l of whkh he was thairman of the Committet.· on Compensation. .'·~he :\l. V. L. rt'port(·d on him "notably indt>J)endent In Council; a man of ahility nnd integrity." All Chicago neWHJlapers praised his record. )ir. Iliff !'tudied law at night school and was admitted to the !Jar. He i~ now :\Ianagt!r of the South Central office of the Bowes Reality Co. and has bt.'en a home owner at 924 Linden Avenue for the past four years. H~:: is Secretary and Director of the South Central Association, mem~er ?f the Chkago Real Estate Board and Secretary of the Wilmette Clvt~ Luncheons. Mr. Iliff will give a fine a.~counting of his stewardship it t·lt\eted Treasurer. ~~

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