Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 59

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== 01\J lttf: IH' 7 April 8, 1927 .., ,,_ WILMETTE _a2 _____ }·_o_n_s_ ·. _ \_L_F._.-_H . ol·s· ~~s FOH SALE-ti HOO:\t: BRICK YENJ<:EH. house, sun }mrlor a11d sleeping porch, ~ath , tiJ ,.. noor and wall s, lavatory on ftr st floor; br..-akfaRt nook; water· hea t; 2 ~·a1· g·aragt· lot 50x160. Just <'OiliJill'l··d. nwn l' r on vre misl:'s ~un dar ht · tw t~en ::? :ot) and :; :00 p . m . PrH't- $21l,Otl0. 171 ~. \\·a~ hington AYe. Ph 11 11·· " ' il. ::1 !14. ii2L28-tfe i-' () J~ ~. \LJo: LIFE BrY-\' .H'A~'l' 59 'V ILLAGE OJt' WILMETTE :\ otke of Award of Contract. Fot· ]m\·ing tht> first allE>Y southwest or Park A Yt!nue from the Northwesterly lint' of Washington A\·~nut> to the ~orth wcste rly lint' t·xhmdt>d southwest of Lot 7 in illo<·k 1 in Dingee and :\lcDaniel's SuhdiYisiou of Bloeks :l, 6, !1, 10 and the ~outh half of Bloc·k 8 in Wilmette Villagt'. (Wilmette Special Asse s~ment No. 178) Offiee of the Board of Locai lmpro\·enwnts, "riltttf'tlt>, Illinois, April ith . 1~127 . :\'OTICE is lwre by gi\'t'n to all J>et·sons illlt·rt·Htt·d, that th t> bids for grading and . pa \'ing· with < ·Onl·rete tht· (.'t'lltral eighteen (18) fn·l of tht.· first ~ll ey southwf'st o[ P:uk A n·nut· from th e northwestt'rly lint· of \.Va:-lhi 11g·tCJn ..-\ \'e nut- to the northwestI ·J·J\· litw t·xtt·ndt·d Routhwt:>st of Lot Seven (I}. i 11 Block One (I) i 11 Ding~(, and llcI ):lllit·l's Suhdi\·i!;ion of Bloc:ks !l, 6, !), 10 : tno tht- south half of Blol.'k ~ in WllI Hdtt· Villag-t·, in the Villagt> of ·wil: lH'ltt·, Cook County, Illinois, · Special As!ott·s~nlt'nt X o . 178 were opent>d on the 5th day o f Avril, A. D. ]!l27, and W. H. ( ;oi' Jitz h e ing· tlw lo\vt:st r esponHible biddt·t· thl' con tra<'t was awarded to him on tlw ath day of April, 1927. Said bid was fol' tlw worl< as a whol e and is as follow~: FOR SALE-IIOUSES t. ·\VINNE'fKA HOrv'II\ $17,000 F i le; W.\.S'l'Jo:U TO ----------------------------I0 ,~~,. AXT ACJU:~. \\.EST SIDE BEtwet'n E\·anHton & Cilt·ncoe. ~lean busineHs if price d right. '\Vilmette Life B-271. 67LTN28-ltc d)o r, ,. ; 1t·. -! BEDROOMS & t BATH~ a n e i a I Rt>Yt>rHt-H f"ou:=w Ownt:r ~ ~~ sa(·rifkt· lwautiful <'olonial Home ··. I,Jk:-: . to main (·lt·f·. and · : itl·am d e pots, 'Jl!ag·t.: and Sl'hool:-;. 4 lwdroomH 2 ~'" th~. larg-t! living room, xt·rt-c: tJ(;'d 'liY·' "g por(' h, H('rl'<'IH'd and f.dazt·d !:>lee])ltlg· JHII'l"ll, ~\m(·l' . Had . ('o, 11 . W. ht!at, I c·ar garage <llld dt·in·, lot ;,Oxl7a, Sl ttall Jlaynwut down , IJalant ··· Jikt · n·nt DI.\1EIHATE; PO~SI·:~Sf<J:\' . 11 GSED ('r\RS DODGE DELUXE SEDAN 1926. L ess than 5,000 miles, $800. Easy tt'l'ills. T t> l. '\Yi11n. 165. 68LTK28- tfc llcl\·iland Realty Co. It· · TlU . EXC LFSI \'E AC 1·;:\'TS 7 17 l·:lnl St., \VillJWtka Ph . Wi1111 . :iii -1)1 (IJ'E:\' OH HE:\'T-Ii lt.\1. FILL\Il ·~ and stu<·c·o <'o lo nial. 2 baths. La\' , 1st 11oors. ll· ·at··d gat·. a tt<H'hl'Cl, lot ;, tlx1 R7. l~t 'H ll: tl'l·t·S . ;l;2:!,1HIIJ-if l'itHh f·I(Uity, lh·ntal $18:. ··onsJd ·· J'nh lt· l't· clul'lion . Jll·l' mo ., · ., y r . ll'ast·. If ltmg·t·r, rt·du c··· tl :tt'·'<·rding ly. T..J. \\·inn. 14i'li . ii2 LTX2S-1 t p :-;.\LI-: -i l~ .\1. ~'I'H. ;n THE WH.-\ XOT \ . \Irs .. Dil'h ·wnourH·t's tww < ·ttTi\·ais in < antiqut: ~, hl:'d:-i, c hairs, quilts, con·rlH:s, g· la~:-; and pri 11tH. .-\11 \'l:'rV l'hOiel·. An ··a t·ly ~vlt·etion is adYiSt·d. X!IS \\' .\:-;HI:'\( :To X STHEE'l' EYAXSTOX I 1:1. S11. .\lain .·r. 1 Bl. E. Ridge .\\'C. ALL n.\Y Sl.:'\J) ~\Y a2 LT:\' 2io:- 1tt: F< l l~ t·tll: trg·,. IJ : :: BRK. ('OL., EAHTLY old: built hy ar('h.; ly , ,,. II, ' )l A~ Iffi ll <BliiD cdl A w~ rru ru1 ® t 4 IHI©mm® (,· (; l· ·llC 'III': -! bll-::-:. R. n. and Sl: huol. 12ti J·:twlid . \ \ 1·. l'h . t:lt-nt·r,l· lH&. :i2 LT2S- Hp Itt. "' · ilt. :. ·· IJ . ; Ia,·.. g-;n .. lut ~ 1-lx ::;;o; r· · <~r 11~1 ft . widt·; pn·ttit·:->t ~t. S. \V . 70LT~2.S-ltc (~OH])S - ;'I FO It :-i .\J, E-JI 0 t ' S t: IIOLJ.) - .\TTU .-\C'TI\' 1 ·: X 101. S'l'l'cTtl \\TfHin :-, hlnf'!< s of l:tkt · : t· Jll'ln ~t · d ·sun and ~l· · · · flillg pot·c·ht·:-:: ··xtr:c lanct on· :tnd t .. iJ\'1: g·as lto·at : lancl sc·a p· ·d Jc,t ': g·ar:·~ · ·. l'nusll<tl off··ritll-!' at ~:.:::.uoo . Ex··lu:-:i\ ,. ag··JJt s. 01: s ·.\LE-B EAUTIFUL FIVE RM. co n11-r bl'ick bungalow. 'l'ile roof, bath, shower, o il heat, garage to match !.uil<ling . .\11 impron·m<·nts in and p;tid fo r . T e rmR. Price $18,000 r e duct>tl from $25,000. Frete rs, 260S La \\T· · Jl(' t· . \ Yt ·.. "hkag-1.. ;;2 r: rxzs-tfp IIIJill··, ~..\LE-fi nOO:\J, l\JOD. STUCCO ~ull-n·olll, hr.:aldal:>t nool<, and '" ,,. -·; 1-'t JH l' lltHlt · \\'i l. GS :i2L2 -ltc Wo·ll dian ,, I' ':\ra !1 ·· n IIDIID®1t JJ;S. 1t. il 11 (QJJn.m ® n~ ~ ruT .- II. " ·· lf Nlt. -l yt·ars o ld. Ltn d sc<qh·d. :J blks. N . of InJlill d1·pot. J.~ast sid e. Price $H.~.oil. :Jt):j Ehl· ·r LatH', \'Vinn. ii2LT:\'2S-tft· t:<~ r:q..:··. I. CEX'l'ER STI<EFT $13 ..~00.00 ;-;t ' l.l·::\ IIIII I ·1'1'\ II tt un it~- h ~· r··a:-.(111 .. r lew at io n : ,; nHI111 :;: l'"tTI~t·:-:: f urn :H'·· l11 ·at : t.:HI';q..:t·: lot .-,1 1:-,: I~·.-, fc ·d. l{l'l lto ·cl at :PW )11 ·1 · lll··nt It 111 ' fi11S~s· · ssif·ll t':tll J.. . h :t d : 1· · 1'111~. Fell\ :-;,\1.1-: C):\'1·: YE.\1: OL!l m·Xtl.\1"\\', li J'ttt;JilS ti r :-:t (1oor, :! l'llftlll ~ IH'WIY fittisho ·d Oll St'\'OIH f. \\'i JI S;t('l'ifit>t · fOI' quil'k sa l· ·. lll·al <lirt ·c ·tl~- with tht· 11 \\'llt ·r . 2\Tu ~t :-:t·ll at Ullt 't '. <'all \\' illll· ·t I· · 7 -lli-~1. :i2 L2R-ltc ;-; 1:-.: I!II0:\1 :-;E.\lt-tn·xc:.\l.O\\'. JIOT " :t t· ·r h t·at. tilt·<l hath, t·x tra toild in J, ;, ~··IIJI'I:t : tilt- t'ttttf. ·> ('a t' gar;q. .:·t·. On·· :11' 1'·· l"t. \\'i11ding· J'oads . Tn Glt·n ( ··:i\ .\ ·· 1'1 ·:-:. \\'ritt· 11\\'111'1', 1'. o . Box 7::, t;r··~~ ('oi nt. Ill. ~·:!L T:\' ~S-l t t' fo'I H~ ~.\Ll·: 'l'fl f'LOSt;: ESTATE, 7 1'1101\l hoU :->l' . <IIHl -! roon1 c:ot tag·e on Jut ~.:t:-..l .\7 II. ~7~t l'IH ·I'I',\" :-;t., \Yi1111. ('all a ft f' r .· p . 111. ott < 'O lt:ll-!'t' or phon£> \\·inn . t :: .ili. L . 1·: . . \nd c·rf:o n . :J2 LTNZ7-2tp ~.\I.E lll"I'<'H C'tlLO:'\L\L, ti roont s and :-:un pon·h . Half hl·wk to ,. \\'ittndl.;a .-.:! I.T~:! S- ::t 1 · '. \l'\\. T ]"" J l ~ J · J ·,ng; atH l() otlla 1 ·'1: .\2\11·: lJ():\IIo:, It · I:LtH'K:-; TO 1:11.;··. :?r , lllcwks to stali111l. l·' i\·,. YNtrs ·old a llll "f lit·· h··st P··ssi hl ·· l'«·nstnH< ti" ll. £1uu s·· ··o ntains s l'lllllll:-: , :-, b ·d r·H>tll:-:, :-: un parl t· r . :-: lt· ··pin g· Ju·rc·h <tn tl is sit UHkd oil a ho·autifully latulst:a pt ·d l·ot s:-,xJ!t.'\. l'rit ···d right 111 ht · :-:ohl at . . :::!. oon. (' Uid v yat·ds of ~ xca\'ation n t $ l.Hil J>t>l' yd ............. $ .:{~0.0·) I flt1U :-lquan· yards concrete 1>8V(>tlll·llt , seven (7) inches thit-k, mixt-d fn the i)roportion of one (1) part of II pit·t·t· ~ht · ratan Hining ~d. Portia nd renwnt, two (2 > Sun noolll, n1·d 11110111 and Porc·h Funli part~ of C'll:'an sharp sano lUI'\ '· and thn·e (:n Jlarts of ' Si II< Yt·lour l>rapt·rh·s, Kitdtt·n It~ bit-s Tools, c rushe u limc:-stont> or gravel Tt·t·IJox. J'Ol'l'h Furnitun·, c; a rd t>n I'( c.. 71 L2~- i tcfrom 3/~ -inch to 2% inches in siz·· and with 1;4-inch FlL-\ :\L E & al'phaltil' f e lt t!Xpam!ion F O ll S.\I,E-1 " · tXIHHY \':lSI'Hi:t.l', $4. g·tass 2 joints ::;H normal to th e cenHils h. :!tx::o in .. g·iaHs 2-!:li:IS in. fram e , t t· r lin·· of the pa\·etnent lllt·llt windO\\ :-: & -~:· ,.). I ]JI' . f·'rL·nc h do or s , mahogany, at thirtr (30) foot intersh':l', . ntis, and \\'lth a l'Onceale d 2 ft. l in. X 7 ft., ('Oill)llf:'tt·, *:w. 1 whit tmt'lal joint gal\'anized or c·nHntt ·I 1\i tdll·JI \':tllilll'l, 1ii . T l:'l. Winn . 71 LT:'\28-Hp paintt·d Hhl't>t stl.·l'l, six and ~OOli. Olll'·half (61:!) ineh t's high, lwld in plat't' hy %- inch I·T I!X . F<m S.-\LI·:-::-PTit:<'E RIRI>SI'OUIId :-:tt·t·! pinH tiflt't'n ( lfl) c·rt· ntaplt· !Jed- room Ht' t. On1· fuil-si7.P indw ~; ltJit g' ano with half i \ ' Ill'~· l~t ·d . Porc h furn . St·W. t a hl l·. 2 ( 1 :: 1 i ll!'!t round stl't>l rod~ . nwk1 ·r s. T~ug-s. c'all at 4 2~l Lind,·n l'l.' t h I'· ··· (:: l fl't't long·, Sl:'t ill al't· ·t' ti, Ill' phnllt' \\·inn. :ns. 71 LTX2S-1 t c t h t· mi<l<llt· of th t· \)<l\'t' lllt'tlt :tlld lllll'lllal to th e <·entt·r HOOKE! l lL\ I >I 0, Iilli' th t·n·of at fin· (;;) fel:'t I ; 1-: I >I~ t ll l .\I SET. inl t· n ·als, all <·o m;trul'lPd in rug·s. li l't ']IIH <'\ · t·quipnwnt, HC<t ll·:-:, orfurnishin !c!,·:-;. pl;u ·t· . inl:lud ingth e ('OSt llliSI 't'lJa llt·OU:-: tt: lltl· ·!l ls . Huhhard of laiHII' and matt·rial:-; at I! ul" ·I, n:.::; St'ott, ll:~nr 71 LTX2R-1tl' at ~::.ut) Jll'l" squart· yat·d .... ::ouO.l'HI \\' II lid;-; , "·inn . 21 :~:.:. For Sale-.\t I~arg-ain Prices Satttrcla,· . . \pril 9th. COllltnenctng· at 1 p. 111. - 1()32 Rido·e .\\·e .. E\·anston. h Phone CniYersity 73~ ::::o * I \ralter P. Sn1ith & Co. ::·:~ l':trk .\\·, .. J>)JIIIlt · l; Jt· tlt 'IH' i'll2-:: ;, :! l.T:'\2 S-1 tc 1 :,, 1: ~ . \l.t ·: -- 1-tESII\i'::\'l'l·: 111·:'1'\\'J-:EX :-;Ilt ·l'id a n l{oa<l and L;tl..:· ·. :-;ix ltnnm:'{, su n p a rl··l', hro·al\fast l'tlt>lll, two hath~ :tnt! ··:o..t ra Ia \·a tor~·. to\ ··r~· roo111 O\' t' l'1· .. ,~-; illg· tlw lakt ·, Xt ·WJH·I't hnilt·r with \kiJ\·aitH· nil hlll'llt't'. 2 ··a t· g· ara~·f'. ~~ Ut'l'" ·on tilt· ancl tilt· roof . Pri cl'· Jka~onahlt · a mount f':1Hh. ·' 1.-, ,tltHl.OO. Roger E. \ \"illian1s & Co. llroa<lway , Phont· 1.:!1-:· · \"i, ·w !t2tii "" \\.i lmt'ltt· · 2i -1:: . · ;,2f,28-2tc :~'\0! \"on - Resicknt ( h\·ner Sell ti lUI. 11F~\c:.\LO\\': olcl : ju:-:t painl<·cl & li\·. room. Xatural h··at : w tt ll arrang-1·<1, c ;a rag· ·. $12,:100.1\0. lt .-,7 \\' ilnu·ltl' .\\'t·. ~I ust :\I IS:-; 1 U X LTHI! .\HY Tot<-~1 ...... . ... ... . .. .... $:t{:~o.oo l'hairs, $1i . 'l'ahh· La tnp, Th·· ·1\\'ll ··rs of a majority of tht> front$.i. Two lt t·t.l :-: $1:?. ft'< lll (·Ot, $:!. < 'ro- ag-t· of the lotH and landH upon said l:ill'£>Hs Skol<i·· C'luiJ . $ 1:i,Ot\n. T· ·rms. -!~HI ((U··t Ret, $1. il0. <'ornt' t. $1H. Tt·l. Wil. wlwn·i n HH id work i~ to b e don e may, .J, .f'f',·rs .. n ...\\'·' . t:knc·n·· 1:::! :;, i1LTX28-1tt· within tt·n day~ from tlw datt> lwn·of, as 1 hi~ . :-,2LTX2:\-ltp pro\'id t·d 1·~· Ia ,,., t>ll:'l.'t to take said work FOil :-;,\ I,E- llTI.\ :\:1) :\'1-:\Y ('O XLOX Hnd t- nlt·r into a writtt·n l'Ontraet to do S.\LE on r:.EXT-Xl·:,\· ii JUL ironing- madtillt '. .\11 l"lt·d l'il' , 11\' \ '1'1' ~aiel wm·J' at tt"n (10) )kr centum l(·S~ iJoU St' 1Jil l·:il-~t .\ n·nut·, Xorthlll·ook : ht'l'll UtH ·l'alt·d : t';nn il y l' i7.t' . <'ost $1tiO . tha 11 t lh· prin· a t whh-h :-;arne hn:-: lWt>ll T t> l. modt·l'll. ll t·n cly fo1· tll'l'UJl<tiH'Y . awarded. \\'ill =-"t' II for $R.i. \\"inn . 22nS. ;-,2J .TX:!S-1 tp Xnrt hhrook 11 ::. 71 LT:'\21\- ltp E.\ 11.L E . ORXER .IOIIX Cl.. AHK BAKER .~ 1~002\l IIU:\11·; .n · :-;'1' WE~'I' UF ltiJH:E I;,\:-; H 1-: .\TI·:n Al.Ttni.\Tit' LU\.J·:KIX J.:L:\1 EH. I l . Rl;:('KF.R ill \\'i llll l't tt ·: t t·ar g-a1·ag·1·; hot wat1 1' :-,fi ft. .\ 1111o:-:t J1t·\\' and ill JWI'ft·d ('O il· \\"TLFOHD \\-·. Dt>BERA ltD l~t ·: ll. .\II t·on\ · ··llit·llt'l'~. l'ric- t· ~I :!,llolo. \\.i ll :\('('ost $:wx. St·ll l'hl'Hfl, dit i Clll. <'L.\HI<::\'L'E K DRAYET: \\'r il· · 11\\' llt ·r. 1'. 0. Jl11X 1:: , Ct'll~s larg·l' r lwat .. r . with r ... placingt'llllll t \1! P "\l.L A. H<WF'MAN !'oint, rtl. ;;:?L'I'X:!S-ltl' i1 LT:\'28- 1ttt 'a II l' t· lli I. 1 i71. JOJ IX F. WTEDLIN }!onnl of Lt.Jt.·al TmnrO\'t:'l'llt'nt~ J.' t Jit S.\Ll-: -- 7 1!002\1 FIL\2\11': IHW:-;l ·~ 0 .-\ j{ Ill:\' T:\'(; T .\11LE , t :.AS R .\XGE, p f th· · \ ' illag't' of \Vilmdt e. in ~Pl··tHiitl l·wation. $~l.n on . '1\·nns. \\· it . g·ray l'll:ttnt·l kitl'lwn t·abinet, oak rnel<L2S-1te 1 :;~:?. .i:? L :!S- ltp 1'1', wil'kt'r nH·kt·r, ht·d and hox springs. i I LT~:!S-1 tp C;ft.Jlt'lll' ~ti::i . FOI~ S.\1.1·:-:: I{()O.\T ('OT'I'At;l·:, LOT ANSWER TWO ALARMS :iOx I :ill . '1\·1. \\'il. :: F:l X. :i2LTX2S-1 tt· Jo'(JJt :-;.\LJ·: - .\'l'TH.\<"I'IYI·~ :~ DO(IR '1\vo alarms were answered by the lll<thog·any hook t'llSl'. Pt·rft>d t·omlition. nnug-ht at Sdwllt·, t't'\\' months a f.!' D. local fire dcpartr.1ent the first part of FOH S .\Lt:- .\( ' HE .\ta: I I LT:'\:!X-1 tp the week. Tuesday evening, a call was '1\·1. \\·inn. 2in!t. received from 118 Maple avenue where FOJ: S.\1.1·: - ,.\ 1-t~<:.\CTTFCL WOOI>I·:D (:J,A:-;sw.\RE ..\XD a flue was burning out. S.\ Ll~ llt'lt· Ill (;lt·ll (J;t\.; . \\'1'1 ':-i. *ji)OO. \\'il- Flllt Wednesday l'llillH : quaint. 10\' t" l~·. ]lt·l'fl'l' t ('Ondition. llll'ltt · !:iS :!. . ,"i ·IL2S-ltJ) i I LT:!S-1 tp afternoon the boys responded to an (: lt·llt'O\' !I~ I ~I. Flll~ I·'( lit T<t hit · and SA 1.1·: ., U:'\LY .-, Yt·:.\HS <lt·COI'altocl : Jarg·e fir· ·plac' t' : watPr attr:IC'tin·. roomy. l·~aHy tt ·rms. Pho111· \\"il. li-tO ;;~ 61 WTI). TO HE\T-Fl ' UX. IIOt'l~l·:s Fun F. Coletnan Burroughs & Cu. Ltl\-lt(' \\".\:\"1'1·: 1) 'l'<l l!I·; X T - I·TH~I8HF:l> hon w fm· llw ~umnH·r, thl'l't' in family, hu~IJaJHl. wift· :1 nd gT0\\'11 :-;on. l>t'~irP :-:tnall houst· 011 :\'orth Short·, l't>ply H . Y . ~ t·o tt. :>tiO :\ . ·\lil'higan .\n·llUl', ('hicago, ol' t·all Statt- 2281. tilL:lti-:Hl' - - -·- - SET, Pni\·. ~ t· t' ~tl'. ~l:ll ::. 71 L2R-1 t c FOI! :-; .\LE - SLI<:l·ITLY {'SEn .\TRWHY Sw··t·Jlt·r. Kt·nil. 1212. 71 LT~2S-I tp 1:.\ )j{ SALI.:-SHARK ICE W )X~fiiOCJi': 1\> 1. Kt·nil. :1:'.!)1' ('<\ )Hil'i t ~·. 71L2!!-ltc JH~J~<; S ·..\LI·: bt·t·a k fast Sl't, Jwdroom ROO~f alarm from the A. ]. Woodcock residence. 501 Central avenue, Vl'here a barn had caught fire. No damage was sustainl·d in either instance. lltli ' :-;F:s FOR S.\L!o:- \\'IL\11·:TTF: t ll'l·:~ FOH. lNSPJ·X'TIOX, f'HOTC'I~ OF :: nt ·\\' I'X<'PJltinnally W1·1l built ti room llnU:-:t'H. for Rale on Nl!:'Y tt>l'lllH by own··r and builotor. A II nwdPrn impron' 1 1l·· ntx ; 2 car garagt' ~: t·Xt'··llt>nt transJle~rtation. Kc:-nilwortlt ( :aniPn~. K£>uil\\'lll't h Dri n ' at Ridg·t· H<l. PhoJw \Vilnwttt· 2!tS7 or l ·~ · nt ral · i870 .\ . .1. 2\louat :ci Nn. D··arbnrn St. !i2L28-ltc iS l"OR SALE-V AVA.N'f F'Ol':. SALt·: Phont· Wil. - HOl'SEHOLU - :::~6::. SAY Here t.:; an opportumty that cannot be .'lvt·rlookt:d by any p e rson interested In WANTE.'D TO BUY -SECOND HANn ~orUt Slio re real estate. furniture a no other houseltolcl goods Cro~t Fur· Highest prices for same. I am offering a wonderful buy In my niture Stort-. 1 004-li F.merson St., Ev· lot 62xl97 situated in 'llfoodland Park sullanston. Til. Phone Unlv. JR!l. division Deerfield, Illinois one of the i2L'I' :'\28-tf<· ~orth Shore's Choicest locations. ~:1 FOU SA J, E-JIJS(' t:LJ, .\ ~ t:Ol":-i Both storm and . sanitary sewers are In "·rr.L HANDLE 6 ROOl\I C"OLOAT.\ L; 3 HALr:- STHAH1HT BILLIARD l~t·drooms, sun porch; hot wat£·r heat: and paid for, water in to the curb line, FOR l'lh le, 41,:!x!l. J. ull sizt·. tilt·nl'Ot' 240. full attic with space for additic:mal rms.: steel re-enforced concrete streets will be 73LT28-ltp attachf'd garage. 'l.'erms atT<\nged to finished by spring, ground is high and dry, not a low marshy spot near this suit purchaser. Price $16,500. USED :\JAHO<;AXY STROLLER. GOOD ··roperty. Good eondition $5.00. T(>l. ·w ilmette 252 If you are Interested in this proposition, ot' !lliS-i\f. 73LTN28-ltp ·ttiO Winnetka A w . Winn. 1 ROO 52LTN28-ltc $2,000 will take It, one half down and bal7-t W'l' 0. '1'0 IH·Y-.\IISCELI·.\'X'f;ors ance on easy terms. FOlt SALE-7 ROOM STUCCO. DJcJ'EP lot. fruit trees. Desirable lo<'ation. Owner employed in Wilmette and must WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, lOc ~ 1 : 1 ,0(, 0 . ('ash $2,50(\. Phone Wil. 1582. mnke his home in that village. Address per lb. 1222 Central Avenue .. Wilmette. 521...28-ltp Wilnwttt> Life B-186. 53LTX28-tfp 74LTN28-tfp a W'fD. - ·ro DlJY-JlSE1lLU. GUO US -- COODS. 71L28-ltt.· - WI·: $2,000 CA.SH AJU; TRYr~c: TO PROVIDI<J A !l:'ft fatherless with clothing, shot·s and food. C'an Ust' most anything. Th e motlwr also is in nt-ed of clothing, siz~" -!2 . f'hildrl:'n, girl 11, shoe size 21-2, ho~· 7 years, shot> size 1 1-2, boy 5 years, shill' sir.t· 11, girl :{ Yt'arH, shoe size 7, hahy 1-! months old, shoe size 3. Can aiHo U:->1· t.·an goods and food of dlt'fert'nt kinds. Lt'an· thing!:! with .Mrs'. Paddol'k, 1ii1-t llig-hland .-\vt". Tel. Wil. 1H51l. 76L2S-ltl> famit~· I W ©ll~~cGlfn~~il~ IHl~lf©l~&lf® t;uttt·rs, ~pou~s. E. E. Stults Realty Co. Roofing & RepairingPHONE WIL. 158 76L2S-1tc W AX'l ~~L> LOKG HUDSON SEAL c·ont. )lust be bargain. Wll. U7. HL28-ltc

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