Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 58

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58 WILMETTE LIFE SITUATION WTJ).-FEMALE 'S April 8. 1927 FOR RENT-HOUSES F'OR ni~N'l' - ATTRACTIVE 6 HOOl\1 llC,nl'"' , within 2 iJioekR of Wilmeth: .dt·pot . Large wooded lot; garage; on<' or two Yt:'ar h.·ast~, at $~10 per month. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Classified advertisements will be charged only Genetal N OttCt to residents of the district from Evanstcm to 16 cents R Q t eS .. papers. RJ·~FI~ED COLORED WOMAN WA~'I.. wurk bv the day or we£>k. Near L P.l' intei·urban. Wilmette Tel. :\1i('higan 2445. t·£>fe-rtmct-s. 36L28-ltc Glencoe inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to ~ithPr WILMETTE LIFE, . WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two 30 cents a line in all three papers. ~IINil\IUll CH.A.RGE 68 eents. Average of five words to the line. No lllack face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements wllen brought to our omee at 1!22 Central A. ve., Wilmette, or i6.J Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. --------------------------- EXPBRri.tJ.:..-f'gD :.\lAID FOR GENERAL 'fD) . li\Mf 1T1J"TLffi'l~~'()\rfll ~- (FJ'CJ' hou~eworl< . lh· t't·rt·nl'es. Kenwood 9150. ~o 11\1il o aJJ \l:Vllllilil<W l!.o\W UU ~ ~\l:V o ;~ 6 LTN 2 S-ltp 3-tO I.ind·· H A\'c . Phone~ Wil. r,,.; 44L2H-ltoSIT. WANTED-HERR HAND LAUNdress. Outside drying. Will call antl deliv er. Wil. 734. 36LTN26-4tp WAXTgD ·- LARUE WASIIIXGS TO uo at holllt'. Phone (;It'll. 616. w~rr~li® :J6LT~28-1tp Deadl..;ne for · Insertions-Classified cepted up advertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers ; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. W..-\~'1'1-<:::D- \\'ASHf~t:, IRO:'\I:\<~ A:'\D Storage & Furniture Co. Phone \ Viltnctte 32 41L:t~-:!t· · dt:"aning- by tlw day, an. Tl:'l. Wil. 2486. ~~~- Swt·dh;h wom:l6L::!8-1tp SIT I ';\ 1'(() X W'l' H.-. " ..\I, ..: 10 DRESS~lAKING !:J:! HELP WA'STf:D-f'E~lALl: HAVE YOUR LTX<iERIE, PILL0'\YS,! HI<;\· I·~ I{.\ L X K -\ T APPl':A RIXC FLOOR H<.'«U'f!-i and frot'kH hand painted at a g-irls al ont···. g·ood worl{ing- condition~ WAXTl':IJ- POSfTIO:\ .\S U.\HDEXEl{ and hou"t'rnan . Extwrit·m·ed. ('an rt"aH<·nabiP prit·t·. Call :\lis~ Parnow, and wag-t·!o;. E:qtt·rh·nct· nht nt.·<·t.·ssar~-. dri\· ··· t.·ar. Addl't'HH \\·inndka Talk H\'Vii. ~768 aftt·r 6 o'<:lol'k. 10L2S-1tc I .'\Jltlly L't·ntral ('afl'tt·ria, 11:n {'<·ntra l 262. ;~7L2S-llp An., \Yilnwttt·. nLTX2S-1te I F'OR HOL'SE C'LEAXIXG. '"'INDO\\. washing, wall dt·aning, tmint jobs, ~lr::-: . \·alona Hrt·\\'t ·r. Tl'l. Winn. G!·:, , eanwntry rt·pairing-, g-ard'!ning·, trim44LT;\;28- it<ming- m· JH'Uning·, call \\'inn. 22:n. ::7LT:\2S-ltp FUll lU~~T - l'UIC\ . 01{ UNF'PR:\. t; 01' j 1'11011; hoUSI ' , FUH. ru.;:--;'1'- .Jl'LY & ,\I'O UH'L\ COTtag-·· at Lindt·n Hill, :\li<·h. ri hrs. dri\·,. fr·om <'hil'ag·o. Runnin~ watPr. lkau hl'ctd1 . ld<·al honw for small Tamil y. t·lltlS\Jitl <IITang·, ,IIH'ltt . HLT:\:!~-~t. , .., llathH, t xtra la \'atot'it·s . Larg-o· ;.;ll·t·p porc h. tirounlls . <:ar:ll~···· \V i !. Lift- H 21i~. W.\:'\TEI> HEFISED WIIITP. ~IATD (Jr\RDEXJ~<:. FCn:\.\CEH AXD liSE. to t·an· for C'hild and assist with houseworl<. Y .J. Bt ·l·k, Ulen Yit.-w Hrl. \Vii. Sutntner N ur~ery School work. Pl'Ott:'~tant. \Vith o1· without ~47!J. 37L26-2tp laundry. Phone ·wtnn. 1028. lJH<;AL E~VIROX:\IEXT FOR THI.; 32L1'0;28-lte HlT. \VAXTJ~D-C'HAl:r.'J.'El·R YOlT:\(;, ven· young-, t.·ondudt.·d hy Primary neat, handy man. lkst rd. Exp. '\\'il. ten(~ht'r and Craduatt' ':'\unw. For a Life B-2G7. :HLTN28-1tp Jimitt>d nutnht·l' Of d t·Hil'ahl<' <:hilUI't'll :! HELP WTD. - \\'U~I.-\:\ HOUSF.KEEPE>r for g-t·IH·ral lWUHt·wnrk. Two in famto 4 :rt.·ars. Unusual, t.·xelusi\'1'. J lonw }'()It llt:~T-RHOJil'i ilY. :\totlwriP~l-i honw. 'Vinn. 258(1. H a.tnwsphere, rt>gular hourH, ::wit·ntiftc . ;{2LTN28-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dit·t. .JunP 1st to SPpt. 1st. Gt·rtrudc FOR REXT 2 H.OO~IS ..\XU B.\Tll Huft'ington, Elg-in, Illinois. Lock Box for Jig·ht housekl't')ling, t:n·rythlng CO!\lPETEX'.r WHITE 48G. 13LTN28-ltp WANTED furni~;ht.·d. Phom· Wil. ::~t!t, 01' <·all at maid for ~eneral hou~c work. Small 11 :JS Oak wood .A n ·. H LT2S-ltc hoUHt': ll ear transportation . Rf'f. 1-'11. I~ ·u; itlO It U ECOUA '1' 1 ~ H lil KL' nil. 2S9i. ;~2LTX28-lte FOR R8KT :-:Jf'ELY FUP..:'·HSHED SIT WTD. - AMERICAN LADY .illXfront room: suitabl<' fo1· 2 g<'ntlenwn or l·:rit"ncNl in intt·rior UE'<.'Ol'ation, will \V ~\:\TI·;t> COOD CAPABLE <:lHL I ~ coupl e employt:'d. Phont· \Vii. 776-:M. or woman t'm· gP1H' l'HI hou~ework; no mali:l:' C'urtainH and d1'llllerit-s of all ldnds laundry. 1010 ClH' rry St., \\·inn. 41LT~28-Itp in your homt-. Rl'ft·rcnt'\:'S. P. 0. Box ~2L'l'X28-1 tc 117, Evanston, Ill. 15L)i2S-ltp CE~TR.\L HOTI·~L- LH~HT OPTSIUE \\·.AN'l'F.D - GIRL OT1 YOU,:\(; \VO)fI'O·>ms for tntnsiPnts and l't>Hidt·nt::. lit:· 16 nn for· g<·neral hou~ p "· ork and to assist :\lain 8trt· 1· t. Pho1w \Yilnwtlt· 1080. with cart> of 2 ehilrlrPn . Good home . 41 LT2S-tfe Phone Wit. 160S. :~2L2~-1tc ·· LOVELY R00:\1 . CALL .\:\Y ]).-\ Y I·:Xc·t·Jlt Saturda~·. \\' inn . 1~77. 1st and 2nd l\Iortgages \\'..\~TED -YOUNG WHITE GTT1L FOR 411:1':\':! 8- 1 tl' geJH·ral housework. Xo laundry. PhonP '\Yil. 32Si'. 32L28-ltf' FOR Rl'..XT- R~lALL I:O(L\1 ~E "\ll INSURANCE transpm·tation. \\'inn. 27!q, \\'ANTED EXPERII~~CED l\fAID. TPI 65 -II LTX~~-ltt: 545 Main St .. Wilmette whitt., g-t·nt·rn.l hou~ c- work. Good wagf's. 16L2S-tf<' T e l. Winn. 192. :l2LT~2S-1 tC' lWO~IH FOR RENT ~L\ LF BLOt 'K from transpot·tatil)n. fiii-1 c'··ntt·r St. WANTED GIRL TO .\SSrHT ('OOK C'all Winn. 242(). Hl/1'.:\2~-lte Sunday:-;, from 11 a. m . to ~ p. m. \Vi 1GAUDEXING 21B mcttc Life B-272. ;:2L28-1 te LARGE LIGHT WELL FUH~JSHEIJ WILJ\lETTE GARDE)J'ET1. RT<;~l.:RF .-\CE WAXTl~D - \1\.HTTE (;[RL FOR (;)<;:\"room. PrinltP hath. Nenr trnn~porta tiou. \\'i nn. I :l~:l. ·I I LT:\ 2S-1 t<· old lawns, clean la\\'n~. <'It-an anrl 11aint 1'1':11 hou ~··W(1 1'k or to a;.;sist. Tel. 'Vii. guttt·rs. Also, tali.t." down tn'e~ and trim 1472. ::2LT~2k-1tt> tl't' t>H and buslH'H, for now 1s a g-ooc~ FOR RI'.XT Fl"R~JHf! Ell 1{00:\1, do!:~t· 'to \'iliag·<· . (;entlt·man prderrt.·d. tinw. \Vii. 2770. 21DL2S-tfc W .\NTEU- EX:PETIIEKC'En ('OLOitEI 1 Phom· \Vil. i!J6-\V. 41L~~-lt't· Sl'C'Olld girl with ('X<'<:IIt·nt l'di'J'('tl('(·S. A. SCOTT, LA~DSCAPI·~ G.\RDENER <'ni l K l' nil. :.!711. :l2L/PX~~-lte and contracto r . Plat.·<·s tal<t:'n care of ROOM WITH TWIN BEDS, EXTRA by th l:' month. Tn·t·s tal<t..' n down, and IIELP WTD.- C:OOD COOK FOR .GEXlarg·e closet; h. w. Winn. 1920. gem·ra I g-ardt-n work S% Sprut·e ~tl'N-'t. 4 I LT ~ 2X-I l<' c ral h ousl'work. No laundry. $20.0(1 a Phone \Yi nnetka 2432. 21 B-LT:\ 28-ltc 32L'1'~28-ltc w el'lc Tel. Winn. 2661. FOR RE~T -2 FCR~. HOO~IH. HOL HECOMPLE'l'E LANDSCAPE Hl~rPJC'E k~:-t·J1ing if d (·s ircd. UaraJ.!'I'. \\' inn. llf:LP W.\X'l'I·:B-:\1 .\LE Tr('t'S, shrubs, per<'nnials and rock , Jiant.!o;. :l!l !t H . f 1 LTX28-1tJl Leo Kari, 215 ('ataliJa Place. 'rf' l. W1l. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ---~~~ -732- · w. 21BLTN28-ltp HE.\L ESTATE S.\ I.ES~L\ X 1-'0U UE~'L'-APA UT)l E :\ Tl'i OR SALESWO:\T.\:\ !! ;)-RUO~ I l·'LA'I' FOrt R.E~T 1~ ZIEHI~C: Pr d g' l'PHsi\· t~ firm spe-cializing· in 1\t>ni llllo<.'k opposite d epot in UktH'Ot·. Slt·am worth, \-Vinnetka, and (;IPnt·o·· propPEDH1HEEl> P 0 LTC E Pl'PPIBH, ht'a t and janitor so·n·iet·. Pnsst·ssion at e rti es has opening for lin, ;.;alesman <'hamplon !':tod<: hhH·k and c>ream. on<·t> m· ~la.'· 1st. Rental $!i0. with ca r . Prefer E'XJwril'n('t'd partr Must he se(·n to lw HJlJll't:dated. Call familinr with pro)lertr in one or mor t> · between f· a. m. and 6 Jl. m . 11ri a r~·ate of th(·se suburbs, but will c>onHidl'r Ul11200. Dr. Redlich. 22LT28-ltp expHienced. 40 X. Dl:'arhorn FOR SALE- VERY l"TXE PETHGRERD To the right 11c-r~on a \'PI'." attractin' proposition will lie mad{·. vVrit t.· in wire-hairt:'d fox tt·rrier, import e d from 42LTX28-lll' confidence, giving full dt·tails a.s to age, England. ~talt·. Hous" hrok1> n. Priz<' t-xperience, e tc. Appointnwut will he FOR RENT - 6 ROO~I APARTM l~NT wlnnt:r. Harry Tiuhl'l. llfifi Sc>ott. Huharrang<'d. .\ddn·ss Win1wtka Tall< I.:light, sunny, unfurnish ed, larg·e li\' ing bard Woods. \Vinn . 2t:JS. 22L'l'N28-ltc 269~ :~:~LT:!~-1 te room with open fireplace, heated sunroom, with 10 windows, 1 open porch, FOR SALE - FINE PEDIGREED RED Chow dog, 8 month!-; old. For inte-r- HEAL ES'Ll' J'E SALESME:\ \Y .ASTI~D . hot water heat, modern in every way. Largt· office with probably the most view addre~s Box G . r.., ](('nilworth, Near vilrtl.ge and schools. $100 ])t!r mo. eomplete listing under one roof on the Illinois. 22L26-:.ltC' Phone Winn. 1921 or 2741. S72 Pine St. North Short-. Salesman not limitt'd to Corner BirC'h. ·12LTX28-tfc territorr and given the h eartiest eoFOR SALT<: IMPORTED GER:\1AN operation possible. Should drivt- a. car. FOR REXT - 4 ROOl\l FLA'I', $70 I'EH Polit-t· dog-, f~· malt·. Wil. 3174. Experience desirable hut might con22LTN28-ltc month; 2 hlol'ks east of C. & X. W . sider man with broad st-lling· <>xpel'iH.ailroad. Phone Wil. 34!13, or ::454 after enee in other lines. 6 p. 1\l. 42L28-ltc WIXDOW l'iH \ Dl~S KROLL & S:\lTTII Ph. Wil. aOO FOR RF~NT -LARGE 4 ROOM APA nTSHADE~ f'LEA~EI ·. .\ WXJ:\Ci~ PUT 41 !I H h S~. End of "L" ::::u~s-1 t(' ment. $70 a. month. 840 C'~:~nter St. Ph. up. SkokiP Shadt> and Awning Rhop. Winnetka 265. 42L'l'N28-tfc Win11. l!Ht4. 14 Prout" t 't. ]' I·~LP \".TD. _ :\[ 1\LJ' p U~TERS . 2SJ;r~l!S-1lp l. · -~ " '-': · ~ '"· I :\'STU l'("I' IO'!\" FOH I tEXT - (i T1(JO:.\I In'~< (·ar garag-o·, $100 · JH·r ntonth, for· a yt·w· l· ·aso·. l'honl' \\.il. If·~~ . 41L~~ & iA LU\\' : ·' ·· l tn Jlt)('SE FOI: !U·;="'l' - HHH'I\' l!Ul'~l ·: li nu·m!o;. :! baths. Slo ·t·pillh' }Jol'dt. ·· ,·:lr g-al·ag-,.. La1'g't· lot. J'hunt · \Vi1111 .)ui'. HLT~~S - l~tFUll llE~.T i Tt00:\1 IIOl T SI'~ :\XI J.!':ll'ag·· on l·:aHt Elm Hll'l'l't, nt ·itl' {'t·dar Yt ·r.'· n·:1sonahl· ·. \\.inn. 2140 . Hl,'l'~2S -2 1 , FOH HE~T - (i P..00.\1 fl( WSE; J:E.\l ' tiful 11't·t ·s and lawn: hot watt·1' lwa1 with oil hunwr. UniY. nl :l, FOR ltJo;XT 6 RUO:\T llOtrHE !. Clt·n C:!tl', in good eondit ion . Phon· · \\"i l 4-ILT~~S - 1 It 2!1n. l·'OH. l:i HE~'I' -- 7 ROU:\t ~1on·IH·s. \\'i1111. !1:~~ . IJOU~·m \\Tl'lf HLT~:!X - 111 . FO }{ UE :\'T-·T H \. II() l'S ES Hl'~DII·~n ~IO~TII~ Charles H. Brethold Jo'(!lt HI·~:\'T l:ung-alow, :: ltt·di·ooms. l'lt-a san1 lr· ··:ttion. \\·t ·ll furniHiwd . Ht·as. .\1 rs \·;Ilona Dn·wl·r. Tl'l. \\·inn. 6!10. -l:i LT:'~2~- It I 48 FOil 1·"0 1{ RJ~NT-STOILES & Ol'.F it:ES - In:XT- IWT<'HJ·;I{ SHOP- 1fi:o.:7t ftll't ston· in llt·w buildin~. adj11ining and t·unnt·(·tinJ.!' with ·(·hain J.!'l'llt'o · r~· slor·· in lluhlmrd \\"oods. \\"ond..r· ful o1ppttl'lttllity for an up-to-dalo · s hop fnquirt · .1 . ll . .\l'S'I'I:\ & ('(l., ,l.!! t!l Lin \Vinnl'lka I~ dt·n .\\·t· ., t:-::;. Stort· ft. 4SLT~~ - It :! STOIU:S WH'KHOLP \Vilml'lt· · .\ Yt ·. an<l tht· otlwr On·· ~nxti!l ltLlH: . tl:"o: 10xfill t't ~ 111 Lindt ·n . \ vo·. Edding·ton & :\llcn, 1nc Ph. \Vil. ~(l'i - 111 -tX L2X-It ·· FOI { HJ.:~T OFFil'l·~ SP:\Cl·~. 2~1 ·fltltll', suitahlt- for clnC"tor, lawyt·r or gt·Jlt'ral offi<·t· SJHH't·. l{t·nta l from $:!0 to $~dl. "\Jlply HHJIP Hro:-;., :.22 ( \·ntt:r St., \\.imwtka. 4SLT~ 2S-t!t: UF'JC'I·~S Cox IX lHH'KHOLf) Bldg-. ..\gents HLl H : . ·\:"-:I Eddington & .\llen. 1nc. 4111 Lindo ·n A\·· ·. Ph. \'w.il. 4Ui-~ll'l 48L2R-1 t·· TO HE~T-1H<$K OR OFFICE HPACI op11. :\orthw~$,ern .] )\:'pot, \Vilml't-~ Stenographt:>r sE>rvie(' indudt>d. Phon Wil. 3420 or 1248. 4fiLT~2R-1 k i;O FOR SALE-APARTl\fF.NT DLlJGS. - Exceptional Value ~fODERN 2 APT. HSE. IN WINNETKA . ---------------------- Near school and trans. cor. lot 50x187 . 6 & 6 liglU rms., porches fireplace and bookcases. H. W. Ht. Hardwood floor~. 3 car gar., garden. Rent $2,400. 01.H' Apt. available now. Price $22,000. W1ll accept lot a~ Tlart payment. Phon cownE>r \Vinn. l fl21. 50LTN28-tfc _»2 ____ ..,_o_J_t_~_A_·_··_:__·_·_o_t_~_s.·_R_s_·- - - FOR SAL!<~ OH RE~T \VI~~ . :\ beautiful home. 4 or 5 master rooms. :~ baths. l\larble shower. Extra drPs~ ing rooms. Living and sleep. porches. Hot watf'r system, oil heat. Garage t25x250. C'all PniY. 8700, apt. 331i . 52LTN28-2t· · FOR SALE 1719 ELMWOOD AYE .· Wilmette. g room frame; hot water ht .· terms. Owner Phone WIJ. 2399. 52LTN28-tfl' _ Wencot· :{H-R. 421...1'~:.!8-ltp LOST-<;OLD PEXCTL WITH NA:\IE :16 SITUATION WT1l.-}'EJIALE FOR RENT _ 4 ROO:\JH A~l> BATH Lois t-ngraved. Conklin Fountain Pen. fuward. Wil. 701-R. 31L28-ltl' (:l~:\J<;RAL HOPSEWORK IX :\IOTHERheated apartment. 625 llth St. Phone l t·~s home. \llfoman and 5-year-old son. Wit. 239ft. 42I/J'N28-tfc St JIELP WA!'i'fF:U-}"'F.JL\1,}; ltd· l' t"net·~. C'hieago. Belmont 0726. -------------------------I 36LTN28-ltp !ll l'Oit ltEN'l'-FI' RX. -\ J· ,\ IC'l')lt-: "'l'l'i WANTED -- GIRL FOH C:J<~NJ·:H.\L fwust'WOrk. White. Good cook. Refs.! HOl ' Hlt;WORK, PLAIN COOKING, FOR RE~T - FURNISHED - F'RO.M Own room and bath. Good wa~t>s. 47 woman and 5-yt:'ar-old son. Xo launJune 1st, until September 1st. First Indla n Hill rond. 'VInn. Tel. Wil. ~083. rlry . H t> f'Pre ncN;. C'hit"ago, Albany floor duplex, 5 rooms $12a per month . 32LTN28-1tc.1 iJS4. · 36LTXt8-ltp Wilmette Life B-27:1. 43L28-ltc ~ ··~A-~-.l~t~ ...~~ .·0~1-.~0--~~~ 3~ 1 ~~~~~~.(~)s~·.~ ~~r7:;~~~d l4 76~s~taf~~~~1c h~nPeh;~~i~~~~2S~~~~~ F~~d ~~~:·-;6o~0 ~~r J~dt~~n ~~~.A'l:~!?. - . I

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