Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 56

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56 WILMETTE LIFE April 8. 1927 Parents Go to Schoof in Place ·of Their Children at New Trier '---------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------1 Parents attended cia. sc~ at New Trier High school in tht· place of their children last Tuc~ day. At the right Mis~ Lulu \Vright is shown informittg" her "s t u d e n t s" regarding Scott's "Lady of the Lake." Ju st below at the left parents are viewjng some of the ornithological specimens to be found in tht' Bird rluh exhibit. Below at the right WL' havl' ~~i ss Emclyn \Valtz rxplainin~ the progress of instruc(on in American hi story. The old world has changed not a lit tie bit sincl' most of these folks attench:d Hi~h school and their str ict at tention to the sc hool ma'am j._ sufficient eridt..·nce oi their in tt·ttse internt. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS NEW TRIER STUDENTS ·START ON TRIP EAST Ninety-Nine High School Puoil· on Special Train Off on Educational Tour Rubert ~~ cXic. J am6 R. Tenrhcr. jnhn Sheridan, B ob Kline, H.nga Ocl lllan. ~lari;.tn Page, Ruth Roth, l{uth llanthergcr. ).J argaret Stults, ~r arian \\'oli. . J·:tizahdh Frth.'lld. Lola Kurz. l'atlwrine Cook. Helen c(J\\ a low. a!l'l l.onist' Clabaugh. Juniors: Frt·d Heit tltann. Jr .. 1,a" r enee Church. Lyman E. Cu:-.:-., Ill. Frank ~I cCaht..·. Roht·rt Bjork . .\h·in Lott. Larz llolln\\'ay. :\atyalie llurd . Inez \Vebstcr, Clara Grace \\'ray. Frances ~f cConncll. ~fable Anderson. Anna Jerel! DaYi s. Pearl M. ~~ unrot·. Barbara Berr~· . ~fargorie C. Smith. Leonore Rennert. ncssic Louise Herr~· . Dorothy Klunder, ~f argarct \Yhippk. Virginia ~filler. J anc Bahcork. Ro ~e Flcntyc, 1fary Lennan. ~farian Suih and Virginia Pierson. Sophomores: Leonard ~~ eyn. Robt..·rt ~I arcus. James Gcrher. Stephen \Vindes. Herbert Coppel. J ul111 ~~ . Erciksnn. r r. Lulia \Vild and Fl o i~L' Kremer. Freshmen: Edward Heinsimcr. Billy A.nderson, \Villiam Gage, Otto Lorenz. Robert Kin~. Henry Schell, Blanche Forth. Gilbert Davis. Janet A. Brown. Florrnce C. Ticleman, l\f arian Langdon. <tnd J ustinr Emrich. Two boys who arc taking postgradu ate work at ~cw Trier who will alsn take thr trip arl.' Albert 11 oorc and Henry Corbett. The names of sereral of the parcnb have been registered, among them he:np; }frs. Sydney C. Anderson, Mrs. 0. H. 11illcr, ~1rs. 'vV. E. Suits and ~r rs. Henrietta A. Hollowa \·. DANCE TO THE FINEST -~ ~ I :\inl'ly-nint.· :-.tudenb oi the ~C\\' - Trier High schuol kit today via the Pctln~yh·ania railroad on an extended I! rn the Most Beautiful Dining Room _ tour oi eas tern poinb of historical intL"re st: incluclillg \Va ~h ingt o n, D. C., Every Evening- Except Sunday = l ~ ndlc ss l~aYcrtl~, . ~nnapolis. Korfolk, Eight to Tw~lve P. M.- Informal - Va., ancl Richmond, Ya. A visit at Saturday Evening- Formal Party \Yilliam and ~lary cullcge at \\'illianl s- burg, Va .. has been adclcd to the Dancing till 2 A. M. itineran- and the students \\'ill han - lunch ;.~t thL· sch8ol. The college is EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL ORCHESTRA - the oldest in the Cnitcd ~tatcs and it : \\'a~ added to the trip ttpt)tl the invitaREMEMBER-the only hotel in Chicago with tion oi Pre sident C'hancllcr of the a GARAGE in direct connection and providing school. transient storage at a nominal rate-Relieve your mind of your car! 'l'hL· eastL'!'tt tours arc annual event:;, - the <.>ne this Yt'ar hL\ing the seconcl to ·- he taken . 'J'hey arc under the per= s u 11 a I Sll})L'r\'ision of FrederiCk E. _ Clerk. superintendent oi the school _ and as more than 80 people have on the Lake signed up, will he taken in a private train furnished !)\- the railroad and to 5 300 BLOCK SHERIDAN ROAD ·~ hr used through<;ut the entire trip by TELEPHONE LONGBEACH 6ooo the party. The following people arc among ~llllllll lllll/llll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllitlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllffi _ those " ·ho are to takt:> part in the - tour: Seniors: .Junior Smith, Leo u a r d ~llllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllttnunnutnnunllntlntllllltutut l nllllltllllllllllllllltlunluluuutnluutuiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIuunutulltlllllltlllllllllllllllllliJIIIIIIIIu~ Bates. Ja me;.; Stron~. N eel H. Kelly, MUSIC IN CHICAGO Edgewater Beach Hotel I il

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