Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 55

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April 8, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE ... L · Two Parties wage' I village official s, Gl envie w citizens will! . \vote o n th e proposition to ann ex one I El ectton Battle o t th e tar ges t additions to the village · W a t ha s bee n proposed. Thi s is th e . 0 u t Gl envtew ay th H a rl em P a rk sub-diYi sion. 0 \\'ll ed b y I T he Citize ns' pa r ty a nd th e Prog r ess- Axel l:onnqui st cJf \\'il mr.tt e. Th e pr c·pj,·e pa rt y. eac h h ave t ic k e ts in th e fie ld I er ty tron t_ s fo~ approxnna t l'l y thr ee \ a t. Glenvtew w he re th e village ele cti on qu a r~ ~ r s ~t a mtle on \ Va uk eg a n road . \\·tll be held n ex t Tues da Y, for th e a nd b be m g developed b y ~~ r . Lo nn d ec ti on of a p r es id ent a nd - fo ur trtt s - ~ qui st a nd t he enti re Lonnqui st com tees. pa ny. L es te r W . Coo ns. w ho n ·n·nth· re s ig n ed fro m th e hoa rd a s a tr ttstcl·, is ~ f r . a nd ~Ir s . Harry Ruh c l. 11 55 t h e ca ndid a te fo r pre s ident o n t he Cit - Scott a ve nu e, Hubbard Wood s, ,~~,.· i ll izen s' pa rt y ti c k et , o n w'hi r h th e ca n - m ove la te t his month to :M adi son P ark clid a tes fo r tru s t ees are, Htnrv F. ~ f i t - hot el, Fifty-fi r st and Dorches t er , Chi lei', Ri cha rd Go uld . Ben 'h: ir k and I ol m' cago. Ga t cic. . . . . ·~czo 01:10 o· T he pro~rcss 1n ttc~ ct h ht·adcd hy 0 H . ~1. McC ull e n . ca nd 1datc f M rc -clec- ~ 0 t_io n to th a t ofticc. _ Th ~ fo ur ca ndida t es ~ to r tru st e(' s o n th1s tt cke t are l 'arl :\ . Lade ncl o rf , Oscar L. Sca lhom , t.~·ui s \'o e lk an.d _Erne st ~ch ult z . . . . Tn add1t :on to the ~t'ltctl< · l l 11 1 lt \ ' C JCIO UCIO' -10. Kindergarten Supplies · The new kindergarten department fills a long felt need. Here you can get the many articles used in kindergarten work and child training. These articles are very fine for the child that. is confined at home due to sickness. . Colored Pegs for 111aking design.s, 3,000 for .. . ......... . ....... . SOc Number Drill Cards, a box . . .. . .. . 3Sc Animal Stencils ..... ... .... .. . .. 3Sc Silhouette Border Patterns : ..... SOc Cut-Out Sets .. . ... . .. ... . .. ... . SOc Flash Cards, for class roon1 ' vork, set ...... . ........ . .. . ....... 7Sc Story Building Blocks, a box ..... 65c Puzzles, Reading s. Toy l\1oney, Etc: First Floor Re ..Elect oRN ER l d Peop e's Party This does an extra man's work ' by eliminating outside ice supply 630 Davia Street Phone University 123 I · , · ELECTION NOTICE II I ' jtf.,...._ Pursuant to a petition signed by n1ore than five per cent of the legal voters of the Village of Wil mette, the Council of the Village of Wilmette has authorized the sub1nission to the voters of said Village at the next General Municipal el~ction to be held in said Village on the nineteenth day of April, A. D. 1927 , of the following question: Maintains cold storage temperatures without ice- without attention M EAT merchants, grocers, restaurant owners.those whose business depends on good refngeration- say they never realiz~d ho~ much time and labor it took to keep thetr refngerator cold before they installed Frigidaire. They say that Frigidaire Is actually equa~ to an extra m.an. Frigidaire not only keeps penshable. foods tn . perfect condition until they are sold, but ltS operattng cost is actually less than the cost of ice. Find out what Frigidaire will do for you . Phorie, ,,·rite or cal~ at our sales room. Let us show you how others ha"e increased their profits with Frig·· idaire and how easy the General Motqrs plan of rleferred payments makes it for you to have the many advantages that only Frigidaire can give. " Shall a tax not exceeding tu)o ( 2) mills be levied each year on all taxable property in the Village of Wilmette for the pu_rpose of providing a fund for the maintenance or employment of a Municipal Band for musical purposes?" The polling places for receiving the votes upon said question, and the period during which said polling places shall be open for such purpose on said . nineteenth day of April, A. D. 1927 shall be the same as provided for the General Municipal election to be held in the Village of Wilmette on said nineteenth day of April, A. D. 192 7· NICHOLAS J. .NliLLER, Central Ave., c1 o Huber Elec. Co., Highland Park, Ill. Stover Co., Inc.-U eneral Offices: .U5 E. Erie St. t.:hlcago, Ill. Display Rooms: S13 N. lUichJgan Ave. t.:hlcago, 111.-'l'elephone: Superior 65!8. HS:Jl Sherman Ave., Evanston, JIJ. 112 s. York St., Elmhurst, Ill. l'obllc Service Company of :Sorthern Illinois, lUl Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. lti8 Linden A,·e., Hubbard Woods, 111. 6i67 Stony Islund Ave., Chicago, Ill. 169 Prospect Ave., Jlllwaukee, Wis. Public Service Co. of !ortbern 111. '16 Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. t s. Fffth Ave., La Grange, Ill. t.Hmbel Bros., 1\lllwaukee, Wis. IJ9H W. 1\ladlson St., Austin, Ill. 1768 w. 9llth St., Cblcago, 111. Tel. Columbus 3112. The Fair, 6th }'loor, Statt· .2500, Clllcago, III. 3~2 f!iT"i4f4!!~ Village Clerk.

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