Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 52

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52 OMIT GYM CLASS WILMETTE LIFE April 8, 1927 The women's gymnasium class, Over Local Basketiers which has been meeting at the Howard gymnasium not meet on TuesThe Kenilworth · girls' basketball day, April 12, because of spring vaca- team defeated the championship team tion. The class will be resumed on o.f \Vilmettc Central school by a score Tuesday evening, April 19, at 7 :30. of 10 to 6, in a game plavt>rl in the Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Penrick and Central school gymnasium the latter Mary Virginia and Billy Penrick of part of la st week. The n"l me was con609 Central avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. sidercu such a success that plans are W. B. ~Iontgomery of 640 Gregory being made for future contests. The avenue returned Sunday from Florida. Kenilworth team was composed of the The,· were in Holtvwood for four following girls: Jane Sc~tt, Captain; weeks, and St. Au~ntstine for one Betty Bruen. Rosemary Swanson, week. Pauline Spiegel, Hilder Swanson, Bet1:10 01:10 0~ ty Seery, Annabell MacCloud, Marjory Smythe, Harriet Webster and Betty Backus. 0 0 Springfield outranked 'all ctttes of o comparable size west of the Allegheny 0. mountains in Yalue of building permits Kenilworth Girls Win '"ill Spring Is Here! Sixty Children Enjoying Instruction on _Harmonica Our Baseball Men About sixty children an· actin. members of the Harmonica rlass conducted every Tuesday afternoon at the Central school. The class is sponsored hy the Wilmette Playground and Re creation board and in charge oi :Mrs. Stella Maher, supervisor of ·m usic in the public schools. The clas;-; is open to all Wilmette childi·en and is proving very successful. There is still rPDill for more children on the roster. An exceptionally able instructor in the person of William Alarson de Ia Pana, has been secured by the board to teach the class. The instructor plans a tournament for the children later in the season. Q tf U · Or p rae ttee ~a The vVilmette Athletic association which last season backed' strong baseball and football aggregations in the dllage, is .laying its plans for the impendin~ hasehall stason. A first clas-. team is in process of organization, ac cording to Emil A. ~ord, · p-resident oi . thl' associatinn, and already practice sessions have hecn held due to the un usually fa\'orable early spring weather . Games arc to ht.: scheduled with some of the best semi-pro outfits in Chicago and vicinity, President Nord announces. Attention is called to a meeting of I the Athletic association to be held Peaeh trees bloomed tw~ _weeks b~- Tuesday evening> April 12, at. 7:30 fore the normal season thts year m o'clock, at the Vtllagc hall to wh1ch all Illinois' fruit helt in the southern part prospective players and others inter i~~~~o~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~o~~~~is~s~u~e~d~d~u~r~~~lg~·~F~·e~b~r~u~a~ry~.~~~~~~~o~f~tl~te~s~ta~t~e~.~~~~~~~~· ested i11 baseball arc urg~ntly invited. The next practice session is scheduled for ~unday af(ernoon at 1 :30 o'clock on the municipal. playgrounds just Wl'St of the H6,\·ard school. · Re-Elect 0 RN ER l D Peop e's Party n Leads the World in Motor Car Valu1 5 . . Children to Hear Songs at Library Hour Apr. 16 I I I . many main bearings in your motor car? Nash recommen __ _ · ----~W · ~t iss Louise Robinson, an instructor in art and music at the · J osc·ph ·Scar ..school. Kenilwnrtl1, will sing a ·grou·;) of spring songs at 10:30 o'clock Salur clay morning. April l<i. in the story hour conducted 1)\· ~liss \\"inifrt:d Bright. children's .librarian. at tlw \Vilmcttc Public library . ··The program is a deviatilln from tl1e regular cycle \\'hich ~~iss Bright kt . . been following during the past fc,,· \\'ceks and is prepared cspl'cia11~· for thi=- pcriocl. Rccl'ntly, Miss Bright has been relating stories from thr Kichelungcnlicd, the German epic used hy Richard \Yagner as a basis for hi=- ring OJh'ras. The storil's were chosen by }.liss Bright as a result oi repeated requests by the chilcln·n for more storirs lik e Lohengrin. · I The titles of the tales, which will ht· resttml'cl the next Saturday, arc as fol lows: "The J~hinc-Gold." "Thl' \Var I Maidens," "Siegfried" and "Th·· Downfall of the Gocls." I 1 J 'Because for the finest and smoothest performance results, vou need 7, rather than 3 or 4. Obviously, 3 or 4 supports for a crankshaft cannot give it the rigidity and smoothness of 7. That is why Nash-with customary engineering progressiveness-has developed the 7..beariug motor for all Nash models. Fertiluvia Will Make Any Soil Fertile To the poorest clay it will restore the desirable texture and lifegiving qualities which bring forth velvet lawns and bountiful gardens. To light sandy soil it gives the substance and bulk which increases the retention of moisture. No soil can be fertile unless the texture will permit circulation of air and allow absorption and re tention of moisture. FER TIL UVIA combines lasting fertility with unusual conveniencees because it is the highest type of humus obtainable. It has no odor, contains no wee-d SL' ds and 1t can not "burn" or OYer Rtimulate. Li(·ensed und!'r the ft·rtilizt>r law!'~ The 7 beari11p of Nash achieve poweT..smoothness and quietness, and achieve it, moreover, with no sacrifice o) acceleration. In fact, the proper support of the crankshaft decidedly improves the energy and aggressiveness of ~he car. Here is another fact to remember about the 7 bearings of Nash: They have more bearing surface,'by actual measurefn:ent,than any &cylinder engine of similar size and price, no matter how many bearings it has. (Actually 20 square inches more than cars with fewer bearings.) When you buy your 1927 motor car be sure to ask: "How many main bearings?" And for better results choose the car that has 7. Nash offers you this performance..advantage in every single model, whether ycu p2y $2090 (or it or onlv $865. of the State of Illinoi:-. Smut for nescrl}ltiY(' Booklet RAY 1035 DAVIS ST. METZ North Shore Distributors co. UNIV. 6800 (fh, The American Humus Co. Cleveland, Ohio. Chicago Branch 30 N. Michigan Blvd. Handled by Hardware Stores, Seed Stores and Florists. See your neighborhood dealer or phone State 7653 EVANSTON flo I~

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