Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 51

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April 8, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 5.1 (Contributed) 1 ; ~ The regular meeting of the I o·ran- 1 Howard Parent-Teacher as . CJ~i;~ion I was held Tuesday, :\pril 5th, at the 1 Howard sc hool. Th<.: part·nts attendtrl ! the afternoon se . siotb in the variom '. rooms to observe the work t hl'ir rhil - 1 dren were doing-. Thi~ gan.· th an l'X- 1 rellent opportun it,v to sec ho\\' 1ht· chit -· I drcn con<luctccl thcmsdn·-, ;tt -.rhooJ , and we now feel l>cttl'r acquainted j with the schook This is the third nar I \\ 'C have had a "Visiting Da \·." Tht· mothers arc so enthusiastic about it that we will no douht han- tn 111akc ~ it a part of our y<;arly progralll in thl' . ~~ future. 1 ·! School Band Plays 1 Promptly at 3:15 tht parcnh ·~~ - ; sembled in the gymnasium. Till' ~chool hand. which is under t ht" dirn:t ion (li : Mr. ]. C. Schumacher, pla _ vt:d a num - ! her of selections which wen· much ;ql preciatcd by everyone. \ \" <.' ar<.: n-r.v 1 proud of the boys in ' 111' \\' illnl'llt· ~rhool band. .., Joint Meeting With Art League 1 "~ ·· 1 \\'e were rcmin<kcl oi tht· annual · joint meeting of the· Central-Laurel ! ~ and the Logan-Ho\\·ard P;trt:nt - i <' Teacher associations. with thl' :\rt ~ leag-ue, which will he held on ~I (lllda .\ ·, · :\pril 18, at 3:15 o'clock, in thl' lloward 1 gvmnasium. This is the tir:-.t da ,. of :-.clwol after the Easter vacation . Thl'rl' : will he a talk by E. L. Xygaard. -,nperintcndcnt oi the Kcnil,,·ortll schnol!'. He will have an exhibit (,f Miginal pic ; tures hv Chicago artists and will . p<.:ak particularly on pictures in the nature : of a gallery tour. Th<.: Boy..,' and ! Girls' Glee clubs of the Stolp ~rhool 1 will ~ing. The· purchase:-; CJf tht: :\rt I k_ag-ue, which include a pict urc: sc\'ct:al pteces of sta tuary and the tounta111. i \vhich is the gift of the Art leag-ue to the Ho,,·ard school, will he on cli:'play. l The fountain will he formally dedico.tcd on this day. Nominates New Officers . The Nominating committee, composed of ~[ rs. L. N. Osborne. chairman. ).{iss Aleda Larsen of the Howard school and ).[rs. H. J. Dernehl. :>u])mit ted the following as nominee~ for the coming year: ).Irs. H. A. Storms, prcsidl'nt; ~[rs. T. E. Colvin, first vice-nrcsidcnt; ~[rs. Harn· B. Burnside, second vice-president; Mrs. P. T. Redfern, trea surer; ~~is s ~I ay \Vitcher, Logan school, r<'- j cording secretary; 1£i~s Aleda Larsen. Howard school, corresponding ~tcre- I I Logan-Howard P. T. ·~~ ,~~~· ·--------..: I1 '. ~~ <: . . Are We Alive To Righteousness? If so we can demonstrate it by attending our places ot worship during this Lenten Season. I . For Whom Did Our Redeemer Go to Gethsemane? He went for you and for me. He accomplished everything necessary for our salvation. Let us show our appreciation by regular attendance at church. Are We Grateful for the Torture Jesus Underwent That We Might Be Cleansed From Our Sins? If so we will be constant in our worship of God in his holy name. 1 Ar. e We Glad of the Invitation Our Saviour Gives Us to Come Unto Him? If so let us heed the ca11 and be punctual and regular at our places of worship. The following churches invite us to come. . The Spirit and the Bride say com~. 1 1 1 WILL YOU COME? I 1 Style Show The annual style sho\\' exh ihi t. given by Mi s \Vooclley's group of eighth 1 grade girls, was enjoyed h~· all. Each I girl made her own dress, was her own model and displayed tht ue\\· dn·:-:~ I " ·ith dignity and ~raCl:. I On a ).[onday mght m the Yt:ry ncar I future the Minturn Players of E,·anston will put on a benefit pcrformanct· 1 for our association. Directory of Churches: The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Francia C. Stifler Wilmette EngiUb Lutheran Church Greenleaf Avenue and Seventh Strtet Farst Congregational C.urcb Lake and Wilmette Avenuu Rev. · Stephen A. Lloyd The Farst Methodist Church L~k.t The Twenty-Eighth annual nH:cting of the Illinois Conncil of Parent-~ Teachers assqciations will he held in Quincy April 19, 20 and 21. I There was a tic for th<.' attendance prize. Miss VanHorn and ~liss Nash had a 50 percent representation of mothers present at the meeting. and Wilmerte Avenues Rev. · Horace G. Smith St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1 The Fnt Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf ..~venue Rev. George P. Magill 14 o Wilmette Avenue R.ev. Hubert Carleton A \'Cry pleasant social hour followed. The mothers of the Second grade were hostesses. \V c used our punch bowls for the first time and individual cakes \\'ere served with the punch. An Illinois manufncturcr recently made a shipment of 200 tous of candy, establishing a record for size of such shipments. St. Jolm's Lutheran Church Wilmttte and Park Avenues Rev. Httman W. Meytt

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