Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 50

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50 .RUMMAGE SALE TODAY Today is the last of a two-day rummage sale held at the Economy shop by the Ladies' Aid society of the Witn;ette Parish Methodist. churc h. WILMETTE Mrs. Frank Gray Waggett of 1604 Wilmette avenue and her son, Warren, left Sunday for Auburndale, Fla., to visit Mrs. Waggett's mother, Mrs. IJames A. Lowry. LIFE April 8, 1927 FARMERS MARKETING CO. BOX 823, CEDAR RAPIDS, lOW A FRESH EGGS Direct to You by Parcel Post Order Now- 2- 4- 12 Dozen Containers I NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC LEAGUE Why Organized and What It Neans TO YOU I TS great purpose is to see that you get an electr.ic service that is always as good as it is humanly possible to give. Elec.. tricity has become a vital necessity. To give any but the best service is to deprive you of the full enjoyment of its benefits. ATTEND GOWEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKeighan oi 1025 Greenleaf aven ue were among the guests attending the golden wedding anniversary party given Wednesd~y . evening by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. )ft~Last rear the bo~rd of chrectors. of lard of 550 North Pine avenue, Ch1- 1 the Chtcago Infant, Welfare soctety cago. I voted a "Baby Day · to l~ c obsernd · annuallv the first Sunday 111 May. It .· · . 01· 6-B was a great success and · plans arc :o :\Jr. and Mrs. Ph1hp. Dcno)cr · 1 made for this vear's observance Ahhotsf?rd road .. Ke l~tl ~·orth ha\·~ .re.- \~~len ministers and icadcrs in variou.; turned trom the1r Canhbcan c1 tu sc · , . . . .. , k 1 - 1 F 1 - . 20 t notor urgamzat ton s \\1 11 1 >c as c< to co-opeT) t I 1 . leSy cLt .0mc d. e ~r[uat )] . to I )eltcl rate in bringing the work of the Infant to t OUtS an 1\ emp liS 0 =-1 r I 1 1" Tl "T"l · .k 1 "tJ 1 fr· nels before dri\·i tw on \V elfare before t lC pu > 1~. lC. vv 1 a "Nee 0 w 1 tc tl · t f rmh. ; rk mette hoard of the soctet\· \\'111 he tot. ew r .e ans. 1elr por o ' - I "I)OtlSOr for the ohstrvance .loral h·. a 1011. ·· · . -oInfant \Vclfare supports threl' type ;-; . . . .. . , · of stations, namely, Class A. Class B. ~{r . ., and 1v[rs. Dalucl Kohb,t.t . ·It and Class C. Class A doc:; lniant 11 ~3 lent ra I_ avenue h. an~ retu fl~t.·d to \V elf arc Pre-natal a 11 d P.rc- School \\ tlm . k . ·Class .loes Infant \\'clfart.' · G 1ette attl'r spending t\nl months "or . . B, u . ttl encoe. _ , and Pre-School ,,·ork, and Class C, j, 1confined tn Tnfant \Vclfarl' work . Chi ca~n and Yirinity suppurts t\\'enty TOUPEES and WIGS t1'rt'l' .;'·ttinno.; di"ided ;·.., ioll(l\\:-- : nilll' .Nnturnl as the Hnlr' thnt wos onee JOUr 0"""· Cia"" .\. =-t·n·n l'h.;.; H. --ix Cia--:- C. Ph. Central 0604 a nd nlll' 11llda . . sitil'd ,,·hirh dnt·:-- 111d .' lniant \\' clfarl' and prL· - na·al w11rk. FUNK & CO. fii; · At the ollhl't Tnfant \\\·Hare \\a..; """- · :C4 So. State 8t. ·::!p, . rnnfined t(l \\'ork among inianh. the ' Room 412 I children hcin~ automatically dis char~<"d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at the age ot t\\·o years. thus leav1n g iour years' intermission before sehoul age, a period in which many children &1.. 1,dthottt careful . s npr~~·is i on became -;o 0 . run dO\vn and s1rk. 1 he Pre-sclwol ! clinic now rare-.. for ch ildrl'n until erl an . ! ~c hnlll age. ----------------Two 1 6 story bldgs. of 6 and I . Francis and Hichard Oclerirh will 7 rooms, 3 bath apts., 2 apts. on arrive next Thursdav from St. !homa-each floor ; 1 oo car garage with I ~filitarv acadl'llly. St. Paul. ~1ttln .. for sodded roof garden. i a vi . . it with their part·nts. ~~ r. and This is an unusual opportunit y :\frs. Frank J. Oelerich of 1201 (~rn·JJ to purchase a co-operative apt. at \\·ood avenue. a price based on the valuation of i -oI 923. Equities as low as S7,300 for 6 1 :\Irs ~ Frederick Comcc oi 1f!l2 For I e;-;t avrnur returned la st ~aturclay rms. and 3 baths and $1 1,4 50 for 1 after right weeks in Caliinrnia . SlH· 7 rooms and 3 baths. With these apes. you get a proportionate share 1 traveled in ~outl~c~n c:t~iro:t~ia. and 1 on the \\'a\· to l a11forn1a nsttt·cl the of the garage property. l Grand Can~·on. This bldg. is the highest type of Plan to Observe "Baby Day" Here on Sunday, May 1 0 .: 100 @ .. 3740 Sh *d C . 0P· APlS · Rd --,I 1 J · The North Shore Electric League makes the electrical industry responsible to a central body. Its members are committed to a high standard of ethics in all their dealings with the public. The League will encourage and build a more complete understanding with the public. The League is your servant. Any of its members - listed below - will gladly and without any obligation on your part advise .you and help you solve all your electric problems. If it is wiring your home- a most important matter -you will be shown how to do this to serve your every electrical convenience, economically, while enabling you to light your home properly and with charming decorative effects. Whatever your electric plan or problem any member of this League will give you the benefit of his experience and knowledge. modern construction. The size of the rooms will exceed your expectations. and the floor plan is similar to that of a spacious house. These apts. are open today for inspection. Our agents will be on the premises. · 1 -o- ; ~I r. and ~( r:--. Ll'wi -.. " ~pril ,lL"l'r 1 1 1 1-UO ~~ aplc avenue left Thursday 011 <L t\\'n " ·<·eks' motor trip :-o uth to Fl()r ida. H. H. DECKER &CO. Specialists in Co-:operative Apts. 7 1 4 Wrigley Bldg. Superior 5 1 7 8 Phone Sunday Buckingham 84 3 8 ATTENTION 81 U SINESS MEN Rookk<·<'ping- systems install<·d modt·rniz· ·d c·los(·d flnandal ..;tatt-nwnts pn·Jmrt·d-all at modt·ratt· <'Ost. Arl' you in nN·d of such st'rvi<-(· '! WIJ,J~ l . UI Photw Jl. JllLJ.,\Rn Wllm'tte 21:10 Fo· IJarge, Distiaetive Pe·maaent Waving Deep, ·w anes, Xegre.seou's Steam Process Naturnl Pure Low as . . . Members of the North Shore Electric League: C. H. Adam· &. Company, Evanaton, W. 0. G. Almcrantt, Evan·ton, Ill. Bond Lehman Company, Ennaton, W. H. W. Craven, Evanlton, Ill. Glenview Electric Shop, Glenview,llt. Nile· Center Electric Shop, Nile· Center. 111. Lake Shore Electric Company, Wilmette, W. Novak&. Parker, Park Rid1e, lll. PubUc Service Company of Northern llUnoi·, Evan·ton. UL H. D. Summen, EY...ton, lll. Sam C. Wood1, Evanlton, Ill. . ... ' .> '.·-.'.' \~ ·......·,,.;o>;"""" ' ~·.; -~. ·.: ..:: >~...: ;,};. ~ North Shore Electric League 30 North Dearbom Street, Chicago, m. w A1iJi11tM1. with The Ekctric As.sociation, an .or1anita~on eft(accd fn ~ and ~of the services rentkred 1M public b, the el«nical indwiC" fn che C"'cqo ArM. 1'he elegance and beauty of a P ermanent ·w ave is dependent on the artistic efficiency of the waver and not on any of the chemical processes or machines. Highly advertised machines, low prices and mfsl eading promises are no assurance for a ·successful wave, neither are they any protection against burning, brittllng and discoloring the hair. Discriminating people choose our house and are assured by the 30 years' experience of Mr. John Negrescou, of receiving a wave that expresses elegance, youth and beauty without the slightest .injury to yourself or to your hair. Hair Goods-Transformations Bob Wigs with natural partf! as low as tiJti.OO. Expert Beauty Parlor Service and Artistic Hair Cutting SuUe 18H Stevens Bldg., 17 N. State Street, Chicago NEGRESCOU'S DRAPE WAVES, Ete. THE WICCERY Tel. Randolph lOSif

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