Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 49

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April 8, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 49 AWARD "W" TO LOCAL SCHOOL BOY ATHLETES Director of Recreation Davis Makes Awards to Boys of Football, Cage Teams North Shore Girls Have Leading Roles in W~ A. A. Comedy ~[ r. and ~Irs. Edwin Hedrick of 304 ~Ielro. c a\'enue, Kenilworth. will have Leroy Moran will arrive on Thurs- spend the spring vacation with hi~ day of next week from St. Thomas parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ]. Moran Military academy, St. Paul, Minn., to of 924 Greenleaf avenue. Virginia Hedrick. the daughter of On \V ednesday moming-, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, awarded "\V's" to the boys oi the Stolp school and the St. Francis X.avier school who have won .the right to wear these letters because of tl11.:ir prowess on the football f1eld and their cleverness on the basketball floor. Mr. Davis started in by telling the boys and girls of the sixth, seventh and eighth grades what a boy has to accomplish before he is · eligible to wear a "\V." His standing . " cholastically, his conduct in the class room, his ~porbmanship throughout the year on the athletic lteld and in the gymnasium, and his character have to be above the a n·ragc. He must then play in at lea;o;t .iO percent of the games of the season. The coach and the teacher must buth tl. k. these qualifications before the hoy is awarded his letter. \Vhcn ~f r. Davis finisht:d, hl~ called CJll Francis Sherwood Nelson, Harvey Klunder, and Jack Heitman, captains of three of the football teams, and SCOUTS HIKE TOMORROW I Paul Jones, captain of the lightweight Bt·Y ~wuts of Kenilworth troop 13 ; ha~kt'thall tl'a111. to ttll something· of ,,·ill take their April hike tomorrow thtir resperti\'c sports. Then the boys under the leadership of Scoutmaster 1 were called to the fron~ oi !he assen~- R~1hert \V. Town~ey: An opportun~ty j hi~· room an<l ~fr. Dans, wtth the lttcl mll he offerer!, tt IS announced. tor , of D. C. Stone. and "Hap" Gathercoal. pa--~ing field te:-ts ,~~,·hich ha\'e b,·~ n ' a\\'arded kttns and stripe:- to tl1irty- dt:in!·l·d by unsatisfactor~· weather. q·ven football men. and thl' outing- promi~e~ to he <:xccpTho~t· \\'hn recein'd foot hall ~tripes tionally interesting. EL::\lER D. BECKER, Vice-Pr~sfdent were: Jim Corns, Junior Corns. John LYMA~, RICliiE & COl\IPANY Tom nrarl,·. Robert nolo son, Hollis Competent Insurance Service on all Cka~on. H an·ey Klunder, Jack Dunn. C'lasses of protection. foh·in FinlaY..:on. Paul Jones. John l ;5 W. ,Jackson lllvd., Chicago, Ill. Zipperich. Fr;J.nris ~f enter. Tim ~r cTELEPHONE: WABASH 2008 Dern}()tt. ,Cecil \\'illiatm: .-\llH'rt This is the season for automobile Insurance. Why not tall< with me re1: :1r kt ·r. HrtH'< · Kt ·n,·nn Gl' r'rt!<' Fher . g-:ln1ing- :rout· coyerage? TT·wh S:-p;:nn. T:tt\ He;tm :l n. Dnn ~finor. George Quinlan. Tack Stackhottsc. Vancr Soule. Dit·k \f cGinln·. \ l~r~hcrt ()11inl:tn. 1 ark Fro~t. Philir. , \f arqua. Hohnt Youn~herg:, Da ,·jd : \ 'on Sc·nnt·11. Frank Rilev . Francis Kcnnedv. Juli:-~n Hirsch. Fd Dierb. ! Da\'id D;n·i.;, .\IC'x \'cnnish. Robert ' Brashears, Sherwood Nelson. I Then 1he hoys who \\'on ll'tter . in 1 bask thai! were railed up. All of the : ho~·s \\'inning ha:-kcthall ll'ttl'rs also ,,·on football letters. There \\Trc t\\Th·e ha:-kdhall a\\'ards: Paul Tones. Don \fin or. Francis Kenne(h·. · Cecil \Villitn a'>. Fd Dierks. Vance .'oule. Jack f111nn. Coh·in Finla~·snn, George Quin ~: f<1 11. ]ark Heitman. Han·ey Klunder. I :\ Ill'\\' ;:.; ,·stem for \\'i lm ctte has he en 1 !'-tartcd and seems to ha,·c. met with I apprm-al. Onlv one letter ts ;l\rardC'd <:ach boy, ancl then a st ripe is awarded fM each sport in which he excels. :\ blue stripe is g-iven for football. a 111aroon for basketball. a gTce;, for 1rack, and a grey for pl:!:,grmmd hall. If a boy has won his stripe for all four sports, he removes the first three stripes and is awarded a gold star to he sewed on in place of the stripes. · The letter awards for the St. J oscph .:lnd Howard schools will be made on Friday morning in the Howard school. 'I the part of "Tom," the male lead in "In 1hc Rough." to be given by vV. A. A. of Northwestern university as its annual musical comedy. It will be I presented Friday evening, April 8, Sat, urday afternoon and evening, and \V cdnesday night, April 13, at the Xational Kindergarten college, Sheridan i r'oad and Ridge avenue. Northwestern girls wrote the music for this three-act play, and eighty of them will han part. in 1he cast, choruses, and specialties. Two ot l~t·r nor.th :->horc girl;-;, Lucille Tat ham of 3.f9 Hawthorne lane, vVinnetka. aml Helen Fraser of 645 Ab- 1 bot s ford road, Kenilworth} will he in ~ the cast. Betty .Schwartz of 187 Ridge I an~nuc. \\"innetka, and Nfarian Keeney of 523 Hawthorne lane, \\'innetka, will ~ gi\'c :-pccialties. In the choruses are The wonderful new Automatic Ortho- -sets It aside-puts on the next, and so ~r artha Crossley of 602 vVashington phonic Victrola, which plays 12 records on through 12 selections. See and hear without operating effort on your part! this remarkable instrument. Come in. an·nuc, \Vilm ette, Bdt\· Harwood of ,Puts the record on-plays it-takes it oft. Don't forget. {JQ(j Greenleai avenue, \Vilmette. ElizaOPEN EVERY EVENING beth S\\'ect of 320 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, and Virginia ~[arshall' of 140 Kenilworth a\'enue, KenihYorth. North Shore Talking Machine Co. ; 12 ('hurch St., E,·nnston Phone University 4i!l 1 The auto matte Orthophonic · 1 ictrola ---- I SPAULDING SILVERWARE for Wedding Gifts ALWAYS A 'WIDE CHOICE AT THE PRICE YOU WISH TO PAY The Xorth Shore Oberlin \Voman' s duh will he entertained at tea at 3 o'clock today at the home of Mrs. E. H. Pearson,-1530 Highland. avenue. TPif'phone Wilmette SS47 DR. FRANK B. ERWIN SpeclnJizlng In the treatment or your best friends the "Dog and Cat" All calls receive my personal attention 1000 RMVf! A'fl!. Wllmftttfl. Ill. VETERINARIAN SPAULDING & Co. MICHIGAN A VENUE at VAN .BUREN STREET 1636 Orrington Avenue, EVANSTON 23 Rue de Ia Paix, PARIS

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