Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 47

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April 8, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 41 Build Huge ·Shops . in Niles Center for Rapid Transit ·~T am Recreation Bureau ·· :\ $4,500,000 shop construction proQUOITS TOURNAMENT has been launched h. \' the ChiOn next Friday. night at the Stolp cag-o Ra1>id, Tran sit compan~· in Niles gymnasium the quoits . eliminatiot1 Center, with the ultimate nhicct of tournament conducted hY . the vVil-consolidating all shops in tl1is one to- mette Recreation and · Pla~·grouncl ·<·a tion, according to anllOlllH'tment hoard will come to an encl. Already ·m ade hy the ·management. the dope has been up. et several Ten sep~ratc units coverin~ <u 1 area times and right now it looks a~ though (1i fifteen acres arc indud~d in the anybody can take home the loving cup ("Oillplctcd project. The gruu 11 0 [ i without cr.cating much ~ urpri se. -.tructurcs will he bid out and ron- ; There i~ one game left in the 11ected so as to afford the utm o~ t cf- srrn ncl round between J. R. Harper liriency · in th~ hanclling oi cars and and H . 0 . Vander Hoff. Tn the third equipment. rnun<l I.. F . Ball plays Tom Thurshy. ·construction w.ork i~ now undn ,,·ay who up~ct the dope last Friday 1)\· detill the first unit lli the hig group, feating Edgar Polle\·, 21-15. 13-21, 21 "·hirh, it is said. \\'ill hl' one oi the 17. onr of tla· members of the chamOf the 333 kind-; of i11du->trie:-- in the . most complete ancl exknsin· lllL'r h a ni- ~ pi on:; hip l. 0. 0 . F. team. Considt>rL' nited States, 310, or 9.~ Jh'r Cl'llt. are cal plants in the country. This unit ing till' aclYantage Polley held in exrepresented in Illinois. i~ the paint s hop. which is 200x224 fed 1 pericnce ancl practice. TlnJr sh . ,·':.. vicil.l outside dimen sio.Jb. ~r~:-.ent i1.J<lica- tor~· was remarkab1~. \11111:-. arc that tln :- huddn1g \\'111 he 1 The next game is lwt\\'l'l'll Bill n·:uly fur ocrupann· ~onw time in ).fay. · Blanksheim and the \\'inner oi the :\11 the bu :tdin g:; in this romprchen- 1 Harpn-Yondt·r Hoff game. The final :-i\'(' construction progralll han' hecn l!ame in the round is hct\\·cen L. F. d,·,igncd with a Yin,· to making them Todd and. Boh Blasdell. ;trchitl'cturalh· attradivc and i11 harTh\: winners of these four games mom· with other structures in this will he matched in the semi-finals and We make Real Estate sulnirhan commtmit\·. The walls arc again in the finals for first. second. lli Old English mission brick with cast third. and fourth places. Loans at current rates sto ne trimmings. ln the games last Friday night. I.. on the sec u ri t ·Y of F. Ball won from ~f. E. Lvnch hv forLEASE WILMETTE HOMES il'it. and from H. Otterhack. 21-8 and North Shore property. ~mith and Brown. Inc .. formerly Hill '21-12. Hill Blanksheim won from :tnd \\"heeler, report the leasing of the Homer \\"hitchousc by forfeit, Lowell \1 . Krupnick .residence a t 1518 \Vash - Tncl<l \\·nn from Han·cy Hopp 21-18.21ington avenue. \\'ilmettc. to Roy M. lt'i. and E. Brammer won from Bob Kirtla.nd of Chicago. They also re- S!t'ITcns 21-16.21-16. t)(,l~~, th~ !casing oi th~ ;csidencc of j ~<IIlli..' good g·amcs are in pro spect .IL.~sc , Scnbncr. ~33 A~hl~nd aven~c, . iPr th!:' week. Come and St.'t' how \\11m< tte, tn Llo~ <l 1. ~ n~ der of \Vtl- ~ ··hampJon..; perform. 111\'tt<'. \ · Basketball 1 5 64 Sherman A ·.·~n ue 1 .\1 i:;:- Edith ancl .\I iss Harril't .\I c ·all : Tht· ~l'cund round in tht· prelilllin Evanston ,,·ill return next \\'eclnc sda\· for a arie~ nf the basketball tourneY was wel'k's visit with ).f r. and ).f rs. P. F . played \\' cclnc-;day night at the How.\1 cCall of 5.10 Eighth ~tn.'ct. They arc ard gymnasium. The first game wa~ ' at tending St. Jo~cph academy at Du- between the K. of C. and · the Terhuqu c. Iowa. minal A. C .. 2. The K. of C. team en-otcrcd the wintl'r program late, and \[r. ancl ).1rs. H. (. . Toeppen ui 1206 therefore. han not had as lllllch exFlm\\·nncl avcnne announce the birth pericnce pla~· ing a:-- the other teams. ni a ~un on Tue~da\·. April ~. at the hut that iact doesn't seem tl) !,other h an~ton ho ~ pital. the hoy:; any, for they go into each contest to give their best. The Terminal A. C.'s won 35 to 12. · The second game of .t he round was between the St. Joseph's 2, and the Terminal A. C. l. The Terminals got some of their old players hack and swamped the "kids," 78 to 18. The St. Joseph hoys put up a capable fight. This leaYes the semi-finals to he played April 6. The Presbyterians defeated the strong State Bank team in the "prelims" and the ).I cthodist team is showing real class. At 8:30 o'clock the two 'I'crminal l teams will fight it out. The winners of the=-c two games play it~ the finals on April 19 at 8:30 1 o'clock. A curtain raiser has been planned in the way of a girls' game. A team of \Vilmcttl' girls will compete against an aggregation from l'hicago. i Real Estate Loans SMl-o"ofltE I ALL BE-TTE-R. High grade used cars today bear little resemblance to the used cars of yesterday. Roads are better, garages are better, automobiles are better and owners take better care. And we know better than to try and build good will with baJ e;oodst C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis Street Phones: University 224, Wilmette 224 u Buy Your Car in Evanston" TO l Nl L R rAIN .11 THE GEORGIAN is ro be assur\·J ol unu~u .tll} Jehghrful .lccommod.nionsSp.lna\h oJIIroom nn tht' roof. Lounge. Louis XIV Dr.l\\'ing Room - - ·J (h.Hming \'Jricty of rooms from which to choo~~. TO LIVE .11 THE GEORGIAN is to know that you h.1n· d.,osrn Jn Jp.utml·nt home exceptionally br.1utiful. ln,fav·duJI. innoVJlions . Your ansp,·nion cordi.lll}' invited. f .In> at Jnd equ1ppcd with unusual A USE-D. C:AR IS ONLY AS DE-PENDABLe AS THE DE-ALE-R WHO SE-LLS IT "An Addre~11 of Distinction" n:wls at Hinman-Evanston Phone Reservations r-\ow-Greenleaf 4100

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