April 8, 1927 WILMETTE RECITAL BY W. A. STULTZ LIFE "39 Prominent Visitors to Attend Session of Spanish War Vets · l Evanston Camp No. 57 and the North Shore Auxiliary No. 47 of the United Spanish War Veterans will hold an open meeting Monday, April 11, at 8 at 610 Davis street, Evanston. Department Commander Charles G. Essig, and his staff, and the department p.resident, Mrs. Florence A. Hansen, and her staff will attend. Other visitors wili include Ferre C. Watkins, department commander of the American Legion; Abe Greenfield, department commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; Commander Clayton Larker of American Legion post No. 42, and Walker Burnholz, commaQder of Lieutenant Rosequist post No. 555 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. \Villiam P. Turner, commander, and John A. Logan of G. A. R. post No. 1 540 will also attend. Com rade Charles Clayton, command er of Evanston camp, and Mrs. Herbert Young, presirlcnt of the auxiliary, will jointly preside at the opening of the meeting. Out of to\vn visitors arc rxpected to arrive at the Davis street station of the eleva t ed at 7 :45 where the y will he m et by m embe rs of the loca l camp and auxiliary. All Spanish war veterans living along- the north sho r e, even if th ey do not belong to the United Spanish War Vetr.rans, are in vi ted to attend. Walter Allen Stultz of the School of Music, Northwestern University, will give a musical program at the National Kindergarten and Elementary college, this afternoon. The program will be given in the auditorium, Harri son haU, at 2, and members of the governing board and other friends of the college are invited to attend. las tic standings this week. A student body enrollment exclusively limited to two hundred cadets, has made neces. Consistently conscientious in his ac- sacy the strictest requirements, he ademic work at the Missouri Military said. Cadet Lundin is popular at .the Academy, which he is attending this ·academy, and is a member of several organizations. year, Elmer Lundin, son of Mr. E. J. Luilditi, 500-Sth street, Wilme\.£e, has been designated by Col. E. Y. Burton, ·Rose Marion Knight president · of the academy, as one of INl'ERIOR DECORATING Mr. and ~Ir s. F. E. M. Cole, 315 the outstanding students at the in sti- ::'\t-w spring lines of imported and tution. donwstic Fabrics have arrived. EstiEssex road, Kenilw or th , \vho have Cadet Lundin has been given a mates without obligation. bee n in Sou th Ha\' Cn, Mich ., for the ranking of excellent by Major Mar101 Michigan Ave. Greenleaf 1319 past week. ,ret urn ed home Friday. que ss vVallace, who announced schoI Local Youth Wins High Rank at Mt·aaoun· ·school erv1ce that nuil{es · · MILWAU I THEATER TOURNAMENT The second Korthwc tern University Theater tournament for the 19'27 Cumnock cup and a cash award of $250 will be held :\pril 21, 22 and 23 in Annie :!\fay S\\'ift hall auditorium. The contestants " ·ill present a one-act play which will be judged from the standpoint of directing as welt as acting. Nine colleg-e dramatic clubs ha.ve entered. The performances are open to the public. a next door neighho~ E T WASN'T so n1anyyears ago that North Shore towns had less frequent transpo~tation service to Chic.ago, at many hours of the day, than they now enJOY, all day long, to Mllwaukee! · That maysee1n surprising, but it's true nevertheless.Today,on the North Shore Line, there is service every hour to Milwaukee. Limited trains from here make comfortable connections with fast Mil waukee trainsatNorth Chicago Junction. No matter what time of day you want to go-morning, afternoo·n or evening - the same hourly service is available to you. North Shore Line takes you direct to the heart of Milwaukee's business district-Sixth and Sycamoresaving you time and taxi fare. Go this fast, clean, smokeless way. Dining cars at meal times on Milwaukee trains; parlor-observation cars at scheduled hours. All Milwaukee trains stop at Kenosha and Racine . . Those desiring to take Milwaukee trains from Chicago will find our Loop Station (Adams and Wabash) and our North Side Stations (Grand Ave., Wilson Ave., or H:oward St.) a real convenience. All Milwaukee trains stop at these stations. I I i I For schedules, fare! (tnd other information, inquire at ticket office. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. The Road· of Service WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2 I. I Beauty Lies in 5 14 Baggage Checked Healthy EYES It's not so mu;:h :he size or color a>f the EYES that makes them b.:autiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiatP.S from them. U,-.,. less tcept always clean a~d healthy, EYES laci< .this alluring lustrt. Miili<'ns of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with 1vfurine. lt cleanses EYES of irritating particles ~nd keep~ thr.m dear and bright. Contains no belladonnROu" i!!ustrated books on "E-ve C4~ .,_ "E:-·e Beauty" are "'REF: on f'equai. ORTH SHORE N LINE The Murit&e Company l)c~>t. 33, Chicago