Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 36

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. . .Vl WILMETTE LIFE April 8, 1927 Two Exhibits Draw Interest of Art and Social Circles Parties Precede Wecf.ding Annual Exhibitions of Wilmette Girl in May Will Offer Chance ).fiss Norma Schuettge, daughter of to View Local Art ~l .r. and Mrs. R. D. Schuettge of 804 By JEAN TEN BROECK To Marry in June Three Artists to Give Musicale at Kenilworth Club Three dist~ngnishcd artists \\'ill he presented hy the Kenil\\'orth club this t'Hning at 8:15 o'clock. 'l'ho:-,c \\'ll11 ,,·ill give the following program an· Charles Norman Granville. AmL-rica':-. distinguished baritone: Sybil Comer, uperatic soprano: Phillip :\l,ha~. ia mous cellist : ~oprano Onh· a few Year~ of residence on the north· shore i; sufficient to enable one to trace for himself the rapid expansion of art interest in our villages. One league of comparative recent birth is devoted solely to the pursuit and study of painting, sketching and sculpture. Its members include somt· of the most prominent artists in t h...· vicinity of Chicago. The history {'f its activities can not he told even briefly but in pages. The part the study of art plays in the school curric ulum every one knows. Our women's clubs. too, feel its importancr. Some of these have had special departments for its study, others have organized such depa.rtments during thi s clnh year. The concrete illustration of what north shore artists can do is to he offered in two spring exhibits, hoth annual affairs, the one givrn hy the North Shore Art league, the other bv the Woman's club of Wilmette. Some of the same artists wilt exhibit in both. The North Shore Art league exhibition will open with a dinner Thur sday evening, April 21. at () :.10 o'clock. at Matz hall, Community Hou se, \Vin netka. Many noted artists and critics ·prominent in t.he art world witt be there. Pictures and sculpture hy th e producing meri1bers of the league will be on exhibition. The number of ent.ries will be limited to t,,.o for each member. Reservations may he sent in to Mrs. Uarguerite Taylor, 400 Eighth street, \Vilmette. (\Vilmctte 1237). The \i\T oman's club of \Vilm ctte already has announced the time of it :-: annual exhibit as April 29 and 30, and May 1, in its clubhouse. Exhibitors are limited to prese nt, or to former .residents of \Vilmette, some of whom now Jiving elsewhere on the north shore have expressed their intention to enter. The exhibition \Yilt open formally with a reception to the artists and their friends Friday eve n in g. April 29, at 8. The \Vilmettc trio will play during the evening, and refreshments will be sen·c d. The exhibit will be open to the public all day Saturday, April 30. ancl SundaY aftern oon May 1. · ' The spirit which animates the \Voman's club in holding these annual exhibition:-: and the icl ea l of ci\·ic sen·ice which in sp ir es them is expressed 1>) Mrs. Gordon \Vil son, cl1airman of th e art committee of the club, who qttOkd a saying to the effect that "all of ns are artists. for appn'riation ralls fnr the same spiritual qua.litil·.., as nt·:t t ion." Greenwood avenue, whose marriage to Ralph Edinger of Evan s ton will take place on May 7, has been honored at a number of parties recently. On Friday, April 1, Mrs. \Villiam '1'. Edwards of 1720 Elmwood avenue entertained for Miss Schuettgc at a kitchen shower. M.rs. L. E. Davis of 110 Thirteenth street and 1frs. C. F. Kunzelmann of 1417 Hill s trect '"'ere hostesses Tuesday aitcrnoo n, March 29, at a handkcrrhid shO\\·cr for ~1i ss Schuettge, to "hiclt meJlllH:rs of the \\'ilm ettc Temple club \rere inYited. The party \\'as gin:n at ~~ rs. K unzelmann' s hOi1lC. .\liss Katherine Edinger of \Yinnetka .~a vc a luncheon bridge and kitchen sho\\'er iur 11iss ~chuettge on Saturday, March 2u. Mrs. Sam \Vil so n of 551 Linden a venue, Kenilworth and ~lrs. Ira Iverson of 737 Park avenu e, \Vilmettc entertained at a mi scellaneous shower for Miss Schucttgc and Mr.. Edinger on Saturday, .M2.; ch 12. Spoke Eleven of the Presbytenan church gave her a shower on Tuesday, March 15. Mrs. Harry ]. Imus of Linden avenue, Kenilworth entertained at a luncheon and linen show -:: r Wednesday, March 9. M.rs. Allen \V. McConnell of 1525 Highland avenue, Wilmette gave a kitchen shower on February 25. The wedding is to be held at the Presbyterian church at S o'clock on the afternoon of May 7, the Rev. George P. Magill officiating. A reception and dinner for eighty guest :; will be held afterward at the Schuettge resid ence. M.rs. George A. Hallstein of Winnetka, Miss Schuettge's sister, will be matron of honor. Miss Bert l!r1. DeHaye and Miss Jane Robert <; 0f Wilmette and Mi ss Katherine Edinger of \Vinnetka, sister of tl1e gro0111, will he her other attendants. The groom's brother, Clarence Edinger of Evanston. is to he best man, and R(lv Olsen, Ho\\'ard Mattias. and \Villi <u:, Meh·in, all of Evanston, \\·ill he tl1e ushers. I Bijou Song·-"Faust" ........ c:11\llliHI + I 'Cello (a) .-\dag-io and ..:\lll'gro . .. ... Tfand· ·l I b) ).h·nut·L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\lilaudr· · (l') A.lh·gru .... .. ... . .. .. . \'alt·ntini ~lr . .·\bb ~IS I:: · r ! t >·llt' Pruh·g·w · "Png- licu ·<·i" . . . 1.· ., ·llt'<t \·a II·' ~lr. c:r:tn\·ill· · ;-;,pl'HI111 . :\fi1-1s Comer l'rin' '··sita ]lu<.lo .. . . . . . . . . . 111· · Xadit· Sp:·nb!J J.",.JI< ;-;,,J>g" quh ·r· · :\liss Curn··r ........ 'Ce llo (H) (b) Can~o nt'lt a ........ . 11'. \ 111hro!-i·· ce) Papillon .. ... ... .. ...... l'npp· ·r :\t r . .-\ bb;1 s l~ariton e l-:\'t·l1i llg" :--;ollg :--;,·IIUillallll (a) Tlw Suuris·· ('all, or E1·h,, S· ·ug· .. (T raditional 7.uni 1 ndi:tn) Trn) ··r 11/ ) Lt·t·th· Hatt·t·~·· . . ........ (.)'Jiara (e) Trt·l ·s (rH(Ut·st··tl) ...... Hasbacll \Varwick road, Winnetka, formaily (d) <1il c·s St-rog-g-ins .. 1 :r<lllt-:--;1'11aefft·r ann.ounce the engagement of their (e) Liltlt· na\'!11 ..... .. ..... . Guion ~It ·. 1:rall\ill· · daughter, Helen Louise, to \Vailace tlw J'ian" \"lhitmorc \Veld, son of Mr. and Mrs. .\t \·ioh·t ~Jart .. ns ft>l' ~I if.;:-; <'onwr Herbert \Vhitmore Weld, 315 Sunset . Berthn, Hagen for 1\Ir. G ranvill t· :1 ntl Hr. Abl.>ns road, \Vinnetka. Miss Mearns will be gra.d uated from Northwestern unh·ersity this June, and is a membe.r of Gcetche11 Stratton Becomes Gamma Phi Beta. Mr. \Veld, who is Bride of J. Keith Davis a member of Beta Theta Pi, graduated Miss Gretchen Stratton, daught er of in 192-L The wedding \rill take place Mr. and Mr . Norwood Stratton oi in the later part of June. Chicago, became the bride of J. Keith Davis of \Vilmette on Saturdav aftt·r Marian Reese to Marry noon, April 2, at 4 o'clock, at- an in H aery Donaldson May 14 format wedding held at the Engle-.i(k M e t h o dis t Episcopal church. The Miss Marian Reese of \Vilmette has wedding guests included a large nttnl se t Saturday, May 14, as the day of ber of members of the couple\ her wedding to Harry Donald son of sorority ancl fraternity at the CniH·!·Evanston. The ceremony will take sity of Tllinois, Pi Beta Phi ancl Phi place at 8:30 o'clock in the Church of Kappa Sigma. Only relati\'es at tended the Holy Comforter in KcnihYorth, the reception foiiowing the ceremom·, with the Rev. Leland Dan forth nfflci- which was held at the \Vindemer c Ea~t a ting. The ,reception following will be hot el. . held at the home of her parents, Dr. The brid e wnre delicate pink crepL· and 11rs. Charles N. Reese, at 829 with a collar of point lace, which ha -. Ashland avenue. Mr. Donald son· is bcL·n in . th e family for man y years. the son of Mrs. H. V. Donald :-:o n oi She carried a hat ftllecl with sprin gE\·anston. flowers. Mrs. Craig Rubv, wh o wa · Mrs. H. C. Reese of Chicago is to be ~[i ss Dorothy Whitney ~f \Vitin ettr matron of honor, and . Mi~s \\.inifrecl before her recent mar~iagr, wa s ma Bilslancl of Wilmette, maid of honor. t ron of honor, ancl \\'Ore a gown and ~f rs . Louis Mohr of Chicago, Miss hat of cocoa color. Delwyn \\.nrthEl izahcth and Miss Dorothy Joy of ingt nn of Glencoe was Mr. Davi ,' \Yinn et ka, and Miss Patt\' Foresman best man . of Kenilworth are to be h~ide maid s. A f.riciHI of the bride, Mr. J arks<ll l Albert Rand of \\'ihnrtt c is to he nf Chicago, furnished the organ mttsiL· '\fr. D o11a ld son's he st man . The ush- for the \Yedding, and played the pia no er..; arr Dr. H. C. Ree se of Chicagn, during th e reception. ~f r. and Mrs. Davis arc taking a C' h c s t e r Speakn1an of Oak Park, Stephen Lusted of · \Vilmett e. Olnn· short \\'cdcling trip. and wiii he at Brown of Evanston, anrl E cl ,,. a r d home after May 1 at 61 Forest a\·rntle Ri\·ers ide, 1II. ' Tuhh s of 'Vilmette. :\1 r. and ).(rs. Kenneth John Mearns, ( Fr··w·h <':lll:t<lhln l jl Families Only Guests at Marriage Ceremony At an informal weclding la st e\'ening Helen e Ray M arkens. daughter of Mr. and ~f rs. Elias 11 arkrns ·of 120 Dupee place, became the bride of Sampson Du stan Cooper, son nf Mr. and Mrs. H enry Cooper of Chicago. The ceremony, \\'hich took place at the home of thr bride at 8 o'clock. was witnessed only b~· members of thr family, and other guests attended the reception io11nwin~ the ceremonY. The bride's si<;tr r. ·urs. Harn· T. Hr;11Hiwin of Chicrtgo, was the matrn"n of honor. and Nathan Cooper, hrotht' r ., : +1 1 e groom, was hr st man . Th e hridt' ,,·ore a gown of gray rl1 i ffon. The bride's b.rothcr, Elias 11 a rken s. Jr., who is ten years of age, played the wedding march. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will make their residence in Chicago. Dr. ·and Mrs. Edward \V a s g a t t' Ma'rkens of Newark, N. ].. attended the \\'edding. Dr. Markens i~ :\1r. Markens' brother. Marian Dawes Guest of Honor at Manq Affaics Pre-nun t i ~d partirs br \fiss \hria11 Dawe . ; oi Glencor ur filling the cbn before her marrial!'v on April 30, ·t o Gordon Butler Bilrlerhack of Cham paign. Ill. On Tuesday of this werk Mis" \farian C'arpt·nt<-r nf Evanston entertained i11 her honor r- at lunel1r.on and bridge. Mrs. Da.vid Kim hall of Evanston will haYe a luncheon hridge for ~fi~s Dawe:-. on April 15, and on April 23. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 0. Law, Jr. of Evanston and Ralph Milts of Oak Park will give a dinner dance at the South Shore Countn club. Miss ~fary Louise Wuichet of Evanston is to entertain for Miss Dawes in the near future. Donald Jordan Weds A wedding of early April \\'a~ that of Catherine Bruegger. daughter of :\[r. and \frs . Charle..; Bruegger of Chicago. and Donald Jordan 0f \Vil mette. The ccremon\· wa . performed Sah1rda)·, April 2, at the Church of the Holy Comforter in Kenihvorth. A reception followed the service at the ] ordan residence, 505 ~fa pie avenue. The yonng couple will reside in Evanston. Among · the out of to\\'n guests who attended the wedding \Yere ~hs. Fred Lin-egar nf Hastings, N eh., who is spending a few da~·s with the J ordans. and Mrs. Herman Hilgendorf of \Vatrrtown, Wis.; an aunt of the hride. Engagement Announced . M.r. and Mrs. Cedric Smith. 1)2 \\'a r wick avenue, Kenilworth announce the engagement of their si~ter. ~1iss Miriam Johnson, to. G cor g e Turnley Dyer, Jr., of Evanston, son of Mrs. George Turnley Dyer of St . Louis. Miss Johnson was graduated from Northwestern university and j., a member of the Delta Gamma sorority. Mr. Dyer was graduated from Yale in the class of 1923. The wed ding will take place this spring. Mr. and .Mrs. L. Stopka of 15Jo Lake avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Olga Marie, to Lester F. Ball, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ball of Aurora, Ill. · ,. Hostesses for Dance Cards have heen issued for a dam·e at the Georgian hotel. F>anston, Saturday even i 11 g, April 16, at 8:30 o'clock. The ho"tesses for the affair ;:l re the Mis ses Ba.rbara Berry, Emily Clagett. Marg-aret Crocker, Lisbeth Goss, Mona Heller, Harriette Hosken, Isabel Laing, Mary Martin, Helen \ Vray.

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