Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE ---- LIFE April 8. 1927 thE' chureh for itlS regular luneh·.. on :1t11l busim·ss mE'eting. TIME not 1'he dampness did not deter .the "F~ur Hundred" last Sunday mornmg. 'Ihe c hurch was fill e d when the service began ; the chapel had to be opened for the late comers. There is a growing sen~e of intE> r est in these services of worship as w e ll a s an increasing numb~ r who attend . them. · First Methodist WORDS proves a tire's value EVERY NEW TIRE LOOKS OOOD. Dunlops not only look good, but they make sood-over rocks and gravel, and ruts and sand. Thirty-nine years of experience has shown Dunlop how to design a tread that gives maximum traction and slow, smooth wear. · This Dunlop tread is the toughest development of rubber known. And this same ·tough tread-rubber is carried clear around the sidewall to give maximum protection against rut wear. You get the full benefit of all this extra tread-mileage because each Dunlop is built with the famous trouble-free cable-twist Dunlop carcass, to provide the highstrength and elasticity so vital to long tire life. We recommend you put Dunlops on your car Plans are already unde r way for \ ho · summer camp. The camp for boys lw gins Jun'e 27, and the camp for girls will beg·in · .July 11. This c hurch owns a beautiful camp of twenty-four a crPs oh the Paw Paw Hh·e r near Wate r\'li t· t. Mich . Boys and girls of otlwr churclto·s will bt' w e lcome to share the opportuniPalm ~un<lay will b e observ~d with ties supported by this camt>. 1 Rppropriate services. The Jumor and Th e Sunday en·ning dlsc u sf; ion g-rt~up ~ Senior choirs combined will sing "The Palm:-;." Infant children will be bap- continue to b e \'e ry pleasing and h e lpful to those who avail th e m:·wl\'t':-i of th·· ~· · t ize cl. opportunitit·s. Tl~ E:' High ~ch?o l group "A llil'nit· or ~~ c~ ru sa de" sugg·~.:sts the e njoyt>d talking· With,l\lr. Fnsbi e. in .Jane linl' of di scus:-;ion for Jwxt Sunday morn- ('ol\'in's home last Sunday evt·nmg· t'·mcPrning· th e practice of C hristian id· · al~ ing' s sermon. in High s<·hool. The Young P eo}Jlt·':-; The Bov Scouts Troop fi, unde r the g'l'OUJl ha<l a plt>asant eve ning in tl1t· inspiring ieaclen;hii~ of 1\Ir. .A . F. Ball, is honw of Haroltl \Vcg-nt·r, with Dr. \'oig-t in c rea~-> ing- in m ember s hip ach w eek. Th e of < ia rr..tt Bibli cal institult! , who talkt ·d order and di:;;c ipline o f thi:-; troop is al- with tlw m conf' ·rning t hl' m ost hdpful most h e:roml co mparison. Th ~ boys will attitudt ·s t11\var<l tlw Bible. Tlwrt· W:t ~ appear in a body at th e trN~ -planting such a gTo·at intt·r Pst in this d isc u s:-:i~tt· that tlwr«·. haH· b c-c n r cq m·st s for it~ <'t'I't.·nwnr next Saturday afternoon. I'Olll illll<llll'l', This Sunday t·\'t·nlng tlw H i~ h St·lt"'" 'I'h e {;irl SC'out:;;, Troo p ·l , harl a littl e p a rty at th (' f'losc of thPir nw<· t ing laf;t gTOUlJ " ·ill ha Ye n st\·reopticon Jl i<'t ur. 'l'u es day in h o nor of ::uari ~ nn<l Marjorie wor~ltip JH'olg ram, h ast· cl ()11 tlw 1~\'··nt:-: BPrge r of Rl !l Clwstnut a YPnut·, who are o( "J 1is La st \\·v,·k ." Tlwy will nwn in tlH' Sunday Sl'!l(lt·l room o f th u ·hutTlt. m·J\'ing to Chicago. The Young·· People will be IPd hy l lr. Tlu> Philn tlwa class m f>t ' last Tuesday SC'lwrni··rh .. nl on lh ·· s ubj <·f' t of H f·l i!;ii Jil~ ~ ~ v ning at the lwnw of ~Irs. Huby Mac - 'l'uleranc·· . 'l'lH'Sl ' gToltJ)S ha\'o· hi '(' l1 chost·l1 \\'it l1 . :\forran, 1:{2 ti Ct:>ntral avenu(·. This class will h a H' harge of the Fellowship s up- twe nty-fo ur simi'lat' ~;roups in th f· 1 ~ nito · d Stalt ·s to try out an e xpcrim ·ntal courF· · pe r twxt W ednesday night. iii ".\tl\ ·· ntlln·:-: in ('hri s ti a n H.t: ligion." Last '\\'P dn1·sda.y E:'V('ning, th e Frie ndly c irc le, which is under th e l<'a der ship of Tlwrt· will lJI' thn·P SJWC'ial st· n ·io ·o ·::\[rs. W est , had charg-e of th t: F ellows hip lNt ding- up to Easter : '\Ve dn t·sdll ,. nig-ht supper. Fl·llo\\'sh i p Sup}Wl' follow e d lJY tlH · p a :- · t o r's atldn·ss on "A Vigil at the Cro~;s". 'T'h e '\Voman's F o r (' ign ~fis s ion a ry so- Thursday night, tlH· Union Co mmu11iou t·il'ty \\' ill hold an all-clay mBeting a t the St·n ·it···: Friday nig·ht, an inlt' rprdati oll c ~ hurc }l n <' xt Thursday. :\Irs. Robert of tlw "fien·n La:-;l \V orlls " with th· Kirkpatri<'k will b e in eha rg··· of th e d e- Ea!-itt·r story In song- and in pil'tun ·!". \'otions; 1\Irs. L. \V. Jont·s will r· ·V it·w th e 'l'ltis t·hUJTh is ltH'alNI at tl H· int· ·t':-:h ·lt>sHo n . Tlw h ost eHHl'S art· :\In;. .T. H. tion of \\. ilnll'tt· · and L rtl<: t· a\···ttU· ·~ .· I )yon and ).[rs. F. B. Proctor. \Vhill' it iH a Me th odist church, it is llt ·t b o und by dt·nomina.tiona l ti l'S. 1ts Sl'l'\ Tht> wome n who wish k gP to the ict·s ar·· otwn to all. Th e !:>e rvi ct-H of it::; distrkt m eeting of the Woman's Fore ign past or a nd otlwr m emh~"rs of th e staff Miss ionary socif'ty, April l !:l, at Liberty- an· at th ·· diSJIOSHI uf any wh o care tP vill<', :-:hould eall )frs. fHoke r , '\Vinne tka r eC'ei\·t· tlwm. Th e churc h no w l·Xt·· ntl :-: 2869. to all th· · gTo 'l·tings of the E:Lstt ·l' ~~ ·:t ....... I l Th e pastor is at tht> final son. sE>rvicP of de di cation for the lH' W Edison Park chur'ch. He will speak th er e Sun\li:-;~ ~label Forberg of \\' illnl' tka i, day night on '"l'he God of Youth." at home from the Cnin~rsity oi \\·: , _ TlH· Ladit·s' ai1l md ln st t;-prN~ch - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ---------· - -- Thur stl a~· at c::msin ior her spr ing vacation. .. · - - MARGERUMS TIRE SHOP Vulcanizing and Accessories 621 Main Street Wilmette Phone Wilmette 3243 The Best Drink to Have on Ice every 2~ seconds someone buys a Royal Purple Grape Juice We have just received a direct shipment from Michigan of this popular brand of quali ry grape juice. Pave a supply on hand. But it by the case - of 12 quart bottles, or 24 pints. · Our is the Only Store on the North Shore Handling This Beverage . Four Free Daily Deliveries Wilmette Grocery & Market For Betlec Things to Eat 1146 Central Avenue Six Phones: Wilmette 420-421-422-423-424-4.25 Fou_r Free Daily Deliveries FOUNDERS OF THE PNEUMATIC TIRE INDUSTRY

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