Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 14

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)4 ·· """"" ' "" " ' ' ' "" ' '"'"'""" ' """"""'lltllnlttlfUIIItllnutnt WILMETTE LIFE """"" iiiillil! I April 8, 1927 !!@iii"""""' ~ · 1st Congregational (Stephen A. Lloyd :\linisters (Wllliam E. McCormack The First Congregational, located at tlw point wher~ Lake a\·enue cro.s~e~ v:ilmettt· avenue and Eleventh street, is The aim 01 wn to 1·veryuody every day. is to make it a House of f~ll_owship and prayer to aJl p eople. Its numsters count it tlwir grt·at<'~t joy whe n they may Rt>T\'(· indi\'iclual tw t- d:;, and i~s offic~rs are 1Hmo 1·t·d wlwn thP church IS p e nmtt ~:: d to a!:'Sist in JH'Omoting th e W(·lfare ~of . th e community. . Twe nty-ont·. d ~ nommatwns are alrt·ady n·prl'Sentt>d 111 1ts m e mb ~ r· ship and a wlwlP - hl·~rted W t')COI~l'". H wa1t ~ all who will a<'<'c}lt 1ts hospttallt}. th e \V(nnan 's ( ;ui!ll will it:::; Ain·il m eeting a.t th ~·hurch. Tht· )[issionary B ook n·,·ww Will · b t' giwn at 11 ::{0 A. :\1. A b oard m ee tt.~g will b(· lwld in th e parlor from 12 .. until 1. Tht> one o'clock lunclwon . will bP Hf'rved hy til e Central avenuP . C1rcle of which :\Ir~. .l. M . T .. Boyd 1s tlw chairman. Dir,·ctly followmg th~: lunrh... 0n tlw (\·ntral avenue Circle wtll sponsor a Styl" Show })Ut on by th e: local nH· r c hants. Th e speaker of th e af~cr noon will he :\Irs. Roy Rogl' r s of (.J l' n !·~llyn, Ill., who will speak to the ln!'l11b Prs of tlH · <'in·lp s on "How you can lwlp \'OUI' Soutlwrn St·hool:;.'" . · Til · l;n\' s' <"luh nw1·ts on Fn<lay at :~ ::Ht lP. ~i . und··r th · lt·ach:rship nt' :\Ir. .\ld'orma C' k. On Fri<lav · Old FaShioned · Home Made Chocolate Cake I I ~"'"""' I I A wonderful moist yellow cake of rare goodness, iced and filled with appetizing Chocolate Bittersweet tctng. Offered as a Special for Saturday Only. Phone us immediately for yours, as we predict a shortage in spite of our efforts to supply the demand . ha ,.,. ........ ,.o I The Wilson Bakery The Home of everything good that's Baked. 1 1 62 II' """""""""' !!ll!!lllli Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wil. 4 1 4 il"i!l!iil ll!ilil!lilli ii!ili!!li 1 111 11 11 1 II illllli!il! i!lli!!i i!lll!lli!l!lli!llllii!!iii!!illl!!iiillli!i!!ll!illi!lli!!illl!i:!liilil!l!i!ili!!ii!i!i!llli!lii!i!i!il!ii!liilii!ii!i!i! i!i!i!i!i! 1 On Satunhy th(: ~orth \Vest Circlt- ~vill hH\'t' a Food Sail' at the \Vilmc tt1' <.ro,.,.r~· anfl ~lrLrkt·t. <>n Sunday morning the difft·n ·nt cl~ partnwnts of tht' ("burch School b c·g m thl' ir St'rViet·s at ~ ::!0 o'clork . Tlw <'oyt'nant C lass m <·\'ts with Dr. Lloyd m the C'hurC'h offi<"e at thE> sanH· tim £>. 'l'h1· .Junior ('ongr<·gation sf'l'\·ice is lwld at 1 o ::~11 in tlw ('hur<'h auditorium wlwr· · ~I r . :\I d 'ot·maC"k will speak. This ~unday is Palm Sunday, ~nd at th·· 11 n'cloek SH\'ire of wors~tp ~lw Primary tlt·partm.,nt, und e r thf' . d1rect10n of )I iss Bt·rtha vVht·t·lock, Will ha\'t' eharg-t· of tht· otwning- service. T~~.oyd will havt· for his St'rmon subJeCt rlw Song· of tlw Children." pr. mt·(·t:-: in tlli~ <'hurch at 7 P. 1\I. I~r. H.flbt·rt E. SJ!t't·r of ~t'W York City ·wtll spt>ak nn "TIH· Latt· st \Yord from th·· Thl' \\'ilnwttl' Sunday :ao Ew·ning club Far East." 'l'lw Y. M. C'. A. C't~IIPg· · · Qu:1 rtt·t wi 11 sing·. Tu··sda\' the· Hoost·\'f· lt Troot> Xu . 2 Ro\· Sc·out!:' will nwd nt lwaclquart··r!:' at .7:1:-, l'. )[. Th·· St·a St·.,ut:-: m<·Pt Tut·sday nig-ht at 7 ::1 11 a t tlw e hur<'h. Ewart Cook , ~ kipJ~t·r . ;t t Tlw .Juniot· <'ht~ir llll'l'ts for l't·ht·Hrs: d .J t~'<·lol'l< \\'t ·dut·s day aftf·l'llt~Oll . Tlw Young· Pt·OJll t·'s Chtlir mt ···ts fur !'dll·:trsal at 7 1'. :\f. \\.Pdn PHi a ~·. Port· ·t \\·. H··ap~ . org-ani!--l and c·hoir dir· ·etor. Tilt· 1.·nion st·r·\·if't · for C'ommunion will b·· lwlcl at this chur<'h on Thursday f·\'Cning-. April 14, at 8 o'<'loek. The comhint>d elwin; of th e Cnngregational and the ~ft·thodist churelw~ havf· J)rt' JKLrt·d ~Jl t· C'ial music for tlw oeeasion. Tlw R1·Y. H . r;, Smith will <.lt'lh·<·r tlw f'nmmuni(lll rldn·ss and the })astor~ of thf· <'h ur<'lws J· :Lrti<'ipating will a~si!.:t with tlw :;wr\'i,·t . . l I .. First Scandinavian Ev. 1·-:lm str· ···t. Winnt·tka !'astor, .\ . <:. Hohrba<'h :11:: Sprw·t· :-:tn·..t '1'··1. :.!7:t I ~~~i Hours of Worship SundaY st·n·ic<·s: Palm Sun<lay Suncla~· s('hool . ........... !I :~tl a. m . Swt' clish SH\'iet· .......... 11 :00 a . m . Young Pt·ovle's . .. . . ... .. .. 5 :00 p . m . Eng·lish sPrd<'t' . . ...... · . .. 7:4f> p.m . A trio will si ng- at the t>\'t'ning St:rvi<'t': ~uuie<'t: "Tht· Tt-HrH of JesuR." \-\.Pdnesday ................ 8 :00 Jl. 1n. Friday ((loud Friday) ...... S :00 }> . m . "I saw On<' dying on th(· ( rm;s in agony ~nd blood. H gav' a dying look on nw as 'neath thP Cross I stood. 0, neYt>r to my dying day, let m·' forgf·t that look! It st·Pnwd to say, 'Thou wt"rt 1\f~· <h·ath.' although no word He spokf'." Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allen of 805 Chestnut avenue and Mrs. 1'. C. Kniep of 410 Maple avenue .returned Saturday from a six weeks' trip to Florida. 'C.'\J:IO 01:10 D Re-Elect cil U .. ORNER 9 People's Party-~ ~==~o=o,~==~~

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