Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE . LIFE April 8. 19?7 SPRING at "CORPORAL'S GUARD" AT TOWNSHIP SESSION SALE BARGES BRos. Phones ~ Phone for Wilmette's Best 2306 159 Food Service. Fl~ESH · GREEK H£1 \KS. nice tender quality. 2 quarts ................................ 25c TOMA'l'OES, h\'o days only, 2 lbs ........... 25c \i\ 'ISCONSIN PO'l':\'fOES. good cookers, pk. 29c SPECLAL B\r TI-lE BUSlll~L, cleli,·cred .... 99c FRESH SPIKi\CH. pk .... ·................ 25c 1-i~RESH extra fancy. .2 boxes .................................. 39c S'l'R . \ \\ -BERI< rES. FRESH 'l'EKI)ER .\S P.\ 1.\.-\CLTS, 1 lh. hunch 29c Sn1all bunch ............................ 15c certificate of d_eposit, making the total on hand, $22,937.61. A resolutiot~ introduced by B. F. Langworthy provided for the appointment of a committee comprising Sanborn Hale, ]. A. Williams and H. H. Treasurer's Report Shows Size- Sherer, to take up the matter with the Probate court, to obtain, if possible, a able Balance of Town Funds; modification of an order which would Introduce Resolutions provide that money deposited to :-~ecttre payment oi personal property taxe .~ While the polling places throughout due from estates, may be paid to the New Trier township where various \·il- township collector. Would Increase Collections Locally lage elections were in progre. s were Another resolution introduced by bcing thronged with people determined Mr. Langworthy expressed as the sense that their favored candidates or project, of the meeting that Sanborn Hale, might win the coveted fayor. the an- tovvn~hip tax collector, he instructed nual Towu meeting held at Community to confer with the Township Hoard of house. vVinnetka, at 2 o'clock, Tuesday Auditors with the object in view of afternoon. could harelv muster a suffi- finding ways and means to make it cient numher to transact the important possible for the collector to increase schedule_d for consideration at that the amount of tax colltctions made by time. him. The meeting was called to order by The Tmn1 meeting also recommend Mrs. Gertrude M. Thurston, supcn·isor ed that the Board of Auditors approve and treasurer of New Trier town ship. the payment of $50 a month for the ust: ]. A. Williams,· assistant village man- of the Supcnisor\ car in townshil) ager of Glencoe and representing H. H. \\·ork. in lieu of taxi fare and other Sherer. Township Highway commis- costs of transportation, and that in sioner, was elected moderator and \frs. vie"· oi the legality of such proceedThurston, clerk. ings being in question, that an opinion Hear Officers' Report on thl' samc bt: ohtaint:<l frnm tilt· oi Reports of the supervisor and treas- ficc of the ~tate's attornc\·. Those present at the meeting wer t· urer were submitted and approYt:cl. The former sho\\'ed total receipts of ).Irs. Gertrude l\L Thurston, J. A. $34,623.68. including a balance on hand \\.illiams. B. F. Langworthy, Sanborn March 30. 192(), of $1-t.<>.15.X2. The to- Hale. F. L. Streed, John J. Peters. Paul tal disbursements for the , ·car \\'ere Hoffman and \Villiam ]. Care,·. $12,112.52. leaving· a balance on hand at the do se of \farch JO. 1927, of $22,Three Kenil\\'orth girls returned tn 511.16. Rockford college ~fonda\· aftn a h·tl The annual report oi the trt·asurn dav \'acation at homL·, Virginia -Dick showed total receipts for th~ nar of in~-on, daughter of ~Irs. Italia ('. Dick $54,302.17, including a balance on hand in so n of 637 Abhottsford rnad. Sybil March 30, 1926 oi $1.1.993.31. The ex- Saxton. daughter of ).f r. and if r:-- . penditurcs durin g the year \\'LTe $·+1.- 1 G. \ V. Saxton nf .S4-l \fa pie a \'t'tlllt'. 364.56. leaving· a . halan~e Ull r ,hand I and Phoel)C T_uell> daug-ht er ~,i \f r. March 30, 1927. ot $12,9,)7.()1. I here and Mrs. Lewt s I· . Tuell~ of .)R :\h is also on hand an additional $10.000 in hot tsford road. S\\.EE'l' E.t\'1'1 X<~ F'LORIDA CELI~H.Y. large bunch .... 19c C~H..:\PEFRUI'l', ~o. 70 size ..i for . 25c bunche~ FRESH C1\RH.O'l'S ~\KD BEE'rS, 3 . 13c BANANAS, .fOe \·alue, per doz ............... 19c CALIFORKL\ C)R.A.NGES, Xo. 250 size, 2 doz. 69c; 3 doz. . ............... .' ........... $1.00. Expert Clock Repairing We have engaged one of the best clock repair men in the country. who will devote all his time to our work. FRESH ST'H.:\\VBERH.Y RHUD.AH.B. 2 lbs .. 25c With each $1.50 purchase, we will give away 1~ pint WHIPPING CREAM-Absolutely FreeAlso delivered- Prompt Service-Reasonable Prices Free Deliveries on All Orders. Clocks Called For and Delivered BARGES BRos. 635 Main Street pAuL DAvEy Phones West across the tracks fron1 the Station. 159 2306 -JEWELER1165 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 6

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