Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 6

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WILMETTE LIFE April 8, 1927 Eat The funeral of George \VheeJer Hinman. puhlishe~ an<l newspaper , \Hiter, and financial expert. who. e Telephone your orders-Wilmette 649 · I death occurred Thur:-;c\ay of last w~ck his home, 57o ,\)ak street: \Vinnetka. No Toll We Deliver 1 was conducted [ uesclay atternoon at ~ 4 o'clock at the Church of the Ho1~· 1 1 Comforter. in KenihYorth, by the Rev. Leland Hobart Daniorth. Burial \\"as 15 57 SHERMAN AVENUE . at Mount ~[orri;-;, K. Y. , ~fr. Hinntan\ Evanston j f:::>rmer home. · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ~1r. ~ittltlatt \\"as o3 years old. ~I· · ·I was gradua~ed frnm 1-1amilton colh·:~t· . later beconnng a nH.'lllber of the nnr <> staff of the Chicago Tribune and then 1 of the St. Loui :-~ (~lobe Dentocrat. For a period he studil'd at Leipzi 1~ I ;tncl Bnlin and \\'a s graduated iron1 H t~ iclelberg wi~h degree~ oi ~[. ·~ · and I Ph. D. On his return to AnH.·rtr;t he hl'C:ll1ll' fMl'ign cdi_tor _oi ~he _ Xcw I York Sun, then editor-m-ch1cf ot t~1e 1 Chicago Inter-Ocean and l'\'l'ntually 1t s owner. i After thl' P:ts:o~ing ui tllL·. lnkr ~ ' Ocean 11r. Hm111an \\'as prc~Idl'nt ol : ~Iarietta college in Ohio. Dming tl1 e 1 eampaign oi thl· late Prc ~ idL·nt llar'l ing he \\·a:- in iull chargl' .~i puhlicit:·. For a time ~I r . I finman w :-h puh li!'-IIH.:r ui the Chicag!l 1lnald and l·:x aminer. During the la st {Ctur ~Tar s he had been \\Titing finanral ;111d lnt·,j.. I nns articlt s. . A year ago IH" :-. utfered an att ac k of i ptomaine poisoning \\·hirh i.., said l n ~ har e affect ed hi:- heart. · · ~frs . Hinman \\"as \rith him at thf' time oi his dea th. Hi:- snn, Cap t. I Geor_gc '):heeler tlinlllan. Jr., i~ in I ~f C'XICO ( Ity as a n_c \\':paper rorn· .41 1 sponclcnt. Other rhtldrcn ar\" :.OLIJ. Wash Day' ' off your calendar, Madam! Yes, turn your X ~rm a n Seymour_ llinntan. ~ontH·ctccl hours of unnecessary labor over steaming suds into hours ! w~th the Insutt mterests; Sturtevant : Hillman. a recent la\r srho()l gradua·l·: of rest. Our modern equipment will do the work as spot1 ~[r s. \\·. H . Coburn of Berke~ey. C'al.. lessly clean as you could do it vourself-and just as you 1and another daug-hter. Cathenne. 1 FISH George Hinman, I'1HE DETOUR" IS NEXT Publisher, Taken THEATRE GUILD DRAMA i by Death March 31 ._ 1 w. IOwen Davia Production to BeStaged at Ouilmette Country Club Late in April · . \at lacPJrJtiJ~--...,--~ ....Kf I· 1 I We'll Take 1 want it! A phone call- Wilmette 606- brings our driver! Mrs. L~ir<l Bell. 1352 Tower road. I i ~Ir s . Edwm Clark. 909 ~Iount Pleasant 1 Home Laundry A. F. DENZIN, Prop. court, and mann, Jr., \Vinnetka. tor trip to 11r. and :\Irs. J. F. Dam853 Prospect avenue, all of return this week from a mo Asheville, N. C. 525 Main Stre·et Phone Wilmette 606 Banana Cake Something different that will appeal to all who are fond of the flavor of rich ripe bananas. Made .in layer cake form, well filled · and frosted with delicious banana cream. We will also have a good assortment of other flavors. These cakes are very generous in size and quality, and represent splendid value at 5 Oc and $1.00. French Collee Cake Since our announcement of this cake last week, its success has been remarkable. . We will have a larger supply for this Saturday so that no one will be disappointed. "The Detour,"' by Owen ]);1\·i:-;, t:the fourth and last production to ht· presented in Wilmette this season by the ).lorth Shore Theater guild. lt w~ll be given on "May 2 at the Ouil mette Countr.v club. · ··~he Detour" is considered l1y rritir ~ to he one of the greatest American drama s ever written. Tt is so rattcl h,· thos{' qttalified to judge, and has heen included in many notable collection~ ··i representati\"C· Am erican plays. ;\lthough "The Detour" was pla yed j 11 Chica 14 o . ome liY_e years ago. __it i ~ prart ically a new ptcce to Cl11c;q.!t ' theater-goer:-~. Tt s opening occurred nry early in the fall. before the tiH·a trical sea.;,on was wc11 under wa . ,·. ;tnd at an out-of-thc-wav th ea ter. 'I'!Jert·fore. thoug-h some North Shore play· goer:; ma\· not ha\'C~ heard or C\'cll read ni it. "~he Detour" is o nh a slight yariation· from the Guild's lh lli n · of producing plays unknown to ( "h irago audiences. Played by Effie Shannon fn the local production. of the p rt) fe:-~ional r ompanv as well as in !\n~ York. tlH' leadit~g role s were take 11 by Fftir Shannon and Augustu s Dun can. ~1is s Shannon appeared la -t week at the Blacksto ne theat er iu Chi cago. in "Trelawney of th e \Veils." Owen Davis the author of thl' pl :t,.. is twrhaps the. most pr0lific Amnic;{n plannight. Hdorc writin g "The n('t our" he had. for ,·ears hcc n turnin "· out one play aftt-r another for tht · 10 20-30 type nf showhousr. Suddenh· l11· stunned the.: dramatic world " ·ith tlw production of this fa scinating- dr;tm:t. The rritic s sa\\" it and wondered . Thn· C(Juld not helicn that Davis had \Hit ten it. Tt was unlike any of his t1tlw r work- a :-~tartling and most wortll\\·hil(· hit of drama. Wins Pulitzer Award . \Vhrn it came to he considered for the Pulitzer prize. the judges found it difficult to a\\"ard this r()\·etecl hot.ll)r to the :-;amc man who had written "Bertha, the Sewing MachiiH' Girl." The~· gave tlw prize to another pb~· that year. The next season. however. \f r . Davis came forth with another pm\'L'rful pia,·. "Icebound." It swept a\\· a~· the last vestige of doubt. The rritir' J,!a,·c ~fr. Davis the prize he so rirhJ _ ,. de served. for they knew him at Lt!'t to he a g reat dramatist. "Tcchouncl" was given by the Theater g-uild thn·t· yrar~ ago. · I I I W. W. GRIFFIS DIES \\·. \\'. Criffis. organizrr of the (~rif fi.;, Hardware romp~n~· . which i:-. nn ,,· kn::J\\"ll as th(· \Volff-Griffis TfarcJ\,·,trv company. in the Rockhold building on \\'ilmette avenue, ·passed away in Lab· Forest 'this 'reck. a victim of ptlett · monia. Mr. Griffis was 77 Year~ ol age. Burial was Wednesda); 111 the Lake Forest n.·metery. Place Your Order Early for} ··~> Hot Cross Buns for Good :<1·· { Friday, April 15th. . Now! Better care can be given to Decoratin.g before the Spring Rush. Free Estimates TWO STORES M. Portenhauser I 1504 Howard St., Chicago Phone Sheldrake 9638 1129 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone ·W ilmette 2998 Painting f1 Decorating I 030 Greenleaf Ph. 2764 I I

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