WILMETTE house were the members of the I. 0. AWARD SILVER·CUPS 0. F. team to receive the trophy. John CJa.rk Baker, chairman of the TO SPORTS' WINNERS Volley Recreation board, in awarding the ball cup to the prize winning Presbyterian team, spoke very comRecreation Board Makes Awards ~ucndahly of the work accomplished at Dinner Party Last Friday; hv the recreation workers since last Plan Summer Program J ~lly and said that it had I><~ en a policy The council of th{· ·\Vilmttte Playground and Hecreat illn hoard held a dinner last Friday night at the Central cafeteria. The purpose of the meeting was to plan the spring and summer recreation program. About fifty pcojlle. representing practically every organization in the villag<' attended. Director of Rccn·ation D. M. Davis acted as chairman of thl' meding and introduced the speakers of the evening. Mrs. Jay Brown, \Vho is chairIll a 11 of the Dram at ic c ~mnn itt ce spoke hridly on plans of tht llrganization, asserted it is infended to organize a dramatic institute to opl'ratc for a period of a month in t IH' fall, ancl summariztd the work of t lw organization since its beginning last )ul.v. Mrs. Brown introduced Jack Knapp, dramatic rrpresentative front thl' national offic<.' of the Playground and Hccreat ion association. Mr. Knapp wilt he the dramatic instructor at tlw institute ancl spoke at l{·ngth on its purpose and what it was t·xpt·rkd to accomplish. Lowell Todd, tht· n('xt spt'akt·r of the evening, presented tht· indoor quoit cup to the Champion 1.0. 0. F .. 1 team, winners of the indoor quoit league. Mr. Todd complinH'Iltl.'d t h(' winners in a straight forward mantH·r. admitting they must havt· bl'en nry good to have ht·atcn the second plan· ~1dho dists. Jt later developed that ~fr. Todd was a memher of ·the Mdhoclist tram. Ed Polly and Homer Whiteof the hoard to act in an advisory rather than executive capacity to the director of recreation. C. C. Henderson. captain of the Presbyterian team accepted the cup, acknowledging his appreciation of the work as a whole ancl explaining some of the technique of the game. He took the opportunity of complimenting E. "Spindle" Hill for his sportsmanship in "scttir1g up" the hall for the "spikers" and of value nf such a performer to any team. John J. Moran proved himself an ahle story triter during the course of his presentation of the indoor haschalt cup and drew a laugh from the crowd as he vividly told how an old town resident performed a similar duty in awarding a horn to the captain of the town hand. Jimmy Schaefgen, the ~mi ling captain of thr St. Joseph, 1 h·am. acknowlrdgccl his acceptance of thc silver troph _ v with a graceful how. Dr. D. W. Rapp next brought to the attrntiott of the memht·r . . thr baskethall cup which. though on exhibition, was not awarded. This cup, he said, had 11ot as yet heen wo11 hut would go to t:ither the State Bank, Terminal A. C. or Presbyterian teatll, depending on the outcome of a series of games now hcing pla~red. Dr. Rapp during the course of his talk spoke highly of the "·ork accomplished since July hy the rccrl'ation department, saying that two boYS had told him the recreation activiti~s \vt·rc responsible for their remaining in the village. Paul A. Hoffman explained what characteristics the various cup award- LIFE April 1, 1927 ers assumed as they made their presentation and explained that the quoit cup to be given to the champion of the elimination tournament would he awarded as soon as the schedule ">f games was played and a rhampion de termined. Mr. Hoffman also paid high tribute to the rccrt·at ion work as conducted in Wjlmctte. Mr. Davis next made a report on the standing of the teams to date, which, though not complete until tht' basketball league ends, sho\\'s that the four lea <ling teams arc St. Joseph, l ancl 2, Terminal A. C. and ~ Presbyterians. The Mdhodi~ts han· undisputed possl'ssion of fifth place. ~r rs. H. A. Stor111s, a member of the Special Oc casions committee announced that an Easter Egg hunt for the little kiddies would he held at Vattman Park on Saturday afternoon, April 16. She explainrd that more than fiH hundred eggs \vere provided for the occasion and at a given signal the children would he turned loose to hunt for tlw coveted prizes. Mrs. Ernest H. Freeman told about the Harmonica class which is being condttckd at the Central school every Tuesday at 4 o'clock, saying it \\'aS open to the childrt't) of tht village. Glen (~athcrcoal and D u d I c v C. Stone also spoke regarding the .Recn·ation hoard acti\'ities. Present Summer Program CHICAGO TO HEAR WHY WE'RE FINEST SUBURB J. R. Harper to Represent Wilmette Rotary Club 'in Greater Chicago Rotary Contest · The merits of Chicago suburbs a-., places in which t'o live will be debated in a Home Town Speech contest to he held by the Chicago Rotary club Tues day noon, AprilS, which has been designated as Gre'a ter Chicago Day. A $100 silver trophy to be awarded to the winner annually is the prize to he awarded by the judges, Walter A . Strong, Edward E. Gore, W. R. Dawts. John C. Shaffer and Walter Dill Scntt . Chicago wants to know more about · Hs neighbors. The Rotary cluhs of Evanston. Wilmette, Winnetka, Oak Park, Cicero and Maywood have each been asked to select their star orator to tell the story for his home town. Each speaker will be given precise!~· five minutes for his talk and the sih·cr trophy will he awarded hy .duly ap pointed judges to the speaker who makes the most interesting, witty and convincing talk on the advantages of his home town. Each club will descrncl on Chicago en masse to support it.:; own speaker. . Competition Is Keen Great Reduction 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 Out of town owner will sacrifice at $26,000 a ho~e originally priced at $35,000 if sold the ensuing month. There are 6 bedrooms and 3 baths; toilet and lavatory first floor; hot water oil heat: five pQrches; and a one-car garage. The house is in perfect condition. The lot is large and beautifully wooded. Here's where opportunity is knocking hard! lllhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill Chairman Baker presented the tentative athletic program for the spring and sumnH'r activities which was approved by the members present. Thr program as approvrd contemplates a Playground Baseball league and a 1Iorscshoe league. Both leagues ·will start play :M ay 9. Entries must he in hy April 18. Tennis tournaments will also be conducted for four classes: men, women, boys and girls, at least one beach carnival for the close of the season is planned with the possibility of another earlier. The details of the regular playground work will he outlined later. The organization~ represented at the meeting and their representative were: \Voman's club, Mrs. E. "M. Simmonds: Catholic \Voman's club. :\frs. Arthur Jnhnson; Optimist rluh, Dr. D. \V. Rapp: Eastern Star. Paul A. Hoffman: \Vilmctte Amrrican Legion Post, Dr. \V. \V. Hawkins: Chamber of Commerce, John J. Moran: St. John's Lutheran. Rev. Herman \V. Mever; Congregational, · Herwig To c p p ·en; ~f ethoclist. Lowetl Todd; Presbyterian, A. L. Millrr: I. n. 0. F .. H. Otterhack: Logan-Howard P. T . A., Mrs. H . A. Storms; Central- La urcl P. T. A., 1\f rs. E. H. Freeman: St. Joseph, 1. James Schacfgcn: St . .l oseph, 2. Alex Hoffman: Terminal A. C.. Bob Blasdell: State Band, Hal Rohinsnn: Y. P. C.. Clarence Scott. The ·\\lilmettc Rotary club of \V il mettc has selected J. R. Harper t(l speak in addition, all of the member s of the \Vilmette club are expected tc , journey to Chicago to support their campaign. The competition promise·" to be keen and several attics and garages are already echoing to the rouncl ed periods of orators going through a course of training. Another interesting contest of an un usual character will he staged at the same time. Each of the different Ro tary clubs will be asked to select it-. "\Vorst Song Leader" to lead the tn tire asst·mhh- of over one thou:-;and in community singing. The leader who gives the worst exhibition and gets the worst results will he awarded a hrtl\\' 11 clc·rhy hat. Develop Acquaintance Tht· ( 'hicago Rotary club in arrang - ing th<."se two contests for its Greatu Chicago Day has in mind developing a better acquaintance among the lm:·. iness men of the metropolitan area ;u.': giving to Chicago business men a 1>tt · ter understanding ancl knowledge uf the advantages of its surrounding neighboring cities. Those· members ot tiH' Chicago Rotary club whose homes ~r e . in the above suhurhs wilt sit with :tnci boost for their suburban Rotary c ~t,h. Henry B. Gates to Speak at C. of C. April Meeting I ft.nry B. Ca.tes, north shore mana ger of the Illinoi s Bell Telephone company. \rill he the speaker at the reg-ular April lllt'eting- of tlw \Vilmettc Chamber of ConlnH·rce to he held in tlte Central Cafdt'ria Mondar ne . ning. April ..t. M.r. (~ate~ is to ~peak of the dl'Hlopnltlll .,f thl' tckphone industry.,- A business tllt'l't ing \\'ill precede the t·n·ning's progra111. INDOOR QUOITS VOLLEY BALL The Recreation boards ni Evanston and \Nilmette arranged a Volley hall game between the M umm Print 'Shop, champs of Evanston. and the Presbyterian team, champs of Wilmette. This game \Vas played at the Howard gym on Thursda~· night. The Evanston team came out on the floor with flashy new suits and after they got warmed up in the first game, they certai.nly did justice to their uniforms, though they didn't seem to have had quite as much experience as the Wilmette hovs. The agreement was that th~ match was to go to the team winning thrrt' out of five games. \Vjlmette won thr first and second games 15 to 2 and 15 to 13. Then the M umm hovs came hack and won the third gan;c 15 to 13. The fourth game was a hard fought battle, won bv the Presbvterians, 15 to 13. The E·vanston bm·s sav they "·ill win the return match. ·and it looks as though they might. according to the closeness of the . cores of this match. REINS EN REALTY Exclusiot Agmts co. 720 Elm St .. Winnetka Phone Winnetka 25 4 In the singles elimination tournament in quoits sponsored by the \\'il mettt· Recn·ation and Playground hoard t lu. · n· a l"l' f ourtcen players still waiting to hl' l'liminated. Due to the Playground rounril 11\l'('ting la:-;t Frida~· night t IH·rt· were no games la<>t wct·k. so this Friday night eleven nltht>s<· players wilt appear. In the first r()ttnd there is OtiC game yet to he playt·cl. This game will he between Lt·ster F. Ball and R. C. Lynch. Th l' \\' ltltl{'r of this goa me then takes on H. Otterhark for the S{'Cond round.